View Full Version : RWBY: The Punishment Game (For YkIh and AnimeGaming)

August 28th, 21, 12:04 AM
It was fairly late at night in the town of Vale, at an upscale restaurant that was filled to the brim with high-class men and women two individuals stuck out, atleast they looked the part. Neopolitan, better known as Neo was currently on a date with her girlfriend Cinder Fall, who had treated Neo to a meal at an incredibly fancy location well beyond the small criminal’s standards. Unbeknownst to the mute her lover was far from happy with her. They were currently undercover at Beacon Academy, and by acting violently recently at the Vytal tournament she had nearly given away their game, and Cinder had big plans to punish Neo for her misbehaviour. Currently though the girl was blissfully unaware of the woman accords the table’s plans as she scanned through the menu for what she wanted to eat as her drink was set down in front of her by a waitress.

Meanwhile on the opposite side of Vale a partly similar, but partly different scenario was taking place, the legendary huntress in training Pyrrha Nikos was sat at a desk in her room, very clearly dressed far more indecently than was necessary, she was preparing some sort of enhancement or device that connected to a microphone in front of her computer, which had it’s monitor tilted down to give whoever she was about to call a full view of her lingerie-clad body. She had recently sent her baby some gifts in the mail and was excited to see her reaction to what she had bought her. The redhead made one last check to ensure all of her devices and set-ups were working properly, once she was sure the woman started to call her current sub, once she was through she simply said “Hello!” In a sing-song voice to ensure that her voice modulator was working, she smirked in satisfaction as her voice was successfully changed to sound fairly older than it actually was, she eagerly awaited her baby’s response.

August 30th, 21, 12:44 AM
The waitress smiled and did a little bow. My name is Sasha I'll be taking your orders tonight. Cinder nodded "well Sasha we are still deciding what to eat can you give us a few minutes please?" "Take all the time you need" Sasha turned around and walked away. Cinder smirked and looked at her girlfriend who was looking over at the menu. "Remember Neo no deserts tonight because you didn't eat your vegetables last night"

Cinder reached into her pocket and pulled out a tasteless laxative and quickly slipped it into Neo's drink and she watched it dissolve. Cinder grabbed her own menu and looked it over quickly "I'll be getting a steak with mashed potatoes and corn what about you baby?

A few tables away was another pair on a date they Yang xio long and Blake Belladonna. "I can't believe we actually got in Blake this is going to be the best date of our lives that's a promise" Blake playfully rolled her eyes. "We got in because I made reservations last month" Blake's cat ears under her bow moved and her eyes widened as she heard cinder and she turned around and gasped what were cinder and neo doing here?.


Glynda was blushing hard as she had to pick up a large box from ozpin's office and it was addressed to her by her online username potty pants "oh my God I can't believe my online Mommy is embarrassing me" she muttered under her breath and shook her head as she made it to her dorm quickly unlocking the door and went in her room she put the box on her bed and went to close the door and locked it "I'm sure Mommy wants to see me open it"

Glynda went to her computer and got on favorite ABDL site and giggled happily as she saw her Mommy was online she set up her video camera and made it go down to her body "ok my face is hidden now to turn on my voice changer she was changing things in her settings and nodded satisfied "hello testing" Glynda voice sounded like a Small girls and not her normal voice.

Glynda accepted the video chat and gasped as she saw her Mommy was wearing such naughty clothes she looked so sexy.

Potty pants: Mommy why are wearing lingerie and I love it I got the stuff you sent me and I want to open it with you also why did you put my username on the box it's so embarrassing I'm lucky my boss or anyone saw it"

August 30th, 21, 01:14 AM
Neo gave the waitress a small smile, she couldn’t exactly speak to the woman considering she was mute, and sign language wasn’t a common practice in Remnant these days since the invention of scrolls, so the tiny girl relied on Cinder for her order. The girl raised her eyebrow and looked at Cinder curiously at the vegetable remark, for some reason her girlfriend in the last few days had been acting weird, talking down to Neo like she was a child, which wasn’t that new considering their relationship. If you were to ask Neo she would describe the relationship she had with her girlfriend as a constant battle for dominance that was anyone’s game, however if you were to ask Cinder she would describe the relationship as her dominating Neo into oblivion, and occasionally letting the girl take control out of pity. Still, the baby remarks and behaviour was getting out of the control, and the ice-cream themed girl promised herself she would bring it up with her girlfriend later tonight to figure out what was going on. Unbeknownst to her she wouldn’t get that chance.

Upon making a decision Neo put down her own menu and took a long swig of her drink, practically bottoming the fake-cocktail, (Neo couldn't be trusted with actual alcohol with how small she was, atleast according to Cinder) she had ordered in one go, unknowingly sealing her own fate. “I think I’ll get the pasta carbonara.” The girl signed to Cinder using her hands, getting lost in looking at her beautiful partner. She was distracted soon slightly as her stomach gurgled and caused her discomfort. The mute shifted uncomfortably in her seat but didn’t get up yet, not realising how serious it was.

While this was happening of course the duo were being watched by Yang and Blake, although it seemed for now the duo remained oblivious to their company. Atleast Neopolitan was as she was currently distracted by her upset stomach, which was starting to grumble loud enough to atttact attention from the surrounding tables. “You’ve been here before right? Do you know where the toilets are?” Neo signed to her older girlfriend with an uncomfortable look on her face.

Pyrrha smirked herself when she saw the notification on her screen that her unofficial Lover/Baby had come online for the night, she did of course immediately let out a small smirk as she saw her baby’s body in the camera. Instead of answering the woman’s questions she instead immediately began to assert control, “Before we begin I think it would be best if you took those silly big girl clothes off, they really don’t suit you. You best be wearing your padding dear, or I’m afraid I’m going to have to punish you.” She ordered with an uncharacteristically strict tone of voice, she already had plans on how to humiliate her baby tonight, but if she wasn’t wearing her padding that just gave her the excuse to do it immediately.

The girl couldn’t help but giggle when she heard her baby’s response, “Well to start off it’s not just your username, it’s what you are, a big baby potty pants now aren’t you?” She asked, sounding smug now, “And the reason I’m wearing this is because I have a lot planned for you tonight, involving what’s in that box, I have some fun toys for you of course, as well as some fitting padding for you.” She explained, being purposefully vague to avoid spoiling the surprise, “Of course maybe I should of saved these clothes for later, I can’t help but notice that short little skirt if yours just stained suddenly? Excited? Are we?” She asked with a grin.

The huntress pulled out some toys for herself to enjoy while she saw her baby’s reaction to her own new toys, and for when she saw the girl’s plans for later tonight. “Well, what are you waiting for baby girl? Open it on up, unless the little girl needs some help operating big kid equipment like scissors?” She mocked, already amused at the woman’s reluctance. From an outsiders perspective it may seem like Pyrrha was being mean to Glynda, but the two had entirely agreed on this being how their anonymous relationship worked, there were of course safe words and control between the two, if either of the girls got too uncomfortable to continue they would immediately stop, not that it ever happened.

August 30th, 21, 02:42 AM
Yang looked at her girlfriend and raised an eyebrow and noticed Blake was looking at something *what has gotten your attention kitten" she looked and nodded as she saw that cinder and neo are here. "Blake we both agreed that tonight we are not huntresses in training plus they haven't done anything they are probably on a date like us... Wait was that someone's stomach?" She looked at Neo and saw the small girl and noticed Neo was in pain. "No way cinder put something in Neo's drink" she started laughing.

Blake was watching the couple with her guard up just in case something happens. "I know babe but what are the odds that we run into are enemies during are date it's weird" Blake said while not taking her eyes off Neo and I think cinder slipped laxatives in Neo's drink

"Stay here I'm going to go watch the show" Yang laughed as she got up and went to cinder' and Neo's table she put both of her hands on Neo's shoulder "what's up lady's please don't start anything tonight" Yang saw Neo put a hand on her stomach "oh are you about to make some chocolate ice cream"

Cinder smiled as she was enjoying Neo squirm meaning the show is about to begin "the pasta carbonara good choice" she decided to stop the act knowing Neo can't hold it much longer plus she read the first message for the bathroom. "I do know where the bathroom is but I'm not telling you Neo as this is your punishment for what you did at the vytal tournament you almost ruined my plans so I slipped a laxative in your drink while you weren't looking and you are going to poop your pants in front of everyone"

Cinder raised an eyebrow as a blonde girl came to there table asking them not to cause trouble. "Don't worry I'm just on a date with Neo and yes she is about to make chocolate ice cream which sounds gross you know"

"It's funny to me cinder and I'll help Neo out" Yang put a hand on Neo's stomach and put a little pressure down


Glynda let out a small whine as her Mommy was embarrassing her on purpose. She stood up immediately as her panties were a bit soaked. "I can't wait to meet you in real life Mommy and please don't get mad but I'm not wearing a diaper as I don't want to put it on by myself" she went to her bed and opened the box and what she saw made her really excited "woah diapers /pull-ups lots of toys and... Mommy you got me a strap on" she asked as she pulled it out the box.

August 30th, 21, 03:08 AM
Neo at this point was actively potty dancing in her seat with a desperate and pleading expression on her face as she practically begged Cinder to hurry up and tell her the answer to her question, her eyes widened and she looked at Cinder with a shocked expression on her face as the truth was revealed however, looking almost betrayed as she tried her best to glare at the woman intimidatingly, but it wasn’t exactly effective considering the girl was about to crap her panties. She tried her best to sign to Cinder, but it was stuttery and shaky with how panicked the younger girl was, “B-But Cinder, I-I’m sorry please just tell me!” She begged, letting out a small whine, which was about as much noice as she could make given her condition.

The girl let out an embarrassing squeak as she saw and felt Yang’s hands on her shoulders, the girl was filled with fear as her supposed rival was about to witness her horrifically embarrassing accident. The shock of being grabbed so suddenly caused her to release a loud and embarrassingly wet fart, if all eyes weren’t on her before they definitely were now. As her stomach was pressed down the girl squealed as she seemed to finally lose control, she tried to stand up and run away to save herself the embarrassment. But the mute didn’t even make it a step before she clutched her stomach and stuck out her surprisingly big for her size ass and lost all control.

It was a good thing Neo’s pants were already brown as she began to mess herself heavily, causing a huge bulge on her rear as she farted and messed loudly. It only got worse as the embarrassment caused her to wet herself too, all eyes were on her as she fell to the floor in the puddle she had created with an audible splat from her rear and began to bury her face in her hands and cry her heterochromatic eyes out, curling up into a ball as she did, trying to shrink out of the attention on her, and obviously failing.

Meanwhile at Beacon Pyrrha giggled mischievously at her baby’s embarrassment, clearly enjoying the rise she got out of her as she did, “Embarrassed?” She asked, “Good.” She said as she watched the baby girl of hers stand up nervously and show her heavily wet panties, although her outfit looked weirdly familiar, although it wasn’t urine in them, “That’s no excuse dear, I’m going to have to add that to the list of times I’m going to spank you for misbehaving when we finally meet up. That makes a grand total of one-hundred and fifty spanks.” She said in a congratulatory tone that didn’t fit the situation at all. “You best wear your padding when we finally meet, with how hard you’re going to get spanked I’d recommend whatever protection you can get.” She warned in a sly tone of voice, relishing every time her baby flinched or gasped in shock.

Again the huntress just giggled when she saw Glynda’s reaction to her gifts, “Now now baby girl don’t go getting any ideas, that strap-on isn’t for you to be using, that’s a big girl toy for adults who know how to use them.” She warned, “Now I’m afraid you’re going to have to save those for later as it’s time for your punishment for not wearing your padding.” She tapped her chin and hesitated to continue even though she already knew what she would do, loving the suspense she picked up off of the unknowingly older woman, “You’re going to go out in your wet panties and ask someone to buy you diapers, you’re then going to ask them to change you into them. And finally you’re going to record the entire thing.” She ordered, “If you don’t do it by the time I’m back and send it to me you’ll be punished even more.” The red huntress warned before hanging up so her baby couldn’t argue.

August 30th, 21, 10:07 PM
Everyone in the restaurant was looking at Neo some where laughing as she let out a loud wet fart as who knew someone that small can release something so loud. "Your so disgusting little girl Ew!! I'm definitely not hungry anymore" a civilian woman got up and angrily left the place as her night was ruined.

Other civilians where whispering to themselves hell one man was turned on as you could tell by the bulge in the middle of his pants. Yang xio long who's been behind Neo the whole time got immediately turned on by the sound of the girls wet fart sounded amazing to her. "That was awesome" she laughed while watching Neo crying her eyes out.

Cinder smiled as she reached into her purse and pulled out changing supplies and very thick adult diaper the design was baby blocks. "I'm glad you enjoyed the show girl in fact I think I'll hire you to baby-sit my baby girl friend sometime"

"Oh I would definitely up for the job cinder before you diaper Neo though I want to do something" Yang picked up Neo easily from behind and did something that made people gasp. She buried her face in Neo's dirty butt and gave it a big sniff and moaned in pleasure than she put Neo back down.

"I don't know who you are exactly but I can tell we'll be getting along" cinder laughed as she started taking off Neo's pants. "You really stink Neo" she burned the girls pants with her semblance "say goodbye to your adult good until I say otherwise" she tore off Neo's dirty panties with her hands then slid them off the crying girl.

"You know Neo I can't see you as my rival anymore after this as I'm pretty sure your reputation is over"

Cinder was humming a tune as she grabbed Neo's legs and lifted her dirty butt in the air and started to clean it with some baby wipes. After cinder was done cleaning Neo up she grabbed the diaper and unfolded it and lifted her girlfriend in the air sliding the diaper under her and laid her on the soft padding. "There is no need to cry little one your Mommy is almost done" Yang teased.

Cinder grabbed the baby powder and poured some on Neo's privates then brought the diaper between her legs and tapped iit nice and snug. "There we go Mommy is done baby girl" she coed as she picked up her crying girlfriend and started to bounce her a bit.

"We'll be going home and have dinner there" cinder said and Yang nodded

Cinder turned around with Neo and walked out of the restaurant.


Glynda stomped her foot as she was going to punished and she gasped and subconsciously covered her butt as she www never spanked as a child so the woman was scared and excited at the same time. "Don't worry Mommy I won't get any ideas as I don't know how the strap on work's" what her Mommy wanted next shattered her world. "YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?!! She screamed but her Mommy ended the call.

Glynda started to tear up as she went to grab one of her Diapers from the box it was plain white with colorful Stars as a design. "The things I do for my ABDL side if I don't do this my Mommy will lose interest in me and I refuse to let that happen"

She wiped her face and buried the diaper with both her arms and left the room I think I know the perfect person to diaper me" as she was walking her heart was beating fast thinking someone will see her. "So far so good" she mumbled.

August 31st, 21, 08:33 PM
Neo briefly looked up and exposed her head from the tiny ball of shame she had curled into, but all she saw were pointing fingers and people laughing at her humiliating accident, or rather intentional messing that had been caused by her own girlfriend, this only caused the small mute to sob even harder as she once again curled up into an even tighter ball, praying that this was all a dream, or rather a nightmare that she would wake up from soon. Unfortunately for her this was far from it as everyone around her only continued to laugh and embarrass her, soon the young girl was confronted with the humiliation that this really was happening. Her throat hurt from all the noise the usually silent girl had made at this point which caused her to start choking back her sobs.

As if the girl’s day couldn’t get any worse she immediately tuned in to the conversation between her cruel lover and the blonde brawler, she immediately turned to Cinder and shook her head with a pleading expression, the idea of being babysat by her rival terrified her beyond belief. With how bitter the two’s hatred was she knew the older girl wouldn’t hold back, the fear of which caused her to unknowingly release another spurt of pee into her pants. This was only worsened as Yang picked her up, the girl let out a squeak of fear before being set down again, she glared up at the blonde through her tears, trying to intimidate her, but given the context it wasn’t exactly effective.

The mute of course tried to stop Cinder from stripping her, but the girl wasn’t even half as strong as her partner, and soon her ruined kiddie Hello Kitty panties were exposed to all the onlookers, which only caused more laughter, some even applauding at the display. Cinder would know that regular underwear wouldn’t fit on Neo, forcing her to wear such childish undergarments, but it definitely made sex more fun at times, atleast for the half-maiden.

The crying girl-turned-baby began to wriggle and writhe, trying to get away as she was changed into an admittedly adorable, and fitting, diaper, but there was nothing she could do but continue to cry as soon she went limp, the insults from Yang seemed to drain whatever will to fight she had left as she just gave up and allowed herself to be changed, she tried her best to glare at Cinder as she was bounced and carried away, but simply couldn’t find the will to fight her, just wanting to go home at this point.

Pyrrha just giggled as her girlfriend couldn’t figure out how to use something so basic, “She’s so chaste. I can’t wait to absolutely corrupt her when we finally meet.” She mumbled to herself, feeling atomised at just the thought. The huntress smirked as the vague outrage from her baby was cut off as she ended the call, “That’s going to be a fun video.” She giggled, before standing up from her desk and slipping on her huntress uniform, she kept the overly expensive and borderline pretentious lingerie on however, thinking back to when she called her baby again later she would need it. Thanks to her success as a huntress and model for various products it allowed her to be so illustrious and spend so much on her ABDL side, with how much she was feared and respected by those around her no one thought to question her odd purchases and private actions, leaving her with no worry of being found out, unlike a certain teacher of hers.

She stepped out of her room and immediately bumped into someone, “Sorry! I should of been more careful.” She apologised, once again activating her innocent and sweet facade, however she paled when she noticed who it was. “Miss Goodwitch! Sorry, I didn’t see you there, wait a minute…” she mumbled, checking her knee she noticed it was vaguely wet from where she had collided with her teacher. Not only that but the woman’s clothing looked oddly familiar, for now Pyrrha would shrug it off as a coincidence, but later she would realise the shocking realisation of who she was talking to.

Seeing the opportunity the red huntress simply couldn’t resist, she grabbed the woman’s short skirt, which was inappropriately short for someone of her position and lifted it off, exposing the woman’s adorable wet pink panties to everyone around her, “My my I think you’ve had an accident Miss Goodwitch.” Pyrrha mocked with a smug smirk on her face.

September 7th, 21, 01:44 AM
Cinder continue to bounce Neo gently and pat her diapered bottom as she walked them home completely ignoring the people who stopped to watch made the woman roll her eyes. "Stupid perverts" she mumbled and let out a sigh. "I see you are done with your tantrum little one that's good and since we are going home I think ill feed you a bottle in your new nursery I had Emerald built just for you then put you down for bed"

As cinder was walking she thought about her new life with neo and the women didn't know it but she was actually smiling something she hadn't done in year's

Meanwhile at a hidden location A.K.A cinders house a sound of someone punching the wall could be heard. "I can't believe this! A girl named Emerald Sustrai yelled as she punched the wall again. " that brat Neo messed up an important plan of cinders and this is her punishment" she looked around the nursery room she just finished setting up. Everything was practically pink a few stuffed animals the carpet and the adult size crib.

Now why Emerald wasn't happy about Neo's punishment at all is because the small girl is going to be treated like a baby meaning she is going to get cinders affection and attention all she wants.

Emerald doesn't know it but the girl is jealous.


Glynda was so focused on getting her humiliation over with she didn't really focus on her surroundings and crashed into someone luckily she caught herself and didn't fall or drop her diaper she opened her eyes and her eyes widened in horror as the woman bumped into Pyrrha Nikos one of beacon's promising huntresses and to top off the girl was already famous.

If Pyrrha finds out her abdl secret she can easily tell all the social media's then she'll become the laughing stock in all of* Remnant things got more embarrassing for the poor woman as she felt her skirt being pulled up.

"Pyrrha Nikos you...you pervert! Glynda used her body to push the girl away from her without saying anything else she took off running not caring that she is breaking one of her own rules which is no running in the halls.

Glynda made it to the second floor where seconds year's stay and went to team CFVY's dorm and quickly knocked.

September 7th, 21, 08:29 PM
While it was somewhat nice the soothing Cinder attempted to do did little to nothing when it came to calming Neo down, who it was safe to say was bordering on hysteria, the mocking and embarrassment from those around her only worsened things as she began to bury and hide her face in Cinder’s chest, although this wasn’t to seek comfort from the woman, who it was safe to say the mute criminal was mad at, but rather just to hide her face as she didn’t want anyone to see her like this. She looked up at Cinder with a glare and began to struggle at the tantrum remark, although this did nothing to help was the fall maiden was far physically stronger than the younger girl. The girl looked even more shocked however at the next remark, she desperately began to try and appeal to the older woman’s mercy through signing quickly, “Cinder this is too far, I’m sorry I let my disguise drop please don’t make me do this!” She pleaded, looking more than fearful at the thought of ending up as a useless baby.

Meanwhile Pyrrha just shrugged without a care in the world, evidently more than overjoyed at seeing Glynda’s embarrassing mishap, still something seemed off to the younger woman, who swore something about her panty-wetting teacher was familiar, stil the girl shrugged it off and returned to her dorm, content to wait for her baby potty pants to return with a no doubt fun video.

Meanwhile at the CFVY it was mostly empty, three members of the team having elected to leave for a night out, not everyone had however as Velvet remained home, currently just having a peaceful night watching some movies with her friend Nora Valkyrie, who had left to go to the bathroom briefly, she turned when she noticed the door knocking and opened it to find Glynda, “Miss Goodwitch?” She asked with a shocked expression, thankfully not noticing the woman’s embarrassing accident just yet, “What are you doing here at this time of night?”

October 6th, 21, 02:19 AM
Cinder only smiled as she was listening to everyone comment as she was carrying her diapered girlfriend who was obviously dying of humiliation. "Oh Neo Look at you getting everyone's attention even a few girls we passed wanted to have a make out session with you" the woman laughed as Neo was glaring at her and even started squirming in her arm. Cinder put that to a stop with a hard spanking to the girls diapered butt. "Neo you can try to fight me all you want but we both know that's useless* she glared back.

"Neo tonight was the beginning of your new life rather you like or not things will be different now"


Back at cinders house Emerald was cackling evily as the microwaved beeped and she opened it and pulled out a large pink adult size bottle which was full of milk. "They are almost home" she went back to the nursery and opened the bottle and pulled a small container that had six laxatives inside it. "Since Neo is going to be treated like a baby I'll make sure she goes like One to"

Emerald poured all the laxatives inside it and closed the bottle. "They should disappear meaning no evidence for me to get caught" she closed the bottle and put it in Neo"s crib and left the nursery to throw away the container.


Tears started to form in Glynda's eyes as she wished her mommy was here to comfort her despite putting her in this humiliating position in the first place. When glynda Heard the door open she felt her panties get a bit more wet and deep down the woman didn't know if it was from fear or excitement. "H..Hey sorry to disturb you velvet scarleina but I have a embarrassing request for you" a sob escaped her lips as she practically shoved the adult diaper in velvet's hand. "I lost a bet with someone important to me and they wanted me to wear this but I don't know how to do it can you help me put a diaper on please?

October 6th, 21, 12:44 PM
Once again Neo whimpered quietly and tried to hide in Cinder’s chest to save her dwindling reputation, unfortunately everyone knew who Neo was, a problem of basing her entire look over her name was that she was very distinctive, her hair giving her away and leaving her little opportunity to hide. Some onlookers even went as far as to pull out their scrolls and take photos of the poor girl, shocked and amused to see the thief in such a humiliating display. The girl let out an embarrassingly girlish squeak after being spanked, one of the many unfortunate downsides of being as tiny as Neo was that the girl relied entirely on dodging, meaning the girl didn’t anticipate being hit, which in turn left her with almost no pain tolerance whatsoever. Just one spank to the girl’s padded rump from the powerful Cinder was enough to make her wet herself in fear and pain, tearing up slightly and looking adorably pathetic as she did.

The mute girl didn’t look to be giving up however as Cinder carried her to her house, letting herself in and carrying Neo with her as she did. “Cinder this is stupid! You can’t keep this up forever, I’ll get away eventually.” The mute signed in declaration, her defiant look quickly turned to one of confusion however as she was carried right past Cinder’s room, where she had expected to be taken, and towards a pink door at the end of the hallway with the name ‘Neo, Cinder’s baby girl’ painted on the front in white, the girl quickly began to struggle again as she was carried into the newly constructed nursery. It was at that moment that Neo also noticed Cinder’s other guest, “What is she doing here?” The illusionist questioned, clearly not happy to see Emerald, and with good reason. The similarity between their semblances and Emerald’s unspoken jealousy caused the older green-haired girl to often torment Neo wherever possible, leading to something of a rivalry between the two.

Velvet blushed at Glynda’s request, the already anxious girl had no idea how to cope or deal with a scenario such as this, looking a strange mix between, embarrassed, confused and surprisingly enthusiastic. Unfortunately for the older huntress Velvet didn’t believe her, even with it being the truth. Noticing the damp stain on the front of Glynda’s skirt the Faunus quickly yanked it up and exposed the teacher’s thoroughly wet panties to everyone in the hallway, causing an uproar of laughter at the normally strict and intimidating teacher’s expense. “Miss Goodwitch you’ve taught us that honesty is essential for huntsmen and huntresses, whether in training or not. I’m more than willing to help you but I’m not going to if you lie about having an issue with control, admit that this bet nonsense isn’t true and that you’ve had an accident and I’ll reconsider.” She declared, the normally shy and anxious girl taking surprising control over Glynda as she hauled the girl inside by the hem of her skirt with one hand and holding the diaper with another as she closed the door behind her using her rear, although the laughter could still be heard behind it.

As if the teacher’s situation could possibly get worse Nora chose that moment to come out of the bathroom, “Alright, where were we! I was thinking next we could watch- Oh my god!” The young huntress managed to get out before bursting into hysterical laughter at Glynda’s expense. “Oh my- You’re- You wet- That’s hilarious!” The bubbly girl laughed, unable to from a proper sentence inbetween laughing at the headmistress.