View Full Version : What story is Most Popular?

June 30th, 11, 11:03 PM
Okay everyone, to those of you who know me, I am Mistress, future novelist and hopefully game creator as well. I currently have 76 chapters posted in the fiction section of the site, and 535 votes with a 4.85 star average.

The reason I'm making this thread is because I have a number of stories either on hiatus or in progress. My question is which stories do you, the readers, find more appealing. I write whatever my muse wants me too, but that doesn't mean I can't try to write more of one that everyone likes.

Here's the stories I'm placing on the poll:

Megaman Starforce: The Power of Twilight- A rewrite of the game version of the Megaman Starforce series, with some elements from it's anime counter part. The main character from the series, Geo, Omega-xis, and Megaman are replaced by my OCs Amara Kisari, Twilificus, and Twilight.

Amara suffers from an original mental illness, multi-regressional personality disorder. She posesses several alternate persona's that are of a younger age then her normal age. Regardless, she is an infantilist in all three. An action/adventure story with family bonding, dark elements, and a dash of romance.

Kingdom Hearts: Xion's Second Chance- A multi-chapter story taking place after the latest installment of the series, KH: Recoded. The three keyblade knights of BBS, the Nobody Crew of Axel, Namine, and Roxas, and the memory clone Xion are restored, each with a heart to call their own. Working with the current cast, they divide to multiple worlds; Radient Garden, Twilight Town, Destiny Island, and Yen Sid's tower. The group prepares to deal with a newly restored Master Xehenort, along with an unknown enemy, supposedly more dangerous then the Dark Keyblade Master.

While the revived members aim to help in the coming trials, they have their own issues to deal with as well. No one moreso then Xion. This story follows Xion as she travels to the newly militarized Radiant Garden, and discovers who she is as a person, and not a clone or a puppet. This story is an action/adventure, romance, mildly dark elements story with multiple characters from other series. Examples are Iron Man, Power Rangers, Spartan Kelly, Naruto Uzumaki, and Inuyasha.

Coast to Coast Exchange: An original story, set in real world, OCs only. Amara Kisari, a fiction writer, travels from the east coast to the west coast to stay with a friend and fellow fiction writer, Emily Delaro, in a student exchange program. What Amara didn't know was that both Emily and her little sister, Lily, are bedwetters, and that Emily occasionally has daytime accidents as well. As a result, Amara gets sucked into a world she is not familiar or comfortable in.

Away from the people she knows and loves, Amara is forced to deal with a mother who views regression and children who wear diapers as the norm, worry about her parent's struggling relationship, all the while dealing with her own issues and rising past memories. Middle School fic, a bit of action, family bonding, and future dark elements.

Urawakai Senshi: Another original story, OCs only, has elements from Sailor Moon and Power Ranger series. A race of infantile warriors, the Urawakai Senshi, face the monstrous forces of the Shinka Naito,who wish to conquer the universe. One Senshi, Ayah, manages to steal a powerful artifact, and is chased to Earth.

Four late Middle School teenage girls will meet Ayah, and have to choose between risking the safety of their world, or giving up their potty training in order to gain the power needed to defend their homes and loved ones. Special guest OC Koyuki from Otaku101. Elemental powers, alien races, action/adventure, and a bit of romance as well.

Resolve: A rewrite of my old story "True Love." Instead of Kin being a member of the popular crew, compared to the first one, she and her sister in all but blood, Ami Mizuno, are both secret TB's with developing potty problems. Kin focused, high school story, bits of action, family bonding, romance, and a dash of dark elements. Contains characters from multiple animes, games, cartoons, books, movies, etc. But no powers!

Maylu's Journey to Salvation: A Megaman Axess story, staring Maylu Sakurai. Maylu has been secretly abused all her life by her guardian, the repeating character "Nanny" that occurs in several of my stories. On a run to the store, Maylu spots a supposedly dead Nebula agent (Criminal Organization). Following her to confirm, she's captured, however her recent abuse causes a near heart attack.

Upon waking up, Maylu finds herself in a Nebula funded AB Community, and her captor, Yuriko Ozono, is her new caretaker. Maylu struggles to deal with the years of conditioning and abuse caused trauma, all the while dealing with the fact that she's being forced to live a second childhood. Dark elements, bonding elements.

Megaman ZX: Aile's Journey- A Prequel to the Megaman ZX game, intent to run through the game. Six year old Aile is the only survivor of an attack at an amusement park. Taken to an orphanage, she struggles to deal with the fact that her mother is gone, her body isn't working as it should, and dealing with 'mean' adults. Bonding, Action/Adventure, dark elements.

These are the main stories I like or have a possible muse direction for at this time. Let me know which ones you like best, and we'll see what happens. Sorry if some descriptions are vague; stories haven't progressed far and trying not to reveal to much of the plots.

July 1st, 11, 01:10 AM
This is quite a toughy here, and I wish there was an "all of the above option", but I think Coast to Coast Exchange is my favorite one out of the list, mainly due to how the real-life elements can be so relateable and how well developed the story and character.

July 1st, 11, 02:35 AM
Oh my goodness...This is too hard! I like all of these! Hmm...Well, I guess I'll say either of the original ones. Since they are original work I think you'd get more experience working with those.

July 1st, 11, 04:04 AM
Hm, no Road to Darkness... not surprising, but still disappointing(Especially since I read the first two chapters again last night and really liked it!).

As for the poll; Aile's Journey. Don't get me wrong, I love Power of Twilight and all of you're other stories, but I really liked Aile's Journey. It probably stems from being bias since ZX is my favorite series of the Mega Man franchise and Aile is one of my favorite characters, but nevertheless, I loved it and it's disappointing that you haven't uploaded a new chapter for it in I think a year. Correction, two years. Especially considering that that's the story I voted on when you posted the poll of which story we wanted you to write after Maylu's New Life.

July 1st, 11, 04:14 AM
Did I forget to mention everyone has more then one vote?