View Full Version : Sister's Hinata & Kagome( For Messy Hinata and NekoQueen ONLY NO ONE ELSE)

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Stellar Dreamer
April 27th, 09, 02:54 AM
Hinata stered in her large bed/ Crib making her plastic sheet crinkl.:p

April 28th, 09, 12:39 AM
*wakes up slowly with a yawn, letting her paci fall out of her mouth* sishy be quiets pwease i sweepy!

Stellar Dreamer
April 28th, 09, 12:42 AM
" sorry sis!" Hinata said.

this is what my bed looks like

April 28th, 09, 12:51 AM
sishy..w-wiw oo howd me cwose too oo? i afwaid of da dark and it stiww night time and me can no go back to sleep =(

Stellar Dreamer
April 28th, 09, 12:53 AM
" clim in sis and lets cuddle ok?" Hinata said sliding the rail down

April 28th, 09, 01:08 AM
*crawls in and holds onto hinata, burying her head into hinatas chest so f there are any "monsters" shed be safe*

Stellar Dreamer
April 28th, 09, 01:53 PM
pulls the rail up and wraps her self ans Kagome in a fluffy pink blanket.

April 28th, 09, 09:45 PM
tank oo sishy *narakus curse that had sent kagomes mindinto infancy had obviously gotten stronger, kagome was completly helpless just like a real baby*

Stellar Dreamer
April 28th, 09, 11:39 PM
" love you sis." Hinata said as she held you close

April 28th, 09, 11:45 PM
i wub oo too shishy *sucks her thumb as she makes sure shes as close to hinata as she can get* (is your apperance from the anime or the manga comic? )

Stellar Dreamer
April 28th, 09, 11:53 PM
(comic. i like long hair.)

Hinata meses her self but cares not and kisses Kagome on the for head

April 29th, 09, 12:04 AM
( i like the look of the comic better ^^ ) *falls asleep and by the time she wakes uo its morning and she has a fully messed diaper and is ravounously hungry, she looks at hinata and sees a big wet spot on her shirt, obviously from where she had been sleeping on hinata and had drooled on her, but she herself couldnt figure out what happened and thought hinata had an accident so she gently shakes hinata to wake her up and make her aware of it* shishy i tink oo had ashident

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 12:09 AM
" mmmmm sis its drol me is messy..." Hinata said sucking her thumb

April 29th, 09, 12:14 AM
dwool? ish its mys fauwt shishy? we needies mommy =(

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 12:19 AM
" there at work till noon sis ok?" Hainata asked

April 29th, 09, 12:21 AM
eyes tear up* dey no hewe? *lip trembles and kagome bursts into tears*

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 12:25 AM
Hinata holds you close and sings to you

April 29th, 09, 12:36 AM
*calms down a few minutes later and cant elp but become sleepy quickly, shes almost fallen back asleep on hinata* shishy....is ouw mommies no hewes who takies cawe of ush..

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 12:42 AM
" they will be back very soon sis till then we stay in the baby bed ok?" Hinata asked

April 29th, 09, 12:46 AM
otay *tummy growls* what wash dat?! *relises its coming from herself* why ish me making dat noise? its a widdle scawy =( (XD i find it hard to believe that when i was little i actually started to cry because everytime my stomach growled i thought it was a monster XD....thats because of waht my brother told me when i waas little though >.> )

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 12:49 AM
" your hungery i'l be back dont move ok?" Hionata said

April 29th, 09, 12:54 AM
otay shishy...*stays where shes at so hinata wont get mad for being disobeyed*

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 12:59 AM
Hinata comes back with two warm bottles." here." she said handing you one and nurseing the other

April 29th, 09, 01:02 AM
*happily suckles on the bottle, not minding that some of it is dribbling down her chin* me foundd dish shishy would oo wike it? *hands her a naruto uzimaki plush she had found* i saw dish somewhere and i got mommy to buy it fow oo

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 01:13 AM
Hinata's eye's glowed and shimered grabing it " THANK YOU THANK YOU!" she yellped hugging you

April 29th, 09, 01:17 AM
*is a .little dazed from the sudden shock of suprise* oo welcome shishy @.@

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 01:21 AM
soon you smell Hinata's poo filled diaper

April 29th, 09, 01:31 AM
*you soon smeel kagomes poo filled diaper* big shishy we tinky, when ouw mommies coming backies?

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 01:36 AM
( are you Sakura in this or Sango)

April 29th, 09, 01:37 AM
(i was gonna play sakura in this and let you play sango, but ill let you decide which you wanna be)

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 01:41 AM
(i'll be Sango)

the nursery door opned and Sango walked in huggeing her baby girls

April 29th, 09, 01:56 AM
*sakura soon followed* were back now! ^^ was kagome any trouble hinata? i mean she usually throws a fit when she finds out were not here, did you have aany trouble?

kagome: *is h ugging sango* me mish oo mommy

sakura: man it stinks in here, would either of my babies like a change? =)

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 01:59 AM
" yes!" Hinata said huggeing Sango

" Sakura love can you handl them for a bit i'm very tiered from work." Sango said

April 29th, 09, 02:06 AM
sakura: yes love, i can handle our babies =)

kagome: *bursts into tears again and crawls to ango and hugs her kegs* mommy no weave again! *continues to cry*

sakura: *is changing hinata and tickling her tummy while kagome is crying and hugging sango*

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 02:10 AM
" i'm just haveing a nap sweety ok?" Sango asked kissing Kagome on the forhead

Hinata squrted Sakura with pee as she was tickled

April 29th, 09, 02:21 AM
sakura: *hols up hinatas already messed diaper so the pee hits the diaper* thats was a close one little girl =p *takes off her diaper then rubs her bottom and private area then rubs in lotion and oil and powder then tapes a new diaper on and does the same to kagome, she t
hen sets them down in a playpin*mommy sango brought back something for you two ^^ *sets down a demonic baby sand snake that curls up in the corner, obviously terrified the girls will hurt it, its very cute and freindly with a brown body* its a demon snake, but its friendly and was born just as sango found the egg he was in, so it saw sango and thought sangoo was his mommy ^^ hes a very well behaved snake and wont bite or hurt you, weve only had him for a week but we had to make sure hed be safe to be around you =) have fun ^^ * sits down on the couch beside the large playpen a d watches tv*

kagome: *gently picks up the snake and hugs it, the snake curls around kagomes hand lovingly, flicking out its tail and tickling kagome with its tail, kagome begins to giggle as te snakes tail tickles her*

sakura: be sure you name him, hes your snake now, ill feed him and stuff but youll need to love and play with him ^^

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 02:24 AM
"hmmmhm!" Hinata wines afrad of snakes.

April 29th, 09, 02:35 AM
sakura: *sits hinata down in her lap* its okay hunny hes a smart animal, he knows notto hurt you two, i promise, look if kagome can do it you can too, kagome is a real baby, your just acting like one, so that means a baby is braver than you, are you gonna be like that, are you gonna let aa real baby be braver?

---------- Post added at 08:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 PM ----------

sakura: *sits hinata down in her lap* its okay hunny hes a smart animal, he knows notto hurt you two, i promise, look if kagome can do it you can too, kagome is a real baby, your just acting like one, so that means a baby is braver than you, are you gonna be like that, are you gonna let aa real baby be braver?

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 02:38 AM
" no mama I can be brave too!" Hinata said

April 29th, 09, 02:47 AM
*holds hinata close* thats my baby girl =)

*the snake slowly crawls to hinata and rests in her lap, looking at her innocently*

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 02:52 AM
Hinata breaths in and slowly pets the snaks head

April 29th, 09, 03:03 AM
the snake curls up and hwraps its tail around hinatas arms then slithers up her arm and is tenderly wrapped around it to show her its affection*

sakura: i think he likes you baby =) *sniffs the air and realizes hinata pooped her pants again* need another diaper change?

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 03:06 AM
" yes mommy i pooed when i saw the snake." Hanata said

April 29th, 09, 03:12 AM
*giggles and totally babifies hinata by putting her in a lavender footed sleeper, with a pacifier and neko mittens, then a big poofy diaper and a blanket with bottles of milk for her and her sister =than does the sme with kagome and tucks them in with the snake sleeping with them* night night time for me to play with mommy ^^*goes to her and sangos room then slowly removes sangos pants and panties, gives her an enema, and a butt-plug, ten diapers her, and puts her in a straight jacket so shes totally depedant on saura to bath, feed, change, and help her* "now remember its your turn to be the baby tonight my widdle cutie ^^" she coos

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 03:15 AM
" ya i know hey my hair is cought in the straight jacket strap can you get it out mama?" Sango asked

April 29th, 09, 10:50 AM
on second thought.... *takes off the jacket* i trust you wont do anything without my help or try to go to the bathroom like a big girl, because ill tan your hide if you do and then put you back in the straight jacket ^^ *picks up sango and craddles her, holding her close then sticks a paci in her mouth and leaves the room holding her to go get a bottle of milk, sakura goes to the fridge, opens it up and takes out a big bottle of milk, she then sticks it in the microwave for 30 seconds to warm it up and after its done she squirts just a little on her wrist to make sure the milk isnt too hot* "here you go baby girl" she cood softly *inserts the nipple of the bottle into sangos mouth and gently rocks her as sango nurses*

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 08:44 PM
" no i like the straight jacket put it back on me please mommy!?" Sango beged

April 29th, 09, 08:48 PM
*puts the straight jacket back on her lovingly* aww you want me to do everything for you like you were a real baby, how cute ^^ * picks you back up and begins to feed you from the bottle as she rocks you gently* when you wake up from your nap baby girl, ill do whatever you want with you okay?

kagome: shishy me no sweepies, why we gotta takies nap?

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 08:56 PM
Sango nodds sucking her bottle and falling asleep.

" Becuas Mama and mommy need to have some adult time ok?" Hinata said not wanting to explain what they where really doing

April 29th, 09, 09:18 PM
otay shishy, can we pway wiw dey habing aduwt time?

sakura: *lays sango down in a crib after giving her an enema*

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 09:21 PM
" ok lets play but be quite so mommy and mama dont here us ok?" Hinata asked

Sango really need to mess now but the plug heldit in makeing her cry a little.

April 29th, 09, 09:30 PM
sakura: "looks like the two ememas are doing their job and so is the plug, but shell get over the pain just need to wait until the pressure becomes so great it forces the plug out, she hasnt pooped for four days so im goinna make sure it all comes out" she says to herself

*kagome playfully and lovingly wrestles with hinata*

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 09:35 PM
Hinata tickles her sisters tummy." tickl attack!" she said giggleing

the plug gave way and Sango filled her diaper so much it leack poo all over her crib makeing her cry

April 29th, 09, 09:41 PM
]sakura: *picks sango up and cleans her up and changes her diaper, then throws the plastic over the sheet away and puts sango in a footed sleeper* "there all better"

kagome; *giggles and laughs, flailing and squirming around, helplessly wetting her diaper, but having alot of fun none-the-less*"

sakura: *hears the girls playing and goes to their room and lets down the crib bar* i didnt expect youd go to bed so i dont mind if you play, i put the bar down so you could have access to all your toys, but play quietly mommy is asleep okay?

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 09:43 PM
Sango in her straight jacket and sleeper tryed to cover her self up by griping the covers with her teeth but failed

April 29th, 09, 09:48 PM
*after sakura left kagome sat in her sisters lap* me wub oo shishy ^^ *snuggles up to her, adoring her "older" sister like a role model*

sakura: *sees sango and covers her up and puts a pacifier in sangos mouth* here baby girl let mommy know if you need anything okay?

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 09:51 PM
Sango smiled and sleped.

" wuve oo to sis!" Hainata said befor thinking" time to be a bad baby!" she said takeing her cloths of and her diaper and ran in om Sakura." CAN"T CHATCH ME!!" she said ruuning of naked

April 29th, 09, 10:03 PM
*uses shadow bind and freezes hinata in her tracks then grabs her hand, bends hinata over her knee, and spanks her furiously for about 5 minutes* "dont set a bad example for your baby sister!" she yells in a stern voice (i know its shikamarus technique but ill use it =p)

kagome: *does the same as hinata and gets spanked the same*

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 10:08 PM
" owwwwwwwww mommy stop!!" Hinata cryed
Sango rolled out the open side of the crib and hit the floor haed

April 29th, 09, 10:10 PM
sakura: 8catches sango before she falls and makes sure to put the crib bar back up then continues to deal with hinata* will you be a good girl?! >=(

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 10:20 PM
" ok mommy why is Sango dressed in that!?" Hinata said pouting

April 29th, 09, 10:29 PM
...uuuuuum...well mommy likes to act like a baby like you guys sometimes....

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 10:33 PM
" oh ok thats strange where are her arm's?" Hinata asked

April 29th, 09, 10:35 PM
well shes wearing a straight jacket that makes her arms stay behind her, and it covers them up so she cant move

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 10:40 PM
" oh? ok but can i try one?" Hinata asked

Sango cryed like a baby as she pooped more

April 29th, 09, 10:44 PM
*puts hinata in a straight jacket then picks up and craddles sango and rocksher gently* dont cry hunny, after you get it all out itll stop, i promise *nuzzles her gently, feeling her diaper expanding*

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 10:47 PM
Sango snuggled up to Sakuras breast.

" this feels....good can i stay like this mommy?" Hinata aked trying to stand

April 29th, 09, 10:57 PM
kagome: can mes hab ons toos?

sakura: yes you can stay like that for right now, but you cant have it on all the time *pputs one on kagome* there ^^ now hinata if you need to take it off simply pull the small latch inside the jacket, these are special ordered so if you really need to, you can get out of them, but im going to take a nap with mommy so babysit kagome ok? *lovingly swaddles sango in her arms as she talks to hinata*

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 11:03 PM
" ok mommy night night! cme on sis lets go watch tv!" Hinata said

Sango's diaper sweld up more as she messed again." mommy is me all most done?" Sango asked as the Enamas still filled her falf way

April 29th, 09, 11:09 PM
kagome: otay *tries to crawl but cant since she cant use her hands* shishy me can no moves =(

sakura: yes baby girl your almost done youve gotton the first enema out now your releasing the second =)

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 11:17 PM
" What do you wanna watch sis?" Hinata asked

" Can you breast feed me Lo/mommy?" Sango asked as her squshy diaper mushed all over her privets

April 29th, 09, 11:48 PM
sakura: of course baby girl =) but first, tell me, do you like it when your poop is smushed against your bottom and privates?

kagome: me watch what oo wanna watch shishy

Stellar Dreamer
April 29th, 09, 11:52 PM
" yes mommy i do," Sango said.

" ok lets watch Sailor Moon." Hinata said put in on. (let me guess you no like Sailor Moon?)

April 29th, 09, 11:57 PM
(never seen it, but ill be suire to watch it) kagome: *cuddles with hinata, sitting in her lap*

sakura: *nurses sango while squishing sangos diaper all around her privates*

Stellar Dreamer
April 30th, 09, 12:01 AM
" Sis you like your new jacket to?" Hinata asked.

Sango pushes more poo in to her diaper makeing it leak

April 30th, 09, 12:13 AM
sakura: *giggles* good girl *feels the urge to poop and its so unbearable that she just squats down and an eruption of diarrhea squirts all into her panties followed by a soft load of poo she giggles wets as well *ok nap time! ^^ *gets in bed with sango without changing either of them and falls asleep, with the poop all over the plastic cover of the baby crib theyre in*

\kagome: ish otays but me want to ush my awms can oo hewpies me take it offs?

Stellar Dreamer
April 30th, 09, 12:19 AM
Sango cuddles with Sakura

There's a string in you sleave just pull it sis." Hainata said

April 30th, 09, 12:33 AM
kagome: stwing? *pulls the string and it comes off* tank oo *lets out a yawn and rubs her eyes*

sakura: *snuggles with sango in the crib, holding a stuffed animal*

Stellar Dreamer
April 30th, 09, 12:34 AM
" you sleepy sis?" Hinata asked

April 30th, 09, 12:36 AM
yesh shishy, me sweepy, wiw oo tuck me in =(

Stellar Dreamer
April 30th, 09, 12:43 AM
Hinata pulls the string and crayying her sister to there crib lays her down hops in and pull the side up." lets go slep." Hainata said covering them up.

Sango's Diaper is so full it berst open all over the plastic seet and crib makeing her cry

April 30th, 09, 12:52 AM
sakura: shhh its okay my love we can clean it up just go back to sleep =)

kagome: tank oo big shishy *snuggles with hinata, falling asleep quickly*

Stellar Dreamer
April 30th, 09, 02:07 PM
Hinata snuggles with Kagome.

" mommy maby i need diapers all the time?" Sango said

April 30th, 09, 09:23 PM
*giggles* we both do ^^ oh and tommorrow i get to be the baby =p

kagome: *snuggles with hinata, slowly falling asleep*

Stellar Dreamer
April 30th, 09, 09:28 PM
" ok mommy ohhh no my poop is still comeing!" Sango cryed not wanting to poo on Sakura

April 30th, 09, 09:33 PM
*sakura diapers sango back on before she poops herself again and then sits her down on the toilet and takes off her diaper* there ^^

Stellar Dreamer
April 30th, 09, 09:36 PM
" thank you can i where the spical Extremly thick diapers you bout?" Sango asked

April 30th, 09, 10:42 PM
well actually those are for me, since im a really heavy wetter and messer, but i guess you could...

kagome: *wakes up an hour later and cries*

Stellar Dreamer
April 30th, 09, 10:49 PM
" yes please mommy!" Sango said droling on her Stright Jacket cutely.

" sis wa wrong?" Hinata asked holding her sister in her arms

April 30th, 09, 10:52 PM
*pulls out an extra fluffy diaper after wiping sangos butt then snuggles tapes it on her after she stops messing* there sweetheart, all better?

kagome: my tummy huwts big shishy pwease makies it stops! *continues to cry and hold onto hinata*

Stellar Dreamer
April 30th, 09, 10:58 PM
" oh its so thick my legs cant clise and i cant really walk. thats mopmmy!" Sango said

" mommy Sakura sis is feel bad!" Hinata cryed

April 30th, 09, 11:33 PM
*fills her diaper with soft squishy runny poo and calms down* dat bettew my tummy no huwties now *lays on hinata and sucks her thumb*

---------- Post added at 06:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:30 PM ----------

(diamin i know your veiwing and no, look at the title )

Stellar Dreamer
April 30th, 09, 11:47 PM
Hinata hugges Kagome.

Mommy .* Kiss Sakura pashinitly*"

April 30th, 09, 11:49 PM
*kagome playfully pounces on her big sister like a cat and lovingly wrestles with her like a kitten*

*sakura is suprised but returns the kiss, tounging sango and sticking her hand down sangos diaper rubbing her privates*

Stellar Dreamer
April 30th, 09, 11:54 PM
" ohhhh yes mommy yes!" Sango said squrting cum on your hand

" tickl tickl sis!" Hinata said tickling her sis

May 1st, 09, 12:12 AM
(heh if i would have known you were kinky i would have gotten kinky too, but i thought things like this made you feel uncomfortable) *takes off all of sangos clothes and alays her on the bed then schains her to the posts so shes sprawled out with her butt and vagina completly vulnerable, she then takes off her own clothes by strip teasing*

*kagome is laughing and gigglws* hash mewcy hishy me tickwish! *continues giggling and laufhing, her poop getting in her privates* (im really tired of saying privates can i just call them what they are?)

Stellar Dreamer
May 1st, 09, 12:16 AM
( i am a litle buged by it but its fine as long as its willing. ye call it what ever)

" Hinata stops and huggs her sis

" ohhhh mommy what are you going to do?" Sango said in a kinky voice

May 1st, 09, 12:38 AM
*kagome is still giggling when she hugs her sister and holds onto her, giggling and cooing happily*

*sakura takes off her clothes and is fully nude and gets ontop of sango gently rubbing her vagina* im gonnamake us both very happy *she said in a devious tone with a girlish giggle*

Stellar Dreamer
May 1st, 09, 12:41 AM
" oh but me just a baby." Sango said teasingly

" So sis you need a change?" Hinata asked

May 1st, 09, 12:45 AM
yesh pwease shishy *sees a brand new inuyasha plush doll sitting on the changing table and is reaching for it trying to get it*

hehe you might be a baby but then again so am i, and babies dont know any better *wiggles her butt in the air and pounces gently on sango, holding her close to her body, making out ith her vigerously while rubbing her vagina*

Stellar Dreamer
May 1st, 09, 12:51 AM
Sango crys out in joy and squrts pee and cum on the bed.

Hinata sits Kagome on the tabl when the girls hear Sakura and Sango"...........nice!" Hinata said in a perv voice

May 1st, 09, 12:56 AM
*grabs the inuyasha doll and snuggles with it waiting for her sister to continue* what dey doing big shishy, awe dey pwaying?\

*sakura giggles and unties sango and begins to mount sango and wraps her legs around sangos waist with her hand rubbing sangos vagina and the other massaging her bottom while shes making out with her, they roll off the bed in land in a big pile of soft feathery pillows while they become friskier* (XD im such a perv but i love this kind of stuff, its the only reason i read breaking dawn out of the twilight series Xd

Stellar Dreamer
May 1st, 09, 01:03 AM
(ok but my EX on this stuff is very small)

" yes they are." Hinata said changeing her sister

Sagon mons in pure joy

May 1st, 09, 01:08 AM
(experience? its okay i dont have much myself either =p just a few times when ive accidentally cummed and from what ive seen couples do) dey sound wike dey habing fun can wes pway dat too shishy? *snugg;es with the inuyasha doll*

*mounts sango on the bed and begins to hump her*

Stellar Dreamer
May 1st, 09, 01:13 AM
"MEP ummm no its a big girl game only ok?" Hinata said blushing beat red

At this sango crys out in Joy screeming and cry at the same time

May 1st, 09, 01:22 AM
aww oo sickies shishy? oo wook wed and hot =(

*sakura spanks sango playfully* youve been a naughty girl =) *she teased*

Stellar Dreamer
May 1st, 09, 01:26 AM
" no im good hehe...." Hinata said

" mommy No stop!!! " Sango cryed

May 1st, 09, 01:33 AM
oo wetted oor pants shisshy! wook!

*sakura stops* awwwwwww dont cry baby its alright! i wasnt gonna hurt you! i promise! *picks her up an holds her close* shhhh it s okay baby girl

Stellar Dreamer
May 1st, 09, 01:57 AM
" no thats no it im just sooooooo worn out it all hehe but we can stiil makeout?' Sango said

May 1st, 09, 02:30 AM
*yawns* actually im pretty sleep *lays down on sangos breast and sucks her thumb, pooping her panties without knowing it, then falls asleep with her hand on her own vagina and herleft hand on sangos*

shishy oo gonna changies me?

Stellar Dreamer
May 1st, 09, 02:33 AM
Hinata changes Kagome's diaper " there you go sis!" she said

Sango holds Sakura close as she messed the bed but she cared not and laing in her own mess held her lover close

May 1st, 09, 02:39 AM
*sakura rolls off the bed after 30 minutes and busts her head on the endtabe and cries and screamds like an infant, blood is pouring down the back of her head, staining her pink hair*

kagome: tankies shishy *snuggles with her inuyasha plush sucking her thumb*

Stellar Dreamer
May 1st, 09, 02:42 AM
Sango Shoots up and holding Sakura closes slowly heals her " is ok love im here shhhh." she said

May 1st, 09, 02:55 AM
it hurts mommy! *sakura sobbed holding onto sango*

*ishanging onto hinata so she doesnt fall*

Stellar Dreamer
May 1st, 09, 02:58 AM
Hinata sits her sister on the floor

" its ok mommys makeing it all beeter." Sango said as she completly healed Sakura's hear

May 1st, 09, 03:03 AM
*skaura continues to cry from the pain, she lays in the mess on the bed and puts on the straight jakets with sangos mess inside and locks it, forcing herself to calm down, sangos mess rubbing against her body, she then falls asleep like a baby*

*kagome hugged hinatas legs* shishy wiw oo howd me?

Stellar Dreamer
May 1st, 09, 03:06 AM
Sango helped Sakura in to the Jacket and held her in her arms falling a sleep.

" ok sis time for bed ok?" Hinata asked

May 1st, 09, 03:09 AM
but shishy it not dawk yet *they both look at the clock and althought kagome cant read it hinata knows it says 6:00 PM

*akura likes the feel of sangos mess rubbing against her skin and breaks out into and orgasm in her sleep, squishing the mess on the bed ino the mattress*

Stellar Dreamer
May 1st, 09, 03:14 AM
as Sakura sleep Sango uses jutsu to tern the bed in to a huge crib will the rails up and heavy plasic sheeys on it befor going back to sleep.

" I 'know but i'm sleepy ok?" Hinata asked as they got in there crib and Hinata covered the both of them up

May 1st, 09, 03:19 AM
*kagome doesnt sleep at all the entire night and is extremly cranky in the morning *

*sakura is the first out of everybody to wake up she found she had messed the jacket even ore and thought it was nasty she had sangos mess all over her body but then remembered sango was her lover so it was acceptable as a fetish and so she decided to stay in it but cried to get attention so she could be fed*

Stellar Dreamer
May 1st, 09, 03:20 AM
Sango woke up" how are you sweety?' she asked

May 1st, 09, 03:37 AM
hungwy mommy *snuggles with sango, the smell unbearable*

Stellar Dreamer
May 1st, 09, 02:18 PM
Sango takes the Jacket of Sakura and while bathing her asd " Sakura ......Do you do all this Baby and Stright Jacket styff becusa you like it or just becuas i Like it?" Sango asked Cleaning Salura.

May 1st, 09, 08:50 PM
huh? i do it for myself, i like being babied, but i had no idea you liked babying me

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 03:13 PM
" well of cours i do love but some times you seem to hat the baby and Stright Jacket stuff." Sabgo said kissing Sakura

May 2nd, 09, 03:40 PM
really? well sometimes i do, i have to be in the right mood, like right now love
*kisses her back smiling*

*kagome: *is sleepy but its too late to go to sleep so she cries while letting out ear peircing screams*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 03:47 PM
Hinata woke up>": there there sis whats wrong?" Hinata asked.

" oh no Kagome's crying! Love mabe we should go spend some time with them till late?" Sango asked washing Sakuras privet's

May 2nd, 09, 03:52 PM
ok mommy *she kisses sango*

kagome s-sweepy! *continues to cry, rubbing her eyes, obviously cranky*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 04:00 PM
" Ok lets go heres a dress." Sango aid handing Sakura a soft pink dress

" It's ok Sis im here! do you want me to sing to you?" Hinata asked

May 2nd, 09, 04:07 PM
*cries holding onto hinata, shes nods her head* mmhmm *sakura slips on the soft pink dress, her diaper peeking out the bottom to where if anyone wanted to, the could see it*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 04:13 PM
Hinata sings a lullay to Kagome.

" ok lets go see our babys witch one do you want to hold?" Sango asked

May 2nd, 09, 04:54 PM
ill hold kagome if hinata isnt already holding her

*kagome calms down a little but continues to gently sob, the lullabye isnt working*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 04:58 PM
Sango and Sakura walk out." aww sweety are you ok?" Sango said handing Kagome to Sakura and picking up Hinata

May 2nd, 09, 05:14 PM
kagome: *continues to cry* me sweepy! *has cuddled up to sakura, rubbing her eyes*

*sakura slowly rocks her* aww someones cranky, it looks like they couldnt go to sleep last night

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 05:28 PM
" ya it does so lets all sleep togather what do you think Sakura?" Sango said feeding Hinata

May 2nd, 09, 05:40 PM
but me and you just woke up...*is staring at sangos breasts, her mouth slightly drooling*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 05:48 PM
" i ment tonight Sakura. oh Hinata fell asleep?" Sango said tucking hinata in to her crib.

May 2nd, 09, 05:56 PM
ok mommy ^^, i think kagomes asleep to *lays her with hinata and puts up the bar then gets down on her hands and knees like a baby and crawls torward sango8 wets go mommy! ^^

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 05:58 PM
" ok baby follow mommy!" Sango said walking slowwly so Sakura could floow

May 2nd, 09, 06:02 PM
*her big diaper made it hard for her to crawl but she managed to follow sango, a little drool coming from her mouth as she smiled*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 06:06 PM
Sango picked up Sakura and held her to her breast.

May 2nd, 09, 06:09 PM
sakura: *lays her head on sangos breasts, one thumb in her mouth, one hand in her diaper on her crothch, and her legs wrapped around sangos waist, she quickly fell into a temporary infant state of mind*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 06:24 PM
Sango moved Sakuras thumb and held her mouth to her nipple

May 2nd, 09, 06:32 PM
8sakura slowly drank sangos milk, peeing in her diaper as she did so, she coughed and the caugh made her accidenatally bite down on sangos nipple*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 06:42 PM
Sango bit her lip to dull the pain in her breast makeing her lip bleed but she was still smiling and nurseing Sakura

May 2nd, 09, 06:48 PM
*sees she hurt sango and cries* i-i sowwy mommy me been bad i huwties oo! *cries into sango breasts*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 06:55 PM
" its ok sweety mommys fine ok?" Sango said hugging Sakura and haveing Sakuras arms around her neck.( i have a idea so just go with it ok?)

May 2nd, 09, 06:57 PM
(ok sissy) oo fine? me no huwies oo? " she said as she continues nursing

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 07:08 PM
(ok just play along)

" ya i'm fine..............Sakura did you unhook my bra?" Sango asked (n.n)

May 2nd, 09, 07:16 PM
(*giggles* your naughty sissy ^^ ) maybe....*giggles*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 07:31 PM
(hehe ya i am! ^^)

" well then........" Sango said kissing Sakura pashinitly

May 2nd, 09, 07:35 PM
but im just a widdle baby who cant even walk or use da potty mommy *she teased realising her panties had been removed, the air causing her to pee on sango* i think the widdle baby just had an accident too momym =p *she felt horny and her nipples began to perk up and she giggles at the fact she just peed on sango and how naughty they were gonna get*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 08:04 PM
" ohhh really?" Sango said as they layed on there crib and Sango removed her diaper and cloths tackling Sakura playfuly.

May 2nd, 09, 08:07 PM
*sakura stands there acting like a helpless little bab y so sango can do what she wants with her, sakura cant help but giggle and wiggle her cute little butt in the air*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 08:32 PM
Sango rubes her body on Sakuras and sucks her breasts.

May 2nd, 09, 08:44 PM
*sakura is fingering herself and sango causing her to begin to cum all over sango, the bed and herself, she then pounces on sango and begins to huump her, rubbing her pussy all over sangos cum filled one, shes making out with sango as shes humping her, her bladder litterally bursts from it being so full she not only pees on sango but immedeatly gets off her and screams in pain, blood is gushing from her vagina all over the bed, shes sobbing uncontrollably and is being left permanently incontinent*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 08:57 PM
" Sango freaks out." NONO ARE YOU OK!!!!" she yelled Holding Sakura cry with her

May 2nd, 09, 09:08 PM
is using jutsu to stop the pain* i-im fine b-but i think my bladder just burst, i-ill have to wear diapers the rest of my lie! *begins to cry* how will i be a ninja now?!

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 09:12 PM
" Its ok you can be the Best Ninja out there and still where diapers ok? I'm with you all the way!" Sango said as you see her mess while shes helping you.

May 2nd, 09, 09:42 PM
can i act like a baby for a while until im more confident?

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 09:44 PM
" yes love you can." Sango said cleaning Sakura up.

(your mommy was very nice! i like her!! do you like Mai?)

May 2nd, 09, 09:48 PM
(yes i do like mai ^^) *while shes being cleaned sakura suddenly craps her panties so much she falls backwords and when it gets smooshed it goes al lover her lower back and tummy, in her vagina and but and runs down her legs making her very messy and also very horny* sango can we continue having sex? like can we have sex after we messy ourselves so we get really messy while we have sex?

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 09:54 PM
Sango giggled and layed on you" you lead ok?" she asked.

( Sis...... did mommy let the lady go yet? that stuff scares me!)

May 2nd, 09, 09:58 PM
(yes she did but she sent pic of her being orced to act like a baby and is going to send them to people for humiliation) sakra rubbed the mess in her panties all over her body and onto sango* if you need to poop then let it all out so we can get messy ^^

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 10:07 PM
Sango pooed all over you and her self." i'm a stinky baby too huh?" she sadi

( some one did that to me when i was 14 so its scary to me sis.)

May 2nd, 09, 10:16 PM
(awww *hugs* dont worry =( ) *giggles as she starts rubbing her body on sangos* tonight were gonna be dirty girls ^^ since the babies are asleep for the day and night we can have sex for hours, so i thought wed have dirty sex, so if you need to pee or poop just go ahead and do it during intercourse *ggrabs to bottles heavily mixed with laxatives* here drink this before we start ^^ *after they drink the bottles sakura gives sango two enemas then bends over, sticking her cute little butt in the air* would you give me two enemas before we start?

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 10:20 PM
Sango gos so and then leapis into the huge crib " ready when you are!" she said

May 2nd, 09, 10:29 PM
(i feel really really super naughty and so maybe this will satisfy the urge) *gets in the enourmous crib and pounces on her lover, stuffed animals, pillows, and every thing else is scattered around the crib, they happened to leap into a pile of pure white pillows, staining the brown, sakura is passionatly making out with sango while fiercly rubbing her pussy and massaging her bottom, pee is spurting from sakuras vagina all over sangos hot sexy body, the enemas and laxitives start to hurt both o the girls tummies tremendously but they both ignore it*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 10:43 PM
Sango si Kissing Sakuras breast when she poos all over the place including on Sakura

May 2nd, 09, 10:50 PM
*massages the mess all over sangos bottom, using it as an apherdesiac, sakura slowly begins to mess on herself, she then curls up to sango like a new born child, sucking her thumb and helplessly pooping on herself, she contiues rubbing sangos wet pussy though, wanting sango to start doing something to her*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 10:58 PM
Sango playful Spanks Sakura

May 2nd, 09, 11:05 PM
*giggles and the spank causes her to helplessly mess on sangos hand* oopsie *giggles and grabs the hand with her messs on it and gently makes sangos messed hand rub her pussy and the mess causes her to feel naughty, and as she gets horny her boobs perk up and she cums*

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 11:21 PM
as were haveing fun Hinata is spying on us giggling with a massive nose bleed." wow this is way beter the my Yuri comics." she said ( yup Hinatas a perv)

May 2nd, 09, 11:26 PM
(XD ) sango, are you not wanting to do this? ou dont seem to really be doing anything =(

Stellar Dreamer
May 2nd, 09, 11:36 PM
" no i'm just sooo tyered latly love and truth be toll i'm not fealing well." Sango said.

"NO they stoped!!!" hinata all most yelled

May 2nd, 09, 11:47 PM
*kagome was watching qith hinata and messed her pants from being so scared when she yelled*

*sakura hears hinata* HINATA!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET YOUR ASS IN YOUR CRIB NOW!!!!!!! *cleans herself, the crib, and sango up* i msorry you dont feel well sango let me disipline hinata ok? *takes a paddle, a belt, a switch, a brush, and then a spiked belt and ties hinata down and bends her over her knee and pulls down hinatas pants and diaper* THIS SPANKING ISNT EVEN A PERCeNT OF THE DISCIPLINE YOUR GONNA RECIEVE FOR WATCHING US! IM GONNA PUNISH YOU SO BAD THAT YOU WONT EVEN WANT TO HAVE SEX UNTIL YOUR 40! *first she uses the spiked belt for 30 minuts that gives hinata small, but very very painful cuts so that the other things she spanks hinata with will hurt horribly, then she uses the belt for 50 minutes, then the paddle for 20 minutes, then then the switch for 1 hour and then her hand for 30 minutes, by the time she was done hinatas bottom was bruised and bleeding, and she had spanked hinata for 3 hours and 10 minutes straight*

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 12:32 AM
Hinata was on soooo much pair she passes out

May 4th, 09, 12:45 AM
after hinata woke up she found herself tied to a bed, unable to move, totally naked with sakura in just panties and a bra* hello therebaby girl, since you find it enjoyable to intrude on others buisiness and get horny watching us you might like it better if you get the real thing >=) , sango and kagome are at the park that way no one can help you, are you ready *has a wicked smile on her face*

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 12:52 AM

" ummmm NO WHAT I'm sorry please no!!!" Hinata cryed

May 4th, 09, 01:00 AM
(sorry but ijust wanted to teach her a lesson, and theyre thesame age....) *takes of her pants and panties and gets ontop of hinata* then admit that your only a little baby and that im your mommy who youll depend on forever and youll never do it again or were gonna have a heck of a day! >=)

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 01:11 AM
" okok Mommy me sorry me never do it again!!!" Hinata cryed ( i'll be back i need to take my bath ok?)

May 4th, 09, 01:15 AM
... sry wrong thread.

May 4th, 09, 01:22 AM
oh no little girl say it exactly as i told you to say it >=
) slowly rubs hinatas vagina so it would make it harded for her to say it without losing concentration*

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 01:42 AM
" I'm a little baby and your my mommy who I'll depend on forever and I'll never do it again!." Hinata cryed

May 4th, 09, 01:48 AM
goog girl *unties hinata and holds her close, rocking her gently and lettign her cry int oher chest* has my baby girl learned her lesson? are you gonna leave the pleasure to the adults?

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 01:56 AM
" yes mommy me sorry!" Hinata cryed

May 4th, 09, 01:59 AM
*heals hinatas bottom then craddles her in her arms* but thats not all of your punishment the last part is that me and mommy will be going places every night for the rest of the week so you have to baby sit kagome every night

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 02:11 AM
" ok mommy." Hinata said reaching for her paci in sted of asking

May 4th, 09, 02:13 AM
*smacks hinatas hand* you have to ask mommy first!

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 02:17 AM
" but i dideny have to befor!" Hinata cryed

May 4th, 09, 02:30 AM
stop crying before i give you a spanking! im making you totally depend on us for everything your gonna act like kagoge! kagomes a very good gril! you should follow her example even if her mind really is an infants mind, shes still a good girl and has only been bad when you set bad examples! so if me or sango is around you have to depend on us for everything, but when your with kagome you can be as much of an adult as you want okay? now stop crying before i really give you a reason to cry

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 02:35 AM
Hinata held back her tear's." mommy c,can i have my paci?" she asked

May 4th, 09, 02:36 AM
(you mad at me hinta tell me in pm didnt mean to disturb your rp )

May 4th, 09, 02:56 AM
no, since you tried to grab it first you cat have it but i will let you have a straight jacket if youd like

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 02:58 AM
" huh? no no mommy please?" Hinata cryed

May 4th, 09, 03:09 AM
i think you just need a nap little girl! *takes her to her room and locks her in a really deep crib then when sango and kagome get home she takes care of both of them and they sleep with her*

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 03:11 AM
Hinata crys and crys." please let me out?" she asked

May 4th, 09, 03:13 AM
*spanks hinata* no! your being cranky! just take a nap okay baby? i really dont like punishing you but your acting like a brat =(

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 03:19 AM
Hinata cuddles up to a stuffed animle and sleeps." so why is she in the cage crib?" Sango asked

May 4th, 09, 03:24 AM
sakura: shes ust a cranky baby is all i love her but she was being a brat, she wouldnt do anything i said *cuddles up to sango* mommy wilkl you change me? i made a big meshy in my diapy and i have to poop again but this load is so big it really hurts so icant push it out *eyes tear up*

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 03:30 AM
Sango changes Sakura and jives her one laxative to help her poo.

May 4th, 09, 03:34 AM
*sakura is cuddled up with sango when she suddenly pushes out a firm large load into her diaper and she starts to cry like a baby*

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 03:36 AM
"its ok sweety its ok mommy's here." Sango said cradling Sakura

May 4th, 09, 03:40 AM
*sakura calms down* it huwts mommy =(

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 03:42 AM
Heals your pain with a healing jutsu.

Hinata sters in the crib." mommy me sorry for being bad can me sleep with you?" she asked

May 4th, 09, 03:44 AM
sakura: *sucks on sangos tender pink nipples, nursing from her breasts

kagome: mommy acting wike a baby wight now shishy

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 03:47 AM
Hinata noddes and just sits there in a very messy diaper

Sango holds Sakura's head to her breast humming

May 4th, 09, 03:48 AM
kagome: *changes hinatas diaper* dewe oo go shishy

sakura: *gets done nursing and lets out a big wet fart followed by alot of diarrhea, shes embarressed and begins to cry*

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 03:51 AM
"Its ok let it all out love its not your faoult and i'll all was be hear for you ok?" Sango said

" thank you." Hinata said locking her self back in the Cage like crib.

May 4th, 09, 03:53 AM
*lets out another big wet fart and her diaper is swamped with poop* im so embarressed! *sucks her thumb as more farts escape and she poops even more, crying and holding her tummy*

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 10:07 PM
" Its ok Sakura its ok. If you want i can make it ALL come out?" Sango said

May 4th, 09, 10:10 PM
looks up at her* yesh pweaase mommy it huwts, it huwts!

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 10:15 PM
" ok this will hurt at first so are you ready?" Sango said Siting Sakura on the Plastic throuw away sheets.

May 4th, 09, 10:21 PM
sakura: no no no! i not ready mommy! i no wanna hurt! *cries into sangos chest already in enough pain trying to push out more of her load*

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 10:24 PM
" hmmmmmm well i could numb your body for a few houres that why it wont hurt at all but you'll need me to do everything for you till it wheres of is it a deal?" Sango asked

May 4th, 09, 10:33 PM
mmhmm otay mommy *gently reasts her head against sangos breasts, crying and crapping herself helplessly, her diaper is over filled and its going into her panties now*

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 10:36 PM
Sango numbs Sakura's boady and Changes her in to a big thick diaper befor makeing Sakura Poop till she had no poop left.

May 4th, 09, 10:39 PM
*sakura poops so much it overfills even that diaper and runs down her legs and smooshes all over her bottom and she cries, and tries to talk but find her lips are so numb it comes out as what sounds like an infant whos hadnt even been talking a day making her cry more*

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 10:48 PM
Sango cleans Sakura up rediapers her and links there minds so they can talk." there there. do you feel beeter?" Sango asked

May 4th, 09, 10:51 PM
me feew bettew mommy me can nno tawk with oo through mind it too hawd fow me wight noww =(

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 11:00 PM
" ok if you need me tug on my shirt you'll be in my arms at all times ok?" Sango asked out loud

May 4th, 09, 11:22 PM
otay mommy....*it becaomes silent again and sakura started to whimper wanting sanog to hold her now*

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 11:32 PM
Sango picks Sakura up and sit's her on her hip

May 4th, 09, 11:37 PM
*drool is running down the side of sakuras mouth as she helplessly lies on sango, being held like a baby, shes enjoying not being able to do aything for herself but then again she doesnt like having to cry to get something and she begins to whimper, wanting a paci and weakly tugs on sangos shirt*

Stellar Dreamer
May 4th, 09, 11:47 PM
" Yes! Do you want food? or a Paci maby." Sango asked showing Sakura each item

May 5th, 09, 12:05 AM
*weakly points at the paci*

Stellar Dreamer
May 5th, 09, 12:19 AM
Sango slips the paci in Sakuras mouth

May 5th, 09, 12:36 AM
*sucks on the paci but looks up at sango still with tears in her eyes*

Stellar Dreamer
May 5th, 09, 12:43 AM
" aww whats wrong?" Sango asked

May 5th, 09, 12:59 AM
*her face is pale and she feels hot, she feels like shes gonna throw up and cries*

Stellar Dreamer
May 5th, 09, 01:11 AM
Takes Sakura in to the bathroom and holds her head over the potty." go ahead sweety mommys got you." Sango said rubbing Sakuras back.

May 5th, 09, 01:37 AM
*sakura doesnt throw up, she just feel like she has too but she does wet her diaper*

*kagome lets hinata out* big shishy oo otay?

Stellar Dreamer
May 5th, 09, 05:25 PM
" ok Sakura you voice should be back by now how do you feel?" Sango asked

"Mommy said im to stay in here til she gets me out." Hinata said

May 5th, 09, 09:57 PM
I-i dont feel good, please let hinata out, shes been in there longer than i intended her too

Stellar Dreamer
May 5th, 09, 10:03 PM
Sango lets Hinata out of the crib cage." ok Sakura do you just want to rest with mommy then?" Sango asked

May 5th, 09, 10:05 PM
yes please mommy can i have a straight jacket?

Stellar Dreamer
May 5th, 09, 10:06 PM
" of cours normal of tight?" Sango said

May 5th, 09, 10:14 PM
as tight as you can get it without it hurting me, i want to still be your helpless baby

Stellar Dreamer
May 5th, 09, 10:16 PM
Sango put Sakura in a soft pink Tight but not binding Stright Jacket. " there any thing else?" she asked

May 5th, 09, 10:17 PM
wiw oo cawwy me awound wheeber oo go so i can teww oo when i need somfink mommy?

Stellar Dreamer
May 5th, 09, 10:20 PM
" ok so where do you girls want to go?" Sango asked picking Sakura up holding her

May 5th, 09, 10:22 PM
sakura: *snuggles close in sangos arm, sucking on sangos breasts as a pacifier*

kagome: me no know

Stellar Dreamer
May 5th, 09, 10:26 PM
" the park or the moveis?" Sango asked

May 5th, 09, 10:43 PM
sakura: *has fallen asleep with sangos nipple from her right breast in her mouth, gently sucking on it*

kagome: da movies!

Stellar Dreamer
May 5th, 09, 10:58 PM
Sango dresses all three girls in matching baby blue overalls and pink t shirts and sits them in there car sets buckling them in. " ok Hinata? Kagome? Sakura? are you all ready?" Sango asked

ps Sakura in not in the Sright Jacket at the mo.

May 5th, 09, 11:10 PM
*sakura is asleep, drooling with her head on hinatas shoulder and her thumb in her mought*

kagome: im weady! ^^

Stellar Dreamer
May 5th, 09, 11:15 PM
Hinata nodded as the van drove down the street

May 5th, 09, 11:20 PM
kagome: *gives sakura her teddy bear and sakura clings to it, and then snuggles into hinata*

Stellar Dreamer
May 5th, 09, 11:23 PM
Hinata hugged Sakura close.

May 5th, 09, 11:27 PM
sakura: *begins to mess her diaper as shes held by hinata*

kagome: mommy awe we dewe yet?