View Full Version : Sheepards crew

April 28th, 13, 08:40 PM
Name: Joan Sheepard

Age: Former age was 28 but creation age after revival is 3

Species: half Human and half Sheep

Description: Died as former heroine and captain of a battleship and was brought back to life by scientists.
Something went terribly wrong, as a scientist has tried to warm up his burrito in a microwave.
It caused a short power failure which brought some of Joans DNA out of balance. Joan woke up as furry but cute monster.
She has a normal grown body with right proportions of a adult human, but well:
She has a sheep nose, a thin white fur on her skin and no hairs but white wool on her head.
A puffy sheep tail looks always out of her fight suit.

What she likes: guns, jumpsuits, tight but functional clothes, something comfy after a fight(^^), dead enemys

What she hates: When she is excited, she loses her bladder functions, and well , this always happens when she shoots on something.
Could worsen when she hits.
Might be one of the terrible jokes of the scientists. But no one of them has survived the day of her rebirth, to confirm this assumption.
She never talks about what happened to them but let me say: It wasn't the burrito.

Her inner feelings and thoughts:

I must save the world!
I must kill all villains!
I must look after wide fields with fresh and green grass! No, wait! Why do I think that?

---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------
Crew Member
Name: William Domet
Race: Indrian
Height: 7.3"

appearance: http://club.funbox.co.th/Webrappelz/RZ-HI5/job/holy-warrior.jpg

Personality: william is a prideful yet sensable individual. he's also curious and somewhat brash.
As a result of this, he has little patience for complicated plans in a battle, preferring to charge full-tilt into the fray and start attacking whatever's in front of him.

Backstory: William is a member of the Indrian race. The indrians are a warrior people from a deadly world of monstrous beasts and devastating plagues.
This forced them to take an evolutionary path in which they were gifted with the ability to adapt and evolve rapidly to sudden changes in their environment in addition to a natural aptitude for utilizing biotics.
With this ability, and their honor based society, the indrians flourished as warriors.
Unlike most of his people however, William sought more than just an existence of battle and honor. He wanted to grasp the stars, to explore the expanse that lay just beyond his homeworld.
When a band of batarian bandits attempted to ransack his village, he found his chance. He defeated them, and after forcing them to teach him how to operate their ship, he set off;
not knowing that his wonderlust would lead him into the journey of a lifetime.

Weapons: he uses a Graal Spike Thrower and a set of custom forged short swords in combat