View Full Version : Random question of the day.

Elemental Anon
November 21st, 08, 12:48 AM
Is the brown noise real? Who wants to test it?

November 21st, 08, 12:55 AM
I will test it, and man is that a random question.

November 21st, 08, 12:57 AM
lol whats the brown noise? ._.

November 21st, 08, 01:01 AM
The brown noise is a joke from South Park where they play one note that causes everybody in the world to crap their pants. Thus the name "The brown noise"

November 21st, 08, 01:01 AM
(the brown noise is a musical note or piece of music which will make anyone that hears it supposedly crap their pants if the rumor is true.)

Elemental Anon
November 21st, 08, 01:02 AM
It's a frequency that "supposedly" can make you mess yourself. I went to a youtube, video that supposedly had that noise, but thank god nothing happened(i did feel a little wierd, maybe paranoia)because I'm not wearing a diaper.

November 21st, 08, 01:16 AM
lol 3 responses i get the idea now xD

....i dont think id like to test it....on myself anyways xD

November 21st, 08, 01:38 AM

Elemental Anon
November 21st, 08, 01:51 AM
That's a very vague answer. Care to elaborate?

November 21st, 08, 04:25 AM
We need a section for random questions : /

November 21st, 08, 07:49 AM
Unfortunately, or rather fotunately, or.... bah, whatever.

The brown noise was tested on an episode of Mythbusters with Adam being the test subject. Lol, he was wearing a pair of Depends protective underwear, but OVER his pants! It was hilarious! Anyways, they hired a professional sound crew and surrounded Adam with very large speakers and went through a very wide range of sound frequencies (Including the range that the brown noise was supposed to occur) and nothing happened.

November 21st, 08, 07:53 AM
Random space filler of the day :D

Elemental Anon
November 21st, 08, 11:15 AM
Random space filler of the day :D
You are a spammer wolf lol.

November 21st, 08, 12:19 PM
I think it's more a question of intensity than frequency. If you blast people hard enough, i guess it should be able to make them crap themselves. Whether they would be alive for much longer afterwards, well that's probably a bigger problem.

November 21st, 08, 12:21 PM
...Why are you guys talking about people pooping themselves again? o_o

November 21st, 08, 12:34 PM
Dunno... Just trying to stick a little closer to the actual topic, than we usually do I guess? :P

November 21st, 08, 12:36 PM
I find it funny that we are sticking to the topic XD I guess people like poop that much.. >>;;;;;

November 21st, 08, 12:40 PM
I don't like poop. That's why I am completely okay with the fact that the brown sound can't exist.

November 21st, 08, 12:41 PM
Well maybe it does somewhere in the world... Maybe they will release it's powers and make us poop ourselves. :3

November 21st, 08, 12:43 PM
I hope that I have started and am wearing a diaper when that happens, then.

November 21st, 08, 01:21 PM
You are a spammer wolf lol.

No im not ^_^ just telling you what I think of your question :D

November 21st, 08, 03:37 PM
Man, I hate to be that guy. However, I have to be the guy that points out it was the "Brown Note" not brown noise. It was a specific musical note you had to hit. And yes I will help in any way necessary to find it.

Elemental Anon
November 21st, 08, 07:47 PM
I'm not asking a favor. I was just curious.

Elemental Anon
November 21st, 08, 07:48 PM
I'm afraid of that damn note if anything. I hear it's supposed to be 92 octaves above F# or something like that.