View Full Version : Riyusse mana house {welcomes everyone diapered or not]

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August 18th, 13, 08:00 AM
welcome to the Riyusse mana house, any one and every one is welcome

2 things we need are care givers and children, so if interested come and see us

August 24th, 13, 01:31 AM
I slip and fall as I reach the doorway of a house. My black panther ears twitch as I hear the factory workers close behind. I am a neko and have solely been entertainment for them and their boss. Locked in a cage and chained up. I do not wish for this anymore. A baby diaper is fastened around my waist and a torn ragged t-shirt blows in the wind. I find a small corner shrouded in darkness and lay completely still hoping that they will pass me by.

August 24th, 13, 02:07 AM
"hey back off" i said as i jumped and landed beside the boy "you dont wanna get hurt suggest you run" i said as they took off at the site of my blades "little one are you hurt, are you ok" i asked as i checked him out

August 24th, 13, 02:24 AM
You find on my body, bruises, scars and even some open wounds. I just gaze up at you and embrace you scared but happy you came. I swallow before speaking.

"Thank you," I say clinging tightly to you.

August 24th, 13, 04:09 AM
"come in you can stay here kay" i say as i take you inside and take care of your wounds then i diaper you and put you in a nice sleeper

August 25th, 13, 05:55 PM
Tired I follow you and curl up on the couch before falling asleep. My tail flicks back and forth as I sleep. I suck cutely on my paw while I sleep.

August 25th, 13, 06:28 PM
"hm" i said as i began to make dinner

August 25th, 13, 06:41 PM
After I little cat nap, I yawn and walk over to you and smile. My eyes glisten brightly as I speak.

"What you making daddy," I say curiously as I suck on my paw.

August 25th, 13, 06:45 PM
"mama sweetie and i am making lasagna ok baby" i said as i continued making dinner

August 25th, 13, 06:49 PM
"Oh, sorry mamma. I wuve you," I say sitting in a chair nearby and waiting.

August 25th, 13, 07:07 PM
"i love you baby, its ok" i said as i put the the glass dish in the oven

August 25th, 13, 08:17 PM
a knock could be heard at the door. behind it, stood a boy no older than thirteen. long brown hair stuck to the sides of his face. upon his body were various mechanical parts, including his hands and feet. they were sparking, as though damaged. the boy waited, leaning on the door frame.

August 25th, 13, 08:58 PM
"my lord come in hurry, well get you fixed up" i said as i let him and helped him to sit down

August 25th, 13, 09:02 PM
"i'm..fine. i just need..rest.." the boy gritted out.

August 25th, 13, 09:10 PM
"no your sparking ok you can sleep while i fix you up" i said as i got tool box and began to work on his legs "why is your legs and arms mechanical, young one" i asked

August 25th, 13, 09:30 PM
i'm a watcher. an agent of an empire spanning multiple dimensions. my limbs are as they are because of the implant system installed in my body."

August 25th, 13, 09:43 PM
"oh well stay here for a while" i said "the multiverse huh" i asked

August 25th, 13, 09:53 PM
"i..suppose i should..given that my handlers have put me on the extermination list. i destroyed the tracker, but any dimensional travel will set them right on my trail." i said. staying awake was getting hard. the damage i had taken was taking it's toll. it was easy to tell i was starting to drift out of consciousness.

August 25th, 13, 10:08 PM
"well try not to use your device kay" i said as i laid a blanket on the couch and laid him on the couch after he was fixed

August 25th, 13, 11:28 PM
i nodded slowly before falling unconscious. about 10 minutes later, i began to wet in my sleep.

August 26th, 13, 12:36 AM
"oh dear um hey young one your having a problem" i said as i shook him a bit

August 26th, 13, 12:39 AM
"urgh..wha.." i murmered, slowly awakening with a groan.

August 26th, 13, 12:40 AM
"um well you wet yourself, i have some diapers if your willing to wear them" i said as i got out supplise

August 26th, 13, 12:47 AM
"d-d-diapers?!" i exclaimed. "but..those are for babies.." i wimpered, seeing you grab out suplies.

August 26th, 13, 01:02 AM
"i know some friends that have to wear them for medical reasons so it ok, besides this little one wears them and hes not a baby" i said

August 26th, 13, 01:53 AM
I hide behind you and suck on my paw as I gaze at the stranger. I am actually only a little kitten that need his diapers 24/7. I am also the youngest there so technically I am the baby of the family.

August 26th, 13, 02:16 AM
"its ok baby boy he wont hurt you" i said as i picked him up

August 26th, 13, 02:27 AM
i..guess i'll try them.." i said in an embarrassed tone.

August 26th, 13, 02:50 AM
"come and lay down please" i asked as i patted the blanket "now you can wear a pair of shorts and a tee, a onesie or a sleeper buddie, by the way what is your name

August 26th, 13, 03:09 AM
(why not just the tee and diapers?) i reluctantly lied down on the blanket. "i..i'll take the tee. and..my name is alpha."

August 26th, 13, 03:21 AM
"ok then alpha" i said as i changed him into just a tee and his diaper "well how do they feel buddie " i asked

August 26th, 13, 03:27 AM
"they're..really thick. k-kinda like a pillow between my legs." i said, getting up. between the diaper and just getting my legs fixed, i was unsteady on my feet. in fact, i almost looked like a toddler trying his first steps.

August 26th, 13, 03:29 AM
"here grab my hand, it dinner time any way, would you like a regular chair or a high chair alpha" i asked unsure of what he would want

August 26th, 13, 03:34 AM
i grabbed your hand, waddling beside you to the table "w-would a high chair even f-f-fit me?" i asked, curiously.

August 26th, 13, 03:36 AM
"well yeah i would suppose" i said as i took them to the table getting the high chairs and sit one in each "how that Alpha" i asked

August 26th, 13, 03:59 AM
it's fine." i said, getting myself comfy. i felt really small at that moment.

August 26th, 13, 04:02 AM
i went into the kitchen and got the food out "um ok i will feed the cub if you dont mind eating it yourself, or you can wait and i'll feed you it dosent matter to me" i said as i fixed there plate and then mine

Lovely Thyme
August 26th, 13, 04:16 AM
Jackson and his little sister Abbigale walk up to the door. He lifts the little girl up and knocks loudly.

August 26th, 13, 04:20 AM
"THE DOOR IS OPEN COME IN" i yelled as i heard the door open

Lovely Thyme
August 26th, 13, 04:27 AM
Jackson takes a deep breath before walking in. He had heard about this place and wanted to see if he could help out. Also, he could watch his little sister and not have to send her to daycare. Their parents had kicked them out after finding out that Jackson was gay. He took Abbigale with him to protect her.

August 26th, 13, 04:33 AM
"hello there, and your name hunny" i asked as i sat two more plate on the table

Lovely Thyme
August 26th, 13, 04:34 AM
Jackson smiled a bit. The guy seemed nice and it looked like a safe environment.
"I'm Jackson and this is Abbigale. She likes to be called Abby. May I ask your name?"

Abbigale hid behind her brother's leg. The three year old was very shy and small.

August 26th, 13, 04:36 AM
i sat there, waiting for my food politely.

August 26th, 13, 04:38 AM
"oh little old me, my name is kuro, but most of the kids who run through here call me mama sweetheart, now you seem to be a strong dependable young man to help around here, which tells me that your here for the job right, um unfortunately all i can provide right now is three square meals a day would that be alright with you" i askedas i sat the food on the boys high chair

Lovely Thyme
August 26th, 13, 04:44 AM
Jackson nodded, his smile bigger.
"That's more than I could have asked for. Thank you." he said, setting Abby in a high chair. He soothed her softly before getting her to eat a bit. He could tell she was still scared.

He sighed and looked at Kuro, gently tapping his shoulder.
"Mind if I talk to you alone for a moment?"

August 26th, 13, 04:48 AM
"um sure hunny" i said as we went in to the living room "what would you like to talk to me a bout" i asked

Lovely Thyme
August 26th, 13, 04:51 AM
Jackson looked down at the other man. He was a bit younger than Kuro but also a bit taller. He sighed and decided to be blunt. He explained why him and his sister were here.

August 26th, 13, 04:53 AM
i went ahead and ate my food, though i was slightly embarressed to have a three year old see me in just a diaper and shirt.

August 26th, 13, 04:57 AM
"oh i see know, well you are welcome to stay here, after dinner i was going to do the orentaition of the kids room, i will supply you a room with your sister will that be ok" i asked as i processed the information i was given

Lovely Thyme
August 26th, 13, 05:00 AM
"That would be wonderful. Thank you for understanding." Jackson said truthfully before walking back into the kitchen. He sat down and began to feed his sister after he saw that she had barely touched her food.

Abby ate slowly. She was frightened and worried. What if the other kids didn't like her or what if they had to leave? Having her big brother there was a great relief for her and she hoped to make new friends.

August 26th, 13, 05:07 AM
*a 19 yr old skunk furry knocks on the door wearing all black but he had a warm smile on his face as he holds his resume not knowing the jobs been taken*

August 26th, 13, 05:23 AM
i finished eating and slipped out of the highchair, figuring i'd help out by answering the door. "yeah? who is it?" i asked, waiting for an answer.

August 26th, 13, 05:16 PM
Oh. Hi im roxas ashton prower but people call me rap for short. Is a miss kuro here?

---------- Post added at 01:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 AM ----------

(I meant to say my character is 16)

August 26th, 13, 05:22 PM
"yes hello there i am Kuro" i said as i came into the room

August 26th, 13, 05:30 PM
"after you finish with him, would you mind talking to me" i asked you, going to sit on the couch.

August 26th, 13, 05:34 PM
"yes i will sweetie" i said as i talked to the skunk

August 26th, 13, 05:35 PM
Do you have any odd jobs i could do maam?

August 26th, 13, 05:37 PM
i sat and waited, somewhat apprehensive about what i was going to say.

August 26th, 13, 05:38 PM
"just right now we have the back yard to be mowed hun, i will pay you in meals if you handle the job greatly" i said as i explained to him the job

August 26th, 13, 05:41 PM
Great! Thanks! *i head to the backyard with my lawn mower and within an hour i am finished. I also double check on my hands and knees just incase i missed a spot*

August 26th, 13, 05:46 PM
"good, now alpha what is that you wanted to talk to me a bout" i asked as i sat on the couch

August 26th, 13, 05:55 PM
"w-well..i'm dressed like this and all. and..my damages will take time to heal before i'm even close to my full ability again..i was..w-wondering if maybe you could treat me as a b-baby?" i said bashfully. "s-see..as a watcher, i never had a childhood..and..i'd like to make up for lost time.

August 26th, 13, 05:59 PM
"sure if you want that i think we can do it" i said as i picked him up and sat him on my lap "jackson would you help me get the babies to sleep" i asked

August 26th, 13, 06:02 PM
*i come in after the lawn looks perfect* the lawn is now mowed.

August 26th, 13, 06:05 PM
"kay on the table there is lasagna you cna have some of that kay" i said as i went and made alpha a bottle after it waz done i held it to his lips

August 26th, 13, 06:10 PM
"t-thank you.." i whisper. i blush a bit as i can feel my diaper growing warmer and not just in the front. "u-uh.." i stammer, tearing up in disbelief how much control i was currently lacking.

August 26th, 13, 06:11 PM
Thanks! *i have the lasagna and start getting tired. I try getting up but i feel so exhausted* yawn...that was good...

August 26th, 13, 06:12 PM
"its ok, i will change you" i said as i laid him on a blanket and began to changed him "if you want to the guest bed is down here you can sleep on that for tonight" i said

August 26th, 13, 06:25 PM
Oh thanks...miss....kuro....*i try not to walk into things as i go to bed. Not taking my clothes off i fall in the bed drooling*

August 26th, 13, 06:25 PM
i'm still crying a bit through the change, though i feel a litter better after.

August 26th, 13, 06:31 PM
"hey now its ok you dont mean to it just happen, now would you like your own bed or to sleep with mama Kuro, alpha" i asked him as i noted roxas drooling

August 26th, 13, 06:54 PM
*i lay on the bed fast asleep and dreaming of being popular.*

Lovely Thyme
August 26th, 13, 07:30 PM
Jackson lifted Abbigale and went to Kuro.
"Do you need any help?"

August 26th, 13, 07:32 PM
"the only one left should be the cub, if you can just get him to bed i have the rest kay" i said as i held Alpha

Lovely Thyme
August 26th, 13, 07:35 PM
Jackson nodded and went back into the kitchen. He lifted the little cub and put him down for bed. After a while, he also put Abby down and kissed her goodnight.

August 26th, 13, 07:38 PM
*i start talking in my sleep* genie...i wish....to....be irrisistable.....to girls....

August 26th, 13, 10:30 PM
"c-can i sweep with you..m-mamma?" alpha asked. he was still shaken up a bit, and needed the comfort.

August 26th, 13, 10:40 PM
"yes you can sweetie" i said as i took him in to the bed room, i put the bottle to his lips "drink my little alpha" i asked him

August 26th, 13, 10:47 PM
i slowly began to drink, blushing the whole time.

August 26th, 13, 10:49 PM
"heh ok drink it all ok alpha" i said as i patted his bottom encouraging him to drink

Lovely Thyme
August 26th, 13, 11:35 PM
Jackson walked into the room and watched as Kuro soothed the boy. He smiled a bit and stayed there silently.

August 26th, 13, 11:40 PM
"hello you can enter jackson" i said as i patted the bed

Lovely Thyme
August 26th, 13, 11:52 PM
Jackson nodded and quietly sat on the bed. He was content to just watch Kuro work his magic.

August 26th, 13, 11:56 PM
"so your in here for a reason hunny, would you mind telling me" i asked him as Alpha finished his bottle, i gently patted his back

August 27th, 13, 12:35 AM
As I sleep as I dream of my life on the streets. The cruelty of the real world comes down on me like an avalanche. I start to cry silently as I have always done all these years. My pain and sadness is reflected in my eyes but nothing more.

August 27th, 13, 12:37 AM
upon having my back patted, i let out a small burp, followed by a yawn.

August 27th, 13, 01:07 AM
*a thump is heard from my room as i have rolled out of bed but surprisingly im sleeping with a smile on my face*

August 27th, 13, 01:19 AM
"hey alpha you go to sleep ok mama will be back" i said as i got the cub "hey baby why are you crying" i asked as i picked him up

August 27th, 13, 01:32 AM
"O-tay.." i say drozilly, soon falling asleep.

August 27th, 13, 01:36 AM
Ladies....please.....i love allof you.......no fighting please.......

August 27th, 13, 01:36 AM
I just cling tightly onto you and cry into your shoulder. Life living on the streets was a constant battle for survival and a cruel world for one such as me. I do not know what to do or say to express what I wish to. Instead I silently gaze up at you with my teary eyes and cling onto you, not wanting you to leave and scared of all the strangers around me.

August 27th, 13, 01:39 AM
"its ok my little cub, you come and sleep with me and alpha ok" i said as i take him back into the bed room laying with him next to Alpha

August 27th, 13, 01:40 AM
*i yelp in pain and wetmyself* youch!

August 27th, 13, 01:46 AM
I nod but am scared and shy. As I am put with Alpha though I get scared and instead of being in the bed I curl up on the floor and fall asleep. Coming from the life I come from makes me this way and nothing save perhaps time can help me. Even that however is unknown.

August 27th, 13, 01:48 AM
"hm" i said as i went into the bed room roxas was in "hey you alright hun" i asked as i cradled the cub

August 27th, 13, 01:54 AM
I had a dream where i was irrisistable to all girls and they brought me gifts i bit my tail thinking it was the cake they brought me which in turn caused me to wet myself...im so sorry my tail is connected to ky bodily functions any pain to it fauses me to have accidents on the spot because i get temporarily paralyzed from the pain...i am sorry...

August 27th, 13, 02:10 AM
"oh thats alright you just scared me thats all, um here wear this until your fealing comes back kay" i said as i handed him a pull up

August 27th, 13, 03:02 AM
*i take it* um okay...*i go to the bathroom and put the pullup on after removing all my soaked clothes. I come out in just the pullup with a small waddle. I look at my reflection and am surprised at how youthful i look even as a sixteen year old.* i could actually be miztaken as a giant toddler. Heh that couldnt happen. *i tell myself*

---------- Post added at 11:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 PM ----------

*i admire my reflection. I was always a little chubby but seeing myself in a pullup makes it look like babyfat. I make faces in the mirror and giggle not realizing im being watched*

August 27th, 13, 03:21 AM
"heh sweetheart you better get some sleep" i said as i left the room

August 27th, 13, 03:43 AM
Oh! Heh sorry...*i get into bed and the diaper glows as i sleep. As i sleep i dream everything again but somethings odd about this one as the girls in my dream baby talk me and tell each other how adorable i am. I go to ask why but i wake up to the smell of bacon homefries and pancakes

August 27th, 13, 05:18 AM
"good morning your place is marked and there is also a pair of pant in your chair" i said as i pointed for him to look down

August 27th, 13, 05:28 AM
Oh thanks! Do you want me to help you with breakfast? *i see overalls in my seat they have a teddy bear on the bib and easy access for diaper checks and changes. I figure these are all you have and put it on looking even more like two yr old skunk thats 5' 3"

August 27th, 13, 05:35 AM
An adorable yawn can be heard as I slowly enter the room. My diaper crinkles loudly as I waddle over to you and hug your leg smiling. My eyes sparkle as I smile.

"Morning mommy," I say purring. However as I see the stranger I hide behind your leg for I am extremely shy.

August 27th, 13, 05:43 AM
Its ok i wont hurt you...um i know! *i wave my hand and all the scars and open wounds and bruises disappear and a plushy falls into his arms* there.

---------- Post added at 01:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 AM ----------

Whats your name little guy?

August 27th, 13, 05:52 AM
"heh no your job now is to be a kid" i said as i watched him do a little magic, i use my lightning technics to set the table

August 27th, 13, 06:06 AM
I dont understand...*i sit innmy chair*

August 27th, 13, 06:18 AM
"your a kid in this house if you wear daipers hun, if your like jackson you dont need them, or you have a medical reason that you have to wear them for 24/7,, as it stands you only wear them part time you have fulfill the role of a child roxas" i said as i sat a sippy cup i front of all the kids, including roxas

August 27th, 13, 06:30 AM
*not wanting to argue with my employer i take the sippy cup and blush as i drink from it.*

August 27th, 13, 06:36 AM
"good boy, i am no longer your employer, i am now your guardian, and you will be changed after breakfast, and until i see improvement it will stay like this" i said as i fed alpha and the cub, jackson was feeding his sister

August 27th, 13, 06:50 AM
But it cant be helped...my tail is the source of my power like tails' tails from sonic the hedgehog or goku's tail from dragonball. If its yanked bitten stepped on etc i get paralyzed and fill my pants and 1 minute later later i can move again and control myself. *i give you medical proof. I look around seeing no breakfast for me but i dont bring it up*

August 27th, 13, 06:52 AM
"sorry not proven enough" i said as i sae his plate infront of him

August 27th, 13, 06:57 AM
Ill prove it you keep my tail from getting hurt and i will prove i dont need pullups. Deal?

August 27th, 13, 07:00 AM
"yeah and you keep fighting me and i will make it worse" i said as i continued to feed the boys

Lovely Thyme
August 27th, 13, 07:04 AM
Jackson finished feeding his sister the little bit of food that she would eat before sitting down. He looked over at Kuro after eating his breakfast.
"Need any help doing anything this morning?"

August 27th, 13, 07:06 AM
I thought being told this medical notice wasnt enough proof was worse-! Im sorry that was a gut reaction!

August 27th, 13, 11:29 AM
"no jackson, i have finished up, unless you would like to feed one of the boys" i asked

Lovely Thyme
August 27th, 13, 11:44 AM
Jackson shook his head.
"I want to get to know them better first before I start caring for them. It would help our relationships." he explained.

August 27th, 13, 11:48 AM
"um well ok, if you wouldn't mind just straighting the the bed rooms up thats should do it hun, if you dont mind" i asked him

August 27th, 13, 12:52 PM
*i sneak away as you talk to jackson*

Lovely Thyme
August 27th, 13, 05:10 PM
Jackson nodded and went to go straighten up the rooms, leaving Abby in her high chair.

With Jackson gone, Abby felt a little scared. She whimpered loudly, tears in her eyes.

August 27th, 13, 09:29 PM
"hey its ok your safe ok jackson will be back ok" i soothed as i fed the boys

August 27th, 13, 09:32 PM
I remain silent far too shy or scared to do anything but eat the food I am fed. My midnight blue eyes glisten in the light and tears begin to fall from them. I continue to eat what you, my mommy feeds me, but start to cry. Before you can stop me, I climb down and hide somewhere in the house. Now I am alone but do I really want to be alone, I don't know.

August 27th, 13, 09:49 PM
"hey my lit cub come here please baby" i said as i went searchin for him

August 27th, 13, 10:09 PM
As I hear you I come out of the box I am hiding in and straight into your open arms. I cry into your shoulder and cling tightly onto you as I do. I try to dry my tears but am unable to.

"Sorry mommy for running away and hiding," I say through my sobs.

August 28th, 13, 12:04 AM
"its ok baby boy, oh what is your name baby" i asked cuddling him

August 28th, 13, 12:22 AM
I suck on my paw and you hold me in your arms. Tears continue to fall down my cheeks as I cling tightly onto you. Then I rub my head against yours.

"Jiru," I say shyly as I continue to suck cutely on my paw.

August 28th, 13, 12:25 AM
"ok then jiru please dont cry, your in a haven baby your safe" i said as i wiped his tears

August 28th, 13, 12:29 AM
I nod and a few last tears splash on your face. However my grip on you does not loosen. I quietly suck on my paw as I cling to you. My tail flick this way and that showing my uncertainty. My ears swivel around with every sound listening for danger.

August 28th, 13, 01:11 AM
"its ok" he said holding him stroking his fur

August 28th, 13, 01:12 AM
I snuggle in your arms and purr as I feel safe with you.

August 28th, 13, 01:15 AM
i began to cradle you

August 28th, 13, 01:51 AM
*i come back to the kitchen with a smile on my face*

August 28th, 13, 01:55 AM
"m-mamma? i'm hungwy ovew hewe.." i said, stomach growling.

August 28th, 13, 01:56 AM
"ok ok i am coming" i said as i craddled the boy and headed over to feed alpha, "Roxas why are you smiling" i asked

August 28th, 13, 01:57 AM
I can feed you if youd like.

---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------

I told you i dont need diapers

August 28th, 13, 02:01 AM
"tank yu mamma." i said, smiling.

August 28th, 13, 02:05 AM
*i make a plushy of jackson magically appear in front of abby to help calm her*

August 28th, 13, 02:05 AM
"dosent matter, your diapered now and regard less it will stay like that" i said "your welcome alpha" i said

August 28th, 13, 02:08 AM
But i used the toilet and these are pullups training pants l not diapers.

August 28th, 13, 02:11 AM
"oh dont worry" i said as i pulled on his tail a bit

August 28th, 13, 02:14 AM
Yowwy!!!! *i fall frozen like a statue as i helplessly wet and mess myself to the point of leakage 30seconds later and i csan move. I cry* you cheated!

August 28th, 13, 02:18 AM
"heh just what are you talking about" i joked as i laughed

August 28th, 13, 02:23 AM
You pulled my tail! Even after i healed all of jirus physical wounds! *i want to walk to my room but i cant even stand as the pullup is to heavy to lift*

August 28th, 13, 02:26 AM
"so do you want me change you now" i asked him

August 28th, 13, 02:36 AM
But i go to school....

Koiitsu Meiru
August 28th, 13, 02:44 AM
[I][B]*The nine year old girl was running through the forest and she was trying to get away from the wolves chasing her. She stopped to catch her breath and one caught up to her and bit her on the leg taking her apple from her hand. Looking down the small scrape she got ftom getting the apple hurt far less now then it did before. Wandering around she came upon the building and wtih a wobble she walked in the door and the collapsed on the floor*

August 28th, 13, 02:48 AM
Did you hear that thump?

August 28th, 13, 03:09 AM
"yes i did keep the kids inside at all times" i said as i materialized my blades and ran out the house finding the young girl "thunder bolt blade" i said as i fought off the wolves "treat the girl and make sure shes ok i have this handled" i said

August 28th, 13, 03:19 AM
Yes maam. *i take her to the couch and use my magic to heal her bites and scrapes. I then make a panda plushy appear next to her*

---------- Post added at 11:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------

Are you okay little one?

August 28th, 13, 04:22 AM
I cling tightly onto you and lay my head on your shoulder. My eyes sparkle as you hold me in your arms. I rub my head against yours.

"I wuve you mommy," I say sucking cutely on my paw.

Unknown to all by you is that the wounds have not gone but remain as scores and scores of hideous and terrifying scars showing all the hell that I lived before this.

August 28th, 13, 04:27 AM
after i had fought them off i came in and cuddled with jiru "i love you too baby" i said

August 28th, 13, 04:40 AM
*i refuse to move from the floor worried stuff might leak out of the pullup.* miss kuro could you change me please? *i say reluctantly*

August 28th, 13, 04:59 AM
"yes i will, but you have to not fight me on this any more, and your a child again" i said as i laid out a blanket

August 28th, 13, 05:03 AM
*i crawl to you and lie on the blanket* can i still go to highschool or has everyone forgotten my existance?

August 28th, 13, 05:44 AM
"no it would be wise to stay here, theres wolves out the, that girl was almost lunch, i dont want anyone out side of the house with out me" i said as i changed him into a cut onesie and thick diapers so he could only crawl

August 28th, 13, 06:07 AM
But i supposed to be vawodictowian at my schoow! I no wanna be baby....

August 28th, 13, 06:07 AM
But i supposed to be vawodictowian at my schoow! I no wanna be baby....

August 28th, 13, 09:35 PM
"you will be going to school, but when your here your a baby" i said picking him up

August 28th, 13, 09:39 PM
Oh! Otay! *i think to myself i can go home and not stop by here* vewy weww den

August 29th, 13, 02:12 AM
"oh and by the way your parents have been called and they have informed me to pick you up to take care of you after school" i said

August 29th, 13, 02:20 AM
*i go white* dat means i no see dem again! Waaaahhh!

August 29th, 13, 02:23 AM
I snuggle in your arms with my tail wrapped around me. My eyes glisten as I gaze at you and the stranger. I cling tightly onto you not wanting to let go. Sucking on my paw I speak in the stranger's defense.

"Mommy, why don't u wet him be a teen in diapees. That way he is appy. You will always have me as your baby, Mommy," I say licking your face, rubbing my head against yours and purring affectionately.

August 29th, 13, 02:25 AM
Yeah what he says! *i say eagerly*

August 29th, 13, 02:27 AM
"i was given specific instruction to baby him, jiru, and you will be my littlest baby ok" i said smiling

August 29th, 13, 02:28 AM
*i pout in defeat as my tummy growls*

August 29th, 13, 02:41 AM
"ah good, its bottle time and for a nap no less" i said as i picked roxas up and sat him and jiru on the counter making them both bottles

August 29th, 13, 02:44 AM
Mommy and dada no wuv me...*i cry*

August 29th, 13, 03:20 AM
I smile and nod nuzzling you with my head. I suck on my paw and cling tightly onto you. My tail wraps loosely around your waist. My ears move with each sound of movement.

August 29th, 13, 03:34 AM
"i never said that rox, your parents said they would be by to pick you up after they work" i said as i held the cub

August 29th, 13, 03:36 AM
(Who are you hugging?)

---------- Post added at 11:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 PM ----------

BBut i no wanna be baby....*sniffle*

August 29th, 13, 04:14 AM
"to bad yous should have thought about that earlier" i said as the bottles finished making, i picked roxas up and pushed the nipple of the bottle into his mouth

August 29th, 13, 04:19 AM
**i nurse on the bottle sobbing all the way*

Lovely Thyme
August 29th, 13, 05:00 AM
Jackson walked back in and kept Alpha and Abby entertained as Kuro dealt with the other two. He got to know Alpha a little more.

Abby cuddled her brother and smiled a bit at Alpha. She started to play with him a bit, just playing patty cake.

August 29th, 13, 11:14 AM
(Jacobs characters name is alpha)

August 29th, 13, 09:34 PM
"heh guess they are getting along, listen, you are a good kid but your even a greater baby ok" i said as i hugged the teen

August 29th, 13, 10:26 PM
I notta baba goo! Gah! *i try to talk but i can no longer.*

August 30th, 13, 01:00 AM
"yes you are" i said as i held him

August 30th, 13, 01:02 AM
*i look at you scared and cry*

August 30th, 13, 01:27 AM
"hey now its ok your fine, it was just a bottle" i said as i held him

August 30th, 13, 01:32 AM
*i think to myself shes right just relax and it will wear off*

August 30th, 13, 01:37 AM
i began to rock him to sleep

August 30th, 13, 01:40 AM
*i fall asleep within seconds*

August 30th, 13, 05:25 PM
I sit on the counter watching you try to calm Rox. I suck on my paw and lay down as I wait for you. My ears continue to move around as I rest. My tail flicks this way and that.

August 30th, 13, 09:50 PM
i laid roxas on the couch and picked jiru up

August 30th, 13, 11:10 PM
*i sleep eacefully the drug wearing off*

August 31st, 13, 09:43 PM
i put him in a crib and let him be as i tended to the other kids as well as other chores

August 31st, 13, 09:44 PM
*i wake up 3 hours later*

August 31st, 13, 09:55 PM
"why good evening baby" i said as i picked him up and carried him in to the living room

August 31st, 13, 09:58 PM
Good evening mommy....

---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

*i say in a depressed tone*

August 31st, 13, 11:39 PM
"why is my little man upset" i asked as i carried him into the kitchen

August 31st, 13, 11:57 PM
I feel so useless its scary...

September 1st, 13, 01:02 AM
"you arent useless, you can b cuddled and loved and support when some ones feeling down" i said as i cuddled

September 1st, 13, 01:15 AM
To myself i meant....

September 1st, 13, 05:16 AM
"its ok your not useless" i said as i cuddled him

September 1st, 13, 11:44 AM
*my tail wags wildly*

September 1st, 13, 03:55 PM
"heh yeah thats my baby boy" i said as i cuddled him

September 1st, 13, 04:02 PM
Im notta baby :p im just playing along until i can leave

September 1st, 13, 05:36 PM
"dont worry you'll be coming back tomarrow so you have plenty of time to enjoy it" i said as i tickled him a bit

September 1st, 13, 09:34 PM
Not what i meant but ok...

September 1st, 13, 10:47 PM
"heh" i said as i cardled him " you hust relax and let mama kuro take care of everything" i said

September 1st, 13, 11:26 PM
So much for dating....

September 2nd, 13, 12:06 AM
"ah you will one day just not right now" i said as i held him

September 2nd, 13, 12:26 AM
Ok...im bored mama....

September 2nd, 13, 12:30 AM
i began to tickle him

September 2nd, 13, 12:50 AM
Wait! Haha no! Please!

September 2nd, 13, 12:53 AM
"oh ok then" i said as i stoped and began to cuddle him some more, like any mother would do with a child

September 2nd, 13, 01:09 AM
*i go to grab a tv remote.*

September 2nd, 13, 01:18 AM
"oh wanna watch tv baby" i said as i grab the remote and turned cartoons on

September 2nd, 13, 01:20 AM
*i pop a dvd in called case closed.*

September 2nd, 13, 01:29 AM
"heh ok then" i said as i turned it to the dvd and played it taking him back in to my lap

September 2nd, 13, 01:46 AM
I love this anime the murderers are so unexpected!

September 2nd, 13, 02:21 AM
"heh ok baby watch" i said as i popped a pacy in his mouth

September 2nd, 13, 02:55 AM
*i glare at her and watch the show*

September 2nd, 13, 04:10 PM
"heh" i said as i wraped a blanket around us, the others had come in, jackson held his sister and Alpha, as i held roxas, and the cub fell asleep on couch

September 2nd, 13, 09:27 PM
*i continue watching someone notices i look pale*

September 2nd, 13, 10:11 PM
"hey baby you alright" i asked as i held him

September 3rd, 13, 01:10 AM
I feel a little queasy...but other than that im okay.

September 3rd, 13, 01:15 AM
"take it easy baby" i said as he held him

September 3rd, 13, 01:37 AM
*i feel feverish and start coughing* ow....my throat...

September 3rd, 13, 01:44 AM
"dont speak i know it hurts ok" i said as i carried him into the kitchen and got the thermometer and stuck it in his mouth under the tung "keep that in there ok" i said

September 3rd, 13, 03:02 AM
*i nod and look surprised yet relieved that it wasnt a baby's rectal thermometer. The thermometer beeps at 102.9°*

September 3rd, 13, 03:10 AM
"higher than expected, lets med you up and then you have to nap, if you dont you will never get better kay baby" i said as i began to get the meds

September 3rd, 13, 03:30 AM
What type of med is it. I cant keep liquid or chewables down i throw up from them...*i say in a scratchy tone*;

September 3rd, 13, 03:47 AM
"supositories" i said and he knew what that ment

September 3rd, 13, 03:55 AM
But im not constipated! Ow! My throat

September 3rd, 13, 05:09 AM
"would you rather take them or have them shoved up your you know what" i asked as i waited for him to answer

September 3rd, 13, 03:10 PM
I'll take them mommy...*i say scared*

September 3rd, 13, 10:00 PM
"ok then" i said as i gave him the liquid moltron

September 3rd, 13, 10:22 PM
I remain silent but cling tightly onto you. My eyes glisten brightly as I gaze up at you, hungry but not knowing how drink from the bottle you gave me. Instead I just lay my head on your shoulder and wait. I am still nervous and skittish around the others.

September 3rd, 13, 10:37 PM
*i try to keep it down but throw up and cry*

September 3rd, 13, 11:26 PM
"its ok baby" i said as i rocked him "your alright" i said as i craddled him trying to get him to sleep

September 3rd, 13, 11:56 PM
*i sniffle and slowly fall asleep*

September 4th, 13, 11:07 PM
i bagen to hum as i rocked him

September 5th, 13, 12:41 AM
*i spit up more but i fall asleep.*

September 5th, 13, 04:28 AM
i cleaned it up and kept him to my chest

September 5th, 13, 05:06 AM
*i snorensoftly drooling on you*

September 5th, 13, 05:59 AM
"heh poor baby being sick righ now" i said as i held the bottle to jiru's lips feeding him as i hel both baby boys

September 5th, 13, 11:03 AM
*i continue to snore softly but i piss like a racehorse making my diaper leak a bit*

September 5th, 13, 11:39 AM
after i finished the cub , i changed them both

September 5th, 13, 05:32 PM
*i start waking up a little disoriented and confused*

September 5th, 13, 10:23 PM
"heya baby are you feelong a bit better" i asked as i held him

September 6th, 13, 12:06 AM
*i shake my head no feeling no change at all*

---------- Post added at 08:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:06 PM ----------

I have the flu mommy kuro

September 6th, 13, 01:44 AM
"its ok baby" i said as i took him into my bedroom, turning the tv on and laying him in my bed covering him up "rest baby ok it will be good for you

September 6th, 13, 02:32 AM
My....body feels so weak...even the flu cant do that...*my legs jerk on their own as if the muscles regressed into anewborns for a long period of disuse*

September 6th, 13, 04:05 AM
"baby just relax" i siad as i laid next to him "can you move your arms" i asked

September 6th, 13, 04:09 PM
*they*they flail a little but their uncoordinated like my leg* i hope you have a giant newborn car seat for me because i think ill be needing it...*i say sarcastically yet feeling a tiny serious*

September 6th, 13, 05:31 PM
I sit on the floor some distance away and watch you with Roxas. I am far too shy and scared to approach any of the strangers in the house.

September 6th, 13, 11:11 PM
"come here baby" i said as i pick jiru up and layed him on my lap as we watched tv

September 6th, 13, 11:41 PM
I cant see! *i whine* i cant sit up! I probably need a newborn car seat!

September 7th, 13, 01:17 AM
"baby the more you relax the less wired it becomes" i said i wasn't under standing why this was happening