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July 28th, 08, 12:10 AM
Rie sat down in the chair like he was informed. HIs pants were soaked in pee and it was his third time wetting himself in two days. He'd really done more but he'd hid the other pants and rinsed them before .

Zebra King
July 28th, 08, 01:39 AM
Three times his tormentor shouted at him.You obviously cannot control yourself.Im putting you in time out.Zebra trainer or ZT for short picked up rie and tossed him in a corner.

July 28th, 08, 02:00 AM
Rie sat there and stared at the wall above his master. He sighed and figured that he was in some time of big trouble,

Zebra King
July 28th, 08, 02:03 AM
Rie ive had it with your constant wetting.Its getting to become a real pain.If you dont stop it ill have to punish you even further

July 28th, 08, 02:04 AM
It's not my fault honest! It just happens. I try to use the toilet but every time i go nothing happens.

Zebra King
July 28th, 08, 02:08 AM
Yeah right.Well you got to learn to hold it in.Next time you do it I may have to spank you

When will these kids grow up."Sigh"Parenting a child is so hard to do

July 28th, 08, 07:34 AM
Rie sat in the corner and sighed himself. He grumbled alittle under hi breath about how unfair it was. I didnt do anything I did try to use the bathroom..... bathroom.... he said aloud. Rie started to nod off. He was suddenly awoken by a warm feeling in his pants. "thinking" ~gasp~ NO!! ~looking down at pants covering crotch~

Zebra King
July 28th, 08, 01:13 PM
RIE.Thats the last time.I know you can hold it.Im gonna put you in diapers for a while til you learn to hold it like big boys should

July 29th, 08, 03:33 AM
Rie started sniffling and crying, But it wasnt my fault I don't want to wear diapers!

Zebra King
July 29th, 08, 12:04 PM
ZT took Rie and put him on a table.His arms were straped down.Rie was scared of what Zt was gona do next

July 30th, 08, 05:13 AM
Im sorry Im sorry! I wont do it again! Rie cried frightfully looking at ZT.

Zebra King
July 30th, 08, 12:49 PM
ZT was silent.He left the tied down boy to go get some diapers from the storage closet.Rie was scared and was wondering what was wrong with him.Zt returned with all the supplies(baby wipes powder and diapers.

July 30th, 08, 05:57 PM
Rie stared tears rolling down his cheeks-- I dont want those! he pulled at the restraints

Zebra King
July 30th, 08, 06:32 PM
Well to bad.With that Zt began removing his cloths.

July 31st, 08, 04:19 AM
Rie tried to kick at him and ended up getting a smack. Rie began crying more.

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 11:56 AM
The boy was now naked from the waste down.He tried to cover himself but the strains prevented him from doing so.Zt lifted his legs up to slide a diaper under but Rie kicked him.Zt smacked him with the back of his hand.Zt then continued and the diaper was on.

July 31st, 08, 09:24 PM
Rie continued to bawl shifting his legs. He really didnt want that. True he did enjoy being babied but this was to much.

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 09:27 PM
Now Rie if you dont wet yourself within the next 24 hours you can go back to wearing big boy cloths.Understood?

July 31st, 08, 09:34 PM
Rie hemmed in distress he dispised this. I dont want to wear this! ZT put a pacifier in his mouth to quiet him.

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 09:42 PM
Rie spit it out.Sorry Zt said.It's just temporary.If your gonna act like a baby and mess yourself then youll be cared for like a baby.

July 31st, 08, 09:50 PM
Rie turned his head away crying waiting to be unbonded. He needed something to calm his nerves. Im hungry, was the only real thing he could think to say.

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 09:55 PM
Zt got a pan and put milk in it.He set it on a boil.Rie was scared of what the day was gonna be like.Zt took the hot milk and poured it into a small cup

July 31st, 08, 10:04 PM
Rie tried to see what he was doing, he honestly wasnt very hungry but it was the only thing he could think to say. What are you doing?

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 10:05 PM
Well your a baby for 24 hours.Babies need there baba's.Since we dont have any drink out of a cup.

July 31st, 08, 10:15 PM
Rie took hold of the cup and looked at it he heaved a great sigh thiis was going to be a long day. He drunk the milk it was actually soothing to his stomach. He drunk the cup and set it on the counter and went into the livingroom to watch tv.

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 10:17 PM
Wait Rie.Come over here

July 31st, 08, 10:21 PM
Rie slowly turned and walked to him

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 10:23 PM
I didn't get to burp you.Zt picked Rie up

July 31st, 08, 10:25 PM
Rie blushed alitte not expecting that. The pats were actually pretty calming. He let out a small belch and laughed nervously.

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 10:36 PM
ZT sat him on the couch and went into the kitchen to get himself something

July 31st, 08, 10:39 PM
Rie stared at the tv thinking to himself maybe today wont be to bad. He climb off the couch and grabbed a book to read.

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 10:42 PM
What are you reading

July 31st, 08, 10:46 PM
Rie held up "War of the roses" a novel of a rivaling married couple

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 10:56 PM
Rie sat on the couch continuing to read his book

July 31st, 08, 11:00 PM
He flipped threw the pages speed reading he stopped because he heard the phone ringing and decided to answer it was his friend HI JIn!

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 11:04 PM
They continued to talk for about an hour

July 31st, 08, 11:07 PM
Rie smiled talking to his friend not mentioning the diaper.

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 11:09 PM
Rie really wanted to take her on a date but he couldn't.He began to wet himself while talking.He did his best to hid it.He just continued to talk casualy

July 31st, 08, 11:15 PM
((ops sorry thought i already replied))
rie continued to talk not mentioning the diaper.

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 11:18 PM
The diaper was so soggy that it made Rie fell a tad uncomfortable.He let out a huge fart."what was that."Jin asked over the phone

July 31st, 08, 11:20 PM
Rie quickly hung up the phone, "Nothing it was absolutely nothing!" he yelled trying to hold the diaper up crying

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 11:23 PM
Rie was so embarased at what had just happened.He thought maybe he could change himself.

July 31st, 08, 11:31 PM
Rie ran to the bathroom and tried to unfasten it hut he could feel himself still going so he just left it on he began to cry vocally sitting on the bathroom floor.

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 11:38 PM
Zt rushed in and saw Rie in the soiled diaper.He picked Ri up and carried him to the changing table.Rie struggled a bit complaining and fussing."Rie im realy dissapointed at you"Zt said in a frustrated tone

July 31st, 08, 11:47 PM
Rie didnt answer he just kept crying not even fighting this time. He lied on the table water in his eyes so embarrassed at what just happened he wish he could disappear or die. But he really wished ZT wouldn't look at him.

Zebra King
July 31st, 08, 11:54 PM
Rie i think i see that you are telling the truth and maybe im a bit harsh.There's nothing wrong with it.To tell you the truth I had the same problem as a teen.It eventually stopped.I had to where diapers and get changed.Ill tell you the most embarasing thing was that my diaper got so heavy and fell down my waist.I was so embarased.HaHaHa well i should probably change you now.Rie felt a bit releaved.

August 1st, 08, 12:01 AM
Rie smiled a bit atleast he knew this had happened to someone else no and he didnt feel as bad. He was still very embarrassed mind you but now it wasnt as bad.

Zebra King
August 1st, 08, 12:05 AM
Rie was laid down on the table.Zt removed the tapes off his diapers.The diaper had a bad smell.Rie acidently pooped himself and didn't even know.Zt ordred him to lift his legs.Rie did as he was told.Zt got wipes and began to scrap all the crap off his butt.

August 1st, 08, 12:19 AM
((falls on the floor laughing))
Rie continued to blush still so embarassed at his uncontrolable messes. He wondered why this was happening, "Im sorry,"

Zebra King
August 1st, 08, 12:24 AM
thats okay.He continued ad procedded to powder the boy.Rie coughed a couple times but still had rossey red checks of embarasment.The phone rand.Zt left the boy who was still naked on the table.Zt answered it.It was jin again

August 1st, 08, 12:27 AM
Rie looked aorund for the new diaper. He saw it and grbbed it placing it on himslef and fastening the sides to the best of his ability.

Zebra King
August 1st, 08, 12:31 AM
it soon fell off.zt finished with him and Rie talked to Jin again

August 1st, 08, 12:35 AM
Rie sighed still not telling Jin about the diaper. Jin asked if he could come over, "NO! I mean we're kind of busy today maybe sometime later this week.... No no everything is fine just alot is happening.... Ihave to go bye," Rie rushed off the phone and walked to his room tired he fell alseep.

Zebra King
August 1st, 08, 12:41 AM
Zt got tired ad dozzed off.At 3.15A.M the phone rang.Zt went to get it.It was his wife Elizzabeth in wisconson.She was comming home to see her husband and son

August 1st, 08, 12:47 AM
Rie drooled all over his pillow dreaming of soft spongey strawberry shortcake and his mommy's carmal cake.

Zebra King
August 1st, 08, 12:50 AM
The next morning Zt awoke and got a cup of coffe

August 1st, 08, 12:55 AM
Rie and his pillow were soaked. He smiled-- what a great dream! He rolled out of the bed on to the floor and stared at the diaper-- You!

Zebra King
August 1st, 08, 12:56 AM
He thought it was all a dream but reality struck him like a bolt of lightninig

August 1st, 08, 01:02 AM
Rie slowly crawled out of his room wishing he was still alseep. He knew he peed himself because the diaper felt really heavy. He looked inside yep suspicions right it was drenched and smelled like pee. He slowly walked to go find ZT and ask for a change.

Zebra King
August 1st, 08, 01:04 AM
Zt was asleep with the coffee in his grasped.

August 1st, 08, 01:07 AM
Rie walked over and started to sip at his coffee when it was bout half empty he poked ZT. Zt jumped not knowing what that sharp pain in his side had been. Rie needs to cut his nails 1in is kinda long.

Zebra King
August 1st, 08, 01:12 AM
cut your nails boy.What's wrong?

August 1st, 08, 01:20 AM
Rie licked his nails, "Could you change me, please?" he said getting on the table.

Zebra King
August 1st, 08, 01:25 AM
Alright.He got his supplies out.Damn you really pissed youself did'nt you.He removed the diaper off of Rie.Rie smirked a bit.Rie was still unable to control himself and wizzed all over Zt

August 1st, 08, 01:28 AM
((Dies laughing))
((I dont even have a reply to that))
Rie blushed and was speechless. He tried to choke out an I'm sorry but ended up laughing half way through ZT's face was priceless.

Zebra King
August 1st, 08, 01:32 AM
Zt was pissed but started laughing to.He wiped the urine off his face and cleaned Rie.

August 1st, 08, 01:37 AM
Rie blushed, "Im s-so sorry," Rie said threw his laughter. He covered his face with his hands. It was funny even tough it was an accident. It was good it was an accident he would have gotton in serious trouble other wise.

((Zt was pissed-- bad pun ^^))

Zebra King
August 1st, 08, 01:40 AM
zt just smiled.Im surprised you did that but im not mad.Phhewwww you smell.Lets go get you a bath ready.ZT still didn't tell him about his mothers flight comming back

August 1st, 08, 01:48 AM
Rie loved baths so he ran to his bathroom ready to bathed as he rane the water pouring bubbles into it

Zebra King
August 1st, 08, 01:49 AM
Rie.Since your a baby again i will help you.oh and mommy's coming home today

August 1st, 08, 01:54 AM
Rie hoped up and down, "Yay mommy's gonna come home today!" he was so excited he hadnt seen his mom in almost 3 weeks. She was so nice.

Zebra King
August 1st, 08, 01:58 AM
ZT threw him in the tub.The door bell rang.Two policemen were at the door.Elizebeth was killed by a terrorista on the plain.Tears shot out of ZT's face

August 1st, 08, 07:33 AM
Rie was listening in the hall. He didnt believe them they were lying thye had to be. He felt dizzy. The room was spinning-- make it stop mommy-- he soon passed out.

Zebra King
August 11th, 08, 06:42 PM
zT walked in to see his son passed out still butt naked on the floor.Zt sighed and tried to wake him

August 11th, 08, 10:31 PM
After 3 hours Rie woke up dazed and in pain, "Ow my stomach hurts," he grabbed his stomach and turned on his side.

Zebra King
August 12th, 08, 01:34 AM
Zt turned around and said what's wrong?

August 12th, 08, 03:16 AM
Rie held to his stomach, "My tummy hurts make it stop daddy," Rie began to whimper

Zebra King
August 12th, 08, 01:08 PM
Rie began to start farting uncontrolably

August 12th, 08, 06:45 PM
((hehehe WHY!! hahaha))
Rie starred at the ceiling beet red not moving or talking.

Zebra King
August 12th, 08, 07:45 PM
He let lose and craped himself uncontrolably

August 13th, 08, 07:52 AM
Then he died of an extreme bowel explosion that caused massive internal bleeding and forced fecal matter into his intestin and caused infection........what this is a punishment thred lol. GOD PUNISHED HIM XD. eh just continue with him alive lmao. I hope what I said haunts your dreams O_O MWAHAHAHAHA jk

August 13th, 08, 08:20 AM
congratulations u killed the rp :P

Zebra King
August 13th, 08, 11:01 AM
get the hell off chaoswolf

August 13th, 08, 05:31 PM
Awww cmon im sorry just continue like I never posted anything lol

Zebra King
August 13th, 08, 05:54 PM
okay.so rie your up next

August 14th, 08, 06:20 PM
haha how cruel.

Rie just laid there he didn't turn to look at his father he was too embarassed and to make matters worste he couldn't move and his throat was dry so he could barely talk. He just laid there and hoped to drown in his tears.

August 15th, 08, 05:47 AM
*smacks chaoswolf* SHUTTUP!

sorry to iterrupt but i like the rp so far ;)

Zebra King
August 15th, 08, 12:42 PM
seriously guys.Just enjoy the RP.If you have a question i will be happy to answer it.Just PM me.Rie it's your turn to say somthing.

August 16th, 08, 08:39 PM
but i just did.. Rie was lying still and hoping he could drown in his own tears rather than go threw this

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 01:51 AM
sorry.My compters slow.

He was as helpless as a baby.ZT was passed out on the sofa.The phone rang.Zt woke up scratching his chin.Rie stood up.The diaper slipped all the way down his waist

August 17th, 08, 02:45 AM
The diaper fell off of him and his father walks into the room and sees him naked. He is mad as hell and screams making the boy cry harder.

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 02:47 AM
if you want to join this RP Chaoswolf your gonna have to PM me or Rie

August 17th, 08, 02:48 AM
oooooooo sorry I didnt know. I was just adding some input rping isnt rly my thing. continue rping sorry again lol

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 02:49 AM
whatever.Rie your up

August 17th, 08, 02:54 AM
I was just trying to be nice.......

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 02:57 AM
sorry if thats what you thought thats what i ment,I just talk like that some times when im board

August 17th, 08, 03:55 AM
Uhm hello? I'm here too.

Zebra King
August 17th, 08, 01:58 PM
its your turn

August 18th, 08, 09:02 AM
TT-TT-- but i keep talking and noone's listening it's your turn. (and im fine w/ chaos wolf joing)

Zebra King
August 18th, 08, 02:11 PM
I went but chaoswolf started talking.Its actualy your turn

August 19th, 08, 02:59 AM
Poor Rie was as helpless as a baby and he'd just had the worste shock of his life. He slowy pulled the diaper up holding it so that it wouldn't open and he sat on the floor and contiued to cry quietly wanting to be changed.

Zebra King
August 19th, 08, 04:54 PM
Zt was on the phone talking for a desent amount of time.Rie's diaper was so heavy that he had to pull it up so it would stay on.Zt got off the phone and layed back down.Rie still in his room tried to find his way to the living room with the diaper constantly falling

August 19th, 08, 07:32 PM
He gave up attempting to move so he just yelled out, "Daddy!"

Zebra King
August 20th, 08, 12:03 AM
zt jumped up as if he was zapped with 10000 volts.He ran to his sons room.What's wrong

August 20th, 08, 01:52 AM
''I cant move, I'm dirty, my stomach hurts and I my head hurts," he began crying.

Zebra King
August 20th, 08, 02:09 AM
uh oh.Your starting to regress back.Zt started to sweat.He got rie onto a matt.He then left to get eveything.He came back two minutes later.He then removed his dirty diaper.He began cleaning Rie's bottom and noticed a rash had started spreading and it spreaded fast.He powdered Pie and finished with the new diaper.Rie's stomache pains caused him to not be able to stand.Relax a little bit Rie.He then gave rie some medicine.Uh I have some bad news.I have to go to work for 7 hours so will you be okay?

August 20th, 08, 09:39 PM
Rie jumped, "y your leaving me what if I need a change?" he asked not exactly sure why.

Zebra King
August 21st, 08, 01:39 AM
Wll i could hire a nanny to take care of you for a the time i have to work

August 21st, 08, 10:23 AM
Rie didn't know why but he felt a since of comfort knowing someone else would be there to watch him. He shook his head yes and wiped at his eyes.

Zebra King
August 21st, 08, 10:54 AM
alright well im gonna have to leave soon so i guess ill call her now.(ZT exits the room and grabs phone book.)

August 21st, 08, 09:17 PM
Rie sat up and started rovcking himself back and forth humming rock a bye.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 01:48 AM
Zt diled the number for nanny naome.Yes hi.I have a son who has a problem wetting himself and i have to work.Him and the nanny continued chatting

August 22nd, 08, 02:03 AM
Rie got impatiant and crawled to the room that ZT was at.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 02:14 AM
Zt continued talking and walked ver towards Rie.Your nanny will be here in one hour.Be on your best behavior and dont give her any lip.If you need a change she will change you.

August 22nd, 08, 02:18 AM
Rie pouted a little he shook his head yes.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 02:21 AM
good by.Zt jumped in the shower and left Rie in the living room

August 22nd, 08, 02:23 AM
Rie sat in the living room waiting he wonder if she was going to be nice or not.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 02:25 AM
Zt got out of the shower and went to his room to get changed.

August 22nd, 08, 02:31 AM
Rie looked as his ZT was rushing. He put his thumb in his mouth and began to suck his thumb. He saw ZT getting ready to leave and held out his arms for a hug.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 02:34 AM
Zt hugged him has he as he was in a hurry.He put him down.She's gonna make me late.The nanny finnaly arrived

August 22nd, 08, 02:36 AM
Rie looked her over she looked middle aged and had her hair in a ponytail. It was alot shorter then his though.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 02:43 AM
She introduced herself.Hello my name is Nanny Naome and Im your nanny.

August 22nd, 08, 02:46 AM
Rie sheepishly replied hello

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 02:54 AM
Well ill be seeing you Rie.Left for work

August 22nd, 08, 02:58 AM
Bye ZT. he turned and looked at the nanny, uhm I need a change.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 03:01 AM
Wow two seconds after your papa's gone and you already need a change.The nanny laid Rie on a plastic mat and started to remove his diaper.

August 22nd, 08, 03:05 AM
Rie blushed alittle. May I have some food please.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 03:06 AM
She procede and finished.What are you allowed to eat?

August 22nd, 08, 03:10 AM
I don't what Zt feeds I'm just allergic to peanuts.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 03:11 AM
How about this mac & cheese in the cabinet

August 22nd, 08, 03:14 AM
Rie jumped up and down Yes yes I love macaroni and cheese I want some!

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 03:17 AM
good because thats what we are having.She start the mac and cheese up.Ill call you when it's done

August 22nd, 08, 03:19 AM
He sat on the kitchen floor and watched her.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 03:23 AM
puzzled at the little boy sitting on the floor.She finished the mac and cheese.Lunch is served

August 22nd, 08, 03:32 AM
He grabbed his plate and thanked her as he began to eat quickly getting alot on himself. He didn't know why he was having these strange cravings he was normally a very neat person.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 03:33 AM
She wiped his mouth.Take it easy.She smirked at Rie

August 22nd, 08, 03:59 AM
Rie went to play a game of hide and seek. he wondered how long til she found him hiding in a small cabniet in his closet.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 02:15 PM
Where are you she called.Not realy nowing where he was.She then looked threw some of ZT's drawrs.

August 22nd, 08, 09:22 PM
Rie luaghed a little and tried to keep quiet.

Zebra King
August 22nd, 08, 09:38 PM
Ha I found his credit card she said with an evil smile

August 23rd, 08, 03:42 AM
Rie popped behind her, "What are you doing?"

Zebra King
August 23rd, 08, 04:30 PM
uh nothing.Nothing at all

August 23rd, 08, 10:35 PM
Why do you have my card.

Zebra King
August 23rd, 08, 11:09 PM
Uh uh.Im outta here.She bolted out the door with the card

August 24th, 08, 01:24 AM
Rie watched her leave he walked over to the phone and called Zt. Zt the nanny just left your room and she took the play credit card you gave me yesterday.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 01:26 AM
I gave you a credit card?Wait a minute she what!!!Oh my credit card.Hold on im coming home

August 24th, 08, 01:29 AM
Rie ran out with his jump rope and folded it hitting her leg with it tripping her

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 01:38 AM
She hopped in her car and drove away.

August 24th, 08, 01:42 AM
Rie stared I wonder when she'll realize the card only has $12 on it. He shrugged and went back in. He walked to his room and pulled out ZT's real credit cards tsk tsk I dont trust strangers. thats why he left the gift card in place of the real cards.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 01:49 AM
She speeded down the road but ZT was already on the street.He ramed into her car killing her instantly.Ha No one takes my credit card.He walked over to her.Oh my god I killed her.Oh shit.He pulled out the gift card from her purse.Where's my credit card he thought.Police cars pulle up near ZT.Freeze murderer.No you see she stole my credit card.Tell it to the judge.No what about my son he thought.They handcuffed ZT and took him in the police car.I cant belive I just killed someone for 12$.

August 24th, 08, 01:54 AM
Rie sat at home crying and depressed Zt hadnt been home for three hous and he needed a change 4hours ago. He left me! Rie began to wail.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 01:58 AM
Meanwhile at the police station

Dont I get a phone call or something looking at one of the guard.Yeah but you also get a cavity search.Another guard appeared puting his gloves on.Oh shit he thought as he was put against the wall and stripped.a Few minutes pass...Your clean.

August 24th, 08, 02:01 AM
Rie was on the floor crying his eyes out. He was col, hungry, tired, am dirty. WAAAAA Someone please help me! he cryied more

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 02:12 AM
The phone rang and rie answered.Rie Im at the police station.Your where!!!You heard right.Im realy scared.Call someone to bail me out.Rie hung up and got to the numbers drawr.Ahh granny is nice shell bail him out.Hello.Rie explained everything to her and she went to get ZT.h you idiot she said to him coming to his cell.A big harry and smelly man started rubing ZT's back.Get off me he got the dude to back away.Oh why did he call her he wonderd.Alright lets go.Ive paid your bail so now you have to give me your credit card to get all my cash back.Uh I have no clue where it is.It could be at home with Rie or in that dead babysitters purse.They went home.Wow today you've managed to kill a women,total your car,get thrown in jail,and for 12$.She laughed a bit at ZT's predicament.

August 24th, 08, 02:22 AM
((bwahaha ~falls out of chair~))
The second they hit the door a horrible stench hit them like four SUVs full of bricks. Rie was on the floor staring at the ceiling. He looks over at them please.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 02:25 AM
"Uh what is this" Granny said.Oh uh Rie's been having some problems lately.He picked up Rie and took him into the other room to change him

August 24th, 08, 02:27 AM
Rie instantly was relived he would be sble to move again. I'm hungry he pointed inside his mouth. Hi Nana.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 02:30 AM
hi sweetie she said back.What are you hungry for?

August 24th, 08, 02:31 AM
food he crawled over to her hugging her

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 02:33 AM
How about some hoaggies from the dinner across the street?

August 24th, 08, 02:35 AM
Rie shook yes clinging to her. Nana Zt left me.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 02:37 AM
Why did you leave him?granny said.Well fyi I was at work and in jail today.Alright what does everyone want.

August 24th, 08, 02:41 AM
Fries. Nana everyone left me and noone took care of me

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 02:44 AM
"Everyone."Who else is there besides ZT"asked granny.He's refering to the twisted baby sitter old lady ZT said preparing to get the sandwhiches

August 24th, 08, 02:46 AM
Rie rubbed his face into his grandmas chest wanting comfort

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 02:47 AM
(Zt exits th house)

August 24th, 08, 02:53 AM
Rie sits on his grandma's lap and waits Nana why is ZT so mad.

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 02:55 AM
He's not mad he's histerical right now.

August 24th, 08, 02:59 AM
Rie bounced on his grandma i want a bath nana

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 03:17 AM
alright lets go.She carried him into the bath tub

August 24th, 08, 09:48 PM
Rie smiled cliungin o her he didn't know why ZT didn't like her she was nice to him

Zebra King
August 24th, 08, 10:29 PM
alright into the tub you go

August 25th, 08, 12:40 AM
YAY he splashed around enjoying himself

Zebra King
August 25th, 08, 01:00 AM
She began to wash his back

August 25th, 08, 10:26 AM
It felt so good after being n his own waste for several hoirs he felt clean.

Zebra King
August 25th, 08, 12:02 PM
i got the sandwhiches.(ZT walkes in).(Granny dries of Rie and they go eat)

August 25th, 08, 09:04 PM
(after meal) Rie sits on the floor watching ZT and his nana argue back and forth while holding a teddybear his mommy gave him. Can i go to the park i want to go to the zoo.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 01:45 AM
Which is it ZT said in a friendly tone.The Park or the zoo?

August 26th, 08, 02:49 AM
Zoo i wanna see the aminals and pet them. he bounced happily.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 02:52 AM
Alright.Then lets go.Zt put his coat on and then walked out to his car that wasn't there.Oh I forgot.I guess well have to tke granny's piece of crap car.Everyone went to into the car.Seatbelts everyone

August 26th, 08, 03:05 AM
Rie looked out the window and suddenly . he felt a draining feeling then felt water dripping down the sides of his diaperes. Rie weh. ZT change rie! he felt the diaper getting soggy. Ironically just as his nana is pulling out of the driveway.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 03:08 AM
Ill change you later.So relax and calm yourself.ZT then stoped talking

August 26th, 08, 03:16 AM
Rie looked down at the drenched seats he hoped nana wouldn't be too mad as the pee soaked cloth wasn't very good for a comfy seat. Oh well he leaned his head out the window not bothering with the seatbelt.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 03:18 AM
We are here.Zt said as he exited the car.The bottom of Rie's pants were drenched.I really need a change ZT.

August 26th, 08, 03:22 AM
Rie just smiled looking at the animals with his finger in his mouth. At this point he didnt notice how wet he was anymore and as he got out of the car ZT saw the huge puddle he left behind.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 03:31 AM
oh no he cried.Zt rushed towards him.What happened Rie.The car was soaked and Rie's diaper was leaking severly bad.Rie ZT said in a angry tone.You messed yourself very baddly."ZT please change me"."I cant cause I didn't bring anything to change you with so your on your own kid".

August 26th, 08, 03:46 AM
Rie stared at him and twitched alittle what! what the hell do you mean i'm on my own!! You were spose to bring my diapers! Youre spose to be the adult and take care of me! Rie sighed looking at his pants.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 03:48 AM
Dont talk to me like that or I may just have to spank you infront of all these people.

August 26th, 08, 03:58 AM
Rie backed away a bit. That didn't sound too fun. Well what am I spose to do? take me home he hid himself back in the car. face red with anger.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 04:04 AM
Dont be pissed.You wanted to go here didn't you.Your Granny wasted all that gas driving here and now you just want to leave

August 26th, 08, 04:06 AM
I'm wet my pants are all wet unless you or grandma have some extra clothes i dont wanna stay! rie complained.

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 04:07 AM
Fine I guess we can leave because someone acidentaly messed themselves

August 26th, 08, 04:33 PM
Rie held his head down embarrassed and angry. 'Asshole,'

Zebra King
August 26th, 08, 07:57 PM
What was that?I herd you call me an asshole.Come over here.Im gonna spank you infront of all these people.Rie tried to run but Zt caught him easily.ZT slid his pants and diaper off and wailed Rie so hard.Rie began to cry.Please stop ZT

August 28th, 08, 04:31 PM
Rie covered his face so noone could tell who he was. Bastard he'll get ZT back just wait. When ZT was done he ran and hid behind his NANA. he hit me and teased me. He was trying to think of a way to get Zt back.

Zebra King
August 28th, 08, 05:06 PM
Rie still rubbing his sore bottom continued thinking

August 28th, 08, 09:26 PM
Rie's nana stared at ZT as Rie came up with a way to get ZT back. When they got home Rie walked to the phone in his room and called ZT's brother telling him to come over and that ZT missed him so much even though he couldnt stand him. He also told him not to tell ZT becuase he'd be too embarassesd.

Zebra King
August 29th, 08, 02:05 AM
ding dong.Ill get it ZT said answering the door."Brother" "oh shit" ZT said to himself.

August 29th, 08, 03:07 AM
Rie ran over and hugged his uncle. His uncle adored and spoiled him since he had no children of his own. Hi uncle how are you. His uncle patted his head and hugged him. He walked over to his brother and slapped him so hard on the back he fell over. Aw man little bro long time no see. thought I'd stop by for a visit. He grabbed ZT 's neck as he struggled back up twisting it.

Zebra King
August 29th, 08, 03:12 AM
stop it you goffy bastard ZT said as his brother happily tugged on his shirt

August 29th, 08, 03:20 AM
Aww come on kid lets have fun. Lets restle. He grabbed his brother throwing him into the walls. Come on fight back. he looked at ZT who was half dead. He threw ZT on the floor and sat on his stomach.

Zebra King
August 29th, 08, 12:16 PM
ZT was now coughing blood from his brothers fat ass on his stomache.Look what you did to my wall.ZT pushed his brother off of him and slammed into him

August 29th, 08, 08:54 PM
haha now were getting somewhere! his brother tackled him accidently tipping the couch ontop of him.

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 02:55 AM
ZT was 3/4 dead coughing blood and having a twisted leg.Stop you asshole.ZT got the couch off of him.

August 31st, 08, 03:23 AM
Zeff stopped and watched as ZT struggled back up. So what ya been up to little bro been treating my favorite nephew good. He punched ZT in the shoulder dislocating it.

Zebra King
August 31st, 08, 03:27 AM
wtf man.ZT nose was bleeding also.Why are you here?I cant stand you at all so get out of my house and stop wrecking it

September 1st, 08, 05:12 AM
hahahaha! Aw little bro how are things how was yer day hows my nephew.-- his brother is one of those guys that once in dont come out.

Zebra King
September 1st, 08, 11:58 AM
Im fine please leave now.His brother kept talkking

September 1st, 08, 10:28 PM
Aww you know your my favorite baby bro. Oh and little Rie he's like my own son I love him dearly. he sniffled at his unability to have kids. He hugged his brother tightly. Oh bro its so lonely.

Zebra King
September 2nd, 08, 12:06 AM
loosing air cant breathe ZT said trying to get aaway fro his brother."Ha...the reason you cant have kids is because you beat the hell out of your dates".ZT said in his head.ZT's stomache was bgining to hurt from all the pressure of his brothers deadly bear hugs

September 3rd, 08, 04:38 PM
Dad didn't mind all the way up to the trip to the hospital. He patted his bros head.

Zebra King
September 6th, 08, 02:20 AM
Dont touch my hair and what happened to dad?

September 6th, 08, 03:07 AM
"Oh we were wresting and we fell down the stairs and he broke his arm. So whats happenin in your life bro.

Zebra King
September 6th, 08, 03:08 AM
Rie is misbeahaving.I think I should punish him badly for what hes said to me

September 6th, 08, 03:53 AM
He gasped , "What did he do? My sweet nephew is an angel?"

Zebra King
September 6th, 08, 01:21 PM
hes called me an asshole and a bastard this week.

September 6th, 08, 08:46 PM
He gasped and nearly fainted. Not my angelic little Rie what did you o to him that poor little angel you mustve done something.

Rie was upstairs in his room taking a shower he was soaked in pee.

Zebra King
September 6th, 08, 08:49 PM
What should i do bro?"ZT said while wiping blood off his chin.

September 6th, 08, 08:56 PM
Well, he started, you should let him know what he did was obviously wrong so it is true he does deserve to get punished spanked or whatever. He rubbed his chin. I cant believe he would do that.

Zebra King
September 6th, 08, 09:01 PM
alright ill go do it right now.ZT marched up to where Rie was.He was out of the tub and in his room.Rie he said in a angry tone.You shouldn't curse at me like you did and for that Im gonna have to punish you:mad:

September 6th, 08, 10:07 PM
EH? Rie fell into the tub, But but I. He was cut off by ZT grabbing him and dragging him into the room. NO no darnit! He fought th whole way.

Zebra King
September 6th, 08, 10:45 PM
ZT pulled Rie over his lap and hit him."Smack"

September 7th, 08, 08:47 PM
OW wait I'm sorry! he struggled turning and moving trying to aviod the painful blows. Please I'm sorry!

Zebra King
September 8th, 08, 12:56 AM
ZT ignored him and hit him again.Smack smack smack.Rie started to cry

September 8th, 08, 11:09 AM
Ow! Rie cried into his hands. God it hurt he hadn't had a good spanking in a long while and ZT certainly wasn't making it easy on him.

Zebra King
September 10th, 08, 02:10 AM
For now on yoiull be babied 24/7.Im gonna get you a crib and baby cloths.ZT smacked him again.

September 10th, 08, 02:13 AM
Ow! Rie flincehd, tears running down his face. Dammit he didnt like the idea of being a 16yr old baby but evidently he had no say in the matter.

Hm I wonder how little bro is doing up there?" ((og waht did i name him)) wondered.

Zebra King
September 10th, 08, 02:19 AM
ZT called Rie's school canceling him out of school

September 10th, 08, 02:24 AM
Rie kneeled on his bed rubbing his bottom wondering what ZT was doing. He heard something about 'not going to school anymore' that didnt sound to good.

Zebra King
September 10th, 08, 02:25 AM
Then ZT called a preschool and aranged that Rie be placed in there.

September 10th, 08, 02:31 AM
Rie walked to his door and listened throuht the wood at what was being planned for him. So far hed understood something about transferring schools. He wanted to know what ZT was doing.

Zebra King
September 10th, 08, 02:32 AM
ZT hung up and walked over to ies room.C'mon,we are going shopping for baby cloths

September 10th, 08, 02:32 AM
srry for interrupting but i love this rp now keep going as you were plz

Zebra King
September 10th, 08, 02:35 AM
(please dont interupt anymore)If you have anything to say Pm me or Rie.

September 10th, 08, 02:37 AM
Thank you ^^

Eh? Rie fell backwards on his bed. What do you mean baby clothes shopping?

Zebra King
September 10th, 08, 02:43 AM
What do you think i mean.I know a small shop that is hidden.It sells adult baby cloths,diapers,and anything else you can think of adult baby related.Were also gonna get you an adult sized crib,binkis,bottles,blankets,and more diapers.Like I said youll be a baby 24/7 and im not gonna let you go back unless you stop wetting yourself and start shwing me some respect.I know the wetting hing is real but you can still get better.

September 10th, 08, 02:49 AM
Rie started to whimper as they left the house. He couldn't belive Zt was doing this to him. I'm sorry I called you out of your name please don't make me sleep in a crib or any of that other stuff i'll be respectful i promise. Rie begged as hard as he could.

Zebra King
September 10th, 08, 02:56 AM
Zt ignored him and carried Rie to his old car locked up in the shed.It was a 1976 mustang painted a blue copper color.He drove off to a small market area.Then grabbed rie who was trying to get loose.ZT carried him all the way to the back section of the store area.A small brown metal door marked A/B area was infront of them.ZT knocked.A man behind the dor asked for a password.Zippididoda Zt said.The door opened and they entered the shop.

September 10th, 08, 04:19 AM
Rie whimpered he really didn't like the looks of this. He'd much rather walk then be carried and not to mention the creepy feel of it all. They entered the store it looked like an adult babies 'r' us. He looked around in shock and disatissfaction. His petite size five body was bound to make things a lot easier. He continued to whimper as Zt put him in a buggy seat and shopped around.

Zebra King
September 11th, 08, 08:10 PM
ZT got everything needed and left with rie.Rie was now riding in a boster seat in the back wearing a sissy outfit

September 12th, 08, 12:37 AM
Rie, truth be told, liked to wear dresses and would go into his friends sitster's room and try on her clothes. He wasn't gay he just liked to wear girl clothes, but this was too much for one simple slip. Zt was trying to turn him into a brainless infant. He sat in the fluffy carseat and tried to analyze everything. One thing was for sure, it was a good thing he was small or else his neck would be hurting. When they arrived home Rie tried to run to his room and lock it before ZT got there.

Zebra King
September 12th, 08, 01:47 AM
ZT banged on the door.You know I have a key to your rom.So f you dont open im gonna come back with my belt and the key.

September 12th, 08, 04:31 PM
Rie opened the door and sat on his bed in a fetal positon.

Zebra King
September 12th, 08, 04:48 PM
ZT walked in.You know Im doing this for your own good

September 12th, 08, 09:34 PM
Rie put his hands on his knees, "You're doing it to humilate and teae me,"

Zebra King
September 12th, 08, 09:36 PM
No.You have to learn some god damn respect for others.I am your father dammit.ZT looks at Rie with an angry stare

September 12th, 08, 09:40 PM
Rie looks back him with an angry glare and burries his face back into his knees. he muttered something under his breath.

Zebra King
September 12th, 08, 09:56 PM
What was that.ZT moved in a little closer

September 12th, 08, 10:00 PM
"I didn't say anything," he turned toward the in no mode to talk. He heard rustling behind him and was afraid to turn around.

Zebra King
September 12th, 08, 10:08 PM
ZT's belts ratle scared the crap out of rie.Rie you brough this upon yourself.ZT grapped Rie and pulled off his diaper.Whack Whack Whack.Rie cried in pain.