View Full Version : RP, anyone?

December 8th, 08, 03:50 AM
So very bored... So I am making an RP! 8D This is an RP about a sleep over! : D

__________________________________________________ ________
So there you are... At a sleep over with your friends! ..But... You don't know that 3 of your friends are planning something horrible.. Something so evil, like.. Oh I don't know... Babying you?!?! : O

Caretaker One: White
Caretaker Two: Kimmy
Caretaker Three: Sunny fizzy prower

Babied Friend One: Swords85
Babied Friend Two: yoshiyos
Babied Friend Three: WiddleZetsu

(*Note, if we need to cut down on parts, it's okay. We only need 2 caretakers or two babied friends, but it would be nice to have three each. W/e)

Caretakers: Just go with the flow~ Make it seem sneaky and stuff. I'm sure you'll find away ; )

-Post your bios below-

December 8th, 08, 04:00 AM
i want to be babied friend one who has long red hair down to shoulders and is quite adorable with pale white skin and quite frail looking.

December 8th, 08, 04:03 AM
Need more info ^^'' Are you a girl, boy, how old, etc.


Hair colour:
Eye colour:


December 8th, 08, 04:08 AM
Name: Adamrose
Hair colour: purple
Eye colour: pink
Description: i might be a boy but my mother and father raised me as a girl they sent me here to be babifed into a little girl for them

December 8th, 08, 04:11 AM
..uhm... Well, even if I did a bad description of the RP, this is like one about a sleep over o.o Not like, something the parents would know about.. Or like you know, but okay.

December 8th, 08, 04:14 AM
ok just a sleepover is ok my parents dont know i will edit that out

Name: Adamrose
Hair colour: purple
Eye colour: pink
Description: i might be a boy but my mother and father raised me as a girl and i came here for the sleepover as i got sent a letter by someone here

December 8th, 08, 04:15 AM
Name: Dan
hair Colour:Black
Eye Colour: Red
Description:A boy who is a bit of an outcast but has found a few friends but has always had a soft side and is excited about finally being invited to a sleepover by one of his few friends

December 8th, 08, 04:16 AM
I'll take that. Seems fine. ^^'

And yoshiyos, I'm guessing babied role, right? OH! Also nothing below 16 >>

December 8th, 08, 04:16 AM
so what else we need madam for this rp

December 8th, 08, 04:18 AM
More people ^^' That's about it lol

December 8th, 08, 04:26 AM
are you one of the adults

December 8th, 08, 04:31 AM
Me? If it's me then yes, I just need to post my bio. To lazy to do atm.

December 8th, 08, 04:31 AM
yes you miss white

December 8th, 08, 04:45 AM
i hope we find more soon

December 8th, 08, 04:51 AM
Name: Aoi (no last name to lazy XD)
Age: 17
Hair colour: black
Eye colour: green

Aoi is the ring leader of this whole thing. She's semi-mean, but only when shes provoked to be mean. Other then that, she's very nice.

December 8th, 08, 05:10 AM
Name: David Tsukyomi
Age: 17
Hair colour: dark blue (almost looks black)
Eye colour: blue

Bio: Aoi's bf, he's a gentle and a nice guy. he loves to take care of younger kids and is open to discuss about anything

December 8th, 08, 05:14 AM
I will take that, so yeah. :3

December 8th, 08, 11:30 PM
when can we start the rp

December 9th, 08, 12:01 AM
we got everyone but the other sleepover boy

December 9th, 08, 12:11 AM
We'll start soon- And also please don't post something after you just posted, it's spam. And not the can kind, either lol

December 9th, 08, 12:41 AM
i am sorry madam for double posting

December 12th, 08, 02:44 PM
Not a problem. I'll make the thread for the RP today ;) I just got to log for a bit...

December 14th, 08, 02:33 PM
thank you madam as he curtseys to her softly your quite a nice person

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 14th, 08, 11:12 PM
You still lookin' for people?

December 14th, 08, 11:13 PM
Sure, if you want to join then ya can :P Just put up your BIO and what role ya want.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 14th, 08, 11:18 PM
I'll return momentarily to do so.
Got some messages on Gaia to handle.

December 15th, 08, 01:07 AM
Mmmk. I shall wait.

Zephyr The Sylveon
December 15th, 08, 01:45 AM
Can I join?

Name: Saitorie Hanazuru (saito)
Age: 16
Hair colour: blonde
Eye colour: orange
Description: A kind boy, kinda silly loves the colors pink and purole and like sissying others. He's a caretaker to the core.

December 15th, 08, 02:01 AM
Mmmk, you are in.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 15th, 08, 02:45 AM
Name: Josephine Larxene VanSchaick
Age: 16
Hair colour: Black with blue streaks
Eye colour: Hazel
Description: Eighteen long years. And on top of it, having been removed from one's mother's arms, and passed off to her god parents, josephine had been periodically introduced to her parents as "Tom" and "Lindsey". They weren't her parents in the God Parents' eyes. And so, she had been spending her life with them... Well... until recently. On her sweet sixteen, she wanted to stay with Tom and Lindsey, since she had found out. In the new school, she had been struggling to find some peace with some clique, and found herself coming to the sleepover.

December 15th, 08, 02:55 AM
I will make the thread soon (no jokes) and also you are hammy approved Zetsu.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
December 15th, 08, 02:59 AM
Woo! The best kind of approval!