View Full Version : samurai quest (open pm)

croc kojitsu
October 5th, 09, 06:31 PM
am starting a rp. I got a story for it full of action, drama and comedy.

All i need is people to play it.

It is set in a fantasy frudal Japan were the criminal under world has taken over most of the land after the war. They have beasts and weapons from the west to aid them.

In this world there are beasts that lager then they are supposed to be. Also there are robots but they are steamed powered. And finaly there are people that have super human skills and power.


1. pm me first before posting a bio of your character

2. don't make your character to powerful (but he can get better as the story goes on)

3. your character can have a diaper but that is not what the story is based off so don't let it get in the way to much (remember that you don't have to wear a diaper it is your choice)

you can start out anyway you like e.g. a sword for hire, a thief etc.

when i get three people onbored then i will start.:D

will make a new thread in the rp section after i get three people

October 5th, 09, 07:47 PM
I guess I will join.
Name: Shiro
Age: 12
Diaper: No
Powers: Is fast and a great tactican his sword his poisened
Bio: He is the son of a legandary samurai and was trained to be one since an early age. Unlike most Shiro is a coward and doesn't really follow a honour code he does what he can to survive.
He ran away from home to escape being a further trained as a samurai and now wanders around like a thief he has interest in becoming a scientist thats why he has a fasination with poison.

croc kojitsu
October 5th, 09, 07:57 PM
cool now here is mine

Name: Ken
Age: 27
skills: master swordsman, a strong right punch and very good at drinking
bio: he once was a feared samurai with many strange rummors around him. he now has a lage bounty on his head for killing his commander in the war. he is now a sword for hire trying to make some money but he is very bad at keeping it last. so he is very poor most of the time.

October 5th, 09, 11:18 PM
Name: Ruby
Age: 23
diaper: no
Skils: Ruby can make weapons, armors&food with the right materials, and she can learn more with training,
Bio: Ruby is an apprentice at a forge, she learned cooking from her family, and she has no clue what the fates will bring her way.

croc kojitsu
October 5th, 09, 11:22 PM
thank you. now we need one more. can you think of anyone?

October 5th, 09, 11:44 PM
I will check around, keep up the great work, and thanks.

October 8th, 09, 01:42 AM
(Mind if I join)
Skills:Extraordinarly strong and can smell poisons
Bio:Zan is a bounty hunter who gets the job done but accasionally gets quite side tracked

croc kojitsu
October 8th, 09, 10:10 AM
ok you can join. just pop in any time

March 20th, 10, 06:56 PM
Name: Jericho
Age: 13
Diaper: Yes
Powers: Extremly quick and has great memory and sight. He can also use his blade in more way then one.
Bio: Was abandoned at age 7, and wishes to become a samurai to find his parents one day, also has to wear diapers because of bladder and bowel problems.
Beast Spirit: Demon Hollow

March 21st, 10, 08:31 PM
can i join
name: Chip
age: 11
diaper: yes
powers: good speed and swordmanship
good with herbs and plants good eye for valubuls
bio:travaling ,fairly stupid needs diapers because ate
piosen plant that gave him knowledge

March 21st, 10, 08:47 PM
if you pm'd croc and he said yes then you could

March 21st, 10, 08:55 PM
sorry im new to this

March 21st, 10, 08:56 PM
It's ok, i'm not good at this either.:D

March 21st, 10, 09:07 PM
ps i am going to join in later on im going abrod
on wednesday

March 22nd, 10, 10:22 PM
BIO: Nothing really just your everyday samuri

croc kojitsu
March 22nd, 10, 10:23 PM
um ok i think your good to go

Bandit Keith
April 1st, 10, 02:52 PM
a can I jion I have been iching to do a rp like this but every one I ask don't want to do one.heres my bio.also yes I have been on a fma and fma brotherhood block lately not been abul to think of other names and stuff for rps .

name; roy elric

age;around 16 or so

most know as;''the swords men of the blade of alchemy.''tho his state given name is;'' the sword master of alchemy''given for he loves the use of swords and does alchemy when he wants liking to fight more so with a blade.

fighting typos used the most;alchemy and sword fighting and hand to hand mix.tho like his dad he does not need transmutation circles to do alchemy and has loeds of energy to do it and other things.

bio; he was born to edward elirc and winry rockbell .he loves mech stuff tho he has no need for the tech .he has hated the fact he like his father tho its a new evil is in control of the government.tho unlike his father he left before getting in to deep in the secret. he is now a wonder for hire and not to kill.but the state is looking for him all but his father who is at this time unknown where hes at.

croc kojitsu
April 1st, 10, 11:54 PM
Um ok you can join and if you want to know where we are just ask me

April 3rd, 10, 06:23 AM
May I join?

Name: Katsu
Gender: male
Age: approx. 17
Diapers: no
Abilities/Bio: only known wielder of a weapon known as the Swallow (basically looks like a double-ended eku) and is also skilled at the katana. Is however, very modest and doesn't like to show off much. His modesty might even be considered a slight inferiority complex, but it doesn't get in the way too often. He doesn't seem particularly strong, but he does at least have what it takes to survive alone.

croc kojitsu
April 3rd, 10, 10:07 PM
hmm yeah you can join.

also a note to everone on the rp. i think alot of you want your character's side stroy in but i think you are all doing it at once. am not saying that having a side story is bad but your all doing it at once. i thought of away to sort it out. i will say who get to do there side story. you will all get you chance and i will be fair. is this alright?

Bandit Keith
April 3rd, 10, 10:28 PM
yes I manly tryed to keep it from the story but I could not resest so yay that works.better put that as a rule.

croc kojitsu
April 3rd, 10, 10:31 PM
Ok i will PM the one i think will get some time to do there side story

Seko Electric
May 10th, 10, 10:29 PM
Name:Seko Thomas Electric
Tpye:Cat like human
Diapers:yes incontent
Job:Imperial army veterain
Powers:Trianed for killing; no prisoners

croc kojitsu
May 10th, 10, 10:31 PM

um you can join right now but there are alot of things going right now. just to let you know

Stellar Dreamer
May 25th, 10, 06:19 PM
Name: Nine
age: 22
diaper: no
Skill's: master at duel swords. Can also use the elements in virtuous attack's
Bio: a swordsmen from a foreign land. his motto is "If it doesn't affect me I don't give a damn". He's rude cocky and disrespectful but he gets the job done.
apperence: http://gamerlimit.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/last-rebellion.jpg

croc kojitsu
May 25th, 10, 06:22 PM
ok that seems good. if you need to know more of the story just ask me