View Full Version : Request to close and remove my gallery

February 17th, 13, 09:46 PM
Howdy I would like my gallery and art that i have posted here removed from this web site.

February 17th, 13, 09:52 PM
Ohh how can that be hun ?

February 18th, 13, 03:16 PM
Ohh how can that be hun ?

Before I was lurking on this site and really enjoyed it. I think I will go back to lurking in the depths of the forums. But as for my art/comix/ect I'm done.

February 18th, 13, 04:54 PM
If you ask me as a general person. I don't know your art at all as I just came back to the site. But being asked to remove all your art like this is the same as removing all your memories from your apartment you lived in with your familiy. I ain't saying you should do as I tell you. I'm just saying you should think about it hun~

February 18th, 13, 05:11 PM
Umm.... Why? Is something the matter?

February 19th, 13, 02:19 PM
Well this is kinda a personal matter. I have tried several different techniques with my style and as I have progressed I have also burned myself out.