View Full Version : Reisha School for Maids and Butlers Rp Open to all

DRX Dragon
November 2nd, 11, 05:44 AM
This rp is gonna be about a maid named Miss Yoshiro who started up this school to teach people how to properly act when going to apply to be a maid or butler and also to teach them that if you do get hired to be a maid or butler to do what ever their master or mistress tells them to do. Now as part of the school uniform everyone who is there will be diapered and must use it as well including the teachers and everyone will be living on campus as well. Now every student when not in class will live in dorms with a partner and there will be certain privileges if students are being good and if a student acts up there will be punishments and that also goes for the teachers as well. Please when making your character make a list of things that your character doesn't like cause it will make things easier for me to punish you if you do anything bad please and thank you.

November 9th, 11, 08:31 PM
This is really the first time I'm taking part in something like a role-play, so please correct me if I make something wrong. ^^' At first, my character:

Name: Parsi Miranda
Age: 19
Looks like: Normal bodyform (no over- or underweight), brown eyes, reddish-brown shoulder-lenght hair (tied up to a ponytail most of the time), some freckles on the cheeks, likes to wear mostly black clothes when not in a uniform
Description: She came all the way from Germany to attend the Reisha School to become a maid. Although Parsi tries to fulfill her duties most of the time, she can get pretty bored fast if she doesn't like a particular duty. She weeps easily, but gets over it soon. She has some problems talking to boys around her age because she is also getting nervous really fast, but gets along with other girls fairly well.
Likes: Bananas, chocolate, christmas decorations, sleep, cuddling and to be caressed, rainy weather and guinea pigs
Dislikes: Rice pudding, semolina pudding, kohlrabi, lack of sleep, really mean people, overly hot weather, all kinds of insects

Maybe I'll add a drawing later on. ^^

King Shikana Mcnight
November 9th, 11, 10:43 PM
Looks okay. I'll join.

Name: Jacob Selen
Age: 19
Looks: Normal bodyform. Icy Blue eyes. Pitch Black hair. Normal bodytone (Not too pale not too tan)
Description: Jacob had little things to do in life and was very quiet and agreeful. He had done a lot of housework and knew how to do things. He isn't very pain prone and gets bruised sometimes . He crys when there is a lot of pain caused to him.
Likes: Peace, reading, school,smooth music, and talking.
Dislikes: Loud music, disturbance,and bieng away from school

November 9th, 11, 11:56 PM
[you know what they say...the more the merrier]
Name:Tia Cambell
Age: 19
Looks like: http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm311/novakdx/2011-11-07-450746.jpg?t=1320721771
Description: Tia is a ditzy student who decided to become a maid just for the fun of it. she tends to act half her age most of the time. She is very flirty and hyper and is openly bi-sexual.
Likes: strawberries, blueberries, pie, warm baths, cuddling and kissing, warm weather, and cats
Dislikes: milk, being too cold, being spanked [her parents were old fashioned], people not wanting to be her friend

November 11th, 11, 04:45 AM
[so who goes first?]

DRX Dragon
November 11th, 11, 05:52 AM
(I'll go first) Ok its the first day of school and i ask them to all go to the nurses office to have them checked out and to get their school uniform to put on. After all the students get their school uniform on i have them go to their first class.

November 11th, 11, 06:00 AM
Tia walked into the office first, exited to enter the school
"hello~" she sat on the medical bed wearing a miniskirt, school top and tie

DRX Dragon
November 11th, 11, 06:19 AM
The nurse saids hello as she gives you a check up and the school uniform which consists of a blue maid uniform complete with a pink disposable diaper and tells you that you must wear this and you must use the diaper or you will be punished and she sends you to the changing room thats in her office to put the uniform on.

November 11th, 11, 06:36 AM
Tia changed into the outfit and quickly slid the diaper on, loving how comfy it felt
she wasn't sure about it at first, but at the moment it felt fine. she walked out looking like a real maid "so what's with the...um diapers"

DRX Dragon
November 11th, 11, 06:46 AM
Well I really have no idea except for maybe the fact that the school has no restrooms maybe the nurse said. Now you have to go to your first class and if your wondering no not only do the students have to wear diapers but the staff does as well now your first class is 3 doors down to the left of here

November 11th, 11, 06:53 AM
"Alright" the diapered maid pranced off
[i'm waiting for the others now]

King Shikana Mcnight
November 11th, 11, 10:12 AM
Jacob was next to go into the nurses office.

November 11th, 11, 03:34 PM
Parsi arrived outside the nurse's office and wondered what her new school and friends will be like. She saw Jacob moving into the office, a little bit nervous about the thought: "W... We have boys in our class?"

King Shikana Mcnight
November 11th, 11, 03:35 PM
Jacob didn't so much mind girls, just the really hyper ones.

November 12th, 11, 12:40 AM
Tia noticed parsi on the way out and decided to say hi "hey!" she smiled in her new uniform
"did you get changed yet?"

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 12:43 AM
(Since DRX isn't gonna be on in a while Im going to do a small time skip)
Jacob came out blushing a bit. "That was ... embarrassing.", he said as he saw Tia. "Hey.", he said.

November 12th, 11, 12:45 AM
"Oh, hey" tia turned around not noticing the boy before "i'm tia"

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 12:48 AM
"I'm Jacob.", Jacob said as he smiled.

November 12th, 11, 12:50 AM
"that's a cool name" she giggled "so do you wanna go to class now?" she still wanted to talk to the other girl but figured it could wait

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 12:53 AM
"Sure. The bad part is our first class is on the other side of the school. We better get going before we're late.", Jacob said.

November 12th, 11, 01:10 AM
"right!" tia ran off down the hall, giving jacob a peek up her skirt "are you coming?!" she squealed happily

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 01:12 AM
Jacob had to admit, she had a nice butt. He chuckled and said ," Yeah!", as he took off after her.

November 12th, 11, 01:15 AM
(I vote that we at least let parsi get changed before we continue)

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 01:17 AM
(She ain't gonna be on for a while )

November 12th, 11, 01:24 AM
(that's my point. we should wait, not fill 2 pages while they are gone)

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 01:31 AM
(Or we could wait for DRX. )

November 12th, 11, 10:24 PM
Tia knocked on the door marked Class A curiously

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 10:33 PM
(I guess I'll play Class A teacher)
Jacob opened the door.

A teacher named Miss Hashima turned. She had red hair, a white shirt, a skirt, and black high heels.

November 12th, 11, 10:41 PM
(alright great)
Tia walked in with her uniform, the blue diaper resting just above the bottom of her skirt "hello" she said to the teacher, showing respect "are you the teacher?"

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 10:44 PM
Jacob showed respect too.

Ms. Hashima nodded. "I am.", She said.

November 12th, 11, 10:47 PM
"you're pretty cute for a teacher" tia giggled sitting in a seat

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 10:53 PM
"Whats that supposed to mean?", she asked .

Jacob took a seat.

November 12th, 11, 10:58 PM
"on nothing" tia sighed, putting a hand on her desk

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 11:02 PM
Ms Hashima Said, "Okay. Pretend you serve me. Tia come up."

November 12th, 11, 11:07 PM
"alright" tia walked up skipping and smiled "hello miss what would you like to order?" she giggled
she wasn't taking it very seriously

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 11:09 PM
Jacob facepalmed.

"No i meant as a maid. Pretend im your mistress.", Ms Hashima Said

November 12th, 11, 11:14 PM
"alright" she took a breath and stepped back, walking forward gracefully "what is your wish hashima-sama?" she asked innocently

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 11:16 PM
Ms Hashima Said, "Sweep the floors."

Jacob smiled

November 12th, 11, 11:17 PM
Tia looked around for a broom, quickly found one, and started to sweep slowly

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 11:23 PM
"Good job tia.", Ms Hashima said. "You may sit down.", she added.

It was Jacob's turn. "What's your wish , Ms Hashima-sama?", he asked.

"Remove your shirt.", She said.

Jacob knew the rule about what you did as a butler. So he obliged and took it off.

"That normally doesn't work. You can put it on again.", She said.

November 12th, 11, 11:25 PM
Tia sat and oddly didn't may much attention to the shirtless jacob

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 11:30 PM
Jacob put it on again.

Ms Hashima was stumped.

November 12th, 11, 11:31 PM
"what now miss?" tia asked in a cute voice

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 11:34 PM
Ms Hashima shrugged. "Introduce ourselves.", she said,

November 12th, 11, 11:39 PM
"My name is tia, I like warm things and being snuggled" she giggled in her desk

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 11:42 PM
Jacob took his turn. He didn't say much

November 12th, 11, 11:43 PM
"that was fun" tia added, starring at the teacher "your turn"

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 11:46 PM
Ms Hashima took her turn taking the rest of the time

November 12th, 11, 11:51 PM
when the bell rang tia asked "where do we go next?"

King Shikana Mcnight
November 12th, 11, 11:53 PM
"Lunch.", Jacob said, walking to the cafeteria

November 12th, 11, 11:57 PM
"cool" Tia fallowed jacob
[i'm going to wait for everyone]

King Shikana Mcnight
November 13th, 11, 03:11 AM
(DRX should be getting on soon)

DRX Dragon
November 14th, 11, 07:53 PM
Ms. Reisha walks to the class room to make sure that everyone is being good and in the class room she asks does anyone need a diaper change or no

King Shikana Mcnight
November 15th, 11, 12:43 AM
Ms Hashima sighed. "They went to the cafeteria and... i do.", she said

DRX Dragon
November 15th, 11, 06:08 AM
Ok I lay you down on the changing table takes your old diaper off cleans and powders you and puts a new diaper on you then heads to the cafeteria.

King Shikana Mcnight
November 15th, 11, 09:25 AM
Ms Hashima sighed. They were comfortable.

January 23rd, 12, 05:02 AM
(Is there room for one more?)

King Shikana Mcnight
January 24th, 12, 11:52 AM
(Sure. Post your bio and start.)

January 24th, 12, 11:14 PM
Sarah Davids
22 years old, 5'2" tall, pale skin, short brown hair, often wears pants and shirts, doesn't dress too fancy.
She decided to attend maid school because it looked like one of the few career opportunities that she would be able to succeed at, and Reisha School looked like the best to learn. She doesn't know much about their curriculum, but she is eager to start.
Likes: Chocolate, music, science fiction novels
Dislikes: Rap music, spicy food, facebook

Sarah hurried in through the door. "Sorry I am late!" She said, winded. "My car broke down. Where do I sit?"

Lady Momoko Hoshiko Sato
January 30th, 12, 09:59 PM
may I join, i mean, if it isn't to full

January 30th, 12, 11:29 PM
Yeah, go ahead. Just post a bio and introduction.

Lady Momoko Hoshiko Sato
February 1st, 12, 07:38 AM
Name Blu
Age. 20
Hair long blue
Sex. Male
Clothing: Military jacket and ripped jeans

Blu walks slowly in, wondering why his parents sent him here. "I didnt even apply to this place...."

Lt Spongebath
February 9th, 12, 09:36 AM
[I'm also tempted to join, but is a bit unsure...]