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September 23rd, 08, 07:11 PM
Feel free to pop into this RP at any time you feel like.

Pyroh is a ten year old boy who got his nickname when he was found by the burn remains of an old church. With no one around to claim him he was taken into a near by nursery. Where he was raised into a young boy. Going from foster house to foster house he felt as though no one would take him. He had a bracelet made by one of his care takers. Made out of paper clips with one gold paper clip it quickly became his most prized position as he never took it off unless he was adding a paper clip to make it fit his wrist just right. It had been ten years sense he was found as he was turning eleven soon people normally over looked him because of his age.

September 23rd, 08, 07:23 PM
Raven Matthews is an eighteen year old bladder&bowel incontinent infantilist whose parents just died in a car crash in front of a adult baby hospital at this very moment which took Raven in while trying to repotty train her while she was hospitalized. Her bladder and bowels were unfortunately atrophied from trauma to her adominal area which was repaired except the nerves& muscles in that area were permanently atrophied from the car wreck so she will always need diapers 24/7 for the rest of her life. Raven really wants a mommy and daddy to take care of her until she is able to cope with the reality of life without her dead parents. Raven has no immediate family in the area and she is currently staying in the adult baby nursery with a nice nurses to take care of her until they can find a new mommy&daddy for their special diapergirl Raven. Raven is five feet one inches tall and she weighs one hundred five pounds plus she has emerald green eyes&dark brwn hair which is usually tied in pigtails.

September 23rd, 08, 07:33 PM
Growing tired of moving around Pyroh decided to run away from the foster home he was in to try to make his way on his own as all young children think they can. After traveling for a few hours he finds himself unable to go any farther due to exhaustion and collapses in front of the hospital Raven was in. After being admitted into the hospital Pyroh finds himself curious and goes wondering through the halls.

September 23rd, 08, 07:37 PM
Yasha was 42 and his oldest son had just left to make a home of his own leaving him with his 16 year old son Rie. Rie had a minor illness and adored to be babied, which made Yasha very happy. He told Rie never to grow up and he'd always take care of him. Yasha was driving his car along to the store and decided he'd go into some foster care. He walked into a the ab hospital and saw a young boy and thought, "I want more children,"

September 23rd, 08, 07:53 PM
Raven starts crying from her messy diapers and she was crying out "I want my mommy&daddy to change me please I just made a big stinky poopie in my diapers." The nurses run in while saying "we will change your diapers Raven but your parents died in the car wreck that made you need and use your diapers all of the time not just for fun like you did in the past." The nurses effeciently change Raven's triple greren trimmed cute thick fluffy teen sized diapers covered in anime characters which are currently loaded with soft mushy poop plus some pee and Raven says " thank you for changing my stinky diapers& when are you going to find me a new parents since I need someone nice to take of me right now." The nurses kindly responds "we have some nice parents that want to see you as soon as you are ready tp see people while not being embarrassed about being seen in your diapered state." Raven says " I am not embarrassed by my diapers anymore so I really would want to see them as soon as possible but I need a nap right now since pooping that much wears me out physically."

September 23rd, 08, 08:03 PM
Yasha heard he noise he walked up to a nurse and asked if there were any adoptable children or teens available for him to foster. He missed his son deeply and wanted more children.

September 23rd, 08, 08:08 PM
After being seen by the nurses in the halls Pyroh is taken back to his room. "Now now dear your not allowed to leave your room with out one of us with you." Pyroh looks up "I'm sorry I didn't know I want to go outside to play. Can we go out and play pleassse?" The nurse looks at him smiling and speaking softly "I'm afraid your not strong enough to go outside yet. Look at you seem to have had an accident lets go get you changed and have your rest a bit." embarressed by his accident Pyroh agrees quickly to a change and some rest.

September 23rd, 08, 08:08 PM
Raven wakes up from her nap form the noise and runs up to Yasha while hugging, kissing, & yelling out to him "I love you, can you please be baby diapergirl Raven's new daddy?"

September 23rd, 08, 08:13 PM
Yasha smiled at her, "Of coarse," he patted her head. He walked to the nirse and asked if she would get the girl's things and asked if there were any other children he might be able to foster. The more the merrier he thought.

September 23rd, 08, 08:19 PM
Raven says to Daddy Yasha " I am an infantilist so I don't expect to have adult responsibilities very often beyond cleaning my room and listening to you of course daddy Yasha since I am only a big baby not an adult."

September 23rd, 08, 08:26 PM
Yasha took her thing and held her hand to the car, "I wouldn't have it any other way," he smiled straping her into the back.

September 23rd, 08, 08:30 PM
Raven says" I had a high school diploma plus some college credits when My parents died in a car wreck right in front of this very hospital and I soaked my diapers with pee while I was talking to you daddy Yasha waaaaaaaaaaaah."

September 23rd, 08, 08:34 PM
Yasha looked at her, "It's ok, I'll change you as soon as we get to the store," upon entering the store he took her to the bthroom. He'd figure on fostering earlier so he'd brought Rie's diaperbag with him. He changed he and threw the diaper away making sure everything was fine, "There now all better,"

September 23rd, 08, 08:40 PM
Raven said ' thank you daddy and I am still stressed from what happened to my parents which is why I am wetting out stress instead of need." Raven asks daddy Yasha " can we get all of my baby and other things form my old house since I need to pick up my stuff within 72 hours so the realty won't throw them away."

September 23rd, 08, 08:46 PM
Shortly after arriving at home Yasha receives a call from the hospital informing him about another child who had been napping at the time of Yasha's visit. Letting him know that if he wanted to come back that the child would be there. Waking up Pyroh looked around the room realizing he knew very little about the lady who had changed him. Going out into the hall again to see if he could spot her. Hearing a voice behind him "I thought I told you that you weren't allowed to leave your room with out someone." Jumping at the sound of the voice "I.... I know I was just looking for you so we could mabey learn a bit about each other." Softly "I don't think that would be best as you might not be here very long. You might be getting a visitor some time soon so stay in your room please."

September 23rd, 08, 08:51 PM
Yasha agreed and said he'd be there soon. He and Raven arrived back there to pick up the other child, "Raven we're going to go get another child then we'll go to your house ok," he rubbed her head.

September 23rd, 08, 09:03 PM
The nurse came into Pyroh's room "There is someone here to see you." Pyroh looked up "Ok" Smiling that someone wanted to meet him. "Hello mister." Pyroh said while playing with his bracelet

September 23rd, 08, 09:08 PM
Yasha looked down at him, "Hello there what's your name?" he seemed interested in this child.

September 23rd, 08, 09:15 PM
"Pyroh, the people who raised me started calling me that after finding me around an old burnt down church. They think someone started the fire to let someone know about me. I'm ten years old" he said holding up his fingers "What's your name mister?" Pyroh was interested in the guy as well he never met someone who asked his name first.

September 23rd, 08, 09:31 PM
Raven says "Hi Pyroh my Name is Raven and you will be my new brother since Daddy Yasha is very nice and doesn't mind that I am an infantilist who needs to wear&use diapers 24/7 since the car accident that killed my parents in front of this very hospital."

September 23rd, 08, 09:35 PM
"Hello Raven I'm sorry to hear about your parents. I didn't know my parents only the people who said they found me." Pausing briefly Playing with his bracelet again. "Umm... Whats an infantilist?"

September 23rd, 08, 09:44 PM
Raven says " An infantilist is a person that enjoys being babied all of the time and all of the baby stuff including the security of being taken care of while having no grownup responsibilities on a daily basis."

September 23rd, 08, 09:51 PM
"I see." looking around briefly "I'm a little hungry can we go get something to eat? They said I can't leave my room with out someone."

September 23rd, 08, 10:00 PM
Raven presses the call button on Pyroh's bed and asks"could someone please walk us to the cafeteria so we can eat right now."

September 23rd, 08, 10:06 PM
Yasha seemed to enjoy the conversdation they were having and it seemed they would get along well, "Would you like to come home with me and Raven?" he asked Pyroh.

September 23rd, 08, 10:48 PM
Looking back at the man eyes widening as though he had just found gold "Yes, yes I would love to go home with you." Jumping off his bed Pyroh ran over to Yasha's side and hugged his leg

September 23rd, 08, 11:44 PM
Raven asks daddy Yahsa "can you please change my diapers I am messy at the minimum and you should ask Pyroh if he needs to use the bathroom."

September 23rd, 08, 11:50 PM
Over hearing Raven Pyroh blushes playing with his bracelet. "I... I... I uhh don't need to use the bathroom I also need to be changed as well."

September 23rd, 08, 11:55 PM
Yasha smiled he was at piece of mind. He changed both of them, Raven first since she seemed to be more likely to need it fastest then he change pyroh, "Ok are you both ready?"

September 23rd, 08, 11:58 PM
Raven says "Yes it is ok if I take a nap in my carseat before we go to my old house to collect my stuff that is still theree plus some of the valuable stuff that can be sold after the cremation."

September 24th, 08, 12:01 AM
"I'm ready daddy. Thank you for changing me" Reaching for Yasha's hand Pyroh forgets about all the others that didn't want him. Happy that he finally found someone to call dad. "Where are we going to?"

September 24th, 08, 12:36 AM
Raven says " we are going take our stuff home but we have to stop at my old house to collect all my stuff& parents so the realtor doesn't throw it all awaya when they clean up the house for sale."

September 24th, 08, 12:41 AM
"Oh, I see. Hey daddy what are the rules of the house? I don't want to misbehave and what do you want me to do around the house?"

September 24th, 08, 01:42 AM
Yasha had a confused look, "Hmmm.. no lying, stealing, hmm and just ask me for wht you want or need," he grabbed both there hand and took them to the car. He began driving to Ravens house, "Oh and I have a surprise for you both you'll see him when we get home."

September 24th, 08, 02:05 AM
"I can follow those rules daddy." Pyroh was tired from the events that took place and fell quickly to sleep in the car on the drive towards Raven's house

September 24th, 08, 02:37 AM
After getting the things from Raven's house they went to Yasha's home. It was a large mansion with lots of floor space and yard. Yasha carried Pyroh into the house and held Raven's hand as they walked into the large house. Upon entering there was a 16yr old boy on the floor playing with a black teddy bear, "Daddy," he ran over and hugged Yasha. A black hair young looking man walked past yasha, "He's about ready for a nap I have to go to work see ya," he walked past the group and left.

September 24th, 08, 02:42 AM
Raven says" hi my name is Raven and I am your new sister and what is your name?"

September 24th, 08, 03:41 AM
Rie looked at her still clinging to Yasha's waist, "This is Rie he's a little clingy" he walked over and set Pyroh on the floor,"Rie look at the kitchen it's so dirty," -the kitchen was vitually spotless.

September 24th, 08, 02:57 PM
Raven hugs Rie tightly and kisses him while saying "I love being your sister Rie& I hope we live together for a long time period."

September 24th, 08, 04:47 PM
Rie shivered a little, "h-hi," he watched as Yasha walked into the kitchen and pulled out some cleaning supplies, "Why don't you show her to a room Rie?" Rie nodded and walked upstairs. They past a large nursery which had painted cats on it along with some crayon drawings; it was filled with frilly things and toys.

September 24th, 08, 04:58 PM
Raven says "you are very nice Rie and Thank you for showing me the way to my new room which I hope has a crib since I like sleeping in a crib."

September 24th, 08, 06:18 PM
Pyroh stirred from his slumber on the kitchen floor. Looking around finding that his surroundings were different then when he had fell asleep. "Daddy I need to be changed again" he said looking down and feeling his diaper that had been filled with pee during his sleep.

September 24th, 08, 09:00 PM
Rie opened a door it was a salmon colored bedroom with fish painted on it. It had a crib and all AB things needed, "This is your room," Rie said quietly, "You should keep it clean daddy is a neat freak,"

Yasha set the brush down and washed his hands, "Ok then lets get you changed," he picked up Pyroh and set him on the counter changing him. He noticed the bracelet, "You like crafts I see. When Rie comes down he'll show you your room," he put a fresh diaper on him and set him down.

September 24th, 08, 09:05 PM
Taking a seat at the table "One of my old care takers made me this bracelet. Each paper clip represents a good deed around the house, the gold one is outstanding work on something." Spinning the bracelet so that the gold paperclip was on top.

September 24th, 08, 09:09 PM
Yasha smiled," well then I'll have to remeber to give you one everytime you do well here," he began washing the table. Rie walked downstairs and looked at the boy. "Rie don't stare this is Pyroh your new brother,"

September 24th, 08, 09:11 PM
Smiling "Hello, Rie its nice to meet you. What do you like to do?"

September 24th, 08, 09:13 PM
Raven aks daddy Yasha "can you please change my diapers and please make me a big bottle of strawberry milk please daddy Yasha?"

September 24th, 08, 09:19 PM
"Could I have a bottle of milk too please" Pyroh greeted Raven as she walked into the room

September 24th, 08, 09:20 PM
Rie looked down, "Play with my toys and draw on the wall," Yasha listened in while making the bottles. He lied Raven down and began to change her, "Dont be shy take him to his room in fact why dont you take both of them to your room to play Rie," he cleaned Raven and set her up.

September 24th, 08, 09:24 PM
Taking the bottle of milk Yasha had made for him "Thank you daddy, Raven, Rie wanna go do something together?"

September 24th, 08, 09:28 PM
Raven says "lets play house in room Rie" and she follows Rie upstairs to his cute nursery room which they saw when he showed Raven her room.

September 24th, 08, 09:30 PM
Rie agreed and pointed to the small table in his room. He sat down on his ruffly toddler bed. Today he was wearing a camosile and tap pants with some footies and fingerless gloves. All black all rufflied.

September 24th, 08, 09:35 PM
Having never played house. "How do you play?" Interested to learn as much as he could about his new family Pyroh thought it would be best to interact in anyway possible.

September 24th, 08, 09:36 PM
Raven asks Rie "How do I get cute outfits like you are wearing and why are you sucha great brother for me&Pyroh?"

September 24th, 08, 09:36 PM
Rie agreed and pointed to his table. He sat on his ruffley toddler bed. Today he was wearing a camosile and tap pants, black and ruffley.

September 24th, 08, 09:39 PM
((ignore last message my computer sucks))
Rie said, "Yasha made it for me," he sucked his bottle, "He'll make you some if you ask,"

September 24th, 08, 09:39 PM
"So how do we play house?" Pyroh asked quietly sucking on his bottle

September 24th, 08, 09:44 PM
"Uhm you play as the daddy or the baby," he sucked again, "and you play act like youre at home... I know how to play piano<" ^_^

September 24th, 08, 09:45 PM
Raven says " We each play the mommy, daddy, baby, and pets on alternating turns while we imagine different ways to play in an imaginary house."

September 24th, 08, 09:48 PM
Rie began jumping up and down on his bed, "Play time,"

September 24th, 08, 09:50 PM
"Ok I understand now this sounds like it can be a lot of fun. I'll be the baby or pet I think I can play as those well." Sucking on his bottle.

September 24th, 08, 09:50 PM
Raven says " can I play the mommy first please and then you pick who is the baby& the daddy for playing house."

September 24th, 08, 09:51 PM
"Ok you can be the baby, I'll play the daddy."

September 24th, 08, 09:55 PM
Rie jumped up and down" Yay baby I get to be the baby just like I am for daddy," he smiled he jumped of his bed and started rocking on his rocking horse, "Gogo,"

September 24th, 08, 11:11 PM
"What has baby been up to today?" Pyroh asked Rie who seemed to be enjoying himself

September 25th, 08, 12:34 AM
"Ga ga milk happy playtime," he smiled rocking on his chair. Yasha was listening as he made dinner.

September 25th, 08, 12:37 AM
Pyroh smiled at Rie "I see," Looking at Raven "How was your day Raven?"

September 25th, 08, 02:46 AM
Raven says "It was hectic and I barely made home in time due some random old person walking too slow through the crosswalk so a cop had give her a ride across in his motorcycle to restore traffic to normal."

September 25th, 08, 11:14 AM
"Sounds hard. I'm glad you made it home on time though" sucking on his bottle again.

September 25th, 08, 12:42 PM
"Daddy" Rie held open his arms for a hug.

September 25th, 08, 03:44 PM
Raven hugs and kisses Rie while saying "Does our cute little baby boy need a diaper change or another bottle right now?"

September 25th, 08, 03:50 PM
Name: Ryan Wolf
Age: 14
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 135 (muscle)
Sex: Male
Race: Wolf Mimi

Backround: He is a recently ran away from home after his parents fought and he witnessed his dad beat his mother to near death. Hes been living on the streets for awhile now looking for a home. Hes always had trouble with his bladder and bowels so hes needed to wear diapers which his dad beat him for and yelled at him for. He sectretly likes being babied but hasnt told anyone. Hes just wandering around looking for a home.

September 25th, 08, 03:53 PM
Ryan is walking around the bad parts of town. Young and wandering around seeing drug dealers and buyers and the occasional hooker. He is very frightened and tries to make his way out of all the danger......but where to go?

September 25th, 08, 03:55 PM
"It does look like our baby does need a diaper change." Pyroh said walking over and hugging Rie

September 25th, 08, 04:01 PM
-keeps walking around- suddenly a group of guys come out of the shadows- "hey kid give us your money and anything else valuable you have" -he stares at them in horror- "um I dont have anything..." -the leader laughs- "dont bullshit me!" -he punches ryan in the face sending him to the ground- "now give us your money" -ryan has tears in his eyes- "I d...dont have any!" -the leader looks enraged and kicks ryan in the stomach- the group continues to beat him and then they take his wallet with all the money he saved up- he is left there cold and near unconcious beaten like a dog- he tries to crawl his way to a nearby hospital but collapses across the street-

September 25th, 08, 04:03 PM
A nurse just getting off her shift walks out spotting Ryan. Rushing over to his side she picks him up and carries him into the hospital to be checked in and nursed back to health before calling or telling anyone.

September 25th, 08, 04:08 PM
-ryan has a dream- he sees himself falling through a chaotic sea- he lands softly on the ocean floor- his surrondings bend and twist changing into what seems like a nursery- he sees his mother like she was before his father started drinking- he reaches out to her but then....the dream fades away- he wakes up- looks around and sees himself in a hospitol bed- rubs his eyes-

September 25th, 08, 04:10 PM
The nurse hadn't left his side "I see your awake now. How are you feeling?"

September 25th, 08, 04:15 PM
"Better...." tries to focus his eyes more. He also tries to get up but suddenly feals his ribs hurt so bad- "OW!" -he lays back down quick

September 25th, 08, 04:17 PM
"It looks like you were in the wrong place today. Might I ask what a young boy is doing out alone today?" Pressing the call button on his bed "Doctor hes awake now"

September 25th, 08, 04:20 PM
"I ran away....a few days ago.....I guess I was wandering in the wrong parts of town."
-me looks away from the nurse- "My parents got into a huge fight....I couldnt stand it"
-looks around- " um do you have my backpack? -he wants to make sure it wasnt opened because it has his diapers and changing supplies and his stuffed wolfie hes afraid of anyone seeing-

September 25th, 08, 04:23 PM
"If you mean the one you had on yes its over in the corner right now. No one has looked in it." The doctor walks into the room "How is our young man feeling? Looks almost like you got hit by a car. What were you doing today?" The nurse gets up for a second and walks over to the doctor and starts explaining in a low voice what she had just heard.

September 25th, 08, 04:25 PM
Ryan wants to snuggle with his wolfie real bad but not when anyone is in the room so he waits and tries to focus on what they are saying-

September 25th, 08, 04:29 PM
The doctor nods a few times "Ok nurse I'm going to leave him in your care for a bit I would say he needs to stay in bed so his ribs can heal" the nurse agrees "I believe that I know someone who will take him in after he has healed. She walks back over to Ryan's bed and softly asks "Is there anything you want me to get you?"

September 25th, 08, 04:32 PM
"um....could I have my bag?" -he looks over to it his heart beating very fast-

September 25th, 08, 06:13 PM
Getting up and walking over towards the corner where the bag was "Sure" handing the bag to Ryan "here you are sweetie, I'm going to go make a couple of calls don't get out of your bed while I'm gone if you need anything at all press the call button and I will come back." The nurse walks out of the room and calls the boys parents and gets his dad "Hello Sir, this is Kim I work at the local hospital. I would like to inform you that your son Ryan got into a fight and is here he is not in any danger of death." Ryan's father replies "It will do the boy good to get in a fight or two it will toughen him up maybe it will teach the kid to grow up. He still likes to wear diapers. Hes 14 f*cking years old and still wears diapers like a baby." the nurse is in some shock she knew this but didn't expect his father to start yelling at her. "I'm going to be taking him into protective care." She hangs up and calls child serves. "Yes, this is Kim is Tony there?" "Just a second Kim" Tony picks up "This is Tony how can I help you? "Tony its Kim. I'm calling about the favor you owe me. I would like to put this new child into protective custody with Yasha he came in the other day and picked up a few other kids. I havn't yet called him yet though I plan to" She explains what happened. and askes him to call the police for an abusive husband. he agrees to go with it. She calls Yasha and then explains it to him. The nurse walks back to Ryan's room.

Pyroh smelled the air "Something smells good" sucking on his almost empty bottle

September 25th, 08, 11:49 PM
Yasha cleaned the kitchen and heard the phone ring. He picked it up the phone, "Hello?"

Rie cuddled his new borther and sister. He was soo happy, "Yeah happy baby,"

September 26th, 08, 01:15 AM
"Hello, this is Kim from the hospital I was wondering if you were interested in another child. He comes from an abusive family." Kim explains the details as she had heard them.

Pyroh cuddling with his new brother and sister "That's very good to hear."

September 26th, 08, 01:39 AM
Yasha agreed to take the child in. He hung up, he knew how to deal with abused children. Poor Rie his older brother used to abuse him.
Rie smiled, "Change?" he said lifting up his shirt revealing a long star on his back.

September 26th, 08, 01:43 AM
Seeing the star "How did you get that?" Pyroh asked "and Change what? house positions?"

September 26th, 08, 01:47 AM
Rie looked down at it forgeting he had it, "Oh my big brother was really mad that I was getting more attention from daddy and he tried to beat me up," he paused for a minute, "So I hit him with a vase and he stabbed me,"

September 26th, 08, 01:48 AM
pausing slightly "I see. I'm sorry to hear that"

September 26th, 08, 02:09 AM
Rie smiled, "It's ok it didn't hurt very much and thats another reason Yasha made him leave," Rie did a hand stand, "What do you like to do?"

September 26th, 08, 02:12 AM
Thinking on that question "I like to climb to high place though I got a gold paper clip taken away from my bracelet for trying to get something for an old friend that got stuck in a tree." Pausing "I fell out and got hurt baddly some of them didnt think I was going to make it"

September 26th, 08, 02:43 AM
Raven says "the worst things I ever did was intentionally peeing, pooping myself, and wetting the bed for fun until my parents said I can wear&use diapers whenever I want which why I am infantilist today."

September 26th, 08, 02:54 AM
-ryans is sleeping in his room hugging his wolfie- he wakes up- "oh im still here...almost forgot..." -rubs his eyes and remembers his diaper and looks under the sheets- hes shocked to see they are changed- "oh god oh god!"-his heart is beating fast-

September 26th, 08, 10:49 AM
The nurse walks in the room "Good morning sweetie how are you feeling?"

"wow" pausing to smell the air again "Something smells really good, I wonder what is for supper."

September 26th, 08, 11:06 AM
-ryan looks at the nurse in horror- "d....did you see....w...what I was wearing!?" -his heart beating fast- "I....I......(pauses shaking)"

September 26th, 08, 11:22 AM
Kim walks over to Ryan sitting by his bed side and starts to stroke his head talking softly trying to relax Ryan. "Its alright no one here will harm you. Yes, I saw but your in the right place to be wearing those. In fact I have set someone up to take you in after you recover. He takes care of children who wear them."

September 26th, 08, 11:45 AM
-tries to calm down- he nods and hugs his wolfie closer thinking about whats going to happen to him and where hes going- "um nurse could I have some water?"

September 26th, 08, 03:10 PM
"Sure sweetie." The nurse grabs a bottle from the cabinet "I hope you don't mind a bottle its all we have here." She fills up the bottle with luke warm water and hands it to Ryan. "The person who you will be staying with is a good guy. He took in two other children upon the two he already has."

September 26th, 08, 03:21 PM
-ryan looks at the bottle with hesitation but thinks hey what the heck?- he starts to drink from it and nods as he listens to the nurse-

September 26th, 08, 03:28 PM
After explaining about the call to his house and what had happened "Does your wolf have a name? it looks like he has been around for a while."

September 26th, 08, 03:52 PM
"oh um....his names fenrir....I call him fen for short...." ryans blushes and feals so immature

September 26th, 08, 06:19 PM
Kim smiles "That's a cute name. Have you calmed down a little now?"

September 26th, 08, 06:21 PM
-Ryan nods- "sorry about that...its just ive never had anyone other they my mom and dad know.....just scared me...." -smiles a little

September 26th, 08, 06:26 PM
-Kim smiles- "Its fine, not a lot of people in your shoes like others to know. Do you mind if I ask you a few more questions about your family?" -Continuing to run her hands through Ryan's hair-

September 26th, 08, 06:27 PM
-Ryan shakes his head- "no I dont mind " - holds his wolfie close waiting for the questions-

September 26th, 08, 06:31 PM
"If at any time during these questions you feel uncomfortable and you don't want to answer you don't have to." pausing to make sure that he understands "I was wondering how long your father has had his little problem. and how often you or your mother have gotten hurt because of it."

September 26th, 08, 06:33 PM
"my father.....hes been drinking for a few years now......ever since he lost his job when I was 7......and my mom suffered from his drunken anger.....so many times shes been hit but she just takes it...mostly to shield me..." -ryan starts to tear up- "I feal weak and useless when she has to do that...." -hugs his wolfie closer

September 26th, 08, 06:40 PM
-Kim smiles sweetly wiping away his tears- "Its all right your father is going away for a while your mother is also going to another hospital to help her so that she might be able to have another relationship. You will have the choice to see your mother again after she gets out though I'm not sure how long that will be. Your father how ever has lost all privilege to see you or your mother again. I don't really have anything else to ask. It does look like you'll be out of here soon your bones don't seem to be too damaged."

September 26th, 08, 06:42 PM
-ryan nods and tries to wipe away his tears- "th...thank you...." -he looks at the nurse with a sense of hope for his new future

September 26th, 08, 06:57 PM
Pyroh walked down into the kitchen "Daddy what smells soo good, who was on the phone earlier?"

September 26th, 08, 07:01 PM
Raven asks daddy Yasha "when are we going to see that surprise you told us about and who was calling on the phone daddy Yasha?"

September 26th, 08, 07:08 PM
Pyroh had quickly forgotten about the surprise "oh oh yeah whats your surprise." -pyroh asked jumping up and down-

September 26th, 08, 07:09 PM
-hugs his wolfie waiting for what will happen-

September 26th, 08, 08:05 PM
Kim walked over to the door and stepped out briefly. Walking back in with a doctor in quick conversation. "Doctor do we really have to do those now I just got him calmed down. You should at least listen to what he has told me." the doctor looked at her sternly "Kim I think you have become too close to this boy. You have only left his room when you were needed to check on your other patience you seem to forget that your a nurse here and not a visitor, this conversation is over, you are to go home and sleep I do not want to see you here tomorrow either." quickly Kim walked in front of the doctor. "Might I see you outside quickly before you disturb my patient then." he agreed and they left. They started to have a small fight outside the door. you could hear a few words every so often through the door"You, yourself told. Doctor if you remember. your advice this boy to get over his home into Yasha's home. Where I... he will grow up to be a better person." -Kim walked back into the room wiping small tears away from her eyes- "I'm sorry sweetie. I hope you didn't hear that."

September 27th, 08, 05:23 AM
-ryan heard a few words but not much and looks at her with a bit of shock- "Um its ok what happend?"

September 27th, 08, 10:13 AM
-Kim smiles weakly- "He wants try a couple of tests but I don't think your ready for them. They can wait a few more days until your fine with others knowing about your diaper as it will likely show to who ever is doing the tests."

September 27th, 08, 02:30 PM
-Ryan nods- "well I dont mind to much....but my heart rate jumps up because of how scared I get so it might mess up the tests" -blushes

September 27th, 08, 02:53 PM
Kim giggles a little "Don't worry sweetie there are no right or wrong answers on anything. he mainly wants to check how your chest is doing. though he might want to check your mental status as well"

September 27th, 08, 02:58 PM
"m...my mental status? what would be wrong with my head?" -looks down and wonders

September 27th, 08, 03:41 PM
"We dont know if anything is wrong we just want to make sure nothing is wrong." smiling and running her fingers through his hair. "He thinks there is possible scaring from watching your mother being beat"

September 27th, 08, 06:33 PM
"Oh....ok" -ryan looks worried about what they might find

September 27th, 08, 06:39 PM
"Do you want to take the tests right now, dear?" Kim asks softly

September 28th, 08, 05:28 AM
Yasha calls up to the children, "We're going to have a new guess and I'm going to pick him up." he paused, "Rie Euro will be over soon does anyone need a change before I go?"

September 28th, 08, 10:04 AM
Raven says "I do daddy Yasha I am very messy and my tummy feels funny since I pooping so much and I also am a little wet so can you please change me daddy Yasha."

September 28th, 08, 10:14 AM
-Ryan nods to Kim- "Im ok with doing them now"

September 28th, 08, 01:42 PM
Pyroh nods "Yes daddy I also need a change I'm very wet from that bottle and I think I might be a little messy."

Kim walks out of the room and comes back with the doctor she got into the argument with "Ok doctor he is ready for the tests Yasha said he is coming to pick him up today so please don't take too long." Looking at the Kim the doctor replies "I will take as long as I need Kim these tests are for his best intrest." Kim nods "I understand that but Yasha wants to take him home tonight and I think thats the best thing. I have not seen anything wrong with him aside from his chest which looks fine now." The three of them walk out of the room Kim is holding Ryan's hand walking into another room with a computer Kim asks Ryan to sit down. "Just answer the questions as they come There are no wrong or right answers" the doctor explains.

September 28th, 08, 05:19 PM
Yasha nodded and walked upstairs. He was happy to see they were all in Rie's room so he ushered them toward the changing table, "OK up you go Raven," he helped her on to it. There was an0 apron on a hook for changing. He put it on and pulled out the needed supplies. After he'd changed all of them he washed his hands and informed them on Euro, "Rie knows him and he's not exactly my first choice for babysitting, but since my first choice already left for work he's coming over," he hung the apron back up, "Now I want you all to behave for him I should be back soon I made go pick up a treat for you little ones," he patted their heads and left.
"Yasha, daddy is a semi germophob," Rie commented holding his favorite bear.

September 28th, 08, 06:15 PM
"Rie, can you show me my room please I want to see what it looks like."

September 28th, 08, 07:40 PM
Rie stood up and walked out of the room, "Come on," he walked to a room across froim his, "this is your room," it was a light shade of orange and had things for both sexes since Yasha hadn't known if he was going to have a boy or a girl in that room, "The things you don't like you can probably give to Raven,"

September 28th, 08, 08:07 PM
Pyroh walked into the room he never had his own room before "Thank you Rie, I like this room a lot." Walking over towards the toy chest trying to figure out what he wanted and he could give to Raven if she wanted them.

September 28th, 08, 09:07 PM
The door opened up and a man with long curly blonde hair walked in, "So there you are and there are more now how nice," he was just taller then Raven but not as tall as Yasha. He had another man with him, he had short brown hair and was on a leash, "Well well I see Yasha actually went through with it so... have you eaten yet or do I have to feed you?"

September 28th, 08, 09:34 PM
Pyroh wasn't liking this new guy "No we havn't eaten yet" Pyroh said trying his best to look angry.

September 28th, 08, 09:42 PM
Raven says "I just had lunch awhile ago and please ask us if you need anything just me&one of the boys here so we can help you."

September 28th, 08, 10:44 PM
Euro looked at the new ones, "You're too cute to try to look angry and believe me I've been here more times then you I know my way around," he unhooked the other man, "Jett you watch them while I go fix something to eat,"
"Yasha told you to watch us not your pet," Rie protested.
"Hey shut it," Euro glared at him, "You keep that up I'll spank you bare assed," he turned and walked out, leaving Jett.

September 28th, 08, 11:14 PM
"Who is he. Hes not very nice to you Rie. I wonder what hes going to make. Why did Jeet have a leash on?" Pyroh was very confused and a little upset he started to suck his thumb to calm himself

September 29th, 08, 12:05 AM
Rie looked at him, "He's my brother's friend but he never really hit me before he knows daddy would kill him and Jett is his pet," Rie looked over at the man who sat on the floor. He was wearing a dark green shirt and black pants and had brown eyes. "He's probably making pasta," Rie hugged Pyroh, "Don't wprry I won't let him bother you, he just does that to me I know he won't do anything to you," Rie lied to calm him down.

September 29th, 08, 12:15 AM
"Oh ok, that's good that he wouldn't hit you. I thought pets were dogs and cats how is he a pet?" Pyroh lies down on the floor. Thinking 'How is a man a pet'

September 29th, 08, 12:19 AM
Rie rubbed his head, "I don't know, hey Jett how did you become Euro's pet?"
"None of your busisness," He turned towards the door.
Rie pouted in his cute way and leaned to pyroh, "My brother said that he found Jett on the street and brought him home with him and thats how he became his pet,"

September 29th, 08, 12:24 AM
"I see that makes sense." Pyroh stares at the ceiling in curiosity

September 29th, 08, 01:51 AM
Euro walked back up with three plates of ramen, "Ok eat up," he set them down in front of them, "I'll change you when you're done eating Rie," he prepared to walk out.

September 29th, 08, 02:05 AM
Pyroh waits for a bit to let his plate of ramen cool down before eating "This tastes good what is it?"

September 29th, 08, 03:37 AM
"It's food," Euro said. Rie threw a ball at him, "Do that again and see what happens!" he walked out calling Jett after him.
"He has an attitude problem, daddy said if he keeps that up he'll fix it himself"Rie slurped his down, "It's chicken ramen,"

September 29th, 08, 03:58 AM
"I like it. It tastes really good. I think that Euro needs his attitude fixed hes really mean to you."

September 29th, 08, 12:50 PM
"Don't worry when daddy gets home I'll tell him because he said that if Euro ever hit's mean or is really mean to me he's going to give him a spanking right in front of me," Rie smiled at the thought slurping down his food

September 29th, 08, 12:57 PM
Pyroh smiles "That will be fun to see," finishing his plate of ramen "I wonder what daddy is going to get us"

September 29th, 08, 01:45 PM
-Ryan waits to hear the questions- he sits there looking inoocent and wondering what he will be asked-

September 29th, 08, 02:10 PM
"Ok Ryan we are going to start out with some simple math them move on to more complex math ending with how you would react." The screen in front of Ryan pops up the following math problems '2+1, 3*2, 14/7, 2+2, 18+2, 3402773*0, 2+2 for large values of 2'

September 29th, 08, 02:40 PM
"2+1 is 3, 3*2 is 6, 14/7 is 2, 2+2 is 4, 18+2 is 20, 3402773*0 is 0 and 2+2 is 4" -RYan looks over and sits there wondering if he got them right not sure if his head is ok-

September 29th, 08, 02:50 PM
Yasha walked in to look for the child he'd been called about.

September 29th, 08, 02:55 PM
-the doctors finalize the tests and clear him for perfect mental health and his chest has healed nicely-

September 29th, 08, 04:20 PM
Kim is waiting for Yasha in the lobby "Yasha, how are you, Please follow me Ill show to Ryan he should be finishing up the tests now."

September 29th, 08, 04:22 PM
-Ryan is sitting in a chair still in his hospitol gown and diaper huming and huging his wolfie-

September 29th, 08, 04:31 PM
Yasha follows her, "So how old is he?"

"What are you doing?!" Euro grabbed Rie's arm, "I'm not cleaning any damn pant off your wall,"
"Shut up daddy lets me paint on the wall all the time!" Rie snatched away sticking his tongue out.

September 29th, 08, 04:34 PM
"Hes 14 right now little bit of trouble at his home so we took him into protective care" Kim replies, she stops at Ryan's room and knocks on the door "Ryan there's someone here who would like to meet you."

Pyroh looking shocked at what Euro had just done "I'm telling daddy when he gets here"

September 29th, 08, 04:36 PM
-Ryan heres this and runs to his bed in shock and dives under the covers trying to hide his diapers- "um...c..come in its open"

September 29th, 08, 04:38 PM
Yasha nodded in understandence.

"Telling on what!?" Euro looked at him, "If I didn't hit him then what are you telling on?" he grew angry.

September 29th, 08, 04:40 PM
Kim whispers to Yasha "Hes very shy about wearing diapers"

"I'm telling daddy that your being mean to Rie" Pyroh glared at Euro "I dont like mean people"

September 29th, 08, 04:40 PM
-ryan is in his bed sitting with the covers high over his waist to hide his diaper and hiw wolfie is under his pillow

September 29th, 08, 11:43 PM
Yasha looked down at him and smiled, "Well hello how are you?" he asked

Euro puffed his cheeks and walked away, "Stupid brats!" he said quietly.

September 30th, 08, 02:28 AM
"um...h..hi..im...g..good" -ryan blushes

September 30th, 08, 02:32 AM
Kim "There's no need to be shy Ryan he wont hurt you. Im going to step out there is some paper work I need to do" Kim leaves the room.

September 30th, 08, 02:36 AM
-Ryan looks at him still pretty shy about what he is wearing

September 30th, 08, 02:37 AM
Yasha smiled, "So how old are you?" he kept the questions simple

September 30th, 08, 02:40 AM
"im f...f..fourteen"

September 30th, 08, 02:43 AM
"No need to be shy I shant hurt you," Yasha came alittle closer "Would you like to come home with me?''

September 30th, 08, 02:44 AM
"um...s..sure....Id rather not go home anyway...."

September 30th, 08, 02:45 AM
Kim walks on the door "Ok by the sounds of it hes good to go if you could just sign these papers please Yasha"

September 30th, 08, 02:50 AM
-ryan worries about his diapers and takes his wolfie from out of hiding and hugs it-

September 30th, 08, 02:53 AM
After signing the papers Yasha comes back in for him. "My son is 16 and he loves his stuffed bear and his diapers," Yasha smiles leaning down rubbing his head, "He calls it Soundless, what do you call yours?"

September 30th, 08, 02:59 AM
"Oh um....I call him fenrir fen for short..."-Ryan blushes

September 30th, 08, 03:05 AM
"Hm thats a nice name," he looked off into the horizon, "You gather your things so we can go home; I left Rie and the others with smeone I don't exactly trust to watch over them to well," He shuttered at the last minute decisson.

"Hm so so whats this?" Euro was in YAsha's room looking at a magazine.

September 30th, 08, 03:07 AM
-Ryan nods and get out of his bed blushing at the open back showing his diaper- he gets dreesed into some of his clothes and walks up to Yasha with his backpack over his shoulder and his wolfie in his arms- "Im ready"

September 30th, 08, 03:10 AM
Yasha smiles, "Ok then let's go," he takes him out to the car. He stopped by the store and got some cake and icecream for the others. He arrove home and saw his bedroom dorr open. He sighed, "Why dont you go upstairs Ryan and meet your new brother's, Rie will show you your room," he smiled.

September 30th, 08, 03:13 AM
-Ryan nervously walks upstairs and thinks oh man im scared...-

September 30th, 08, 03:19 AM
Rie and pyroh were playing in his room, Raven ahd went to take a nap.

September 30th, 08, 03:20 AM
-Ryan walks down the hall nervously and turns and sees a door open and two boys playing in diaper- he just stand there huging his wolfie in shock not being able to say anything-

September 30th, 08, 03:29 AM
Rie looked up noticing<" hi who are you?" he smiled.
Yasha walked toward his door noticing Euro quickly rying to put his things back in order, "You touhed my things ad you're in my room instead of watching my children," he glared at him with his arms folded.

September 30th, 08, 03:31 AM
-Ryan stands there in shock- "I...I...im ...R...Ryan" -hes still nervous- (gnight ima going to bed)

September 30th, 08, 03:38 AM
"Hi I'm Rie," he pulled his tap pants up, "Yasha 'dopted you too?" (nighti night)

September 30th, 08, 11:21 AM
-Ryan nods and hugs his wolfie closer-

September 30th, 08, 12:32 PM
Pyroh finally stops playing with his toys looking up "Hi Ryan, I like your wolfie whats his name?" Pyroh hears something from downstairs. Smiling "I think Euro is in trouble"

September 30th, 08, 12:52 PM
Rie smiles, "Lets go see," he grabs Ryan's hand and they walk to the stairs. They see Yasha in the kitchen pulling Euro towards a chair while jett was happily watching.
"Hey wait you cant do this to me!" Euro struggled. The thought of being spanked as his age was unbearable.

September 30th, 08, 12:55 PM
Pyroh starts to let out a fit of giggles

September 30th, 08, 12:57 PM
Euro looks up, "Shut up!" he yells as he's being thrown over Ysha's lap. "This isn't fair I'm 24!" Yasha begins to pull his pants down and spanks him a good couple of hard times with his hand.

September 30th, 08, 12:58 PM
"I wont do that Euro, You should have been nicer and listened to daddy"

September 30th, 08, 01:22 PM
-Ryan just stares at the situation not moving or speaking

September 30th, 08, 01:27 PM
Remembering that he told Euro that he was going to tell daddy what Euro had done to Rie "Daddy Euro grabbed Rie's arm while he was drawing on the wall saying that he wasn't going to clean it, He didnt hit him but he was really mean about it"

September 30th, 08, 01:29 PM
-Ryan thinks in his head 'well this is going to be different....'

September 30th, 08, 01:40 PM
"Ryan, Why did you decide to come here? Ill tell you if you tell me" Pyroh smiled at Ryan

September 30th, 08, 01:42 PM
"I...well..I wanted to get away from my problems...." -Ryan blushes

September 30th, 08, 01:47 PM
"Oh, your safe here daddy wont hurt you, I came to finally find a place to call home" smiling "Daddy when your done with Euro can I have a bottle and I think ill be ready for bed soon"

September 30th, 08, 01:50 PM
"B....bottle?..." -ryan looks at pyroh weird- "Dont you mean a glass?"

September 30th, 08, 01:52 PM
"Nope," smiling "I mean bottle, Daddy I'm going to go play in my room for a bit" Pyroh runs back upstairs to his room and begins to build a castle out of his blocks

September 30th, 08, 01:54 PM
-Ryan just stands there and thinks- hes very confused about the whole situation- he knew he was in a house with other kids in diapers but...a bottle?-

September 30th, 08, 02:44 PM
Yasha gasped, "You snoop through my things and your mean to my angels?" Euro looked around.
"Um... OW!!" the hits became harder, "Ow dammit!" Yasha spanked him really hard, "Little brats I'll get you!" Yasha continued to redden his backside.
"Don't you threaten my children, we'll be here all day and if you say another word I'll take my belt off," Yasha scolded he turned toward Pyroh, "Of coarse be there in a sec,"

After they left Rie continued to listen to his new brothers talk. "My big brother used to be really mean to me.

September 30th, 08, 02:47 PM
-Ryan doesnt say anything hes to scared and quite jumpy- he just stands there hugging his wolfie

September 30th, 08, 02:51 PM
Pyroh decides that its time for the dragon in the hills to come and destroy the castle. a light crashing can be heard as the blocks fall down "Roar, Roars"

September 30th, 08, 02:52 PM
-Ryan hears the noise and turns to see him playing- "Um....you haveing fun.....hehe..." -he looks away with an oooooooook kinda look

September 30th, 08, 02:53 PM
Pyroh smiles "yes I'm having fun. Wanna play with me?"

September 30th, 08, 02:55 PM
"no....im good...." -ryan looks for a chair to sit on and decides on a rocking chair

September 30th, 08, 02:57 PM
"What do you do for fun then?" Pyroh starts to rebuild the town he just destroyed.

September 30th, 08, 03:01 PM
"I have a teddy bear his name is Soundless, what's your's name?" Rie smiled. Yasha walked in with three bottles and some food.
"I didn't know if you drank from a glass or bottle, Ryan, so is it ok I made you a bottle?" he patted all their heads, "Euro apologized and said he'd be a lot nicer next time," his hand was very red when he handed ryan his bottle, "Would you boys like some ice cream and cakes,"

September 30th, 08, 03:01 PM
"Um...well I usually play video games or...hang out with friends...you know tennager stuff.."-Ryan looks down at his diapered self and his wolfie and thinks 'well you arent doing that now are you?'

"Oh and my wolfs name is fenrir I call him fen for short...." -he blushes

September 30th, 08, 03:05 PM
"Oh oh can I have some cake and ice cream that sounds really good" Pyroh jumps up and gets a bottle for him and starts to drink from it.

September 30th, 08, 03:09 PM
-Ryan walks over and grabs one of the bottles and just stares at it- he whispers " well I already did it before..." -he sips some milk out of the nipple of the bottle

September 30th, 08, 03:09 PM
"Sure how anout you Ryan?" YAsha asked, "First does any one need a change?"

September 30th, 08, 03:11 PM
-Ryan nods- "ill have some"

September 30th, 08, 03:11 PM
"Umm daddy Can you change me after I eat? I think ill be ready for bed afterwords"

September 30th, 08, 03:12 PM
-Ryan just then pees himself a little- he gets a shocked look on his then blushes and looks down-

September 30th, 08, 03:12 PM
Yasha smiled, "Ofcoarse. Ryan would you come out here with me please," when he came out Yasha asked, "Do you need a change?"

September 30th, 08, 03:13 PM
-Ryan blushes furiously- "I...um...y...yeah sorta.." -he looks away shyly

September 30th, 08, 03:15 PM
Pyroh starts to dig into his cake and ice cream grabbing a bit of cake with his hands and taking bites being careful not to make too much of a mess.

September 30th, 08, 03:16 PM
"Ok then come on I'll go go change you then we'll fix the snack," he took his hand.

September 30th, 08, 03:17 PM
-Ryans just went along with Yasha blushing even more and griping his wolfie fen close

September 30th, 08, 03:45 PM
After the change Yasha watched them eat from the chair, "Thank you daddy!" rie said as Yasha began to light a cig.
"You're welcome," he took a puff.

September 30th, 08, 03:47 PM
Pyroh finished his plate and was covered in chocolate and sticky form the ice cream walking downstairs with his plate "Daddy I'm done, want me to was it?"

September 30th, 08, 03:51 PM
Yash looked at him and took a long puff of his cigarette, he was a semi germophob. "No no just put it in the sink and I'll wash it, go upstairs so daddy can give you a bath," he smiled.

September 30th, 08, 03:55 PM
"Ok" Pyroh put the plate in the sink and went to the bathroom to wait for Yasha.

September 30th, 08, 03:58 PM
(anyone who smokes creeps me out :3) -Ryan nods thanking yasha and walks to the outside of the bathroom-

September 30th, 08, 04:02 PM
Rie set his in the sink and followed pyroh, "I'll come back for you in aminute ok Ryan," Yasha walked upstairs and quickly bathed the boys, "Ok you Pyroh come on back downstairs," he dressed him and Rie.

September 30th, 08, 04:05 PM
"Ok daddy see you down stairs in a bit" Pyroh walks back down stairs and sits at the table

September 30th, 08, 04:07 PM
Raven says "daddy Yasha I need a bath too and my tummy is hurting me right now which means I feel sick daddy Yasha."

September 30th, 08, 04:09 PM
-Ryan just waits patiently but thinks he will just a bath himself its ineccesary for someone to wash him hes 14 for gods sake...but the other kids look older..other then the way they act-

September 30th, 08, 04:29 PM
Yasha smiled at Raven, "Ok lets wash you too," he took her clothes off and threw the diaper in the garabage, "Evidently Euro didn't change any of you," he scrub her. Once he was done with her he took her tempertature and had all of them come downstairs, "Ok Rie take out the patlets so you and pyroh can take a nap and take one out for Ryan," he walked over to Ryan, "you go upstairs and I'll bathe you in a minute I have to fix Raven something for her stomache,"

September 30th, 08, 04:31 PM
-Ryan nods but he decides he can do it himself so why wait- he walks up stairs and starts the tub so he can wash himself-

September 30th, 08, 04:36 PM
Yasha feeds Raven and gives her some medicine and goes to find Ryan. He sees him in Rie's bathroom, "Everything ok?"

September 30th, 08, 04:39 PM
"Um I was just about to take a bath...wasnt I supposed to?" -he stands there looking at yasha

September 30th, 08, 08:18 PM
Yasha smiled, "Yes you did good, when you're threw with your bath why don't you come downstairs and take a nap with the others and it'll make you feel better," he rubbed his had and walked out, "If you dont want to take a nap down here though you can take one in your room, it's the one with the blue walls and fish nightlight."

October 1st, 08, 07:44 PM
Pyroh was lying awake on his patlet, letting out a sigh "I wonder what Amber is doing right now" Twisting his bracelet and smiling

October 1st, 08, 10:24 PM
Rie rolled over, "Whose Amber?" he looked at the bracelet.

October 1st, 08, 10:27 PM
Pyroh jumped at Rie's voice "I... I thought everyone else was asleep... She was one of my care takers when I was moving around from home to home.... she also made this bracelet. Use to have more gold paper clips but I got introuble for climbing a tree to get something that got stuck and fell out after getting it, I got really hurt."

October 1st, 08, 10:47 PM
Rie turned upside down, "Well that sucks one time my big brother didn't know I was playing in the driveway and ran me over with the car, I had to go to intensive care for two weeks," Rie hugged soundless, "It wasn't fun but I did get a lot of gift and get well pretties,"

October 1st, 08, 10:51 PM
Pyroh looked at Rie shocked "How did he not know?"

October 1st, 08, 10:56 PM
"He was ruching because daddy told him to get hish lazy ash to the store and he rushed into his car and I was playing outside and I tripped on the hose," Rie stopped and looked at soundless. "It really was an accident he's hurt me before but the worst he ever did was that scar and the doctor said it was just deep enough to leave that scar,"

October 1st, 08, 11:12 PM
Pyroh looked down "I see that sounds painful, your brother sounds really mean seemed that way too."

October 1st, 08, 11:12 PM
Name: Rena Mitchell
Age: 14
Height :four feet ten inches
Weight: ninety pounds
Eye color: Olive Green
Hair Color: Auburn
Rena is a runaway from the streets whose parents abused her since age ten until she couldn't handle it anymore and ran away to fend for herself in the street. She becane an infantilist as a defense mechanism and she is arrested for trying to rob an abdl store for baby stuff and the owner sends her to the abdl hospital as punishment for Rena for trying to rob her but Rena is happy since it means being cared for someone that isn't trying to abuse her a daily basis. Rena has a beyond genius level iq but the abuse to her body has permanently caused her to lose all bladder&bowel control which causes her have a babyish personality which will regrow up once she has caring parents in her daily life.

October 1st, 08, 11:15 PM
Rie nodded, "He was and he was jealous of me too he didn't like daddy gave me so much attention,"

October 1st, 08, 11:21 PM
Pyroh yawns "I think its about that time to nap, I just cant keep my eyes op...en..... any....more, Night...... Rie" Pyroh drifted into the memories of the church fire.

October 2nd, 08, 01:15 AM
Rie watched his new little brother drift into sleep and looked up at the ceiling. He blink and quickly fell into a deep dark sleep.

October 2nd, 08, 01:50 AM
dreaming Pyroh hears crackling and looks around theres a building on fire in front of him. Looking around Pyroh walks towards the building and sees a small basket with a crying child in it. 'theres someone there, who would leave a child here.' The fire starts to spread in the church, the wood catches fire easily and starts to break apart and fall in on itself. "Who would lite a church on fire" Turning around Pyroh sees two faceless figures "Look theres a child here, doesn't seem to be here by accident" The two figures take the basket and walk away. The grass around where the basket was catches fire Pyroh is trapped in a circle of fire. Pyroh tries to yell out to the two people walking away but he no longer has a voice 'Help me please I cant get out the fire is comming in someone help please' Pyroh is tossing and turning on his bed.

October 2nd, 08, 01:57 AM
Yasha is dabbing his head with a cold rag, "It's ok I'm here," he dabbed it with the cloth again.

October 2nd, 08, 02:01 AM
Pyroh's eyes sprang open and he shot up in a panic. breathing very heavy and rapidly. "What was that..? I... I havnt seen that before..." Pyroh tells Yasha about the dream

October 2nd, 08, 02:07 AM
Yasha rubbed his head, "it's ok, Im here," he dabbed his head, "Here lets go to the changing table so I can clean you again," he picked him up.

October 2nd, 08, 02:11 AM
Pyroh hadnt even noticed that he was wet. "Ok daddy thanks''

October 2nd, 08, 02:15 AM
"It's ok maybe we shouldn't have snacks so late at night," he laid him on the changing table.

October 2nd, 08, 02:16 AM
Pyroh smiled "Oks they were good snacks though"

October 2nd, 08, 02:29 AM
Yasha ruffled his hair, "Indeed they were" he smiled taking him back to the bed