View Full Version : Saint Maries school of strife (private rp)

January 22nd, 09, 08:14 PM
3 yo ung childre nfind themsleves at the same prestisgious boarding school all faced withthe same problem of incontinece . due to the way the schoo lis run the kids dont recive al lthesupprot the yneed to hellp the mcope and they get bullied by the other kids. the childrens are in year 2 meanig they are 6-7.5
two of them aregirls named wendy fairchild who oricgenally cmae form scotlantd and behtnay rowne who has jsut moved to england to start the boaridn schoo lther and her mums job .the last kid is palyed by armeydude o7 and his chracteris his choice the other two are.

behtnay rowen:sunstar
wendy fairchild:arfan5890
3rd child:armeydude o7

well i suppsoe we need a simple bio of name age and any otherinfo notghin more complicated and this is opne now however it is only ope nto arfan myself and armeydude anyone esle cna follow it if they liek andany comments can be adressed to me or either of the other two. i hope we al lenjoy this ive thought abotu it for quite awhile....

Bethnay rowen wasborn with a condition known as turner syndrome this
condition while not particulalry dehalbilitaing as it is only aminor for m stil lmakes her very samll . posible more liek a 3 year old ratherthen a 6 yearold,shealso suffers from sever dyslexia and struglesalot with english nad maths. These things asside howeversheinsanalmost normal gir lbut therturnershas givenher control prolbems so she had to wear protection. her ehearing isalso below avarage andher body is moresesitive then a normla little girl but ther are no other signs of turnersyndrome. she loves ballet,palyign flute and paina,gymnastics andpainting butshe hatesenglish and mathsshe has agood imiagination but cnt write or read ver ywel latall. bethny stands at about 3 ftt tall wighes 36 pounds. despite her problems herblance and flexivbitiy is fantastic. She has blonde stright hair and fair skin hereyes are husky blue..

on aside note there are no imixedsex accomodations its boys in one girls in anoter side of hthe building

January 22nd, 09, 08:20 PM
Wendy Fairchild is 3'8" tall, Wendy has auburn hair and emerald green eyes, she is very smart at school which is why she looks so young, she plays the violin&guitars, she loves all sports except hgtynatsic which frustrated her to no end, she dislikes people making fun of her problems with her bladder&muscle control nwhoch due a birth defect, she hopes to make firnds who dint fun of her for her problems. and she loves school despite all of the stresses is causes om her mind&body in the long run.

January 22nd, 09, 08:39 PM
(now we wai for armeydude)

January 22nd, 09, 11:08 PM
Nick Martin is a 6 year old boy who has alot of problems making freinds. He is a very smart kid and loves to draw, play chess, or anything else he has to use his mind or creativity to do. He enjoys school at times but find some of the stuff way to simple for him. Hes not much of a sporty kind of guy but will play a game of soccer every now and then.

January 22nd, 09, 11:09 PM
(welcome amego great to see yo u liek thediea s ofar? now everyoens here lets begin)

*it wasthe start of a new summer term at saintmaries bording school for children and oyung people and a girl had jsutcomeoverform ireland to start hernew life cos hermum mahad to move jobs to england . so behtn yhas saiid hergoodbyesalittle tearfulyl to her mum who worksaway most of the time so thoguth this wasbetterand promised to spend regulr postsand goodies to her little girl her oldersister wansthertoo butthey wouldhardly seeeach othersince beht was inyear 2and her siter was in year 7 . so they pull up together on thedrivewayof the chamrign school and go to ther speratebuildings after rnrolling and getitngthertimetables then theysay a tearful good by for behtnay andhtne behtn ygoes to her roo mto unpack

January 22nd, 09, 11:31 PM
*Wendy Faitchild had moved from Scotland to Egland when her parents received jobs at the bbc, she was unpacking her backpack&two small suitacases for school, she loves school ever so much but she hopes noone finds baout incontinence which was caused by a birth defect when she was a newborn.*

January 22nd, 09, 11:33 PM
(sounds like we just adding on to the bios)

January 22nd, 09, 11:36 PM
(nopethsi is thr rp strating wndy is bhenty room mate but guys areseprate)#
beth wonders if shewil lget arooommate sheunpacks sullenly and queitly tunringon somemusic form herstero its enya now we are free

January 22nd, 09, 11:40 PM
*nick starts to unpack his bags and stares at the other bed in the room*
Thoughts:{hmmm...im getting a roomate...}

January 22nd, 09, 11:43 PM
( beht unpacks and walksinto the grounds asfar as sheis allowd and sitsunder a tree strating to paint the school as she sees it . it is a nice warm day and a saterday

January 22nd, 09, 11:47 PM
*finishes unpacking then goes over to the window and looks out at all the other kids walking around*

January 22nd, 09, 11:50 PM
"hello my name is Wendy Fairchild, I am your roommate, and what might your name be out curiuosity?"

January 22nd, 09, 11:58 PM
*she ignores her perhaps she dindt hear ro shesingonrrant . she contiues herpainting not hearing the new commer*

January 23rd, 09, 12:00 AM
*walks outside and starts looking around*

January 23rd, 09, 12:02 AM
"you have a lovely painting there, I am in your painting, ballet, math, pe, science, English, and foreign languages classes of you are interested."

January 23rd, 09, 12:02 AM
*behtny continues herpaintg withwnedy next toher wh o shestil lcnat hear as sheis onthebad hearing side of her head . she spotsa lad walkign to them lookign lost but ingores him*

January 23rd, 09, 12:04 AM
*walks up to the girl painting and looks at her*
"what are you painting?"

January 23rd, 09, 12:09 AM
the girl hears thistime and loosk up . " im painting the school itslovly ist it " oh hightthere di you saysomtghin to me eairly one of you?

January 23rd, 09, 12:15 AM
"ya the school is nice...im not much of a painter...but ill draw anything..."

January 23rd, 09, 12:18 AM
wow thats cool loosk atthe girl . i msorry idint hear yo ubefore did oy usay waht ytour name was? and i heard roommate thatsall im almost deaf i nmy left ear
so thats why i didt repwy eawier

January 23rd, 09, 01:58 AM
"I am Wendy Faitchild, I am in almost all of you activities&classes here, and I have a major secret that I will tell you the details in the long run."

January 23rd, 09, 02:17 AM
how do yo uknwo so much already wendy myy nam is befeany rowen and i dint think that balet wasaclass i thought it was an acticitie as for peaintg itsart btw and why would i want to knwo yoursecrat its none of my business * putsherpainting away *

January 23rd, 09, 02:20 AM
"I signed for the classes&activities in advance and I really like you as roommate so far Bethany."

January 23rd, 09, 02:43 AM
you havnetmet me yet shesayssimply

January 23rd, 09, 02:44 AM
"sorry Bethany and I will cut down on the theatericts for now."

January 23rd, 09, 02:48 AM
the wahtshe loosk ttoaltl dumbstrick

January 23rd, 09, 02:54 AM
"I meant the crazy actions&reactions and I am sorry my vocubalry is quite immense due my high intellect for my age."

January 23rd, 09, 02:59 AM
"wow...you two talk alot..."

January 23rd, 09, 03:01 AM
wendy ppelaseslow down i cnatunderstand yo uproperly . why dont oy ujoin us whats your name? pats the ground next to her

January 23rd, 09, 03:02 AM
My names Nick.
*sits down next to Bethany*

January 23rd, 09, 03:03 AM
*Wendy sit down next to Bethany and reads a book while waiting for the boy to join in the fun.*

January 23rd, 09, 03:08 AM
My names Nick.
*sits down next to Bethany*
stay on my right if posible i cnt here oyu very wel lo ntheelft so how old are yo utwo im 6

January 23rd, 09, 03:09 AM
"im 6 too."

January 23rd, 09, 03:34 AM
i gues we awe awin thesame year then awnt w.e what shel lwe do then *some biger boys come overto the 3 6 yearolds and start bulling them forbeing smal lanwd weak 3rd graders and he took themic out o f bethnys obviosu lisp

January 23rd, 09, 03:39 AM
(took what?)
"hey...leave us alone."

January 23rd, 09, 03:48 AM
mic out of bethnys lisp

"or waht yo ugona do baby, ibet your wearinfg nappies under your pants baby i cnsee thebulge hel loo kboys weve got adiape r boy andiwonderif this girlsare nappygirlsaswell

January 23rd, 09, 03:51 AM
"shut up you bully..."
*runs up and punches the bully right in the face*

January 23rd, 09, 03:59 AM
"I would suggest you leave unless you want the teachers, deans, and other adults to send yiu out this school so fast you heads will spin."

January 24th, 09, 01:22 AM
thebully jsut laughs and pushes aron to thefloor cousing the ogirls ot get up
andbehtn ywalksover lookignupset
look stwpid all yo ucn odto us is make snide comments and waht faw ? waht does it weally gain? pweaseleave usalone we di nothgin to yo uso dont do anything to us

January 24th, 09, 04:12 AM
"I agree with my roommate who put it simply and to the point that you should depart this locale poste haste."

January 24th, 09, 06:15 AM
"ya...just quit it..."

January 24th, 09, 01:27 PM
thebully l;aughspushesofverbehtnay and wendy and then walksaway syaign i got bored of tormenting you babiesanyway .

behtny flips up fro mtheground andhelps the others up should w tel lsomeone guys??

January 24th, 09, 03:54 PM
"yes we should tell someone since it has been happening since I moved here and I hope these teachers are as receptive to the truth as my old teachers."

January 24th, 09, 05:26 PM
when did oy umove here wendy ithought term onwy started tstarts on moday donet it. di yo umove in earrier?
cos i jsut got here today and there was no sign of another child in my bedroom

January 24th, 09, 06:34 PM
"I moved here from Scotland right after the last term ended and it took some time for us to get me signed up for my classes without any late registration penalties."

January 24th, 09, 07:19 PM
wow we wegisteerd early but dint arive til learlier today shall we expwore the pwace

January 25th, 09, 04:01 AM
"yes we shall go exploring roomie and thanks to those bullies you now know my deep dark secret."

January 25th, 09, 03:03 PM
waht sevcrat he dind sayanythgi nhe jsut called oy ua baby and said ibet oyurwearing diapers underthat but hes jsut as stupid bulyl he pwobabwy dint evne know waht he wassaying

January 25th, 09, 05:51 PM
"can i come explore too?"

January 25th, 09, 05:53 PM
of cpourse yo ucna siwy comon lets go loo kround the gardens

January 25th, 09, 05:58 PM
*gets up and joins the girls*
(this 20 character thing is really going o piss me off)

January 25th, 09, 06:01 PM
(wahtthersonly 3 in this rp you know beisdesthbullies )

January 25th, 09, 06:04 PM
(ya theres only you me and arfan...)

Bump: (im talking bout how its forcing us to write at least 20 letter down)

Bump: (im talking bout how its forcing us to write at least 20 letter down)

January 25th, 09, 06:37 PM
(what forces theat ithoink the rule on theforums is 10 chracters not 20 letters. i telelalie actulyl cosil lact as some teachers aswe do need them but iownt do them all)

January 25th, 09, 06:39 PM
(try to just say ok and a little thing will appear saying u need to type 20)

January 25th, 09, 06:49 PM
( how irritating ai mentiond somthgi nabout 1 line pointless posts)
the 3 year 2 children =begin exploring the grounds of the olld schoo lbuilding ngand as far as they are allowed then they show eachotherwhere frooms are the girls room and the boys room actull shred a wal lbut were both accesed fom oppostie ends of the buidling

January 26th, 09, 10:58 PM
"I am afraid that the bully was right, I am wearing diapers due a birth defect that caised to permanantly incontinent since the age of three, and the doctors need me to see them routinenly to see if there is a cure."

January 27th, 09, 01:25 AM
oikay but wh y did oy ushre that with me and our new frind we dindt really need ot know did we ? yo ucould have kept it a secrat and weed never no wel lid find out ieventulyl but aron may neverhave known

January 27th, 09, 01:26 AM
*looks at wendy*
"nope...i probably would have never know..."

January 27th, 09, 01:35 AM
well lets dosomthign fun weret we goign to explroe *blushing showing thechance are shes wearing the m to and by how swuiftly she changed subjects

January 27th, 09, 03:19 AM
"we could go to the movies near here or just watch some movies on my tv&dvd player in our room."

January 27th, 09, 01:39 PM
we wont beallowed out without andadult wemember we are onwy 6 most teachers til lthink odf us as babies , but oyu have powtable dvd player?

January 27th, 09, 03:52 PM
"watching a movie would be fun...i dont have one though..."

January 27th, 09, 03:59 PM
i have a couple but im not sure yo uwil like them they are mostwy disney pwincesses

January 27th, 09, 06:38 PM
"I have no problem with disney movies, the dvd player is built into the tv, I have headphones for the nights we are allowed up past ten, and the dvd's are in the small cabinet below the tv."

January 27th, 09, 07:08 PM
past ten o nany night is pushing it form waht iheard im we awe 6 sowe are stil llitlte kids i think on a normla inigth its 8 and at aweekend its 10 at the latest

January 27th, 09, 07:33 PM
"i dont really care what kind of movie we watch..."

January 27th, 09, 07:44 PM
"I forgot about that since I never made it past nine any nights except New Years and my birthdays that is all I can remember."

January 27th, 09, 10:28 PM
i thought oyud find disney rpincess kinda boring aron? thought youd perefer someaction

January 27th, 09, 10:33 PM
(names Nick)
"eh...i dont really care...i like all kinds of movies..."

January 27th, 09, 10:40 PM
(soryr jsut used thefirstname ikew youd use cos i didnt rember yo u actual lname)
oajy then , im not sure if boysawe awoed in girls rooms though?

January 29th, 09, 12:31 AM
"we can have visitors at our room but not after certain times&more during the holidays."

January 29th, 09, 12:40 AM
wow *behtny blushsasshesuddnely felelsawarmth creepacross her crotchinot her diaper but doent say anythgin andthediaperisunderher skirt so cnat be seen

January 29th, 09, 04:45 AM
"I also have small presents for of you fir being my friends and I hope we stay friends until we are done with school."

January 29th, 09, 05:56 AM
"im sure we will stay freinds...unless something weird happens."

January 29th, 09, 12:28 PM
i cant think of anything liek that but if we onwy met today how can yo uhave gifts for us aweady?

January 29th, 09, 04:35 PM
"I always carry small tokens of friendship for my friends and my mom heled me pick them out so you open them without delay."

January 29th, 09, 06:21 PM
thank yo uvewy much wendy. beth isembaressed at how obvious her lis p is eseppecially on any wiord wit hl in it shehorpe shew would some day get ofverit andher asyet unknow problem that she shres wit hthe others but dont want to tell them

January 30th, 09, 12:02 AM
"I am always there for my friends no matter what and I hope the bullying stops in the long run since the teachers I told ignored me about the bullies."

January 30th, 09, 12:03 AM
"not some very nice teachers...hmmm"

January 30th, 09, 01:20 AM
gweat we stuck being bulied cos we cant do anything about it

January 30th, 09, 02:20 AM
"I am sure I only talked to the wrong teachers and I beleive we will be fine when reach the higher group levels here."

January 30th, 09, 02:47 AM
"but what about until that happens?"

January 30th, 09, 03:16 AM
"we need to stick together until that happens and we shpuld be careful to avod the bullies at all costs."

January 30th, 09, 12:19 PM
higer gwup levels? they should be helpingus now if theyare not andweareonlyin 1st gwade they wont help us lateron infcatthey wil lpwobawy join in.

January 30th, 09, 05:30 PM
"I hope you are wrong since that is wrong and I beleive we should fine if we stick together in the long run."

January 30th, 09, 11:41 PM
letswatch afilm al lthis tawk of buwiing is making me sad

January 31st, 09, 07:13 AM
"I have a new action disney movie and I heard it is really good from the lady who runs the cinema down the road."

January 31st, 09, 01:59 PM
wahts it cawed wnedy?

January 31st, 09, 07:45 PM
"I just received it as a a late birthday gift and I havent seen it so we will see when the movie starts."

February 1st, 09, 02:08 AM
i cnatwait letswatch it want to watch it with us andy?

February 1st, 09, 07:32 AM
(names nick)
"of course ill watch it...i love watching movies."

February 1st, 09, 03:32 PM
sowy nick i get cofuzlzed with names somtiems

February 1st, 09, 11:13 PM
*Wendy puts on the movie, she also brings out some snacks&drinks, and sits back with her friends ro watch the movie.*

February 1st, 09, 11:24 PM
oh piwates of the caribean i wuv this film dont you *shufflesaporund i nehrwet diaper but keeps it sublte so they dont notice

February 1st, 09, 11:27 PM
"yes I forgot the title but I saw it in the theater with my parents when it first came out awhile back."

February 1st, 09, 11:38 PM
wow i think i did to but i cant wemember il lbeback soon inned to go to thebathroom
*quickly hurries out lookinfg for anurse to change her without herfreinds knowing

February 2nd, 09, 12:01 AM
*A nurse sees her wlaking around, then takes her to the office, she quickly changes her diaper with the shades drawn, and she tell her to send her friends there later for a change.*

February 2nd, 09, 12:02 AM
no i cnat do that miss i dontwant them to knwo ineeed them

February 2nd, 09, 11:44 PM
"I meant you could send them here if they need a change and I wont tell them at all since that is your decision that I must honor."

February 3rd, 09, 12:45 AM
no itsnot that but htyell know ive sene yo u if i mention you but i could think of somthing

February 3rd, 09, 05:50 PM
(Wendy) "I love the school in spite of the bullies and if I do well on the tests I can get us into a group that is protected by the school."

February 3rd, 09, 11:32 PM
"ya...the bullies ruin all the fun of this school."

February 4th, 09, 12:58 AM
" I agree whith you on that front and I intend to get us into that special class with the helpof my best friends."

February 4th, 09, 01:00 AM
"hmmm...Bethany is taking quite a long time..."

February 4th, 09, 01:58 AM
behtnay retunrs fomr the " toilet" and says
" i sawanurse in the corridor who said oy ucouldk go to her any time if yo uneeded achange

February 5th, 09, 01:25 AM
"I think that is my Aunt Violet who tranfered here from a special hospital for babies of all ages and she does her job without embarrassing the students."

February 5th, 09, 01:46 AM
yhea but thsi is a privateschool not a nursery is it

February 5th, 09, 01:57 AM
"she worked as a nurse there, then she was the nursing assistant here, and she is now the nurse here unless she got a job as a teacher."

February 5th, 09, 01:57 AM
i dint knwo that but id imaigine ther is more then one nirse here but i dont knwo she wasnice anyway

February 5th, 09, 02:01 AM
"she is working here as a nurse, I have no clue which levels she is in charge of now, and she loves helping kids feel better about their lives."

February 5th, 09, 02:26 AM
ithink this schoo lis greaded int engwand irewand where i cam fro m scotwand and wales . sowwy i menat the scho ol covers theis schol lis set in receptio nand pre shool year one which is us yrear 2 , twhich are hte infants then years3-7 are juniors and year7 is high shcoo kl im not sure how the highschoo lparts go butiknwo primary school is in one building and secondaawty schoow is another and they dont ahvemuc hot d owith each other .

February 5th, 09, 02:49 AM
"my aunt Violet is charge of the primary school part and she makes special exceptions for teens who have control problems."

February 5th, 09, 02:52 AM
waht do yo umean spewl exeptions ?

February 5th, 09, 03:56 AM
"she takes care of teens that have a medical need for diapers and she also fills in for the others nurses when they are out sick."

February 5th, 09, 12:39 PM
busy women then? thercnatbemany teesnherwho stil lneed diapers

February 5th, 09, 03:47 PM
"I would guess there are more than you think but not a ton comapred to the overall population."

February 5th, 09, 04:10 PM
fairy nuf bhet says and smiles

February 5th, 09, 05:25 PM
"the truth is there are more students in our building that need diapers combined than in the rest of the school and area."

February 5th, 09, 05:59 PM
we; ;that make snexse since some of the kids in this block ar 3 -4

February 5th, 09, 06:20 PM
"I wonder which classes we have when they start and which classes we have together besides the normal ones."'

February 5th, 09, 06:24 PM
waht do yo umena the normal ones? we are aww in the same cwass

February 5th, 09, 08:14 PM
"there are special classes for the stidnet who need diapers and gym is one of the few excpetion to that rule."

February 5th, 09, 11:11 PM
why would diaperd studnets need special classes

February 5th, 09, 11:14 PM
(where am i atm? am i still with u?)

February 5th, 09, 11:28 PM
(yes beh is leanring moreabotu the school)

February 5th, 09, 11:30 PM
(you went back to you room after the movies) "the classes are so the bullies are separated from the diapered students and the classes are actually more challenging than regular ones."

February 6th, 09, 12:45 AM
whys that ? i dont know myuc habout english schools irish school are abit differnt

February 6th, 09, 05:00 AM
"they make ir a little more challenging to balance the no bullies policy and gym is also in that version so we wont need shower after it."

February 6th, 09, 12:52 PM
thatseems kinda of odd and noralmy oyur all wsweaty os oy uhave to shower after gym

February 6th, 09, 04:23 PM
"you have the option of showering after gym in the gym teachers office but it isnt a requirement for us until we are in the other building."

February 6th, 09, 10:41 PM
thats weird hocome the y od that

February 7th, 09, 05:33 AM
"I have no clue since my old school required showers after gym and didnt separate the students other than by name, grade&test scores."

February 7th, 09, 12:06 PM
well was your other school a private liek thisn oe or not cos that might be the diffence

February 8th, 09, 10:24 PM
"I was in a public school if I not mistaken but the teacher there responded to my complaints about bullies."

February 9th, 09, 05:08 PM
i supsoe you wiggt the film has finishsed what shall we do now? the school i was at bforwe i wiked but i had to move cos my mummyie job came over hear as ateacher but im
not suw whewe she works though we onwy came here about 3 weeks ago

* the others notice she is fidigiting for some reason she treis to mkae it less obvious biut is only attracting more attnesion she gets up andmakesaswift way to the toilet across the hall but stosp all of a suddne as if she didnt make it *

February 12th, 09, 10:48 PM
"Bethany did you make it to the bathroom in time and I need to the nurse for my required boosters shots so talk to you later."

February 12th, 09, 10:53 PM
curses in gelic but decides itsnot worth lying no idint i wet myself loosk down sad
waht booster shots?

February 25th, 09, 05:52 AM
"I am sorry the truth is I need the nurse for a diaper change now and I am going to see if she is able to help us on the bully front."

February 25th, 09, 05:57 PM
me too she looskat the flowr im a wetter as wew but i dint want yo uto knwo cosit wasembawasing and upset me

February 25th, 09, 06:27 PM
"I am also quite messy from earlier and I will meet you after my trip to the nurse's office."

February 25th, 09, 07:28 PM
we are both heaidng the smae way we may aswelel go ther tofether sighed behtny obviously veyr mebaresed that shes had to admit her incontinece

February 25th, 09, 07:31 PM
*Wendy follows Bethany to the nurse's office, then she asks of they can be allowed inside, and waits in the small private waiting room with Bethany.*

February 25th, 09, 07:33 PM
thenursecalls them in okay igrls do oyu both need changing ? or wasthere somthgin else oy uwanted says nurse violet?

February 25th, 09, 07:35 PM
"I really need a change Nurse Violet since I am in a very messy&wet diaper and you will need to ask Bethany what she needs from you."

February 25th, 09, 07:47 PM
okay welk lil ldo yo ufirst but oy ulooked liek oy uwereafter somthign else get on the table huni

behtnay says nothgin to the nurse but feels her bowles realsise int her diaper but waits for her friend to be changed first

February 25th, 09, 08:12 PM
*Wendy giggles as the nurse changes her diaper, then she tells Nurse Violet about how they have been bullied by the older students, and how the teacher refused do anything to stop the bullying.*

February 25th, 09, 08:32 PM
nurse violet : waht are oy ugiglging for this isavery seriosu matter cna oy utelelme who is doing it or dont youknow?

behtnay: waits and wetsalittle more

February 26th, 09, 04:23 PM
"you were tickling which is why I was giggling, the bullies are all upper level students, we get some teasing from the teachers when we arent in class, and I hope you can help stop the bullying as soon as possible."

February 26th, 09, 06:10 PM
the techers bully you how so cos that is very troubling in deed

February 27th, 09, 03:02 AM
"they make us do all the hard things in class, the ingnore all bullying outside the classroom, and they told us to grow up other than the female teachers who seem to help us."

February 27th, 09, 06:23 PM
so its reaallly only the msles wghivch there ois only 4 why do they make you do all the stuuff?

March 1st, 09, 12:49 AM
"they think of they push us we will end up in a special class for diapered students or place is in a higher grade level for our hard work."

March 1st, 09, 01:09 AM
explain waht yo umean?

March 1st, 09, 01:21 AM
"there goal is to either make us stay the baby classes as they call them forever or to make us smarter so we are someone else's problem."

March 1st, 09, 01:22 AM
thats very perculiar anythgin else oyu could tell me that icna bring to the headmeistresses atention

March 4th, 09, 12:40 AM
"I will tell more when I can remember it Nurse Violet and I hope you have a great day after we leave for class."

March 4th, 09, 06:44 PM
oaky huni your donwe doyo uwant to send in bethany pelase sweeti?

March 4th, 09, 08:18 PM
*Wendy sends Bethany into the nurses office and waits in waiting for her friend to come back.*

March 4th, 09, 08:30 PM
behnt ygetschanged blushign crimson with embaressment at havivng to need diapersand useing them whiel she waited but the nurse is efficinat andmakesher at eas

"tis okay huni accidnets happn but you musht have bene ndespprate for a change your almsot leaking ,*
pweast odnt say dat viowet icnatr help it even if you jokin i dont aprreiciate it oaky jsut get it done

violent apologise and finish thechange oka y huni off yo ugo and pats my diapered but

March 5th, 09, 12:13 AM
*Wendy hugs Bethany tightly after they leave and she follows her roommate back to their room for a short break between classes.*

March 5th, 09, 05:07 PM
so no w yo uknwo waht iwas twyinfgg to hide fwom you its soembaressing

March 5th, 09, 06:03 PM
"I have the same problems as you here, Nurse Violet is talking to the headmistress about the bullies, and I am sorry if I embarrassed you."

March 5th, 09, 06:20 PM
its oaky i knew youd find out evenmtuwwly i sjut dint want yo uto ocs itshumiliating and upsetingthatim 6 asnand stilww in diapers

March 5th, 09, 06:43 PM
"I am younger than by a few months and I hope the headmistress stop all this ridiculous bullying by the older kids."

March 5th, 09, 06:59 PM
i menarly 7 and il lstil lbe indiapers then its not faiw

March 6th, 09, 03:57 AM
"I know it isnt fair for me either but I am hoping Nurse Violet can get the headmisress to so something about the bullies here."

March 7th, 09, 01:23 PM
i hopw she can , do you blewve in magik Mina?

April 3rd, 09, 03:57 AM
"I believe in magic since I am a firm believer in anything and everything due to my family being strong believers in the occult."

April 3rd, 09, 05:40 PM
thats good my fmaily have been wiccans for 500 years yo uknwo itsfunny, i have nomale cousins or siblings and none f my anties haveany male cs in ther life neaver does my mummy ist dat wierd

April 17th, 09, 05:16 AM
"I have magical relatives, although I dont think I have those abilities outside of minor ones, and I will strive to be your friend for all time."

April 17th, 09, 10:40 AM
fank you but iwonder why we got nto daddies in our families or no boys

April 25th, 09, 04:22 AM
"I dont know since all my family seems to be female and there was a legend that all male became females due to a curse."

April 25th, 09, 08:26 AM
i fink theresacuwseon my family thatmuchworsse then that but mummy ever told me about it

May 8th, 09, 05:47 AM
(I think this rp has kinda deadended due lack of interest from armydude plus others, and it needs more people to work.)

May 8th, 09, 04:33 PM
(agreed shal lidelete it ?)