View Full Version : Regression island (open rp)

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May 31st, 09, 09:04 PM
In this rp we are on a plane and crash on an island and there is an sorceress that regresses anyone who comes on her island into a baby.

You can be an anime character or you can create your own. You can also be multiple characters if you choose. If you decide to make your own character then the bio is as follows:


I would like at least 2 or 3 people to join before we start and after we start you must pm me to join in if you choose.

Here is my bio:

Name: Ian
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Wearing a button up blue shirt and a white undershirt under, tan cargo shorts. Blond hair, and green eyes, with with black sun glasses on top of his head.
Description: Laid back type of guy, friendly, likes to play video games, as well as basket ball. He is taking this trip to see the different islands.

May 31st, 09, 09:16 PM
I chosse Haurhi for ouran high school host club and Sakura from Naruto
Name: Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Apperance: Blue hair, black shirt, black baggy troussers, color around neck, convo snickers and a black jacket.

May 31st, 09, 09:18 PM
Anime: Videl and Sailor Mercury.
Name: Valerie
Gender; Female
Age: 17
Eyes/Hair: Val has glistening gold eyes and intense purple hair.
Appearance: Val is wearing a green dress with purple flowers, matching sandals, matching makeup, and her hair is tied in pigtails with green bows.
Description: she is adventurous, she love playing video games, movies, meeting new people, and has a major childish side to her personality.

May 31st, 09, 09:24 PM
(We can wait for one more person or we can start what do you guys want to do?)
(I have to go I will be back in about 2 hours)

May 31st, 09, 09:25 PM



hoodie with a t-shirt underneath jeans and boots has a shark tooth necklace around neck and has a ipod

a quiet person and is known to be a bit ill tempered at times

May 31st, 09, 09:38 PM
(Ok i will post the starter then i am off for now)

*Ian was relaxing on the plane looking out the window listening to his ipod when the captain came up on the loud speaker* "This is your captain speaking if you look out on your right you will see the lengendary regression island." *all of the sudden the plane wings catch on fire and the captain comes back on the speaker* "This is the captain again brace for impact we are going down!" *That was the last thing Ian remembered before blacking out*

May 31st, 09, 09:40 PM
*after crash slowly awakens with only cuts and bruises*

May 31st, 09, 09:58 PM
*Valerie holds tight to Videl&Sailor Mercury, they all pass out right after grabbing their luggage, and they have strange dreams while they are unconscious.*

May 31st, 09, 10:13 PM
Haruhi, holds herself tightly, "Why did i ever let the Tmaki buy me a plan ticket!" shouted Haruhi.

Sakura shaking holds onto the seat.

Dragon, just went back to sleep.

May 31st, 09, 10:38 PM
*Videl, Valerie&Sailor Mercury wake up feeling strange on the plane with the others, and wonder where in the blue blazes they ended up on this crazy plane.*

May 31st, 09, 10:40 PM
*gets out of plane to see where everyone is*

May 31st, 09, 10:42 PM
Haruhi getting up walks over Videl.
"Um, hi?" said Haruhi.
"Do you know where we landed?" asked haruhi, looking around, very confused.

May 31st, 09, 10:50 PM
Videl: "we landed on the mysterious island known merely as Regression island, and do your panties also feel strange Haruhi?"

May 31st, 09, 10:55 PM
Haruhi blushing nodded.
"They do, but i don't know way?" whimppered Haruhi, feeling pains in her stomch, only to let out a fart, blushing, Haruhi tries to hides herself.

May 31st, 09, 10:59 PM
Videl&Sailor Mercury: "we figured the reasons for the odd panties which are: we are wearing some kind of diapers, next we just used said diapers, and three *blart* *hissss*, it is getting worse right now."

May 31st, 09, 11:06 PM
Haruhi, looking at her own underwear, sunk to the floor and started to cry, "I-i-i want my dad, i want Tamaki, i want the ouran club." whispered haruhi, going into a conor to cry.

May 31st, 09, 11:11 PM
*Valerie who is somehow unaffected by the regressions, she comforts the girls by cuddling them close, and she gets ready to change their diapers.*

May 31st, 09, 11:14 PM
Haruhi, laying her head against Valerie chest, started to cry into it.
"i want to go home." whispered Haruhi.

May 31st, 09, 11:19 PM
*Valerie changes the girls in this order: Haruhi, Videl&Mercury, then she nurses them all of the bottles in her bag, and she gives them toys to play with while trying to find a safe place to find shelter.*

May 31st, 09, 11:22 PM
Haruhi, looking at her toy started to cry, it was bunny rabbit.

Dragon waking up, walked around a bit only to see someone, "Who are you?" asked Dragon, eyeing up the women.

May 31st, 09, 11:23 PM
*Ian wakes up with a bleeding forehead and a few minor cuts and bruises* Ian: "ugh where am I and why can't I close my legs?" *Ian rubs the back of his head*

May 31st, 09, 11:24 PM
Valerie: "my name is Valerie, we are on regression island, and I am unaffected for some unknown reason."

May 31st, 09, 11:26 PM
Dragon raising an eyebrow, looks at herself only to see a diaper, which was only wet and not messy.
Blushing Dragon turned away.

May 31st, 09, 11:37 PM
*Ian suddenly feels a warm sensation going through his middle, and blushes* Ian: "It feels like I just had an accident but I haven't had any accidents in years! It's nice to meet you guys, and I have done some research on this island and there is a legend, about a soceress that takes anyone who comes on her island and regresses them into infancy, and she takes care of them for the rest of eternity."

May 31st, 09, 11:39 PM
*notices a bulk around waist*

you have got to be kidding me.

May 31st, 09, 11:39 PM
*Valerie heals Ian of his injuries, then explains what the island can do to you, and she changes Dragon in a new diaper&clothes.*

May 31st, 09, 11:42 PM
*Ian looks at Valerie* Ian: "Valerie if you don't mind me asking where did you get those changing supplies?"

May 31st, 09, 11:46 PM
*sits on a tree and thinks about a dark and tormenting past and hoping for a second chance**

May 31st, 09, 11:54 PM
*Ian looks up at Alex sitting in a tree* Ian: "Hey dude in the tree you alright?"

May 31st, 09, 11:55 PM
*looks at the person shouting*

ya i'm fine just minor stuff.

May 31st, 09, 11:59 PM
*Ian shouts back up in the tree at the guy* Ian: "Names, Ian what's yours?"

June 1st, 09, 12:02 AM
Alex is my name.............

June 1st, 09, 12:12 AM
Valerie; "I found them in the plane, I wonder who this sorceress of legend is, and how can I help everyone."

June 1st, 09, 12:15 AM
*Ian climbs up the tree and sits on another branch* Ian: "Did you have a bad past too Alex?"

June 1st, 09, 12:17 AM
how can you tell?............

June 1st, 09, 12:21 AM
*Valerie, Videl&Mercury all play the handheld games that were in Valerie's bag, and Valerie offers some games to the rest of the group.*

June 1st, 09, 12:34 AM
Ian: "I can see it in your eyes dude, my life was pretty bad when I was younger if I could change it and have a second chance I would." *Ian looks down at valerie and jumps down and walks over to the group and accepts a video game from her, and starts playing, then all of the sudden Ian's face turns red as he starts filling his diaper, then he starts to tear up*

June 1st, 09, 12:38 AM
*Valerie changes Ian's&Mercury's messy diapers, then she cuddles them both close, and sings them a lullabye from her heart.*

June 1st, 09, 12:43 AM
*Ian cuddles with Valerie and hesintly sticks his thumb in his mouth and begins to suck on it*

June 1st, 09, 12:58 AM
*slowly falls asleep from lullaby and is about to fall off from tree*

June 1st, 09, 09:11 AM
*Val catches him. then she cuddles him in her arms next to Mercury, and Videl sucks on a bottle of juice in her sleep.*

June 1st, 09, 10:53 AM
*is fast asleep now from being in Val's arms*

June 1st, 09, 04:37 PM
*Ian snuggles closer to Valerie and whispers in his sleep* Ian: "Mommy."

June 1st, 09, 06:45 PM
Dragon, in a conor was crying her eyes out.

All of the sudden Haruhi lost the feeling in her legs and fell down onto the floor.

Sakura was curled up in a ball crying.

June 1st, 09, 07:57 PM
*slowly wakes up and doesn't feel anything in legs and feels smaller*

June 1st, 09, 10:04 PM
*Val cuddles all them close while changing their diapers, and and she gives the ability to walk like toddlers.*

June 1st, 09, 11:09 PM
*a bit of a feeling is felt in legs but is a bit weak*

June 2nd, 09, 12:00 AM
*Val massages your legs until you can all walk again, and she gives all her kids the love of her as their mommy.*

June 2nd, 09, 12:05 AM
*Ian wakes up and tries to stand up only to fall on his diapered butt* Ian: "Mommy i can't walk right for some reason." *Ian starts to cry*

June 2nd, 09, 12:05 AM
*snuggles close to Val*

June 2nd, 09, 12:16 AM
Small girl who just started to fly alone was thrown from the plane crash into the shallower parts of the water and washed up onto the beach a few miles away from the plane alone cold and wet she walked along the beach towards the plane hoping others survived as well but preapired for a lonely stay on this island anyway. She was crying as she approched finding no one right away that was alive. She had a few scrapes and bruises still the only thing she had was her dress which was slightly torn and ripped and a wet teddy bear she was holding by a ripped arm. "mommy!!" she yelled covering her face with an arm and crying into it

June 2nd, 09, 12:29 AM
*Val teleports Rachel into her arms, she heals Rachel, and changes her into fresh baby clothes&diapers>*

June 2nd, 09, 12:33 AM
Rachel looked extreamly confused and scared as val changes her into a diaper and baby clothes "who are you?" she manages to ask squirming and squeezing the soaked teddy bear

June 2nd, 09, 12:36 AM
*slowly wakes up and tries to walk but falls and cries*

June 2nd, 09, 12:44 AM
*Ian trys to walk again but falls and starts bawling*

June 2nd, 09, 12:45 AM
*Val heals them, then she brings all of Rachel things unharmed to her, and she explains "my name is Valerie Destiny, I am your new mom&caretaker for all of eternity."

June 2nd, 09, 12:48 AM
Rachel starts yelling "no you aren't I want my mommy" she starts to throw items of clothing at val out of her suitcase

June 2nd, 09, 12:50 AM
*looks at Rachel's teddy and gets jealous*

June 2nd, 09, 12:54 AM
*Ian starts to crawl to Valerie*

June 2nd, 09, 01:05 AM
*Valerie changes all the clothes into babyish things, then she gives Alex a big stuffed lion, and she breastfeeds Rachel into a babyish mindset.*

June 2nd, 09, 01:13 AM
Rachel squirmed around trying not to be breast fed "noo!!" she screamed moving her head up and around avoiding letting the breast into her mouth

June 2nd, 09, 01:13 AM
*Ian now in a onesie and and plops down on his diapered butt next to Valerie and sucks his thumb to calm himself down, and begins to wet without noticing*

June 2nd, 09, 01:16 AM
*Valerie breastfeeds Ian&Rachel into acting like toddlers, and she puts pacis in their mouths when all the milk is gone.*

June 2nd, 09, 01:19 AM
Rachel had grown tired yet tried to keep her mouth shut tight though she was losing strength and getting hungry yet was resisting this new women to breast feed her

June 2nd, 09, 01:24 AM
*Ian messes his diaper after breast feeding from Valerie* Ian:"Mommy me go potty."

June 2nd, 09, 01:24 AM
*Valerie nurses Rachel& changes Ian's diapers, and she slowly watches how cute they become while cuddled up in her arms.*

June 2nd, 09, 01:33 AM
*crawls over towards Val*

i'm hungwy.

June 2nd, 09, 01:33 AM
Rachel had lost her struggle against at valerie and was nursing slowly trying not to

June 2nd, 09, 01:37 AM
*Ian cuddles with Val, and feels better than he has in years for some reason* Ian: "Mommy me weally wappy, and me wuv you*

June 2nd, 09, 01:39 AM
Valerie: "Rachel I will always be here for you, I love you alot, and you will enjoy being my baby girl for all eternity."

June 2nd, 09, 01:43 AM
*starts to cry from hunger pains*

June 2nd, 09, 01:46 AM
*Val feeds&breastfeeds Alex, the she waits for him to finish, and she has the changing supplies ready for quicker changes.*

June 2nd, 09, 01:47 AM
Rachel shook her head "I don't wanna be your baby I want my mommy people will come look for me" rachel said pulling away some

June 2nd, 09, 01:50 AM
*finishes Feeding from Val and feels sleepy*

June 2nd, 09, 01:53 AM
*Ian looks at Val* Ian: "mommy are oo a mawical mommy?"

June 2nd, 09, 02:08 AM
Val: "I am indeed magical, I am the sorceress of the island, they all assume nooone survived the plane crash, and you can never leave."

June 2nd, 09, 02:12 AM
*Ian stares in awe of his new mommy Valerie* Ian: "me wikey ere me anted a wecon wance me ant o be oor wawy wlays."

June 2nd, 09, 02:13 AM
"then I'll swim away I won't stay a baby" rachel cried out trying to get away

June 2nd, 09, 02:24 AM
Val: "the currents are very strong, you will end back here, and you have already regressed too much to leave."

June 2nd, 09, 02:30 AM
*Ian begins to regress in age, and is now the size of a 15 year old*

June 2nd, 09, 02:32 AM
"how have I reggessed to much I havnt given in at all" rachel says

June 2nd, 09, 02:33 AM
*Valerie places Rachel in the teen baby size baby bouncer, and she puts the magic paci in Rachel's mouth.*

June 2nd, 09, 02:36 AM
rachel starts to suck on the pacifier not wanting to but can't help it. She tries to spit it out but is unable to as speak as well

June 2nd, 09, 02:36 AM
*Ian looks at himself, because he feels smaller and his onesie and diaper are looser* Ian: "Mommy me weel waller."

June 2nd, 09, 02:40 AM
*Valerie uses her spells to make all those clothes shrink as they get younger, and wipe their memoried before she was their mommy.*

June 2nd, 09, 02:43 AM
*Ian looks confused as he tries to remember his past before he wound up on the island with all of his new friends* Ian: "Mommy me wan't wemembwr noting bewore ow."

June 2nd, 09, 02:44 AM
Rachel struggles to keep her memories while she bounces and sucks on the paci losing her mental battle against valerie

June 2nd, 09, 02:45 AM
Valerie: "you dont need to remember any of it Ian sweety, and I will always be here for as your mommy for all of eternity."

June 2nd, 09, 02:48 AM
*Ian looks relieved, and smiles as he hugs Val* Ian: "otay mommy me wust ant to we wit oo fowvwr." *Ian begins to regress again this time he loses 5 more years making him 10 years old*

June 2nd, 09, 02:49 AM
Rachel starts feeling weird as she starts to mess herself while boucing squishing the mess all over her bottom and she starts to cry behind the magic pacifier

June 2nd, 09, 10:42 AM
*Feels smaller like a 9 year old and can't remember anything before the crash which was a bit of a relief*

June 2nd, 09, 03:15 PM
Haruhi who crawled away, tried to get her legs working again, only to fall over the log, whimpering, she started to cry.

Crying Sakura looked around for something to help her.

Dragon frowning, was thinking of a plan to escape, only to wet her diaper, doing so.

June 2nd, 09, 03:24 PM
Rachel found her self bouncing more in her messy diaper crying behind the magical pacifier she was now sucking on causing her to start to wet as well

June 2nd, 09, 04:10 PM
*Val cuddles them all close, she then breastfeeds all them, next she changes everyones diapers, and she finishes by adding the planes to her house, thus creating a mansion.*

June 2nd, 09, 05:24 PM
Rachel is still bouncing in the bouncer though her diaper is now clean and sucking on the pacifier she didn't ant to give in at all but she couldn't stop herself. Tears were flowing Down Her cheeks

June 2nd, 09, 05:26 PM
*Val places a feeding magic paci in Rachel's mouth, then she slowly feeds her milk through a large bottle, and Val gives Rachel her stuffed bear&kitty.*

June 2nd, 09, 05:32 PM
Rachel sucked on the paci and drank the milk crying still not wanting to but unable to stop herself

June 2nd, 09, 06:01 PM
*Val happily cuddles up with Rachel, she watches as Rachel looks younger, and she wonders how ling before Rachel ends up as a baby.*

June 2nd, 09, 06:04 PM
rachel feels like she's gettig smaller and starts squirming sucking on the paci in her mouth due to it's magic

June 2nd, 09, 06:13 PM
*Valerie switches to the normal magic paci, the bottle changes into a stuffed altaria which flies into Rachel's arms, and Val pats Rachel's back until all the gas&poops are out.*

June 2nd, 09, 06:21 PM
Rachel squirmed pointlessly over valeries shoulder until she burped and spit up some she smiled as if a small victory for messing up one of her shirts then cuddled the alteria doll. Rachel knew she was losig the battle but had no intention of giving up until she couldn't fight it

June 2nd, 09, 06:24 PM
*Val magically clean her clothes, then pats&rubs Rachel's diapers until hears a cute muffles bay fart, and the hiss of her baby peeing.*

June 2nd, 09, 06:39 PM
Rachel started crying as she started to mess and wet her diaper in this womens arms. If it wasn't for the pacifier in her mouth working it's magic making it so she could only suck on it she would have slit it out and been screaming at valerie

June 2nd, 09, 06:41 PM
*Ian starts to build a sand castle but accidently gets sand in his eyes and starts to cry, and as he cries he loses another 5 years making him a 5 year old*

June 2nd, 09, 06:42 PM
*Valerie sees Rachel's beyond bursting diapers, then she changes Rachel into even thicker diaper, diaper covers, and the same clothes in a babyish style&cuddles Ian close to her bosom.*

June 2nd, 09, 06:45 PM
Rachel reached down to the diapercover and started to pull at it trying to take it off. Her mouth was getting tired from sucking on the paci though she didn't stop

June 2nd, 09, 06:48 PM
*the diaper cover gets tighter, and if she continues all that will happen is Rachel will need a new diaper.*

June 2nd, 09, 06:49 PM
*Ian cries for Valerie to come and help him, get the sand out of his eyes and then he begins to mess and wet his daiper and it begins to leak*

June 2nd, 09, 06:56 PM
rachel starts crying as it gets tighter and starts trying to tear it apart hoping to get it off quickly

June 2nd, 09, 06:58 PM
*Valerie cleans his eyes, she rebulds Ian's castle in a sand mansion, nexy she changes Ian's diapers, and she removes the magic paci from Rachel's mouth, since it has sent all of the magic into Rachel.*

June 2nd, 09, 07:03 PM
*Ian sniles from behind his thumb because he is now happy again, because Valerie had changed him, and had rebuilt his sand castle* Ian: "tank oo mommy fo wuilding me wand wastle."

June 2nd, 09, 07:07 PM
Rachel opens her mouth to start screaming at valerie but only cute noises come out every time she tries to speak. As she pulls on the tightening diaper cover her bladder feels full again and releases then her bowels tighten and relax pushing a mess into the awaiting diaper with a loud muffled fart

June 2nd, 09, 07:30 PM
*Ian crawls over to Rachel, and sits next to her sucking on his thumb*

June 2nd, 09, 07:45 PM
Rachel starts crying after she's finished messing and wetting her diaper she wanted to go home to her mommy who's face she was holding onto desperatly in her mind

June 2nd, 09, 07:57 PM
*Valerie changes the picture of Rachel's mom into herself, and she changes Rachel into new diapers.*

June 2nd, 09, 08:03 PM
*Ian holds his arms up to Valerie to pick him up*

June 2nd, 09, 08:06 PM
*starts to feel left out*

June 2nd, 09, 08:31 PM
Rachel knows that her mommy has been changed but no longer remember who her true mother is. She then pulls at the new diaper taking it off she tried to speak again and only more cute gibberish comes out.

June 2nd, 09, 08:42 PM
*Val picks up Alex, Ian&Rachel, then she gives them speech of six year olds with minds to match their regressing bodies, and she plays a dance game with all her kids.*

June 2nd, 09, 08:44 PM
*tries to speak and babble come out of mouth*

June 2nd, 09, 08:45 PM
*Ian tries to dance only to keep falling on his diapered butt*

June 2nd, 09, 08:47 PM
Rachel smiles as her speach returns. "what the f*ck are you doing you crazy b*tch I want my mother I want to go home" she screams at valerie swearing more and throwing the diaper she pulled off of her at valerie

June 2nd, 09, 08:54 PM
*Valerie magically puts the diapers back on Rachel, then she regresses Rachel's speech&mental age to three, and she spanks the naughty girl.*

June 2nd, 09, 08:57 PM
Rachel kicks and screams as she spanked squirming to get away "weave me awone oo mean wady" she yells through tears from being spanked

June 2nd, 09, 09:00 PM
*finds some transformer toys and offers to play with Ian*

June 2nd, 09, 09:00 PM
*Ian gives up on dancing and crawls to Alex and plays with the transformer toys*

June 2nd, 09, 09:01 PM
*Val stops spanking her daughter, then she rubs lotion&cream on Rachel's bum, and she rediapers&redresses Rachel in chibi Sailor Scout gear&picks up Ian.*

June 2nd, 09, 09:05 PM
Rachel continues to scream having a tantrum after being spanked she did not like what was happening to her but she was powerless to stop it. She walked away from the others and found her teddy bear from the plane crying she picked it up and hugged it close it was her last connectio to her real mother she had

June 2nd, 09, 09:06 PM
*Ian snuggles with Valeries and lays his head on her shoulder* Ian: "mommy i am hungry can we eat please?"

June 2nd, 09, 09:13 PM
*Val feeds them all a huge feast, then she makes Rachel's bear like new, and she gives Rachel her bags conents in new babyish styles.*

June 2nd, 09, 09:15 PM
*While Ian eats he regresses to a 2 year old and gets food all over his face, as well as messes his diaper*

June 2nd, 09, 09:32 PM
*eats and regresses further into a one and a half year old*

June 2nd, 09, 09:46 PM
Rachel starts crying more seeing her bear changed as her mother gave it to her when she was three and never let it out of her sight it wasn't the same anymore. She also refuses to eat anything seeing that the boys are regressing further she was trying to avoid that at all costs

June 2nd, 09, 09:49 PM
*Val cleans them up, then changes them into fresh diapers, and plays the new pokemon games with her kids&feeds Rachel.*

June 2nd, 09, 09:54 PM
*Whenever Ian tries to talk all that comes out now is mama or baba*

June 2nd, 09, 10:00 PM
*Val cuddles her babies close, Videl&Mercury havent done much other than play&act babyish, and Val feeds&breastfeeds Rachel while transforming her toys back to their previous states.*

June 2nd, 09, 10:07 PM
*Ian lays down on the floor and falls asleep sucking his thumb*

June 2nd, 09, 10:09 PM
Rachel hugs her teddy closer trying to resist breast feedng but slowly starts to

June 2nd, 09, 10:27 PM
*tries to talk but blubbers and the only words that can only say mama baba and other words that are babyish*

June 2nd, 09, 10:46 PM
*Valerie plays her new sapphire colored ocarina, then she watches as it effect everyone from the magical tunes, and she cuddles everyone close when the tunes are gone.*

June 2nd, 09, 10:52 PM
Rachel who was nursing when valerie started playing kept nursing against her best thoughts she didnt stop when she should have

June 2nd, 09, 10:57 PM
*Ian starts to have a nightmare from his past life where all the kids would pick on him and call him bad names, and he starts to whimper in his sleep* Ian: "mama!" *Ian cries out for Valerie in his sleep, but stays asleep*

June 2nd, 09, 10:59 PM
*Starts to have a nightmare of past with father going on a drunken rampage in the house hurting every1*


June 2nd, 09, 11:02 PM
*Val plays the happy dreams&thoughts tunes, and she cuddles all her kids closer out of love.*

June 2nd, 09, 11:05 PM
Rachels mind becomes clouded with happy thoughs about what is happining to her she smiles up to valerie glad she stopped nursing her body shrank again to about 7

June 2nd, 09, 11:06 PM
*Ian begins to calm down and then his dream becomes where he is with his new family happily bouncing in a baby bouncer, sucking on his pacifer, and his mommy is playing peekaboo with him*

June 2nd, 09, 11:14 PM
*follows what Ian is doing*

June 2nd, 09, 11:15 PM
*Valerie makes all their dreams&fantasies into realities, and she hugs all of kids.*

June 2nd, 09, 11:18 PM
Rachel hugs valerie and slowly falls asleep on her lap

June 2nd, 09, 11:19 PM
*Ian wakes up when Valerie hugs him, giggles, and hugs her, while messing and wetting his diaper throughly* Ian: "Mama."

June 2nd, 09, 11:30 PM
*slowly wakes and feels cold*

June 2nd, 09, 11:30 PM
Haruhi looking up, looked confused, "Something bad." whispered Haruhi, looking outside the window, only to hear thunder crashing. Scarred Haruhi started to cry and wet her diaper.

June 2nd, 09, 11:32 PM
*Valerie changes everyone that needs it, and slowly plays the ocarina to make her kids love her more over time.*

June 2nd, 09, 11:36 PM
Dragon, looking up, put her arms out, "Up!" shouted Dragon, with a smile

June 2nd, 09, 11:38 PM
Rachel woke up when the thunder hit and got up to run outside she enjoyed storms a lot when most children were afraid

June 2nd, 09, 11:45 PM
*starts to cry from thunder*

June 2nd, 09, 11:45 PM
*Ian starts to cry because he is scared of thunder for reasons he doesn't remember*

June 3rd, 09, 12:00 AM
*Val brings all the kids inside the house, then she cuddles them all close, and plays a lullabye for them on her ocarina.*

June 3rd, 09, 12:02 AM
*Ian begins to fall asleep again, and sucks on his thumb and snuggles with Valerie and the others*

June 3rd, 09, 12:04 AM
Rachel runs back to the door as soon as she's inside again the noise of the rain canceling her tune outnof rachels ears

June 3rd, 09, 12:07 AM
*falls sound asleep with lullaby*

June 3rd, 09, 12:23 AM
Rachel works to open the door again wanting to get outside in the storm

June 3rd, 09, 12:40 AM
*lips start to move like they want something*

June 3rd, 09, 12:45 AM
*Ian wakes up a little crying for valerie to feed him*

June 3rd, 09, 01:12 AM
Rachel manages to open the door after a few tries and runs back outside into the storm happily spinning around letting the rain wash over her with out a care the noise of the rain drownig out the lullaby valerie is playing

June 3rd, 09, 11:14 AM
*slowly wakes up and sees Rachel outside and tries to tell Val*

June 3rd, 09, 09:08 PM
rachel dancing in the rain seems to be dancing as a thirteen year would rather then the 3 year old her mind was set at

June 3rd, 09, 09:21 PM
*starts to feel cold from the door being open*

mes cold mama.

June 3rd, 09, 10:37 PM
*Valeries feeds all her babies, then she brings Rachel back inside, next she makes it so she is the only one who can open the doors&windows, and she finished by breastfeeding Rachel into babyish bliss.*

June 3rd, 09, 10:38 PM
*still feels a bit cold and starts to cough*

June 3rd, 09, 10:47 PM
As rachel is breast fed she looks sad that valerie keeps bringing her back inside though she seems happy when she's done she still struggles to fight valeries magic babyfication

June 3rd, 09, 11:20 PM
*Valeirie's ocarina changes Rachel's toys back to the ones her mother gave her, then the mother is forever replaced with Valerie, and Val cuddles Rachel close to let her cry her tears over what she lost.*

June 3rd, 09, 11:22 PM
*continues coughing and starts to get a fever*

June 3rd, 09, 11:29 PM
*Valerie heals him, then gives Alex the medicine with her breastmilk, and Val shuts the door with magical charms.*

June 3rd, 09, 11:31 PM
*Ian starts to cough and starts to get a fever just like Alex*

June 3rd, 09, 11:41 PM
*feels a bit better and really really sleepy from being a bit Ill*

June 4th, 09, 12:02 AM
Rachel cries into valerie over her mother being forgotten and knowing her new memories were wrong but didn't know why she just felt that way

June 4th, 09, 12:27 AM
*Valerie gives Rachel back her old bears&dolls, and then Val releases a pleasant smelling perfume.*

June 4th, 09, 12:35 AM
Rachel continues to cry "oo mean wady I want my mommy"

June 4th, 09, 12:38 AM
*looks up to val*

mes sweepys mama fwom bein sicks.

June 4th, 09, 12:38 AM
Valerie: "I am your mother now Rachel, and please dont attempt to run away, since it wont end well for you."

June 4th, 09, 12:43 AM
*Ian vomits on the floor from coughing so much and turns very pale because he is running a fever*

June 4th, 09, 12:46 AM
*Val cleans it all up, then heals Ian&gives him more medicine, and she put him&Alex in bed with bottles of water.*

June 4th, 09, 12:47 AM
*falls asleep hoping to get better to play more*

June 4th, 09, 12:59 AM
*Val cuddles with all her kids, and she chants a happy tune to make the healthy&happy for all times to come.*

June 4th, 09, 01:22 AM
*is sound asleep dreaming happy dreams but moves arms like they are looking for the big toy lion and pasi*

June 4th, 09, 01:42 AM
*Val gives him what he wants in a stuffed lion&lion paci, and she dresses him in a cute blanket sleeper with cute lions.*

June 4th, 09, 01:54 AM
Rachel shook her head vigerously "no oo isn't"

June 4th, 09, 02:00 AM
*Val snaps her fingers, which makes Rachel remember her as her mother, and makes reality shift so the past before the island is gone.*

June 4th, 09, 02:01 AM
*Ian dreams of sleeping on the clouds and being hugged by the clouds, and sucking on a paci*

June 4th, 09, 02:09 AM
Rachel looks up at valerie "oo is my mommie" she squeals having troubles saying it

June 4th, 09, 11:17 AM
*sleeps happily while hugging the stuffed lion*

June 4th, 09, 05:54 PM
Rachel looks at valerie she's not tired like the other yet "oo is my mommie?" she asks struggling to just say that

June 4th, 09, 05:57 PM
Valerie: "yes Rachel I am your mommy, and I will love all of you for all of eternity, if not longer, if that is possible."

June 4th, 09, 06:00 PM
Rachel shook her head teyin desperately to remember what was now forgotten. Then she again tried to take off her diaper "no were dis no need"

June 4th, 09, 08:41 PM
*Valerie puts a spell on the diapers making them only removable by an adult such as Val, and she breastfeeds Rachel.*

June 4th, 09, 08:50 PM
Rachel doesn't nurse just sits there pulling at the diaper

June 4th, 09, 09:34 PM
*Val turns Rachel into a permanent diaper lover and she slowly regresses all he kids to the age of ten.*

June 4th, 09, 10:24 PM
*slowly wakes up still feeling sick but better then before and cries to be changed out of a wet and messy diaper and is hungry*

June 4th, 09, 10:31 PM
*Val changes Alex into a fresh diaper, then she feeds everyone a hearty meal, and stops the regression at the age of eight.*

June 4th, 09, 10:32 PM
Rachel stops pulling at her diaper then squirms to get down out of valeries arms

June 4th, 09, 10:44 PM
*Valerie sets Rachel down in front of the tv to watch animes, and brings everyone seconds on the food.*

June 4th, 09, 10:51 PM
Rachel waits till valerie is out of the room and she runs to the door trying to open the magically sealed door

June 4th, 09, 10:59 PM
*Valerie regresses Rachel to age six with the mind to match her age, and she makes Rachel magically love the constant babying.*

June 4th, 09, 11:31 PM
*cuddles lion close and has arms up wanting to be picked up*

June 5th, 09, 12:01 AM
*Valerie picks up Alex, then she feeds him, and breastfeeds him while watching tv with her entire family.*

June 5th, 09, 12:06 AM
*happily feeds from Val and cuddles close to her*

June 5th, 09, 01:09 AM
Rachel pouts wanting to go outside so she can run freely even though it's starting to get late "mom can I go outside please?" she asks cutely

June 5th, 09, 01:17 AM
Valerie: "yes follow me Rachel, we are walking through the door, and I am taking you to the playgrund."

June 5th, 09, 01:36 AM
Rachel smiled following valerie a little behind planning to run quickly as she could

June 5th, 09, 01:45 AM
*Valerie puts Rachel in the baby swing, and starts pushing her back&forth while chanting the spell to make Rachel diaper dependant forever.*

June 5th, 09, 01:58 AM
Rachel looks angry about being put in the baby swing "I can swing myself" she says angerly

June 5th, 09, 02:01 AM
*Valerie makes Rachel four years old mentally&physically, and uses her magic to move the swing without her hands.*

June 5th, 09, 02:23 AM
Rachel starts crying as she gets smaller "no wanna be smaw" she cries as she magically swings

June 5th, 09, 02:26 AM
*Valerie compromises making Rachel twelve with the mind of a four year old, and adjusting her clothes to her new age.*

June 5th, 09, 02:33 AM
*Ian wakes up and notices he is no longer a 2 year old and walks around looking for Valerie*

June 5th, 09, 02:39 AM
rachel continues to pout as she's swung. She knows she need to run but in the baby swing she cant

June 5th, 09, 02:39 AM
*Valerie teleports Ian into one of the baby swings, he makes him the same age mentally&physically as Rachel, and she gives a bottle to Ian.*

June 5th, 09, 02:45 AM
*Ian drinks his bottle contently while Valerie pushes him on the swing* Ian: "me wuv you mommy."

June 5th, 09, 03:07 AM
Rachel shakes her head squirming as she mess and wets herself in the swing

June 5th, 09, 03:13 AM
*Valerie changes Rachel into an even thicker diaper, then she moves her to the new baby teeter totter with Konten, and she uses her magic to make it move.*

June 5th, 09, 03:26 AM
*Ian while on the teeter totter begins to mess and wet his diaper as well, and he just keeps on going up and down on the teeter totter with Rachel* Ian: "tis is fun wister."

June 5th, 09, 03:33 AM
rachel shakes her head then says "sowwie no be mean" trying to be nice to koten she gets her FHA de and takes off running toward the edge of the playground though it's hard to run fast with the thicker diaper inbetween her legs

June 5th, 09, 05:00 AM
*Valerie catches Rachel, then she regresses Rachel&Konten to ages in their hearts, and she make their mind match their ages.*

June 5th, 09, 10:27 AM
*wishes to be one to start out fresh*

June 5th, 09, 10:58 AM
Rachel ages back up to age 13 "leave me alone! Let me go" she screams struggling against valerie

June 5th, 09, 04:24 PM
*Ian regresses to a 1 year old, because that is what age he felt he wanted to be in his heart*

June 5th, 09, 04:38 PM
*Valerie lets Rachel go, she lets the tides be back to normal, but she maintains Rachel's need for diapers.*

June 5th, 09, 04:56 PM
*Ian starts to cry for valerie to come and feed him because he is hungry and can no longer talk*

June 5th, 09, 05:36 PM
Rachel takes off as fast as she can away from valerie falling every so often over the thickness of the diapers and sticks in her bath reaching the beach she ran into the water up to her knees she was getting tired and needed a little sleep

June 5th, 09, 06:00 PM
*Valerie watches as the tide magically transports Rachel back into her crib, and Valerie carries her kids inside for dinner.*

June 5th, 09, 06:02 PM
Rachel starts screaming as she is back in the crib "no no I don't want to be a baby"

June 5th, 09, 06:05 PM
*Rachel's crib changes into a little girl's bed with crib sides up, and Valerie puts a paci in her mouth which has animes on it.*

June 5th, 09, 06:07 PM
Rachel climbs out angry she spits the paci out "no I want to go home out evil witch" she yells at valerie with a few swear words

June 5th, 09, 06:18 PM
*Valerie removes all the swear words from Rachel's mind, she replaces them with cute childish ones, and she makes Rachel's heart demand she be babied.*

June 5th, 09, 06:23 PM
Rachel stops yelling and pushes past valerie roughly she heads for the door hoping the magic would let her open the door not wanting to admit to her new desire to be babied by valerie

June 5th, 09, 06:26 PM
*the door teleports Rachel into the the fantasy and games themed rooms, with lots of babyish things for her to play with now.*

June 5th, 09, 06:37 PM
*Ian crawls around looking for valerie*

June 5th, 09, 06:39 PM
rachel falls down on her diapered bottom letting out a loud fart and filling her diaper up to it's limit then crawling to some of the toys to play

June 5th, 09, 06:47 PM
*Valerie changes Rachel's messy diaper, then she lets her baby girl play, and she brings in Rachel's baby bouncer.*

June 5th, 09, 06:49 PM
Rachel grins widely as she sees the baby bouncer but then looks away blushingabout her secret new desire

June 5th, 09, 07:13 PM
*Ian wanders into the room where Rachel and valerie are and tries to play with rachel*

June 5th, 09, 07:27 PM
*cries for Val due to being hungry*

June 5th, 09, 07:32 PM
Rachel giggle and starts playing with ian like a baby would with another baby

June 5th, 09, 07:53 PM
*Ian starts playing with rachel and giggles a cute baby giggle* Ian: "baba" *Ian hugs rachel and then continues playing with her*

June 5th, 09, 09:36 PM
*Valerie watches her kids play and she watches as Rachel physical age slowly starts to match her mental age.*

June 5th, 09, 09:42 PM
*Ian looks up and sees Valerie* Ian: "Mama."

June 5th, 09, 09:49 PM
*Valerie lovingly breastfeeds you, then she cuddles her son close, and sings a happy song to her son.* *Valerie finishes by bringing Konten to the kitchen, and feeds him a sandwich with chips&bottle.*

June 5th, 09, 09:55 PM
Shorty after ian was taken to the kitchen rachel yawned slightly exausted but played alone for a while

June 5th, 09, 10:05 PM
*Ian eats his food and drinks from his bottle, and also makes a big mess getting food all over him and on Valerie*