View Full Version : Snake and Neko's AmAzInG Adventure!(Private Rp :P)

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July 4th, 09, 09:24 AM
(((One hot summer afternoon, in the deep suburbs of (Insert random suburb here) a young boy given the nickname "Snakie" calls up his friend who also had a nickname "Neko" to see if she want's to go with him somewhere...)))

"Herro---No ma'am I'm not trying to sell you anythin---no, I---I just want to speak to your---daughter----no it's not hotter----no daugther not hotter---you will---ok thank you (about a minute passes with some shuffling of the phone) Hello? Neko?? Hi it's Snakie, I wanted to know if you wanted to go somewhere with me??"

July 4th, 09, 09:32 AM
um . . . . .ok then wheres?

July 4th, 09, 09:35 AM
"Uhmmm, if I said not a scary building where 12 people died, a wild racoon lives, and is over 100 years old would you say yes?"

July 4th, 09, 09:39 AM
um with that descrption im not sure if i should say yes

but ok i guesse

July 4th, 09, 09:41 AM
"Okay see you a five"
Oh I am excited, My best friend and a haunted house, two of the best things in the world, oh and donuts can't forget da dough...

July 4th, 09, 09:48 AM
um ok see u then
"whts his crazy plan this time ^-_-^"

July 4th, 09, 09:56 AM
((Snake waits in front of the house for neko, dressed casually and wearing a backpack))
"I'm not going in that house by myself, you can forget it" Snake says to himself.

July 4th, 09, 10:00 AM
"slowly walks up to the front doors"

hi so um why did u drag me here?

July 4th, 09, 10:09 AM
We're gonna go.....GHOST HUNTING!!

I even have supplies
-Ghost peanut butter (cause you know....you need it)
-Diapers (>.> did I say that last one out loud)

July 4th, 09, 10:16 AM
um ghost hunting i dont belive in ghost there not real

ghost peanut butter how is it ghost peanut butter did u glue the word ghost onto a jar of peanut butter?

wht was that last thing u said?

July 4th, 09, 10:25 AM
Yeah I know you don't, but You haven't seen one sooooo,

yes I did and I said, tiny furs, these adorable tiny fur animals!
*Hands "Tinyfur" Kitty*

July 4th, 09, 11:10 AM
Yeah I know you don't, but You haven't seen one sooooo,

yes I did and I said, tiny furs, these adorable tiny fur animals!
*Hands "Tinyfur" Kitty*

July 4th, 09, 11:15 AM
im ok then lets get this started its creepy out here

July 4th, 09, 11:19 AM
*I slowly start to walk up the steps then...CHRASH!!!*
I'm kinda stuck in the basement you think you could get me out? It's dark down here and I think packed a flashlight here!
*Throws up bag*

July 4th, 09, 11:21 AM
um well how do u have any rope or some thing

July 4th, 09, 11:23 AM
Uhmmm.....................................no v,v

I think I can make it up throw me the light!

July 4th, 09, 11:25 AM
fine here catch it


July 4th, 09, 11:29 AM
*Hits me in the face*
*Gets up from the floor*
Woah it's creepy down here, I think I found the stairs!
*Finds you in the front room*
HEYO!!!! :3

July 4th, 09, 11:32 AM
um sorry about that wht happened

July 4th, 09, 11:37 AM
Me = fall through the floor

Come let's explore this old house!

July 4th, 09, 11:41 AM
ok fine lets get ur ghost hunt over with

July 4th, 09, 11:45 AM
awee Fluffykins no want to be with Snakie?

July 4th, 09, 11:47 AM
no i just think its pointless to look for ghosts

July 4th, 09, 11:50 AM
*Thinks to self* Awee I just wanted to spend the day with my bestest friend...
*Out loud* LETS GET STARTED!!!

July 4th, 09, 11:54 AM
ok then off we go i guesse

July 4th, 09, 11:58 AM
Okay there are three floors which do you wanna go on first??

July 4th, 09, 12:01 PM
how about the top floor first

July 4th, 09, 12:06 PM
Okies! Watch your step, I don't know what I would do without you Neko, I don't have many friends...since you know....

July 4th, 09, 12:10 PM
because ur crazy "sarcasum" id be there for u always "maybe"

July 4th, 09, 12:16 PM
Well that's one reason...
((Hoping she doesn't figure out about the "TinyFurs" and what he really said he guides his friend up the steps))

July 4th, 09, 12:22 PM
u know i was thinking if the floor outside broke easily is it safe to be up here

July 4th, 09, 12:33 PM
*Thought* Oh wow we're all alone...
You know I don't beleive in ghost either, I just wanted to hang out with you. v,v

July 4th, 09, 12:37 PM
yes we are because its an abandoned house

um ok wouldnt it have been better to have said that instead of ghost hunting

i guesse its still ok "smiles"

July 4th, 09, 12:39 PM
I was afraid you were going to think I was weird and wouldn't be my friend anymore...
((He still wanted to tell her about the "Things" but was far to shy))

July 4th, 09, 12:43 PM
why would i do that and u are weird

July 4th, 09, 12:47 PM
I'M WEIRD!!! Oh no! I definitely can't tell you know! Whoops!
You didn't hear that...
*Tries to get away by going to the other side of the room only to fall through the floor*
((Falls unconscious))

July 4th, 09, 12:52 PM
"runs down the stairs and tries to find snake"

July 4th, 09, 01:01 PM
*Snake dreams about Neko dying and worries, then he wakes himself up*
*He looks down only to see a wet diaper*
I'm wet again?! Oh no! Snake says out loud forgetting that Neko was in the room...

July 4th, 09, 01:08 PM
are u ok ?

and wht are u talking about

July 4th, 09, 01:11 PM
Im okay but it's Nothing! =>,<=
*Tries to cover up the huge wet spot on his pants*
(Thinking: WHY WHY WHY!!!)

July 4th, 09, 01:14 PM
are u ur ok

wht are u doing

July 4th, 09, 01:17 PM
Well see I kinda.........peed?

July 4th, 09, 01:20 PM
well do u need any help ?

July 4th, 09, 01:24 PM
What do you mean??
*blushes* OwO

July 4th, 09, 01:27 PM
u know wht i mean snake do u need any help

July 4th, 09, 01:32 PM
But It's embarassing...D:
make it quick...

July 4th, 09, 01:35 PM
well ok if its embarassing fine maybe i um should just wait outside the door

July 4th, 09, 01:42 PM
((Inside Snakes head(O, and X being my multiple personalities): O: come on let her do it! X: But I dont wanna mess anything up, she's my best friend! O: Won't this bring you closer toghether?!))
Neko! Wait, will you please change me? o.o

July 4th, 09, 01:47 PM
um ok i guesse . . .

July 4th, 09, 01:52 PM
Oh thank you, you're a good friend! :3

July 4th, 09, 01:59 PM
so wheres ur changing stuff

July 4th, 09, 02:01 PM
Uhmm look in my bag...here
*Hands you the bag*

July 4th, 09, 02:05 PM
"starts looking through the bag till every thing is out"

so why do u have these?

July 4th, 09, 02:11 PM
It was a long night and I was on the way home when suddenly----
Naww I'm just pullin' your leg, uhmm I was never really trained out of them.
You're a lot more accepting about than my other friends...>.>

July 4th, 09, 02:17 PM
well it doesnt seem like it be a big deal to me

there done

so wht now

July 4th, 09, 02:21 PM
Well seeing as I didn't know I was going to leak, I didn't bring extra pants soooo OnO
Awee ish otay you don't care if I walk around in this do you?
But...How am I going to get home? >,<

July 4th, 09, 02:25 PM
well no i dont but i dont know how to get u home

steal some thing from a closet or something

July 4th, 09, 02:28 PM
Ohh whoopsie where are my manners. Thank you very much Neko!
*Returns bigggg hug*

---------- Post added at 10:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 AM ----------

Are there any closets in this place?
I mean with something I could wear?

July 4th, 09, 02:31 PM
i dont know i dont live here

July 4th, 09, 02:35 PM
Me either...Wow I feel...all alone...
Hey this won't get in the way of our friendship will it??

Wait a minute, YOU SAW MAH NOODLEEE!! @w@ wow....

July 4th, 09, 02:44 PM
i dont know will it get in the way

i saw nothing

July 4th, 09, 02:47 PM
I hope not,

what I don't a noodle any more...
You lie I doooo!!!!!

July 4th, 09, 02:53 PM
i dont want it to


i wasnt looking

July 4th, 09, 05:50 PM
You better not have been looking!
Where to know?

July 4th, 09, 08:37 PM
im not weird i wouldnt

i dont know

July 4th, 09, 08:55 PM
This sucks, hmm it's getting dark, where did you put the light?? What you had the light right?

July 4th, 09, 09:06 PM
u where holding it how do u think i would have gotten it

July 4th, 09, 09:17 PM
Well I can't see can you??

July 4th, 09, 09:37 PM
no its to dark in here

July 4th, 09, 10:18 PM
Dang, how are we gonna get out?
Did you hear that?!

July 4th, 09, 10:37 PM
um maybe wht was that

July 4th, 09, 10:50 PM
I don't know I'll go check it out, don't move!
I'll be right back
*Hugs Neko tightly*
Don't move!

*Snake then taking all the courage he had wandered into the dark*

July 5th, 09, 04:34 AM
ok be careful dont leave me here alone to long its creepy

dont fall through the floor any more ^-_-^

July 5th, 09, 10:08 AM
Alright. -..-
*Snake walks around to investigate, while an unknown shadow sneaks behind Neko*

July 5th, 09, 05:01 PM
thinks she feels something behind her"

snake is that u

July 5th, 09, 05:08 PM
From a distance snake says "What, I'm way over here!!"
((Snake also remembers something))
Snake runs over to where Neko was and pounced on the shadow
"Stupid freakin racoon I'll kill you, you were going to hurt her weren't you??"

Racoon: no, I was just GOING TO DEVOUR HER BRAINS
*Throws racoon out the window after breaking it's arm*
D: are you okay Neko!??

July 5th, 09, 05:10 PM
um i think so
why did it want my brain

July 5th, 09, 05:15 PM
((Snake didn't want to tell the truth that it wasn't a racoon, it's was a ghoul...))

Uhm, rabies?

Why don't you think you're alright, you didn't....did you...never mind..

July 5th, 09, 05:26 PM
well i dont feel hurt but i cant see anything

July 5th, 09, 05:29 PM
*Finds light*
Hey there it is!
*Shines it on Neko and sees a big wet spot on her*
YOU DID!!!!!!!

July 5th, 09, 05:42 PM
did what
"looks down"

ya . . .um

July 5th, 09, 05:45 PM
Ya um what?
Did you get scared?
Need any help??

July 5th, 09, 05:50 PM
um well i dont know
i guesse i did
. . .yes

July 5th, 09, 05:53 PM
Would you like a diaper, I have plenty!
*Starts to pull down Neko's pants to clean her*
Well would you? =3

July 5th, 09, 05:58 PM
i um i guesse
"still in shock"

July 5th, 09, 06:04 PM
*Cleans you and throws you nasty underwear over where your pants are, slips the diaper under you powders and then tapes it up... Then hugs you and says*
It's okay Neko, I'm here, I'll protect you! ^,^

July 5th, 09, 06:22 PM
um ok thank u for protecting me

July 6th, 09, 02:26 AM
You're welcome, you are my best friend, I have to protect you!
I l... I lov...Nevermind..You're my bestest friend!

July 6th, 09, 02:34 AM

i heared that u love me

July 6th, 09, 02:39 AM
"How?! How did she hear?? Oh no what if she doesn't like me?? What am I going to do??" Snake thought to himself...

Well yes I.... I do....and I wanted to know if you felt the same...o.o

July 6th, 09, 02:43 AM
egh um "thinks" i guesse so i guesse thats why im here

July 6th, 09, 02:49 AM
(Snake's heart beats heavily as he inches over to Neko and gives her the best hug he has ever given)
Snake thinks to himself((Does she mean friend love or real love, true love, like he feels for her))

No I don't think you understand, I'm in love with you...

July 6th, 09, 02:54 AM
ya thats wht i mean so

gosh u get emotional over every thing are u on some kind of medication or something

July 6th, 09, 02:57 AM
Meh I have alot of things wrong with me
OCD, ADHD, ADD, Anemia, Claustrophobia
But really??
Will you be my... Girlfriend?? o.o

July 6th, 09, 03:01 AM
thats crazy

egh . . . . sure why not

July 6th, 09, 03:04 AM
: D Really? I'd kiss you but I don't wanna get smacked...

Let's get out of this freaky place, shall we??
*Reaches out for Neko's hand*

July 6th, 09, 03:13 AM
u know im not violent ok im getting creeped out ever second we stay here

July 6th, 09, 03:23 AM
*Building randomly catches fire and starts falling apart*
Here jump on!
*Neko jumps in to Snake's arms, and he then runs out the building all dramatic like*
Don't worry I would never let anything bad happen to you... But how did the building catch fire??

July 6th, 09, 03:29 AM
did it catch on fire or was it the ghosts owww scary or maybe its just a nightmare owww scary possiable plot twist whoo

July 6th, 09, 03:33 AM
Plot what are you talking about?? This isn't an RP like we do on Diaperedanime Neko this is real life!

How did it start?

((Then Snake wakes up crying and wet...))
What happened?? *Snake looks over and sees Neko crawling through his bedroom window*
It's 3am!!!! D:<

Forget it I have something to confess to you...

July 6th, 09, 03:38 AM
im climbing through ur widow at 3 am thats whts going on gosh are u blind

July 6th, 09, 03:46 AM
You know I'm not mad, it's acctually convineint because I have something to tell you...
I wear diapers, I'm wet and want to be changed, I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend....v,v phew now that I got that off my chest, what do you say??

July 6th, 09, 03:51 AM
well i say ok to the first part
and to the second its good u love me because u got me pregnant

July 6th, 09, 04:02 AM
How did we have sex and I don't remember it...AHH!!!
You're kidding right?!

July 6th, 09, 04:05 AM
yes im kidding and u believed me funny

July 6th, 09, 04:10 AM
No I didn't beleive you, that confused the hell out of me!
Now, what's your answer, will you?

July 6th, 09, 04:16 AM
i cant be because im gay gosh weve been friends for so long i thought u knew by now

kidding sure i will im not gay ive always loved u i just like messing with u :b

July 6th, 09, 04:28 AM
*Pounces on top of you and kisses all over*
Can you change me now...

July 6th, 09, 04:29 AM
um ok get off ur crushing me

July 6th, 09, 04:38 AM
Heheh me sorry...

*lies down*
The changing stuff is over there
*Points to shelf in the open closet*

Oh and while you're in there ignore the shrine I made for you...

July 6th, 09, 04:44 AM
its ok

"grabs the changing supplies"

what shrine (sarcastic)

"walks over to the table and changes the diaper"

July 6th, 09, 04:50 AM
^,^ Thank you~~~
But, you really didn't tell me why you were here at 3am...

July 6th, 09, 04:53 AM
um . . . . . . . . . . . . i forgot why im here i think it was important

July 6th, 09, 04:57 AM
*sits upside down on the bed*

กกกɹəqɯəɯəɹ uəɥʇ lləʍ
*sits back up...*

July 6th, 09, 05:04 AM
i think it was ur parents died in a car accident

July 6th, 09, 05:06 AM
Really that's odd seeing as WE DON'T HAVE A CAR!!
Besides they're drunk passed out on the floor in the upstairs hallway...

July 6th, 09, 05:11 AM
darn well maybe that joke would work if u had a car

July 6th, 09, 05:17 AM
That wasn't a joke...that was just terrible...

Tell me why you're really here...

July 6th, 09, 05:20 AM
im sorry i dont mean it id never want any one dead

um . . . . . .i dont remember

July 6th, 09, 05:25 AM
Well there's something I've always wanted to do...
And something I wanted to know...

I've wanted to kiss you! check
I want to know why you have a diaper on
*notices obvious diaper bulge*

July 6th, 09, 05:34 AM
i thought u couldnt see it

July 6th, 09, 05:44 AM
Uhmm, why do you have it babe?
*Pulls pants down*
And why is it wet??

July 6th, 09, 05:48 AM
well it takes a long time to get here and i cant help it really

July 6th, 09, 05:53 AM
Hmmm, I can't have that, want me to change you?? n,n

July 6th, 09, 05:57 AM
um . . . . "blushes and shyly says" sure ok

July 6th, 09, 06:05 AM
Heh heh don't be shy! ^-^
*Takes off her old wet diaper and starts to wipe her slowly, teasing her, then he powders her and puts her in a new diaper*
There, all clean!

July 6th, 09, 06:07 AM

um t-thank u

July 6th, 09, 06:12 AM
You're welcome, what's wrong why are you studdering?? ^w^

July 6th, 09, 06:20 AM
i-its just ur the only person who knows about t-them and wht just happened

July 6th, 09, 06:26 AM
It's okay, I won't if you don't
What do you mean "What just happened"?

July 6th, 09, 06:31 AM
u changed my wet diaper u where there gosh

July 6th, 09, 06:35 AM
You're so cute!
*Kisses Neko on the nose, then rubs the front of her diaper gently*
So what do you wanna do?

July 6th, 09, 06:40 AM

um i dont know .

July 6th, 09, 06:46 AM
Wanna go for a walk?
I'll pack us a bag!

July 6th, 09, 06:48 AM
ok but give me my pants back first im not going outside in just a shirt and diaper

July 6th, 09, 07:05 AM
No you have to fight me for them
*holds above your head*
no you can have them
*Hands pants*

July 6th, 09, 07:11 AM
thats un fair i cant reech that high up

"puts pants on"

trying to make me go out like that would be weird

July 6th, 09, 07:23 AM
I would never do that. I'm not evil...I love you! =^-^=
*Leans you over for a deep passionate kiss*
Lets get outta here
*Writes note to leave on the door
Dear Mom & Dad,
Went to stay at a friends
house I'll be back tomorrow
See ya,
*Leads Neko over drunk KO'd parents in the hall and down the stairs out the door*
So where you want to walk to?

July 6th, 09, 07:27 AM
any where is fine

"sneaks behind him and pulls down his pants"

July 6th, 09, 07:36 AM
*Tries to chase her but falls down on pants*
*Gets up brushes off and pulls pants up, then tickles her till she is on the ground laughing*
Tickle tickle tickle!

July 6th, 09, 07:42 AM
wait haha no stop hahaha please im hahaha going to hahahahahahahaha nevermind hahahaha now hahahahahaha

July 6th, 09, 07:46 AM
*Neko wets herself as Snake continues to tickle her*
Awe has my little girl wet herself
*Keeps tickling*

July 6th, 09, 07:55 AM
please haha stop hahaha it hahaha

"trys to bit snake while laughing"

July 6th, 09, 08:02 AM
Okay, but only because you have sharp teefffss
*Stops tickling her*
Pssst, you know what...You're wet again...And guess what else...you're leaking...

That's not good...

July 6th, 09, 08:08 AM
ya and guesse wht its all ur fault

crap my pants ^-_-^

July 6th, 09, 08:24 AM
. . . . . . . . .

July 6th, 09, 08:29 AM
(((Wow it didn't say you posted sowwie OnO)))
I'd change you but...where? I mean we can walk back to my house real quick...I don't want you to be uncomfortable...

July 6th, 09, 08:34 AM
(it said u did on the latested post page but nothing in the thread)

wht about my pants i dont know

July 6th, 09, 08:37 AM
Here wrap my jacket around your waist
*Hands jacket*
You want me to walk with you to your house to get you cleaned up?

July 6th, 09, 08:39 AM
sure lets just get there quickly

July 6th, 09, 08:42 AM
*Walks down the street and shyly puts arm around your shoulder*
I-It's a b-beautiful night isn't i-it?

July 6th, 09, 08:51 AM
. . . . . . . .

July 6th, 09, 08:53 AM
What's wrong?
((Snake had never seen Neko's eyes in the moonlight, he thought they were the most stunning sight he had ever laid his eyes upon))

July 6th, 09, 08:56 AM
i guesse it is
why are u studdering

its nothing

July 6th, 09, 08:58 AM
I'm shuddering because...I guess I'm still shy...There's so much we can do toghether, I can't wait!

Are you sure nothing is bothering you, you can tell me anything, okay baby?

July 6th, 09, 09:05 AM
i bet u cant

"pokes ur head"

no its fine

July 6th, 09, 09:09 AM
*The two finally got to Neko's house*
How do we get in? Aren't you parents going to be upset if you come in late, especially with a boy?!

July 6th, 09, 09:16 AM
well maybe but they went out for a while anyway

July 6th, 09, 09:18 AM
So...>.>...We're alone....
Lets get you cleaned up!

July 6th, 09, 09:22 AM
hay no stop that

um ok

July 6th, 09, 09:27 AM
Stop what? *Snake asks as they walk into her room*
We're you changing things?

July 6th, 09, 09:30 AM
stop thinking like that weirdo

in the cloest

July 6th, 09, 09:36 AM
Meh, I'm sorry, I'm just a horny teenager...
*Starts to change diaper, while he is cleaning up her mess he realizes, well there it is, take it! But Snake loves her too much to do something like that without her consent, after he puts the new diaper on he hugs her and sits beside her*
What do we do now? >.<

July 6th, 09, 09:38 AM
i dont know wht do u want to do

July 6th, 09, 09:42 AM
You don't want to know what I want to do...

July 6th, 09, 09:44 AM
ya i dont know why i asked perv haha

July 6th, 09, 09:47 AM
>,< sowwie
You're just so.......sexy! I just want to----nevermind

July 6th, 09, 09:55 AM
hay i thought i said no to those ideas
nevermind is right

July 6th, 09, 10:00 AM
I'm sowwie, I'm sowwie!!!!

July 6th, 09, 10:06 AM
its ok


keep them in ur head though i dont want to hear them

July 6th, 09, 10:10 AM
Wanna make out~~~~
Don't hurt me!

July 6th, 09, 10:17 AM
i dont know arnt u taking things a little fast

i wount hurt u im not violent

July 6th, 09, 10:24 AM
I'm sorry I just really like you, oh I'm messing up
Maybe I should just go home
*Hugs Neko*
Goodnight, I'll try to see you tomorrow... v,v

July 6th, 09, 10:35 AM
"kisses cheek"

ok then see u later then

July 6th, 09, 10:46 AM
*kisses back*
Bye I'll see you tomorrow
*Walks out the door and walks down the street*
Huh I wonder what she's thinking about?
(Inside nekos head: Hmm, Peanut butter....IT'S IN THE FRIDGE!!!!! What? No! Who am I talking to? Oh myself!?)
I just wonder...

July 6th, 09, 10:54 AM
"locks the door and walks back up to her room and sits on her bed thinking" why is snake so weird

July 6th, 09, 10:58 AM
*A week later Neko is sitting in her room and she hears taps on her window*
*Throws pebble*

July 6th, 09, 11:02 AM
"walks over to the window and looks toward the ground"

July 6th, 09, 11:04 AM
Get down here I have to tell you something!!
((Snake looked as energetic as ever))

July 6th, 09, 11:11 AM

"walks down the stairs and opens the door "

whts going on?

July 6th, 09, 11:14 AM
I was just coming over to see you, we haven't spoke in a week! I'm sorry I haven't came over sooner but I was scared...Im sowwie! Wanna go for a walk while it's still sorta light?

July 6th, 09, 11:20 AM
wht are u scared of?

sure ok lets go then but i have a better idea

July 6th, 09, 09:06 PM
Not really scared just busy, but I don't think your parents like me...
*Starts their walk down the street*
Oh really, what's your idea?? :3

July 6th, 09, 09:21 PM
"jumps on snake's back"

u do the walking and i stay up here

July 6th, 09, 09:23 PM
okay ^-^
Where to babe?

July 6th, 09, 09:30 PM
i dont know . . . how about the park

July 6th, 09, 09:37 PM
Yay, sounds like fun!
*Starts to run to the park*
You know what Neko?

July 6th, 09, 09:42 PM
off we go then
be careful dont drop me
wht do i know ?

July 6th, 09, 09:53 PM
Don't worry I won't drop you, but Neko, I'm running away from home...

July 6th, 09, 09:56 PM
well ok just be careful then

why are u running away?

July 6th, 09, 10:18 PM
Meh, forget it, I have no reason to, I just have really drunk parents, and I am not to fond of drinking...

July 6th, 09, 10:19 PM
hey can i join please pretty please

July 6th, 09, 10:21 PM
gosh make up ur mind if ur ganna do it do it dont try to then chicken out like that or just dont do it at all

July 6th, 09, 10:25 PM
any way a new guy comes in the story
he was defeated by snake baby online and came to kick his ass litterly

---------- Post added at 05:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ----------

my nickname is yukinari...............

July 6th, 09, 10:28 PM
Neko step back, this guy is an ass...
*Looks at him*
Yeah I have about 2 foot on you buddy
*Goes full Lion, then roars a mighty roar*
Why do we have to resort to violence?!

July 6th, 09, 10:30 PM
well i need payback money plus im broke and need money and those guys over there will give me 250 to kick youre ass

July 6th, 09, 10:34 PM
*Transforms back to normal*
What are you talking about "Payback money"
What guys over there??
If you want to fight, I won't hesitate to kill you here and now...

July 6th, 09, 10:35 PM
ok fine
try not to lose snake

July 6th, 09, 10:41 PM
kill i dont kill not any more but i need money im broke and poor and il do anything for rockbottom
well im sorry but i need help

July 6th, 09, 10:46 PM
Oii, those guys
*looks at the drug dealers and trouble makers paying him to fight*
Don't listen to them they're not even going to pay you...They don't even have the money, they're just a bunch of crackheads...
You can come stay with me until you can get a job and stuff...
Fighting doesn't solve anything, Chuck Norris does, but that is beside the point...Well no...you can't stay with me because I decided I'm leaving home for good

*Looks at Neko*
Are you going to come with me??

July 6th, 09, 10:47 PM
"jumps back on snake"

gosh if u need money here its not worth getting ur self killed over it

July 6th, 09, 10:49 PM
Yeah man, you can come with us, we're friendly people...
*Starts to walk down the sidewalk*

July 6th, 09, 10:53 PM
so u realy are leaving .

July 6th, 09, 10:57 PM
Yep, are you running away with me?
I have relatives in California that will take us in! ^-^
It all depends on this, are you staying or going?

July 6th, 09, 11:00 PM
u need me u cant leave without me and u know it

July 6th, 09, 11:08 PM
You're right, let's go back to my house and your house to get our things...

July 6th, 09, 11:14 PM
ok then to ur house first

July 6th, 09, 11:24 PM
*as the two arrived Snake looks at his house for the last time*
Wow we've had a lot of good times here haven't we??
*they just walk on pass Snake's passed out parents, who were sleeping in the chair toghether*
Hmm, Let's get all my diaper stuff, some clothes, My lucky tails plush, and finally my favorite picture of you and me!
*Snake holds up a photograph of Snake and Neko toghther*

July 6th, 09, 11:29 PM
last time ull see ur house

not all of those memorys where good

u kept that picture

July 6th, 09, 11:33 PM
Well hop on my back and we'll head to your house!

July 6th, 09, 11:39 PM
ok then
"jumps back on"
lets go i dont think my parents want me to leave them i dont want them to be there so i have to tell them wht im doing

July 6th, 09, 11:51 PM
Oh what are you going to say
"Mom Dad I'm running away with my boyfriend see you in a few years!"
How is this going to work babe?

July 6th, 09, 11:55 PM
well they should be at work

July 7th, 09, 12:00 AM
Leave a note...
Hurry up and get your stuff and lets get out of here, I have about 600 bucks for bus fare and hotels...

July 7th, 09, 12:05 AM
fine gosh dont rush me

"puts everything in a bag and writes a note"

lets go then

July 7th, 09, 12:11 AM
*After about a three hour trip on the bus they finally stopped in Long Beach, California*
*Shakes Neko awake*
Neko we're here, let's get a hotel room...

July 7th, 09, 12:14 AM
wht ya hotel neko room whtever

"jumps on snake and goes back to sleep"

July 7th, 09, 12:20 AM
*walks up to the counter and talks to the lady*
Lady: What are you doing at this time of night
Me: Nothing we just need to go to sleep
Lady: sure, that's what you're gonna do...Look just wrap up...
*The lady hands Snake a condom*
Snake: . . . I think you're confused, can we just get a room please??
Lady: What ever Room 16 *Hands keys*
((Wow that was weird Snake thought to himself))

---------- Post added at 08:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 PM ----------

*After they went into the room the Snake Lied Neko down on the bed, and he went to sleep on the bed on the other side of the room*
Night sweetie....

July 7th, 09, 12:29 AM
ug night

"continues to sleep"

July 7th, 09, 12:35 AM
*The next day neko wakes up in an unfarmiliar room*
Neko: This isn't the hotel room?! Where am I??
*Snake walks in to greet her and say good morning*
Snake: I just couldn't wake you so I asked my cousin Rebecca to pick us up! This is the guest room! There is breakfast on the table if you're hungry. ^-^

July 7th, 09, 12:42 AM
good morning

well how long have i been asleep then

July 7th, 09, 12:46 AM
Well we got to the hotel at 2:00am and it's 11:45am now so almost 10 hours...

July 7th, 09, 12:51 AM
ok so wht now

dont u think ur relatives would tell ur parents whts ur doing ?

July 7th, 09, 12:56 AM
Naw it's just my cousin and she's cool...She wouldn't tell on me!
Besides, no one in my family really likes my parents...

And as for what to do now, you need to be changed badly! Pulls Neko's blanket up to reveal a very messy diaper! >.< Want me to change you??

July 7th, 09, 01:03 AM
thats pretty bad if ur parents arent liked by ur own family

ok sure please

July 7th, 09, 01:10 AM
((Snake thinks about the condom he has in his pocket as he cleans Neko's "crease" but then he realizes that they are both very young))
Oh you made a big mess didn't you??
((He wipes her clean and puts a new diaper on her))
*Neko notices the bulge in the front of Snake's diaper*
There all clean!

July 7th, 09, 01:18 AM

so wht do we do today

July 7th, 09, 01:24 AM
Again I don't think you wanna know what I want to do!!
But we could go to the beach! You won't get me in the water though I hate the water...

July 7th, 09, 01:34 AM
ok the beach it is
i dont think i will ever want to know

July 7th, 09, 02:23 AM
yukinari said no to the dealers so they shot him thinking yukinari was dead he got up and tried to find help collapsing in front of neko

July 7th, 09, 02:35 AM
um hay are u ok yuki

July 7th, 09, 02:38 AM
still moving barely breathing

July 8th, 09, 04:19 AM

July 8th, 09, 03:09 PM
he is able to mutter the world help and move

July 8th, 09, 03:20 PM
wht happened to u ?

July 8th, 09, 05:00 PM
i got shot showing blood woun see the trail of blood

July 8th, 09, 05:10 PM
well why didnt u go to the hospital

July 8th, 09, 08:29 PM
Yeah uhmm how did you get from Colorado to California on foot with gunshot wounds??

July 8th, 09, 09:56 PM
remember they dumped my they thught dead body utta state

July 8th, 09, 10:06 PM
No I think you left that little tidbit out...>.>

Meh you'll be okay, 'tis but a flesh wound!

July 9th, 09, 12:08 AM
shoot him kill him do something i dont know

July 9th, 09, 12:12 AM
Who kill who Neko???

July 9th, 09, 12:18 AM
kill yuki i dont know if he made it here he'll die soon any way

July 9th, 09, 12:28 AM
My cousin would do it...I don't feel I have a reason to do it...

*Calls Rebecca into the room*
Rebecca: WTF, why is there a dead guy on the floor??!
Snake: Well actually he isn't dead yet...We figured you would do it!
Rebecca: Uhm, sure! *Crushes skull with a baseball bat then burns the body*

Snake:. . . Okay! What now...

July 9th, 09, 12:38 AM
um that will haunt me for the rest of my life how are u ok with that

July 9th, 09, 12:48 AM
*Neko snaps out of her trance and sees Yuki in the bed asleep*
-.- O.O
What will haunt you?

July 9th, 09, 01:08 AM
wht do u mean ???

July 9th, 09, 01:13 AM
I don't know you were talking to him then you just kinda spaced out so me and my cousin put him in bed and cleaned up his wounds

You just broke out the trance and said, "um that will haunt me for the rest of my life how are u ok with that"...

July 9th, 09, 01:25 AM
stop thinking those evil thoughts of urs

July 9th, 09, 01:35 AM
What evil thoughts?
Well are you ready for tehh beach, my cousin said she was going to watch over Yuki.