View Full Version : Sat Am Sonic fans rejoice.

February 22nd, 09, 08:56 PM
If your a sat-am please watch this: http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/nostalgia-critic/4762-adventures-of-sonic-the-hedgehog
My emotions matched his.

February 22nd, 09, 09:15 PM
Aw you beat me to it. I agree this is one of his best videos ever, and that's saying alot.

February 22nd, 09, 09:27 PM
that vid is funny
and wierd

February 22nd, 09, 09:40 PM
lol that was great i kinda liked them both but i love people pointing out dumb stuff about stuff lol

February 22nd, 09, 09:52 PM
I don't like SatAM really. I prefer Sonic X.

February 22nd, 09, 10:43 PM
Satam was awsome! =3 sadly it got cancelled >.<
and honeslty i did like the Adventures of sonic >> i found it funny xD stupid, but funny xD

February 22nd, 09, 10:47 PM
ya you seem like the type to like that show (so you don't feel like i am being mean takes one to know one) ;-)

February 22nd, 09, 11:13 PM
Lol, I didnt take it as mean dont worry, Although i felt stupid after the guy in the video exclaimed that it was sooo stupid and something a student who'd had a drink or something had made xD IDK didnt listen to the video very well.
WHY DIDNT TD APPEAR IN THE SATAM!? hes prob the eyes at the end 0.0 that would be awsome lmao xD

February 23rd, 09, 01:51 AM
I just hope that he does the gawd awful france version of sat-am, sonic underground (shivers).

February 23rd, 09, 02:15 AM
ok i don't know who you are talking about by TD i may have forgot i don't know but i like the part that he said "you must be this high to watch" lol (also i thought you might not take it as bad it was a just incase i misjudged you... which i have not so far you seem like by kind person) (time to go wright a sig)

Bump: ok now i have a sigi

February 23rd, 09, 03:02 AM
TD = Tails Doll.

Someone had said that it was cancelled, but if you've read the Sonic comic from archie they have done an excellent job at keeping the satam story alive.
Eventhough the first 17-20 issues felt like a duck-tails comic, it did a great job of fuseing the adventures and sat-am together.
After those few issues, the comic started to become the definition of epic.
I Just wonder if sonic universe is going to be epic as well?

February 23rd, 09, 03:12 AM
i miss playing the old sonic game

February 23rd, 09, 03:25 AM
which one ?

February 23rd, 09, 04:47 AM
well i miss sonic 3 and knucles so much that i started a file and have all 7 chaos and the 2 super but the one i want to play is sonic adventer set.

February 23rd, 09, 04:52 AM
i wished that sonic team would release a satam sonic game or adult swim would play the show. (and yes i have the 4-disc set of satam [$40])

February 23rd, 09, 04:56 AM
lol ya most of my real friends don't like it but i do i never watched sonic x much... side question who is your fav sonic char

February 23rd, 09, 05:01 AM
Sonic x the end saga of season 2or3 is epic the rest is ok to meh.
hard to say who my favorite character is, which series are you talking about?

February 23rd, 09, 05:04 AM
in general my fav sonic my bros kte ben tails you know or are you kind that cant pick. if so the sat am

February 23rd, 09, 05:14 AM
wow i hate sonic and it made me want to watch Sat AM XD

seriously though, funny as hell.

February 23rd, 09, 05:17 AM
lol thats good the power of sonic compels you

February 23rd, 09, 06:24 AM
lol thats good the power of sonic compels you

ill pass lol... i don't need anything else encompassing my daily routine

February 23rd, 09, 03:08 PM
They still do sonic comics =3 you can download them easily but you need an account xD (free)


P.S for DC they have Sonic X comics too =3

February 23rd, 09, 03:10 PM
lol sparky :3 you and your sonic X3

February 23rd, 09, 09:02 PM
lol i think i started regressing a little as i played sonic yesterday but that was not hard sitting next to a 12 year old who was acting like a 2 saying taos and all that... after i started one of my friends told me to stop because i was starting to seem like a retard lol how little he knows

February 24th, 09, 05:38 AM
Ow my sides, I'm hurting from all the laughing. 6:30- 7:20 had me on the floor. Thank you for finding this. I loved Sat AM, (holds up his DVD box set), good to see it's memory is still out there. So much potential and material.

I also forgot to add, there are plans by Mike Sullivan to try and revive Sat AM.

February 24th, 09, 05:47 AM
I only watch the sonic x if i am not at the fire station wash the trucks or playing darts or pool or doing some training drills but the video had me in stitches

February 24th, 09, 06:27 AM
sadly i never got into the games or the tv show.