View Full Version : Recrutement for RP: Military Day Care.

September 19th, 09, 06:10 AM
I was an army brat, and so i like stuff like Halo and CROMEHOUNDS. So. i made an RP based on that setting on CROMEHOUNDS, For thows who dont play the game the setting is simple.

There are 3 nations. The Republic of Morskoj. Kingdom of Sal Kar and the Democratic Republic of Tarakia. each nation has difrent styles and fighting types. but the story is set on a base belonging to the mercanary group Rafzkael.

Sometimes even mercanarys have kids. and someone has to take care of them when there parents are off fighting... So even if you havent played the game before. or even know anything about it. Anyone is welcome to join this RP. Any game, any Anime. or someone from something you made up. just look around for it in the RP area. Please Join!

September 19th, 09, 04:55 PM
Oh, I will, man. Good thing I found this.

September 19th, 09, 05:36 PM
Well it's already set up. just use the search in the RP area.