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May 23rd, 17, 01:34 AM
Jane Osborne was a wealthy businesswoman, the kind with too much money and far too much time on her hands to know what to do with. She was sitting in her office, looking at her reflection in the window as much as she was looking at the world below her. Long, wavy brown hair and blue eyes stared back at her. She wore a very expensive business suit and black tie.

She walked over to her desk and made a quick phone call to check in on her maids and her...not so little girl.

The maid who answered was the newest one on the staff, Maria Andrews. "Yes Mrs. Osborne, I was just about to check on her now."

Once the call ended, Maria made her way to Jane's daughters room, though it was more like a giant nursery, stocked full of baby items, a crib, changing table, toys. it didn't matter, if it was for babies, it was there. But it wasn't for a baby, Maria learned that really early. No, her employer had kept her teenage daughter acting like a baby for her entire life.

"Hey Stella." Maria said as she walked in. "How's my favorite little stinker?"

May 23rd, 17, 01:41 AM
Stella slowly woke up as she heard Maria call out to her. She was used to the maids waking her up, it was how it always was. She sat up, wearing a solid blue colored footed sleeper and and soaking wet diaper under it. The green eyed and black haired adopted daughter of Jane Osborne told Maria "Oh, hey Maria. I'm doing okay today."

May 23rd, 17, 01:47 AM
Maria smiled warmly. "That's good. Do you need a change?" she asked, walking over to the crib.

May 23rd, 17, 01:52 AM
"Maybe?" Stella told her, she was in diapers for pretty much all her life so she got to the point that she couldn't tell when her diaper was wet. There were even times that she had trouble telling when she had messed herself at times. She kinda disliked that but whenever she would ask her mother to if she could start potty training, her mother would tell her that she could start when she proved it but never told her how she could prove it.

May 23rd, 17, 01:54 AM
Maria picked Stella up and out of her crib and carried her to the changing table. "Well, let me check just in case." she said, opening up the sleeper to expose Stella's diaper. "Yep, you need a change little miss. Do you need to poop before I get you all cleaned up?"

May 23rd, 17, 01:55 AM
"I'll see..." Stella told her as she started to push, rewarded with her poop entering her diaper a few seconds later.

May 23rd, 17, 02:00 AM
Maria chuckled a little as the girl messed herself. "Alright, time to get you all nice and clean." she said, as she began to change Stella's diaper. She moved slowly as she cleaned up her charge, not wanting to risk leaving any semblance of filth behind.

"Do you want to stay in your sleeper or change into something else? she asked once the new diaper was taped up.

May 23rd, 17, 02:03 AM
"I guess I would like to change." Stella told Maria before taking a deep breath and saying out loud "I'm an 15 year old girl, I shouldn't be in diapers...I shouldn't be used to diapers."

May 23rd, 17, 02:09 AM
Maria had expected that Stella would one day have an outburst like that. It was bound to happen sooner or later. She picked the girl back up and hugged her close. "I know kid. And if I could do anything to help you, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'd move the stars if I thought it'd work for you." she said. "And I promise, I'll find a way somehow, even if I really do need to make the stars move to make it happen."

May 23rd, 17, 02:11 AM
"Thanks...but I know that it won't be happening. It's fine though, it's not that bad to live like this." Stella told her as she was being hugged, trying to not drag Maria into her problems.

May 23rd, 17, 02:15 AM
Maria knew Stella was lying to make her feel less guilty, which only had the opposite effect, though she hid it behind a professional facade. "Hey, you know I'll never tell your mother anything you tell me. I don't spill my friend's secrets so easy." she said with a chuckle. "Anything in particular you want to wear munchkin? Or should I pick something for you?"

May 23rd, 17, 02:17 AM
"I guess I'll let you pick." Stella told Maria as she got off the changing table and stood up.

May 23rd, 17, 02:19 AM
Maria went over to the dresser and dug around for a bit before pulling out a plain pink shirt and a pair of jeans. She then went back to Stella. "Do you want me to help you or do you think you got it covered?" she asked.

May 23rd, 17, 02:24 AM
"I guess you can help me..." Stella told her as she knew that she didn't know how to dress herself.

May 23rd, 17, 02:30 AM
"Just checking." Maria said as she helped Stella into her clothes. "There you go, all clean and dressed for the day."

While she was hired to help take care of Stella, she wasn't quite a fan of what her mother was doing, a displeasure that she wished she could rectify somehow, but her whole life hinged on having the job and if she tried anything, there was no plan she could use to save the girl.

"So, what do you want to do now?" she asked, hoping her frustration wasn't obvious, none of it was Stella's fault after all.

May 23rd, 17, 02:33 AM
"I don't know, what can I do today?" Stella asked her, knowing that her mother wants her to do only what was set out for her to do for the day.

May 23rd, 17, 02:40 AM
"Well, you can stay inside and play with all your toys, we can play some games, or go into the backyard and have some outdoor time. Whatever your heart desires." Maria said. If there was one thing she hated more than the fact Stella was diapered all her life, it was the way her mother controlled every part of her day, down to the detail almost, to keep the poor girl trapped.

May 23rd, 17, 02:41 AM
"I guess I can go and play outside for a while." She told Maria as she waited for her to guide her out there.

May 23rd, 17, 02:47 AM
Maria grabbed Stella's hand and led her out back. The fence was tall enough it was impossible to see over and it was rather spacious. There was a sandbox, a slide and some swings over in the corner, all custom built for the teen's use. "I'll let you play out here for a bit, but stay where I can see you." Maria said. "Unless you want to play with me instead of all by yourself."

May 23rd, 17, 02:50 AM
"I think I'll play by myself for now." She told Maria as she went over to the swings.

May 23rd, 17, 02:52 AM
Maria kept an eye on her while she had fun.

May 23rd, 17, 02:54 AM
When Stella got to the swings, she tried to get into them but the baby-safe swings where hard to get into.

May 23rd, 17, 02:56 AM
Maria came over and helped Stella into her swing.

May 23rd, 17, 02:58 AM
Stella blushed a bit as she was helped into the swing. "I guess since you're here, you can push me." She told Maria.

May 23rd, 17, 02:59 AM
"Of course." Maria smiled and started pushing Stella, always being careful not to push too hard.

May 23rd, 17, 03:00 AM
Stella let out a small smile as she was being pushed, enjoying how relaxing it was.

May 23rd, 17, 03:02 AM
Maria didn't mind pushing Stella, in fact it was just one of the little things she did every day for the girl, trying to make her day just a little better. "Having fun?" she asked.

May 23rd, 17, 03:04 AM
Stella nodded "Yeah, it's so relaxing."

May 23rd, 17, 03:05 AM
"That's good." Maria said as she kept pushing. She was glad Stella was having fun.

May 23rd, 17, 03:07 AM
After a while, Stella asked Maria "Can we go play at the sandbox now?"

May 23rd, 17, 03:08 AM
Maria got her out of the swing and carried her over to the sandbox, setting her inside it. She sat down and started building.

May 23rd, 17, 03:09 AM
Stella started to build a sand castle as well and asked her "Hey, what's it like...to not wear a diaper?"

May 23rd, 17, 03:13 AM
Maria had to think for a moment. "It's not really easy to explain, I'm so used to my underwear it's not something I've ever wondered, you know? But I guess the best explanation is, you generally don't feel underwear usually. It's just not easy to notice." she said. "How about you? What's it like wearing a diaper?"

May 23rd, 17, 03:17 AM
"That sounds weird...wearing a diaper is like you always know that you're wearing it. It's like wearing a cloud with how much it feels like a cushion." Stella explained to Maria.

May 23rd, 17, 03:18 AM
"I suppose that makes sense. I just don't remember wearing them myself." Maria said.

May 23rd, 17, 03:20 AM
Stella nodded as she went back to making her sandcastle.

May 23rd, 17, 03:24 AM
Maria kept working on her own. "Your castle is starting to look good munchkin." she said. Her little nickname was a little ironic, there was only a few years between their ages, but it was her thing.

May 23rd, 17, 03:28 AM
"Thanks! Yours looks good as well." She told Maria before she went on "So...why is it that I'm the one who has to be push though this?"

May 23rd, 17, 03:31 AM
Maria moved closer to Stella. "I don't really know. I do know, however, you deserve better. You deserve a regular life." she said. "And until the day you get what you deserve, I'll be here with you. Even after then, if you'll still want me around. I promise. Pinky promise, cross my heart and all that."

May 23rd, 17, 03:34 AM
"Okay...I just...don't know that if I can ever get a normal life, I don't even know what people my age do..." Stella told her as she went back to making her sandcastle.

May 23rd, 17, 03:36 AM
Maria felt her eyes water. Stella's life, at least from the outside, looked like hell. "Most are in school all day, and then come home and get stuck with work, which they blow off to play video games. Some play sports, some just laze around and do nothing. And they listen to terrible music." she said.

May 23rd, 17, 03:39 AM
"That sounds like they willingly waste their life away to me." Stella told her. "But...what's a school?"

May 23rd, 17, 03:42 AM
Maria forgot for a moment that Stella didn't know what a school was. "It's where a bunch of kids have the individuality sucked out of them and replaced with numbers, words and useless history, and it's overseen by jerk adults who always promise to help the kids but never do anything when the kids point out problems."

May 23rd, 17, 03:44 AM
"That sounds so awful, but why do they go there then?" Stella asked her.

May 23rd, 17, 03:47 AM
"Because that's how they become what they call productive members of society. And it really is awful. I'm so glad I'm done with it myself." Maria said, smiling a little. "On the bright side, you don't have to worry about that nonsense."

May 23rd, 17, 03:50 AM
"Oh, well living like this isn't that bad then if normal life is much more awful." Stella told Maria as she finished her sandcastle.

May 23rd, 17, 03:52 AM
Maria frowned a little. "Yeah, being like me is a little awful, but on the other hand, we make friends, go to dances, there's stuff that's worth it."

May 23rd, 17, 03:55 AM
"Oh, those things kinda sound nice. I wish I had someone my age as a friend. I mean, I know you are but you're a maid and you work for mommy so you have to be my friend because she wants you to be." Stella told her.

May 23rd, 17, 03:57 AM
Maria shook her head. "I'm your friend because I want to be. Stella, if you believe nothing else I ever tell you, believe that. Just because I work for your mommy doesn't mean I don't like spending time with you on my own will." she said, realizing that tears were running down her face.

May 23rd, 17, 04:00 AM
Stella was shocked at the sight for a few seconds before hugging her "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just...know how things usually work here."

May 23rd, 17, 04:04 AM
Maria hugged Stella, trying to smile. "It's okay munchkin. I understand that you didn't mean it that way." she said, her voice cracking a little.

May 23rd, 17, 04:06 AM
Stella hugged her a bit longer until she calmed down then told her "Still, I want a friend my age as well..."

May 23rd, 17, 04:29 AM
Maria sighed. "I'd help you if I could. If I meet someone, maybe I can set something up." she said, trying to cheer Stella up a little.

May 23rd, 17, 04:33 AM
"Yes, that would be great" Stella told Maria before she heard her tummy growl a bit. "Miss Maria, I'm hungry."

May 23rd, 17, 04:35 AM
"Alright munchkin. Let's go get some food. What are you in the mood for? Oh, and you know you don't need to call me miss." Maria said, standing up and brushing the sand off of herself before doing the same for Stella.

May 23rd, 17, 04:38 AM
"Well...mommy tells me that I need to treat the maids with respect. Umm...I guess I want a sandwich maybe...the maids just pick out what I get to eat so I don't know what I want." Stella told her.

May 23rd, 17, 04:41 AM
Maria shook her head. "Well you calling me miss makes me feel weird. We're friends, remember silly? And if your mommy has a problem with you just calling me Maria, I'll take care of it, okay?" she said and she led the girl to the dining room.

"I'll have your sandwich ready in a minute, you just sit tight." she said, reluctantly putting the teen into an oversized highchair before she went off to make the sandwich. A few minutes later, she brought back a turkey and cheese sandwich on a childish looking plate, which she set in front of Stella.

May 23rd, 17, 04:45 AM
"Thank you Maria!" Stella told her as she started eating it, getting crumbs on her because she was never thought how to eat properly.

May 23rd, 17, 04:46 AM
"You're welcome Stella." Maria said, sitting down and munching on a few crackers.

May 23rd, 17, 04:48 AM
After a few minutes, Stella told Maria "Okay, I'm done." as she sat in her highchair and waited to be let out.

May 23rd, 17, 04:50 AM
Maria took the plate to the sink and came back with a paper towel to clean Stella's face. Once the girl was clean, she was finally let down from the chair. "Feel better?"

May 23rd, 17, 04:51 AM
"Yeah...Maria, I feel full." Stella told her as her feet hit the ground.

May 23rd, 17, 04:52 AM
"That's good munchkin. What do you want to do now?" Maria asked.

May 23rd, 17, 04:54 AM
(Oh, I figure that I'll let you know that I want you to decide when Stella wets or messes herself.)

"Hmm...how about I can play with my toys in here for a bit?" Stella asked Maria.

May 23rd, 17, 04:56 AM
(oh, okay.)

"Sure, let's go." Maria said, leading Stella back to her room. "Go grab a bunch of toys and we'll play for a bit with whatever you grab. Sound fun?"

May 23rd, 17, 05:00 AM
"Are you sure? I'm sure they'll be boring for you." Stella asked Maria as she looked around for what exactly she could play with.

May 23rd, 17, 05:02 AM
"I'm sure Stella. It doesn't bother me. So go get some toys so we can play for a bit." Maria said, chuckling.

May 23rd, 17, 05:04 AM
Stella nodded and looked around to see what toys she could pick from.

May 24th, 17, 02:52 AM
Jane ensured her daughter's toy selection was, to the last, childish or outright infantile. There were rattles, stuffed dolls, building blocks, stacking rings, little boards with shapes cut out that you had to find the block that fit, and a myriad of other toys. While the age range of the toys was infuriating to Maria, she had to admit, there was no shortage in what Stella could have within that range.

May 24th, 17, 02:54 AM
Stella picked out two stuffed dolls and handed one to Maria as she sat down with the other.

May 24th, 17, 03:00 AM
Maria smiled and sat next to Stella, playing with her doll to make her charge happy. "See, this isn't boring munchkin. It would be if I was alone. But I have you, so it's not so bad." she said.

May 24th, 17, 03:04 AM
Stella nodded a bit as she played with her "Still, I kinda want to do something else than this today...It's a nice summer day so maybe I can play in the pool for a bit?" It was clear to Maria that Stella meant the kiddy pool since she never seen a real pool before.

May 24th, 17, 03:06 AM
"Alright. Let's put our dolls away and I'll get you into a swim diaper and your bathing suit." Maria said, putting her doll back into the box. She went into Stella's closet and grabbed her one-piece bathing suit before grabbing a swim diaper from the box, waiting for the teen to put her toy away before getting her ready.

May 24th, 17, 03:09 AM
Stella smiled as she put her doll away and walked to Maria to get changed.

May 24th, 17, 03:13 AM
Maria picked her up and set her on the changing table. She noticed that Stella had wet her diaper a little, which was fine, at least it wasn't a total waste.

Once the old diaper was thrown away and the girl was wiped down, she put her into the swim diaper and her bathing suit. "Is it tight or anything?" she asked as she helped Stella sit up. "If it is, I can get you a new one by tomorrow."

May 24th, 17, 03:15 AM
Stella looked at her swimsuit and swim diaper before telling Maria "Yeah, they're kinda a bit tight but I should be fine for today."

May 24th, 17, 03:18 AM
"Alright. Let's go get you into the pool munchkin." Maria said as she helped Stella to the ground. "Oh, before then, where do you keep the sunblock?" she asked. Being new, she hadn't quite figured out where everything was.

May 24th, 17, 03:21 AM
"Umm...I think it's with the other pool stuff...maybe?" Stella told her, not knowing because the other maids kept her away from doing any sort of work.

May 24th, 17, 04:25 PM
Maria picked her up and carried her, figuring it was far easier than having her walk in a swimsuit that was even a little tight, especially if they were going to end up walking all over to get to what they needed. When they came across another maid, Maria asked where the pool stuff was. After getting directions, she carried Stella there.

After setting the girl down, she grabbed a towel, some water wings, an floating ring and the sunblock. "Think you can handle walking to the pool in that munchkin?" she asked, figuring if not, she could rearrange her grip and carry the stuff and Stella at the same time.

May 24th, 17, 04:32 PM
"Yeah, I can." Stella told Maria as stood up a bit wobbly but was otherwise able to walk with Maria.

May 25th, 17, 12:23 AM
Maria always made sure to remain within arm's reach, just to be safe. If Stella were to fall, she'd be right there to hold on to. After a bit, they reached the pool. It was a little deeper than a regular kiddie pool to accommodate the one using it.

She set the stuff down and began to apply the sunscreen. "Close your eyes for a second so I can get your face, munchkin." she instructed.

May 25th, 17, 12:28 AM
Stella nodded as she closed her eyes.

May 25th, 17, 12:32 AM
Maria did what she needed to do. She then slid the water wings onto Stella's arms, picked her up and set her in the pool. "There you go. Now have some fun." she said, smiling.

May 25th, 17, 12:35 AM
Stella smiled as she started to splash water about as she sat in the pool.

May 25th, 17, 12:36 AM
Maria laughed as she watched Stella splash around. The sight was cute in a way, that she could never deny.

May 25th, 17, 12:38 AM
After a bit of splashing around, Stella asked Maria "So, do you think I can go out tomorrow? Like, not the backyard out?"

May 25th, 17, 12:41 AM
"Where do you want to go? If I can, I'll take you anywhere you want to go." Maria said, wondering what Stella had planned. She just hoped she didn't have to crush the poor girl's dreams in the end.

May 25th, 17, 12:45 AM
"Well...I hear that there's a attraction park nearby but I never went to it before. It could be nice to go there, but I'll be fine with anywhere you want to go to. I just want to go out for a bit." Stella told her as moved about in the pool to get to another spot.

May 25th, 17, 12:50 AM
Maria sighed, hoping she could spare Stella from being too hopeful only to be crushed in the end. "I have to ask your mommy if it's okay first. I'd love to take you if she lets me." she said, making a mental note to ask Jane later.

May 25th, 17, 12:52 AM
Stella nodded as she went back to playing in the pool. Before too much longer, she stood up and tried to get out of the pool on her own.

May 25th, 17, 01:05 AM
Maria helped her out of the pool and carried her over to the towel. "Why didn't you tell me you wanted out?" she asked as she started to dry her off.

May 25th, 17, 01:07 AM
"I guess I just wanted to be a big girl and do it myself..." Stella told her as she was being dried off.

May 25th, 17, 01:11 AM
"Oh munchkin...I know you want to be a big girl." Maria said. While it was her job to protect Stella and baby her as much as she could, it drove her to the brink of madness. "If you want my personal opinion, being a big girl isn't all its cracked up to be. You have to worry about the toilet, you have to do literally everything for yourself...it's really stressful."

May 25th, 17, 01:14 AM
"Toilet, what's that?" Stella asked Maria with the confusion clear on her face.

May 25th, 17, 01:19 AM
Maria mentally screamed at herself for mentioning the toilet, knowing it'd just confuse Stella. "Well...it's what big kids use when they need to...go. You know? We can't use our underwear cause they're not diapers, so we go into the toilet." she explained, trying to keep it simple as possible.

May 25th, 17, 01:22 AM
"Oh...but how do you go into it?" Stella asked her, still a bit confused over it.

May 25th, 17, 01:25 AM
"Well, boys can stand up to pee into it, girls just sit down both ways. Then you clean yourself up and flush it, sending all you let out down into the sewer." Maria said. "You go when you feel the need to. But even big kids don't make it all the time. Doesn't a diaper sound a lot more convenient in that case?"

May 25th, 17, 01:27 AM
Stella nodded "Yeah, it does...anyway I wanna go watch TV." She told Maria.

May 25th, 17, 05:27 PM
Maria smiled. "Sure thing." With the fact Stella was damp, it was just easier to carry her back to her room. Once there, she stripped the girl and got her into a regular diaper and her normal clothes.

"What do you want to watch munchkin?" she asked when they got to the living room. Stella's choices for television were, like everything else, limited to TV for babies and very young children, mostly just shows that aired on PBS.

May 25th, 17, 05:49 PM
"Umm...can you pick it out for me?" Stella asked Maria as she sat on the couch.

May 25th, 17, 05:53 PM
Maria sat down next to Stella and turned on Clifford the Big Red Dog. "Anything else you want munchkin?" she asked.

May 25th, 17, 05:59 PM
"Water please." Stella told her as she went to watch the show.

May 25th, 17, 06:02 PM
Maria got up and got a baby bottle of water for Stella and a regular glass for herself. "Can you hold it yourself or want me to hold it for you?" she asked, setting her glass on a coaster. "I'll let you decide."

May 25th, 17, 06:04 PM
"I want you to hold it for me." Stella told her as she laid her head down in her lap.

May 25th, 17, 06:09 PM
Maria smiled and lowered the nipple into Stella's mouth. "Drink up." she said.

May 25th, 17, 06:12 PM
Stella started to suck and drink her water. When she finished after a few minutes, she asked Maria "Hey, what do you wear normally? I just wanna know what a big girl wears."

May 25th, 17, 06:19 PM
"Well, the only difference between us is what we wear under our pants." Maria said, sitting Stella up and putting her on her lap. "Some big girls wear skirts but I've never been a fan of those when I want to relax." As she spoke she started bouncing the younger girl on her knee playfully.

May 25th, 17, 06:21 PM
Stella giggled as she was being bounced and told Maria "Well I think I like skirts and dresses, but onesies are also cute!"

May 25th, 17, 06:23 PM
"You in anything is cute munchkin." Maria said. "You're being really curious about being a big girl today. What's up with that?" she asked, wondering what Stella was thinking about.

May 25th, 17, 06:25 PM
"Well...I guess I just wanna see what it's like being one, if I can be one if I wanted to, and why I'm stuck as a little girl." Stella told Maria.

May 25th, 17, 06:29 PM
Maria stopped bouncing her knee and hugged Stella. "I'm sorry munchkin. But want me to be honest? I'm a little jealous of you. I miss being little sometimes."

May 25th, 17, 06:33 PM
"Well...I guess even big girls want to be little girls from time to time..." Stella said out loud as she tried to make sense of it. "Maybe I can still be a little girl, but with a little bit of a big girl in me as well..."

May 25th, 17, 06:35 PM
"That's right. And I'll answer any big girl questions you have." Maria said, resuming her bouncing to break the somber mood.

May 25th, 17, 06:38 PM
"Well...can I try to be a little more like a big girl? I wanna see what it's like! I wanna to go places and not be forced to play with boring baby toys!" Stella asked her as she was bounced.

May 25th, 17, 06:40 PM
"I'll have to talk to your mommy. But I'll do what I can, okay?" Maria said, hoping that the promise would placate Stella for the time being. "If it were up to me, we'd be half-way to the zoo right now."

May 25th, 17, 06:42 PM
"Okay Maria!" Stella told her as she bounced on Maria's knee.

May 25th, 17, 06:48 PM
"If you could do one big girl thing, what would it be?" Maria wondered. She wanted to see just how much thought Stella was willing to put into this idea.

May 25th, 17, 06:50 PM
"Umm...I guess be able to go out and have fun like a big girl would, I really don't find baby toys to be as fun as they used to be for me." Stella told Maria.

May 25th, 17, 06:52 PM
"Alright. When I talk to your mommy, I'll tell her that this is something you really want." Maria said, silently vowing to do whatever she had to do, even if she really did have to make the stars move to make Stella happy.

May 25th, 17, 06:54 PM
"Okay, thanks Maria." Stella told her as she began to feel as if she was sitting on something mushy.

May 25th, 17, 06:56 PM
"You're welcome munchkin. Maria said before she realized Stella had used her diaper. "Stella, did you poop?" she asked.

May 25th, 17, 06:57 PM
"I think so." Stella told her with no sign of embarrassment to show.

May 25th, 17, 07:00 PM
Maria stood up and carried the girl back to her room to change her. "So munchkin, since you get to ask what it's like to be a big girl, can I ask how it is to be little?" she asked as she laid her down and untaped the dirty diaper and started wiping her down.

May 25th, 17, 07:03 PM
"Well it's okay I guess, I don't have to do any work and can relax but it's a bit boring just doing little girl stuff day after day." Stella explained to her.

May 25th, 17, 07:07 PM
Maria finished diapering while she talked. "I'm sure it's a little boring from your perspective but from my angle, it'd be sort of neat. Does that make some sense?" she asked, helping Stella off the table and fixing her pants.

May 25th, 17, 07:08 PM
"Not really..." Stella told her, confused at what she was meaning.

May 25th, 17, 07:11 PM
"Being little sounds relaxing after working all the time." Maria said, trying to explain. "I know, it sounds weird since you don't know how stressful being big is." she continued, leading Stella back to the living room so they could finish the episode they were watching.

May 25th, 17, 07:13 PM
After watching it, Stella let out a yawn and said out loud "I feel like I could take a nap..."

May 25th, 17, 07:15 PM
Maria held her and started rocking her. "Then go to sleep munchkin. I'll carry you to your crib in a second."

May 25th, 17, 07:15 PM
Stella nodded and closed her eyes before quickly falling asleep.

May 25th, 17, 07:21 PM
Maria smiled, glad Stella was able to relax. She carried her back to her crib and tucked her in. "Sleep tight munchkin." she said before setting up a baby monitor so she'd know when the girl woke up. Once that was done, she went to clean up the house a little.

May 25th, 17, 07:24 PM
A few hours later, Stella woke up and stood up in her crib and called out "I'm up."

May 25th, 17, 07:28 PM
A few minutes later, Maria came in. "Feel better?" she asked, walking over to pick her up. She noticed Stella's diaper had leaked, probably from all the water she had drunk just before going to bed.

May 25th, 17, 07:30 PM
Stella nodded "Yeah, I feel a lot better...and sorry that my diaper leaked..." She told Maria as it was clear that her pants where soaked and her crib bedding was a little wet in some spots.

May 25th, 17, 07:34 PM
"It's not something you need to be sorry for munchkin. Let me get you all cleaned up and in a fresh diaper." Maria said, smiling and patting her charge, carrying the soaked girl to the changing table and getting her all taken care of. "Do you want to put on pants or just run around in a shirt and diaper for now?" she asked. Even if she had to do everything for Stella, she still always valued the girl's opinion on things.

May 25th, 17, 07:36 PM
"I'll be fine in just a shirt and diaper for now, but a onesie would be cute as well." Stella told her as she stood up.

May 25th, 17, 07:38 PM
Maria grabbed a bright pink onesie and changed her into it. "You're right, that is really cute on you." she said. "So now that you had your nap, what's next on our agenda today?"

May 25th, 17, 07:40 PM
"Supper! I'm hungry!" Stella playfully called out to Maria.

May 25th, 17, 08:14 PM
Maria smiled and grabbed her hand. "And what are you hungry for princess?" she asked as she led the way to the dining room.

May 25th, 17, 08:27 PM
"I don't know, why don't you pick it out?" Stella asked her, smiling because Maria called her a princess.

May 25th, 17, 08:34 PM
"Then it'll be a surprise." Maria said. She got Stella locked into the high chair and went to see what she could make. After looking around for a bit, she decided to make some pan-fried pork chops. She got everything set up and started cooking. While the meat was frying, she squirted some lemon juice into the pan to give them a bit of flavor.

She opened a can of green beans and warmed them up in the microwave. After a few minutes, the pork was done. She cut Stella's into tiny bite-sized pieces and spooned some green beans onto the plate. She carried the plates into the dining room. "Hope you like it." she said, putting the one plat onto the high chair's tray before she sat down and started eating hers.

May 25th, 17, 08:37 PM
Stella started to eat her's. "Hmm...it's good!" Stella told Maria before going on "Did you talk to mommy about the stuff I wanna do yet?"

May 25th, 17, 08:43 PM
"I'm glad you like it. And yeah, I did. She'll let you go to the zoo with me tomorrow and I still have to treat you like a little girl the whole time, but at least we can go." Maria said, smiling. "Is that a fair deal? I had to kinda promise not to have you do too much big girl stuff even while we're out." She hoped it would work for Stella, even with the annoying caveat she had to put into it.

May 25th, 17, 08:46 PM
"Hmm...I think it'll work..." Stella told Maria, hoping that she could at least have more fun out there than being stuck with just baby toys to play with.

May 25th, 17, 08:50 PM
"Then its settled. You and I are having a girl's day out at the zoo. You know, being so accepting that you have to be treated like a little girl is proof you're a bigger girl than you know." Maria said, sort of proud of Stella.

May 25th, 17, 08:51 PM
"It is? How?" Stella asked as she was confused.

May 25th, 17, 08:56 PM
"Simple. You don't like being treated this way but you understand I have to in order to get you some freedom. Remember how I promised to do anything I could to help you? This is you helping me help you." Maria said, eating some of her pork chop to distract herself and collect her thoughts.

"Big kids sometimes have to make really hard choices and have to compromise between them in order to get the better one. Just like now. I have to treat you like you're a little kid but in return, you get exactly what you want, a trip outside."

May 25th, 17, 08:59 PM
"Oh, I get it a little bit better now...I think." Stella told her as she went back to eating her pork chops, getting some of it on her face.

May 25th, 17, 09:17 PM
"It's okay to not be sure of things. That's another big girl thing too." Maria said, trying not to laugh as she saw Stella's pork chop covered face.

May 25th, 17, 09:22 PM
Stella smiled at Maria as she kept eating until she finished. "Done!" She told her as she finished.

May 25th, 17, 09:27 PM
Maria finished her own plate. "Even the green beans. Good girl." she said, taking the plates into the kitchen and scrubbing them. She came back with a rag and cleaned Stella's face before helping her out of the high chair.

May 25th, 17, 09:29 PM
"I wanna get ready for our trip tomorrow! How do I do that?" Stella asked her once she got out of the high chair.

May 25th, 17, 09:32 PM
"Somebody's excited." Maria said, glad the girl was looking forward to the trip. "Let's go get your clothes figured out so when I get you dressed, we can go." she said as taking Stella back to her room. "I want you to decide what you'll wear, though since it'll be really warm, maybe shorts would be smarter than pants."

May 25th, 17, 09:36 PM
"Hmm...what about shortalls? They're like coveralls but look like shorts instead." Stella told Maria.

May 25th, 17, 09:40 PM
Maria nodded. "Go get a pair out of your dresser and a shirt too." she instructed, always staying close just in case something happened.

May 25th, 17, 09:45 PM
Stella went and got out a bright pink shortall with the word 'Princess' on the front of it covered with glitter. She then asked Maria. "Is it okay if I wear a onesie instead of a shirt?"

May 25th, 17, 09:46 PM
Maria thought for a moment. "That's fine. Which onesie do you want to wear?" she asked.

May 25th, 17, 09:50 PM
"I don't know...let me look for a bit." Stella told her as she looked at what onesies she could pick from. She also looked at the shirts as she could pick on of those instead if she liked one better.

May 25th, 17, 09:55 PM
Most of the onesies were solid colors, though a few had patterns all over them; clouds, flowers, various animals. Her shirts were the same way, some covered in babyish cartoons like Clifford, Blue's Clues, Paw Patrol and Dora the Explorer.

May 25th, 17, 09:59 PM
Stella picked out a sky blue onesie with white clouds on them and handed them to Maria. "I wanna wear those tomorrow! I'll let you pick out my diapers for tomorrow, just pick out the cutest ones please." She told Maria.

May 25th, 17, 10:01 PM
Maria took the clothes and set them atop the dresser, neatly folded up. "I'll pick them tomorrow when I pack your diaper bag." she said. "And I promise, I'll pick out the cutest ones I can find."

May 25th, 17, 10:04 PM
"O...Oh, okay...can't we pack it now though?" Stella asked Maria.

May 25th, 17, 10:18 PM
"Would it make you happy if we packed up right now?" Maria asked, already having more than a gut feeling what the answer would be. Stella was obviously excited for the trip, and that enthusiasm was infectious.

May 25th, 17, 10:21 PM
"Yeah, it would!" Stella plainly told Maria.

May 25th, 17, 10:24 PM
Maria grabbed Stella's diaper bag from the closet. It was bright pink and had her name embroidered on it. "As you wish, my adorable little princess." she teased, bowing a little playfully.

Once she had the bag set on the changing table, she filled it up with a bunch of different styles of diapers, the ones she had always thought Stella was cutest in.

May 25th, 17, 10:27 PM
Stella giggled as she looked inside the bag, curious as to what diapers Maria picked out for her and what they looked like.

May 25th, 17, 10:55 PM
They were very babyish in appearance with various colors at the leg, depending on the pattern. The flower-themed diapers had pink, the cloud theme had sky blue, the paw-print ones had green.

Maria saw Stella snooping through the bag. "Are they cute enough?" she asked.

May 25th, 17, 10:57 PM
"Yeah, they're very cute!" Stella told Maria as she let her pack the rest of the bag up.

May 25th, 17, 11:00 PM
Maria left the room only long enough to get a bottle that she put in one of the other pockets. She then put the changing supplies with the diapers and zipped the main bag shut.

"I'm glad you liked my choices." she said, glad Stella was happy.

May 25th, 17, 11:03 PM
"So what else do I need to do to get ready for tomorrow?" Stella cheerfully asked Maria.

May 25th, 17, 11:06 PM
"Well first, a bath. I'll let you wear your onesie when you're done since it's not dirty but I want to make sure you're clean." Maria said, grabbing Stella's hand. "The second thing you need to do is just be a good girl or else the deal's off the table. I can't take a bad girl to the zoo, now can I?"

May 25th, 17, 11:07 PM
"Well I promise to be a good girl!" Stella told Maria as she followed her.

May 25th, 17, 11:17 PM
"You've always been a good girl, so I don't think I need to worry about that." Maria said, leading her to the bathroom that was modified just to removed the toilet so Stella never saw one in her life. She grabbed a towel from the closet and started the water. "Want a bubble bath?" she asked as the tub filled.

May 25th, 17, 11:19 PM
"Yes please." Stella told her as she started to push to see if she could go potty in her diaper before getting into the bath.

May 25th, 17, 11:27 PM
Stella messed herself a little.

Maria poured in some bubble solution and swirled it around, getting the water nice and foamy. Once the tub was full, she turned off the water and started to undress the young girl. "Good thing you pooped before I got you into the tub." she said, undoing the diaper and throwing it into the trash and helping Stella into the tub. "Is it too hot?" she asked, hoping it wasn't.

May 25th, 17, 11:32 PM
"No, it's just fine." Stella told her as she let out a sigh of content as she sat in the bath.

May 25th, 17, 11:35 PM
Maria started washing Stella's arms, chest and back. "Stand up for me so I can get your diaper area and legs." she instructed once she was done, letting the girl move at her own pace.

May 25th, 17, 11:36 PM
Stella nodded as she slowly stood up, wobbling a bit as she did so.

May 25th, 17, 11:39 PM
Maria held her up and proceeded to wash her lower half, always moving slowly to prevent Stella from falling. Once that was done, she helped her sit back down. "I need to do your hair now munchkin. Close your eyes so I don't get any soap in them." she said before lathering shampoo in her hair.

May 25th, 17, 11:41 PM
Stella nodded as she closed her eyes for her.

May 25th, 17, 11:43 PM
Maria grabbed the shower head and rinsed Stella's hair. "There we go. All clean for tomorrow. Do you want to play with the bubbles or get out?" she asked, putting the shower head back.

May 25th, 17, 11:44 PM
"I wanna play a bit with the bubbles." Stella told her as she started to play with them.

May 25th, 17, 11:49 PM
Maria pulled out a little stool from under the sink and sat down, watching Stella play. "Let me know when you get bored." she said.

May 25th, 17, 11:51 PM
Stella nodded and then asked her "What about tomorrow? Will I have to ride in a stroller because I'm a bad walker?"

May 25th, 17, 11:52 PM
"Yeah you will munchkin. Though any time you want to walk, I'll let you out and you can just walk with me, okay?" Maria said. "And when you're not in your stroller, you will be holding my hand at all times."

May 25th, 17, 11:55 PM
"Okay, that's kinda a relief to hear. I guess I'll have to do a lot of work if I ever want to become a big girl...if that day ever comes." Stella told Maria as she played with the bubbles.

May 26th, 17, 12:00 AM
Maria silently vowed to herself that one day she'd let Stella grow up. "Yeah, but if that day ever comes, I will be there for you. Even if it doesn't, I'll take care of you. I promise."

May 26th, 17, 12:03 AM
"You're so...serious, why are you making a big deal of it?" Stella asked Maria, noticing that she was acting a bit odd with that promise.

May 26th, 17, 12:05 AM
"Because, I want you to be happy Stella. Even if you don't become a big girl, I want you to be happy being you. And as long as I can, I'll be there for you." Maria said.

May 26th, 17, 12:07 AM
"Okay..." Stella told her as she went back to playing. After a few minutes, she told Maria "Okay, I'm ready to get out."

May 26th, 17, 12:21 AM
Maria pulled the drain and pulled Stella out of the tub, drying her off quickly. Looking around, she realized she forgot to grab a diaper. "You sit right here. I have to run back to your room quick." she said, walking out of the bathroom. Thankfully, Stella's room was right next door but she still hated leaving her alone.

A minute later, she returned with a diaper. She put it on the teen and dressed her in her onesie. "There you go. All clean, dressed and diapered."

May 26th, 17, 12:24 AM
"That's good, I like being dressed and diapered!" Stella told her before asking "Can I be put into my baby walker? I kinda wanna walk around on my own for a while."

May 26th, 17, 12:28 AM
Maria carried her over to the walker and placed her in it. "There you go. Do you need or want anything else?" she asked.

May 26th, 17, 12:30 AM
"Nope, I'm good!" Stella told her as she walked around Maria in the walker for a few seconds. "I feel so free in here, like I can go anywhere I want to." She told Maria.

May 26th, 17, 12:32 AM
Maria laughed as Stella walked around her. "That's right sweetie, you can go anywhere." she encouraged the girl.

May 26th, 17, 12:34 AM
Stella smiled as she told Maria "Then I'm going to mommy's room!", as she started to walk to her room.

May 26th, 17, 12:38 AM
Maria walked right behind Stella, always keeping the girl in sight and in arm's reach in case anything happened.

Jane's room was relatively empty other than her bed, dresser, a nightstand and a cabinet with a TV on it. While Stella was allowed into the room, she was always forbidden from going through anything. "Why'd you want to come here munchkin?"

May 26th, 17, 12:41 AM
"You just told me that I could go anywhere I wanted, so I did! I kinda wonder what mommy has in here, she never lets me look..." Stella told Maria as she walked around the room a bit.

May 26th, 17, 12:46 AM
"I can't let you look either. Your mommy would fire me in a heartbeat." Maria said, still keeping close to Stella.

May 26th, 17, 12:47 AM
Stella pouted "Why doesn't she want me to look at her stuff? I just wanna have fun, why can't she understand that?"

May 26th, 17, 01:02 AM
Maria knelt down next to Stella. "I'm sure she does understand that sweetie. But adults need their privacy, especially your mommy. She runs a very big company you know. There's probably things she needs for work all around here and we shouldn't mess it up."

May 26th, 17, 01:20 AM
"I can't even look though her clothes? I wanna see what she wears in place of diapers." Stella told Maria.

May 26th, 17, 01:25 AM
Maria smiled a little. "Why don't we wait on that so we don't get in trouble before our zoo trip?" she asked, using the trip as leverage to get Stella to relent.

May 26th, 17, 01:27 AM
Stella thought a bit before telling her "Okay, I'll wait but I really wanna see what all she wears in place of diapers."

May 26th, 17, 01:29 AM
"I'll show you another time princess. But do you want your mommy to get mad at us? I sure don't cause if I get fired, I won't be able to see you anymore." Maria said. She was starting to love the girl in a sisterly way, and she enjoyed spending time with her.

May 26th, 17, 01:31 AM
"No, I don't want to get mommy mad..." Stella told her in a manner that hinted that she gave that answer many times before.

May 26th, 17, 01:33 AM
Maria caught the tone of what Stella said more than the words. "Tell you what, if you're really good tomorrow, I'll see what I can do about a sleepover tomorrow night. Will that cheer you up?"

May 26th, 17, 01:35 AM
"A sleepover? What's that?" Stella asked Maria as she stood in her baby walker.

May 26th, 17, 01:37 AM
Maria giggled a little. Stella's reaction was too cute for words. "A sleepover is when friends stay the night in the same house and share a room all night." she explained, trying to keep it simple. "Does that sound fun?"

May 26th, 17, 01:39 AM
"It kinda does, yeah. But...where is it going to be at?" Stella asked her.

May 26th, 17, 01:41 AM
"I was thinking we could do it at my place. I mean, your mommy trusts me, so I don't think it'll be an issue." Maria said. "Or do you want to stay home and I'll sleep in your room?"

May 26th, 17, 01:42 AM
"I kinda wanna do it at your house, it seems fun to spend the night someplace that isn't here." Stella told her

May 26th, 17, 01:44 AM
Maria stood up. "Then I'll talk to your mommy about it. But you know I'll have to baby you while you're with me. Just because you're at my house doesn't mean the rules change."

May 26th, 17, 01:45 AM
"I know..." Stella sounded a little unhappy before going on "But it's for the best I guess, I'm not ready to be a big girl yet."

May 26th, 17, 01:48 AM
Maria patted her on the head. "And once again, you proved you at least know how to be a big girl." she said, proudly beaming.

May 26th, 17, 01:50 AM
"Is that really true? I don't feel like it." Stella asked her.

May 26th, 17, 01:52 AM
"Just because you wear diapers doesn't mean you aren't a big girl Stella. Remember what I said earlier? You're acting like a big girl by accepting that certain things have to be a certain way for you to get what you want." Maria said. Even if Stella didn't understand it, she did and she was proud of the teen for making such a leap.

May 26th, 17, 01:54 AM
"I don't get it...but okay. Anyway, where can I go to now? I still wanna walk in my walker! It makes walking fun instead of a pain." Stella asked Maria.

May 26th, 17, 01:56 AM
"Well, where do you want to go?" Maria asked. "Remember, I said you could go anywhere, so long as I'm with you when you go."

May 26th, 17, 01:58 AM
"That's just it, I don't know where I wanna walk to now. Please pick a place for me." Stella told Maria.

May 26th, 17, 02:05 AM
"Well, how we walk into the living room and go from there?" Maria suggested.

May 26th, 17, 02:06 AM
"Okay Maria!" Stella told her as she started to walk to the living room.

May 26th, 17, 02:08 AM
Maria walked with her. "You're not tired of walking yet are you?" she asked, not wanting to push Stella too far.

May 26th, 17, 02:10 AM
"I...kinda am...standing and walking is hard work even in a walker..." Stella told her as she entered the living room.

May 26th, 17, 02:12 AM
"You're doing good sweetie. Just make it back to your room and we'll call it quits with the walker. You can do it." Maria said encouraged. "Just a little more. Are you up to it?"

May 26th, 17, 02:15 AM
"O...Okay..." Stella told her as she tried to get to her room. Once she entered her room, she sat back in the seat to catch her breath a bit.

May 26th, 17, 02:17 AM
"I'm so proud of you. You made it all the way and didn't complain once." Maria said, kneeling next to the walker.

May 26th, 17, 02:19 AM
"Y...Yeah, I'm pooped though...maybe even in my diaper too..." Stella told her as she rested in the walker's seat.

May 26th, 17, 02:34 AM
Maria carried her over to the changing table, still smiling proudly. "Once I get you changed, I'll get you a bottle of water." she said as she took care of the soiled diaper. After the new one was in place, she set the girl back her walker for a second. "Stay put munchkin." she instructed, going to get the water.

She came back and carried Stella over to the rocking chair in the corner, holding the bottle for her to drink.

May 26th, 17, 02:37 AM
Stella drank from the bottle as she rested. Once she finished with the bottle, she was asleep within minutes.

May 26th, 17, 02:47 AM
Maria set the bottle on the little table nearby and carried Stella to her crib and tucked her in, making sure she was peacefully asleep. Once she was sure, she made sure everything was good to go for the morning's adventure. With that done, she walked out of the room and went to clean up a little before going home for the night.

May 26th, 17, 02:49 AM
Once morning came, Stella let out a yawn as she sat up in her crib.

May 26th, 17, 02:52 AM
Maria had just walked in after making sure Stella's car seat was put into her vehicle properly. "Morning sleepy head. Ready for the zoo trip?" she asked, walking over to pick the girl up.

May 26th, 17, 02:55 AM
"Yeah, I am!" Stella excitedly told her as she was picked up.

May 26th, 17, 02:58 AM
Maria changed Stella's diaper quickly. "I'm glad. I talked to your mommy last night. If you're good, we'll get our sleepover."

May 26th, 17, 02:59 AM
"Well I'll be really good for you then." She told Maria as she looked to see what diaper she was changed into.

May 26th, 17, 03:01 AM
The diaper had little star patterns on them with dark blue bands at the legs

"That makes me happy. I've wanted to have a sleepover for a while now you know." Maria said as she helped Stella get dressed.

May 26th, 17, 03:04 AM
"You have?" Stella asked her as she was being dressed.

May 26th, 17, 03:08 AM
Maria nodded. "Yep. It just took me a while to get your mommy to trust me enough to let me do this. As long as we play by her rules, I think I can let you do a lot more now. We can have more trips like this if everything works out." she said, grabbing Stella's shoes and putting them on her.

May 26th, 17, 03:11 AM
"Let me do a lot more? What all do you mean by that?" Stella asked her as she was put into her shoes, looking at them to see which one of her shoes she put her into.

May 26th, 17, 03:15 AM
The shoes were hot pink and had motion-activated LEDs in the sole that would light up as she walked.

"More trips out and about. You'll be with me every time but I'll find fun places for us to go on those days. Your mommy and I had a long talk about it, today is sort of a test to see how well you do." Maria explained. "And if the sleepover goes well, you'll be allowed to come over to my house to play on some nights."

May 26th, 17, 03:17 AM
"Oh, okay. Well then, can we get going?" Stella asked Maria as she stood up, wobbling as she did so.

May 26th, 17, 03:23 AM
"I was just about to suggest that." Maria grabbed her hand and grabbing the diaper bag and led her to her car, an old red Ford Taurus. She helped the girl into her car seat and buckled her in, getting into the driver's seat a moment later. Once she was buckled in, she started the long drive to the zoo.

"This is the furthest you've ever been away from home, isn't it?" she asked as she got onto the freeway.

May 26th, 17, 03:25 AM
"Yeah...I think so." Stella told her as she sat in her car seat, looking out the window to help pass the time.

May 26th, 17, 03:29 AM
Maria smiled. "Well, it'll still be an hour before we get there." she said.

May 26th, 17, 03:31 AM
"An hour...I hope I don't get bored by then..." Stella told her as she looked around the car to see what was inside it.

May 26th, 17, 03:39 AM
There wasn't much in the car, Maria kept it meticulously clean, and she hadn't thought to grab anything for Stella to play with.

"You'll be fine munchkin. Just be good for me, okay?" she replied.

May 26th, 17, 03:41 AM
"Okay, I will..." Stella told her as she waited for them to get there.

May 26th, 17, 03:46 AM
Because Maria had sped a little, they arrived a few minutes ahead of schedule. She found a parking spot close to the entrance. She parked and got out, helping Stella out and the grabbed the stroller, getting her secured into it. "So what animal do you want to see first?" she asked as she pushed the stroller towards the gate.

May 26th, 17, 03:50 AM
"Umm...a zebra maybe." Stella told her as she sat in the stroller.