View Full Version : SCP Amnesia [Open]

November 22nd, 20, 02:26 PM
"- and if you don't, I'll personally see to it you're fed to 682! Furthermore-"

"Oh, my. Sounds like someone is cranky." A cold shiver ran down Jacobs' spine as the multi-toned voice of 035 echoed through the hallways. He barely had a minute to steel himself before a tendril was jamming it's way down his pants, pressing itself against the diaper with an audible squish. Jacobs' ears burned as the tendril ran it's way to the back, rubbing his muddy rear.

"And for good reason. Daddy's little boy really had to go, didn't he?" The tendril pressed itself harder against Jacobs' padding, garnering more noises and a near moan from the O-5 member. It was humiliating, being checked in front of the people that were supposed to be afraid of him. Fuck.

A tendril rolled around Jacobs' hand, leading him like a parent with a child. "Come on, Jakey. Let's get you nice and clean. Maybe we can try potty training later."

Jacobs bolted upright in bed. Fuck. Another dream. He'd been having them for ages now. His therapist said it must have been residual memories from his past. He wished he could remember more. Like what a 682 was, and why he'd been wearing a diaper that was messy, to boot.

December 21st, 20, 01:12 AM
(Hi can I join, I don't do potty training, I prefer total babyfication, if that's ok with you though, lemme know ok?)

January 26th, 24, 12:15 AM
If I vould join that's fine, personally I rp as 049 when. Roleplaying