View Full Version : RP Idea, want input. Post-apocolyptic setting

May 25th, 09, 10:41 AM
C.H.I.L.D - Combat Human Integrated Logistical Drone. A name for a new type of combat armor developed in the year 2091, to fight against an alien threat that has destroyed most of the planet.

I came up with the premise for this RP after seeing the Anime called "Sky Girls". In that show, 3 young women pilot radically advanced power armor against a force of machine like creatures that have decimated the human race, they finally resorted to weapons of mass destruction, and 90% of the worlds men of military age were killed as a result.

My RP is similar, except that most of the adults period, men and women, of fighting age have been killed. The start of this RP will be a standoff time, when both sides are building up their forces. The enemy is an alien race I'm going to call the Irial. Characters in this RP include the pilots of the armor, who are children around ages 7 to 10 who have been genetically engineered to be soldiers, specifically trained to pilot this new type of battle armor. Due to the advanced and rather rigourous training though, basics such as how to take care of themselves properly, and potty training, were skipped to allow for full immersion in military tactics, strategy, and piloting skill. To account for the massive amount of stress placed on the children, to prevent them from going rogue(or insane), the children are each assigned a caretaker, usually a noncombat man or woman, depending on preference, to act as a surrogate mommy or daddy to the pilots. These are assigned depending on military post. The RP will start on board the United Terra Naval(UTN) Carrier, Olympus.

Each of the C.H.I.L.D units are given a codename based on Gods and Goddesses(hence the carrier name Olympus), and each is installed with a computer AI system reflecting that. The AI's are modeled after the current caretaker assigned to the pilot, and will appear as such in the pilots H-HUD(Holographic Heads up Display). Each unit is also given an additional designation depending on the type of job it was designed to do, for example, C.H.I.L.D - R/LC is Reconnaissance/Light Combat. C.H.I.L.D - S is Skirmisher or Support. C.H.I.L.D - A is Assault. The units are powered by a revolutionary new battery system, which charges itself and can basically run indefinitely. The pilots sit in open cockpits wearing minimal clothing because skin contact is needed with the system to allow full control, as the armor responds to the bio-signature of the pilot.

I picture the armor as being like the mecha musume type thing. Jet fighters and other military hardware converted into body armor. (Google Mecha Musume if you need to know what this is like). I'm drawing my character currently, and I'll do some sketches of the armor. Keep in mind these are personal units, not gigantic spaceships.

Characters needed:
Pilots - I don't want everyone to be a pilot, but I'm not going to restrict it either.
Caretakers - We need as many of these as we do pilots, you can play your own caretaker if you want I suppose.
Military Personnel - We need officers and soldiers, and the head honchos of course.
Ship Personnel - The ship needs a commanding officer, navigator, etc.
Scientists and Medical Personnel - Someone had to develop the C.H.I.L.D system ^_^

I would prefer this to be a more in-depth RP than some of the others I see on here. Not just one line at a time, but a paragraph at least. Let me know if you're interested. I'd like to hear if anyone has any additional ideas, and we can discuss maybe getting this going. Of course, since the majority of adults of combat suitable age have been killed off, other people such as Ship Personnel and such can be children as well, and in need of caretakers.

I'd like ideas and discussions about this before, give me some opinions. I'm writing a companion story too.

So, what do you think?

May 25th, 09, 03:02 PM
Nice, it's certainly much more fleshed out than most of the one-sentence " let's do something" RP's you see on here. You have also a rather interesting story that could go on some way without going all " LOL Sayan 9000 Forc Field, YOU'RE DEAD!" Battle RP or just " I'm gchzanig yuor diapre!"
You have my deepest gratitude for that buddy.

So, if you need someone for that RP, I would willingly play someone of the Military or ship Personel, my favorite role would be some News/propaganda guy who is' some sort of right hand to the higher class Ones and is some kind of Status reporter or messager,

or just some High Class grumpy general guy, with an " stupid children in battle mech Nonsense" Attitude ; ]

Only thing I would change is that the children shouldbe a little older, maybe 10 . 16 or so,... don't know, reminds me of evangelion that it would be the right age ^^''

May 25th, 09, 03:51 PM
That sounds good. We certainly don't want everyone all going "I wanna be a pilot!" We need characters like yours.

I didn't want this to be like one of the cheap little RPs I want it to be more flushed out and in depth, people writing at least a paragraph at a time. I've been putting a lot of thought into this. I've been sketching designs of the ships, armor, uniforms, everything. I did a sketch of a character in the armor on paper, and he was wearing nothing but a diaper and form fitting shirt in an open cockpit, so I had to think to myself, WHY would this kid not be protected and why would he wear minimal clothing like that. So I came up with the answer that as much skin needs to be in contact with these special sensors in the cockpit, because they're bio-linked together. I had to figure why the kids would be in diapers in the first place, so I wrote that they weren't potty trained on purpose, as a form of government control and to keep them in line. It's all very in depth and that's how I want it.

And the age is just a general localization. They can be anywhere from age 8 to 16, any older and they'd risk falling into the military age category, and 90% of them were wiped out.

If we can get some more people in I'd be happy to start it up ^_^

June 1st, 09, 04:26 AM

No one else interested?

June 16th, 09, 04:36 AM
Actually, this sounds like a fascinating RP idea. If you don't mind multiple characters, I would certainly be interested in RPing a few characters.

I've been looking for an RP that would encourage more in-depth character creation and longer posts, since most of my posts are way longer than most of the ones I've read from other people, so I would totally join this if you start it. ^^

K00l name
June 16th, 09, 05:23 PM
I will do it, I'd eithe rwant to be a caretakeer or a science personel

June 19th, 09, 04:25 AM
its good it seems well made i only see two problems with the logic i dont mean anything by it but it seems its more like its based on real things but children would have to have high intelegence levels and they probably wouldnt know what to do really and everyone would be dead but it still seems well made and not very bad with the plot reminds of eureka 7 or code geasse really