View Full Version : Sakura's crush (private with saracloud.)

Diaper Sasuke
July 26th, 10, 03:00 PM
Sasuke walked up to the Haruno household. When he knocked, Sakura's mom answered and told Sasuke that Sakura was upstairs. He slowly went up and made it to her room. The door was closed and their was a sign that said, "Do Not disturb." Sasuke went and knocked on the door and called out, "Sakura."

July 26th, 10, 03:02 PM
*sakura was in shcock sens she was wearing a baby diaper and sucking on a pasy and acting like a baby* just a minit* as she threw the diapers and the baby bag she had in to her closed and put her long dress she alwasy wears on but forgot to take the diaper off* um come in

Diaper Sasuke
July 26th, 10, 03:06 PM
Sasuke slowly opened the door. He looked around and saw a pink-painted room that had lots of pink stuff in it. He took a whiff and smelled baby powder in the air. He wondered... No Sakura. Only one way to find out he thought. He walked up and said, "Kakashi told us to take the day off." He walked a little closer and was now about 5 feet away.

July 26th, 10, 03:08 PM
*sakura took a step back* um really um well i guessyou should og traning and charge your chara so you can kill that person you said you had to kill

Diaper Sasuke
July 26th, 10, 03:15 PM
Sasuke pretended to trip on the bag on the floor. His hand which he precisely placed brushed the front of Sakura's diaper. He got up and said, "Sakura you're wearing a diaper."

July 26th, 10, 03:18 PM
*sakura blushed and pulled her dress down* no im not your seeing thing!!

Diaper Sasuke
July 26th, 10, 03:20 PM
Sasuke sighed. "Really Sakura." He swiftly moved and pulled up the dress. "The diaper is right there Sakura don't lie to me." He exposed the diaper to the world. It had childish prints on it and looked quite babyish.

July 26th, 10, 05:38 PM
*sakuras head was red* ok i have a diaper on ok!!

Diaper Sasuke
August 2nd, 10, 02:58 PM
"Calm down Sakura," Sasuke said. He walked back over and laid her down. "It looks as if it's a little wet."

August 2nd, 10, 03:04 PM
*sakura blushed* it is !!

Diaper Sasuke
August 2nd, 10, 03:06 PM
"Do you want help?" Sasuke asked with a raised eyebrow. He knew her love for him would want her to say yes. This was going to be fun for him too.

August 2nd, 10, 03:07 PM
*sakuras whole head turned red* i um i um

Diaper Sasuke
August 2nd, 10, 03:09 PM
Sasuke put his index finger on her lips and said, "Shhh." He then raised the dress to reveal the diaper. She actually looked cute in it he thoght. He got the supplies that were crudely hidden under the bed and began to rip the tapes off of the diaper. He began to wipe her off and look at herr embarressed face that was redder than a tomato.

August 2nd, 10, 03:11 PM
*sakuras head was still red* u i wh

Diaper Sasuke
August 2nd, 10, 03:18 PM
Sasuke picked up the pacifier which was near the supplies and put it in Sakura's mouth. "Shhh," he repeated. He then slid a new diaper under her and powdered her. He taped the new diaper and picked her up and began rocking herin his arms like a baby.

August 2nd, 10, 03:27 PM
*got out of his arms* why are you doing thi and im not letting you anymore!!

Diaper Sasuke
August 2nd, 10, 03:29 PM
"Fine Sakura but isn't it always you who wants to hang out with me. This is your chance. Go ahead and turn it down it's your choice but isn't this what you want." He smiled using his words to play on her emotins. His words were like the bow and her emotions were the violin. It played a beautiful sound when coming from the right person.

August 2nd, 10, 03:33 PM
*sakura was agered8 fine !! ok ill take it!!

Diaper Sasuke
August 2nd, 10, 03:35 PM
"Good." He smiled. He had always wanted a little brother or sister. Seeing as he was helpless against his older brother. He continued to rock her and found a bottle that Sakura had. He put her down and said, "Sasuke will be right back okay baby." He picked up the bottle and got some water from the bathroom so Sakura's parents wouldn't know. He then went back into the room with the bottle and picked Sakura up again. He placed the nipple of the bottle in Sakura's mouth.

August 2nd, 10, 03:53 PM
*sakura blushed but suckled on it*

(can you take some pics of her to blackmail her)

Diaper Sasuke
August 2nd, 10, 04:01 PM
(Sure why not.)

Sasuke smiled at his new little baby girl. He picked up a camera on the side of the bed and silently took pictures. For later just in case. Sakura's eyes were closed so she didn't notice Sasuke taking the pictures.

August 2nd, 10, 04:09 PM
*sakura blushed* why are you doign this to me?

Diaper Sasuke
August 2nd, 10, 04:20 PM
"Well I'm not sure yet really. I know you're enjoying it and I think I'm enjoing this. You always loved me and you obviously like being a little baby so I am giving you what you want and I get to have a little fun too."

August 2nd, 10, 04:39 PM
*sakura sight* so you think ill just go along with this!!

Diaper Sasuke
August 2nd, 10, 05:26 PM
"I think you have a crush on me and you want to do this. Look at yourself. You're smiling. You're enjoying every second of this and if you don't go along I have pictures of this so don't even bother."

August 2nd, 10, 05:27 PM
*sakura sight* fine you win !!

Diaper Sasuke
August 2nd, 10, 05:32 PM
"Come on Sakura don't make me the bad guy. I'm just giving you what you want. Why are you so angry at me?" He began to rock her again slowly. He went over to her dresser and found where she kept her baby clothes. He chose a pink onsie and showed it to her.

August 2nd, 10, 05:33 PM
*sakura blushed again* ok sens when are you in to this stuff!!

Diaper Sasuke
August 2nd, 10, 05:43 PM
"Well I don't know. I kinda always wanted a younger sibling and well you look cute as a little baby. Plus I like taking care of people. I'm nicer than I act." He laid her down and began to take off the dress she had on earlier to put on the onsie. He stuck a pacifier in her mouth and continued his work.

August 2nd, 10, 05:46 PM
*sakura just sucked on it and kicked her legs back and forth*

Diaper Sasuke
August 2nd, 10, 05:48 PM
"Come on be good or I'll have to punish you. I really don't want to do that. He took the pacifier out of her mouth and began kissing Sakura.

August 2nd, 10, 05:49 PM
8sakuras whole head turned red8Um ok