View Full Version : Scariest moments

November 20th, 08, 04:15 PM
what is the scariest moment in your live? one that you would never want to re-live again. if you have one post here.

November 20th, 08, 04:23 PM
my moment was yesterday someone broke into my house and started to take my stuff. but he never made it out i through a 6in 13lbs cristil into his leg, and called the cops. when i got my cristil i noteced blood on it. i think i broke his leg considering i wrestiled and pitched hard fast balls on my baceball team. well it surves him right for what he did and he is lucky i didn't use my combat knife.

November 20th, 08, 07:46 PM
Yes very lucky -rolls eyes- lol oh and I think its crystal* im not sure what you ment lol anywhoooooo scariest moment for me...I dont know lmao nothing truelly scares me that much lol and I am being honest. Unless I was in a Saw situation I dont think id care to much lol

November 20th, 08, 10:15 PM
Hey, even if he's a house burglar, he's still human. Nobody deserves to be taken with a combat knife for breaking into a house. Think how desperate and poor person he must be, to actually do something like house burglary.

I think my scariest experience must have got something to do with water. I usually end up getting into some stupid situation when I'm snorkeling around and suddently the winds start taking in and i get thrown around by giant waves (well, if you're stupid as me to take out to a far off coast tropical cliff, where the cliff would scratch me pretty bad, should I get thrown into it by a wave.
It could also be that one time, when i was rowing with some friends in a fucking canoe in the big ship sailing area of a river or whatever, while it was dark.

crazy J
November 20th, 08, 10:36 PM
well, my scariest moment was ghost related, pretty sure you don't want to here about it.

Winnie Cooper
November 20th, 08, 10:47 PM
I almost rolled my car once. That was pretty scary. Even the several wrecks I DID have weren't as scary as that near-wreck.

November 21st, 08, 04:03 AM
Hey, even if he's a house burglar, he's still human. Nobody deserves to be taken with a combat knife for breaking into a house. Think how desperate and poor person he must be, to actually do something like house burglary.

I think my scariest experience must have got something to do with water. I usually end up getting into some stupid situation when I'm snorkeling around and suddently the winds start taking in and i get thrown around by giant waves (well, if you're stupid as me to take out to a far off coast tropical cliff, where the cliff would scratch me pretty bad, should I get thrown into it by a wave.
It could also be that one time, when i was rowing with some friends in a fucking canoe in the big ship sailing area of a river or whatever, while it was dark. oh ya he and his 5 charot dimond ring were very poor.

November 21st, 08, 07:26 AM
Some people do things like that just for fun, or even as a career. In Canada if someone breaks into your home you can use as much force as neccesary to stop or remove that person from your property. If someone broke into my house when I was home, I'd just hold them at gunpoint and restrain them before calling the police.

Lol, imagine this: After restraining someone who has broken into your home, you put a diaper on him and THEN call the police. Next day in the paper: "Diapered man gets padded behind busted during robbery."

I'm glad that you weren't hurt, and hopefully the crook gets what he deserves in court.

November 21st, 08, 07:34 AM
the scariest thing that happened to me was almost getting shot, it was dark, i was walking with my mom when i saw a cop car whiz by, about 1-8 minutes later several gun shots were fired we both ran our asses off for a few feet