View Full Version : A Student's Secret

December 20th, 16, 06:37 PM
Sakura's eyes fluttered open to the light shining in through her window. She groaned lightly, just wanting to turn back over and get some more sleep, but she knew she had an important errand to run today. She sighed loudly through her nose swung her legs over the side of her bed as she sat up. Her groggy eyes settled on her closet as her tired face brightened up a bit. "Better put my diaper on before I go out!" She said aloud to herself.

Sakura had always had a strange fascination with diapers, and a few months ago she finally gathered the courage to buy some for herself. She even loved the word 'diaper', especially when she said it in regards to herself. She stood up, totally in the nude as she usually slept and opened the door to her closet. There on her closet floor sat a nearly empty package of baby diapers. The largest size that they came in, only 2 left of the 20 that came in a pack. She dug into the package and grabbed the two of them, leaving the plastic that they came in on her closet floor for the time being. She tossed one of them into her satchel for the time being, the ones with the designs she liked a little less, and saved the cuter one to put on now.

She inspected it lovingly. It was mostly white, as diapers usually are, except around the waist and the leg gathers where it was a pink that was a few shades darker than her hair. It was very much a baby diaper though, it wasn't even detailed with the ninja centric designs of the training pants she looked at. Along the wait in the front were rattles and teddy bears, and right where her pee would begin to hit the inside of the diaper was the word "BABY" written out on toy blocks. Around the back it was simpler however, just a couple of flowers littering the butt and a little higher up was a small black of cartoon text that read "Size 7"

She expertly diapered herself. She made sure to stretch the diaper out as much as it would before she laid down on it, and just wished she had some baby powder for herself before she pulled it up between her legs. When she was done it was centered perfectly. The tabs were symmetrical, the front came up just below her belly button and the back was a perfect match. She smiled as she felt the front of it with her hand for a moment, and stood up to get dressed. Her favorite part was sliding her shorts up over her diaper. The sound was nice, and the extra padding underneath her shorts made her feel....somewhat naughty.

With that, Sakura left her house and an uneventful walk to the market ensued. It was still exciting though, it wasn't often Sakura had the guts to go out in a diaper, this was only the second time. She was confident though, she recalled looking in the mirror and thinking the only way someone were to know she was in a diaper was if they were looking for a teenager in a diaper. She quickly made her way to the diaper section, and snatched up her favorite baby girl diapers. She was about to make a hasty jaunt to the register, but as she passed them, she stopped as she always did. She oogled them again. Diapers made for girls her age. And proper diapers too, two tabs, not pull ups, cute designs, the whole nine yards. She stood there, lost in the idea of how good it would feel to be wearing a diaper that was actually made for her, she smiled fondly as she stood in the middle of the aisle, the package of baby diapers tucked firmly under her arm.

December 20th, 16, 06:56 PM
Like wise a bit earlier on the other end of the villiage Tsunade was awake and getting dressed in her usual clothing. She had her morning tea and something sweet to much on. She hd to make a few stops today at the market area. She needed some food as well as some simple things for aroun dher huge house. Is she had kept the maids she wouldn't have to but to be honest she wasn't the type to have servents. With that said Shizune was still sound asleep in her bedroom do to how much late night work she had to do. She grabbed her money and headed out. Along the way she would chat a bit hear and there till she reached her fist stop which was getting new flower seeds from the Yamanaka Flower shop. Then came the food.

Walking along the isles she grabbled what was needed which to be completly honestly wasn't as much as you'd think as it was mostly fruit and such. One her way out she spotted a certian pink haired student of hers holding someing under her arms. After a second look Tsunade saw what it was and waved it off as Sakura getting supplies for babysitting which most girls her age tend to do to get some extra money between missions but then she followed her gaze and blinked. ' Huh.....who knew? " she said to herself as she walked over.

Tsunade walked right up behind Sakura and smirked. " And what is my favorite Pink haired girl doing? " she asked in her usual relaxed and freindly fashion. Tsunade really did have a odd soft spot for Sakura so she wanted to talk to her about what she thinks might be going on. After all Sakura was more or less caught red handed. Best excuse she could give was bed wetting but Sakura was always open with Tsunade even about health issues so it wouldn't work.

December 20th, 16, 07:08 PM
Hearing her mentors voice behind her, Sakura nearly jumped out of her own skin. She couldn't help but let out a high pitched yelped as she instantly pivoted and turned around, seeing the much taller woman tower over her. "Oh! M'lady!" She greeted in just as surprised of a way. She needed to think of something quickly, or who knows what Tsunade would do. "I'm just...getting some baby sitting supplies!" She confirmed, taking the package of diapers out from under her arm and showing it to her sensei. 'Thank goodness there's no way she can tell I'm wearing them' she thought to herself. She smiled anxiously, hoping Tsunade would buy the lie, even though she was very aware that she was just caught staring at teen diapers.

December 20th, 16, 07:17 PM
tsunade scaned the package then looked at Sakura. " I can see that. " she stated playing along. By this point she figured out that Sakura was just the right size for these baby diapers so she was putting two and two togather. " Sakura can you stop by my home after your done shopping? I want to speak with you about something important. " Tsunade stated making it sound like a mission or the like when really she was going to ask Sakura to be upfront with her. With her peice said she paid for everything she had baught then headed back home waiting for Sakura. On the way though tsunade chuckled a tiny bit. " With how she reacted I wouldn't be to surprised if she wet herself from the shock. " she stated to herself as sh reache dher home and waited.

December 20th, 16, 07:24 PM
"Oh, yes, of course M'lady!" Sakura answered in the same usual fervor that she usually did when addressing her master. She was lucky that that was normal, because she didn't know if she would have been able to talk more calmly in this situation. As Tsunade left her she let out a huge gasp of air and needed to catch her breath purely from the anxiety of the situation she was just put in. "That was really close." She mumbled to herself as she closed her eyes. She made her way to the register, making sure that Tsunade was no where in sight, and paid for her baby diapers. She of course, was going to go to Tsunade's home, but she first dashed home to drop off her diapers, There was no way she was going to let Tsunade bring those up again if she didn't need to.

She then strolled over to Tsunade's illustrious home. It was huge, a perfect fit for the Hokage. She knocked on the door a few times, each one growing slightly less strong as she remembered that she was still wearing her padded underwear. 'Dammit! I should have taken them off while I was home!' She cursed herself in her head. It was too late now though, and besides, she had nothing to worry about, the only way Tsuande could find out was if she somehow found herself with her pants around her ankles.

December 20th, 16, 07:30 PM
After a few moments the door opened up and Tsunade smiled. " Hey there I see you wasted no time getting hear. " she stated as she let Sakura inside. There was a warm cup of tea waiting for her and everything. tsunade closed the door and sat at the table. " So you've taken up baby sitting? I thought you hated changing diapers? " she asked rcalling the few times she had Sakura pratice on actual babies and the one time with a girl about her age who was in need of care at the hospital. She watched Sakura carefully to see if she was right about her being padded. Even though baby diapers are easier to hide then the properly sized ones Sakura SHOULD be wearing there wold still be some signs.

December 20th, 16, 07:37 PM
Sakura smiled as she was let inside. The anxiety that had subsided when Tsuande had left her in the market was back in full force. She sat down in front of her tea, but was too nervous to drink from it. "Oh yeah, I hate changing diapers..." She said bitterly. It was no lie, she truly did hate the practice, unless it was her own. The few time she did pee herself she still found it to be just a tad gross that she had to do it herself. Not the fact that she was in a wet diaper, just the fact that she had to change it. "But, money is money." She explained with a strained sigh, as if she had resigned herself to a career of torment. She thought she was selling it pretty well, though she had no idea Tsunade already thought she was diapered.

December 20th, 16, 07:44 PM
Tsunade chuckled at this. " You start to learn how to deal with it over time. " she stated as if she herself had a lot of experince which given the fact she was a medical ninja she likely did. Tsunade then sipped her tea. " Ok Sakura be straight with me. You wearing one right now right? " she asked being blunt and straigh forward. Tsaunde had spotted a bit of white sticking out of the back of Sauras shorts If she ha dbeen wearing her usual red outfit it would have been hidden but as she was in a civilan t shirt and shorts she didn't have that advantage. " Its ok if you are but I'd like you to tell me why. " she stated calmingly.

December 20th, 16, 07:53 PM
Sakura rolled her eyes at her master stating that she'd get used to it. "Maybe." She shrugged her shoulders and reached for her tea. Her hand didn't make it there though, it stopped a few inches away as she was asked about the fact that she was wearing a diaper. She handled it surprisingly well, maybe because she absoultely couldn't let anyone know that she indeed was. "Wearing what?" She asked, looking away from the tea and to Tsunade. She seemed genuinely confused. She took a moment to think "What a diaper?!" She asked, almost yelling in shock. "OF course not master, why would you think something like that?" She tried to dawn her most mortified face.

December 20th, 16, 07:58 PM
Tsunade stood up walked over and lifted Sakura's shirt just a tiny bit the tugged on the white padding's waist band a ting bit. " I saw it when you sat down. Now Sakura I don't need to tell you that I'm ok with it. After all your fifthteen and your at that age so its fine but at the sametime I want you to explaine it to me ok> That way I can help you understand it and just help you with it in general. " she stated taking her seat again and seeing the look on Sakura's face shift about through different emotions. tsunade hoped she hadn't crossed a line by asking her. Tsunade really just wanted to her her student.

December 20th, 16, 08:05 PM
Sakura looked at her master quizzically as she made her way over to her. Before she even knew what was going on Tsuande had already tugged at the back of her diaper, causing it to ride up even more than it had, and tighten around Sakura's bottom. Sakura immediately shot up out of her seat and fixed her shirt. "Tsunade!" Sakura yelped, dropping the formality of 'M'lady' or 'Hokage' for once. She held her shirt down behind her back. "I don't know what you're talking about, those are just my panties!" She assured her master, as she frowned at her.

December 20th, 16, 08:12 PM
Tsunade sighed. " Sakura Haruno! Lower your voice and sit back down. " she stated sternly. " I know the difference bewteen panties and a diaper young lady so stop lying to me. " she stated. Tsunade was usually really calm with Sakura but she did not like getting yelled at nore did she like being lied to. " Now then Sakura I promise that everything you tell me won't leave this house. " she stated making sure Sakura understood she was safe hear and that she can be open about it. " If it helps you be open about it you can take your shorts off. That way its in plain view so you'd have to talk about it. " she suggested trying to help Sakura.

December 20th, 16, 08:16 PM
Sakura's anger quickly subsided into guilt as she was scolded by Tsunade. Not guilt that she had lied to her, just guilt that she yelled at her. Lying at this point was very much a necessity, and she would absolutely keep it up. There was no way she'd let the most powerful woman in the village know she liked to wear diapers for some reason. She sat back down sheepishly. "I'm not taking my shorts off M'lady that's ridiculous." She said calmly, she was sure that must be a way out of this. "You're simply mistaken sensei, I haven't worn diapers since I was a baby, trust me." She nodded her head.

December 20th, 16, 08:21 PM
Tsunade sighed. She didn't want to over step her boundries since she wasn't Sakura's mother but this needed to be delt with. " Ok then fine what if I buy you those diapers you where looking at? In fact I promise that if you be honest and open up to me that I'll supply them to you when ever you need. " she stated now working the deal angle. If this didn't work Tsunade was going to have to be strick and forcful with this since Sakura was honestly the type that she could take it that fare.

December 20th, 16, 08:26 PM
Tsunade's deal caught Sakura's attention. It was quite the deal, in fact, she almost stood up and dropped her shorts right away, but she thought better of it. Nothing was worth Tsunade knowing about her diaper wearing, not even a life supply of diapers that were made for someone like her. "M'lady, I was looking at those diapers because they're ridiculous, I'd never want them." She lied, the energy was less in her voice, as they were actually something she wanted very deeply. "This is all a joke right master? Why would I ever want to wear a diaper?" She asked somewhat for herself, as she didn't even know the answer fully.

December 20th, 16, 08:31 PM
Tsunade sighed. " I'll ask once more Sakura. if you keep this up I'll have no choice but to take your shorts from you. After all we do have to train today and its the water training so you'd have to take them off anyway. " tsunade stated making a very good point. They did have to train today and the water training was the hardest to do since it was ment to teach Sakura how to heal wounds while pushing water from the open wounds.

December 20th, 16, 08:35 PM
Hearing the idea that Tsunade would forcefully her Sakura stood up. She clearly needed to get out of there immediately if her secret was going to stay a secret. She'd go home, and find an actual baby sitting job to cover her tracks, easy as that. "Yes, we do have training today, so I'll go home and get ready." Sakura nodded, not even mentioning the rest of the conversation. "I'll meet you by the lake promptly M'lady." She said sweetly and turned to leave.

December 20th, 16, 08:53 PM
Tsunade sighed. She looked at Sakura with a bit of a sad face. " I guess you just can't trust me. Well ok then Sakura....just go home and stay there for the day. " she stated honestly feeling bad that her student and daughter figure just can't seem to trust her. Tsunade stood up and took the half finished cup of tea from Sakura's coaster and started to head to the kitchen.

December 20th, 16, 08:59 PM
Sakura sighed, glad that she had gotten away with it. She frowned a bit though, just a tad upset she wouldn't get to train, but it was a fair trade off for her secret not being totally found out. She turned towards the door and began to put her shoes on. Unbeknownst to her however, her shirt had gotten tucked into the back of her diaper at some point, so at the moment it was very much on display for Tsunade who was following her through the kitchen and towards the door. Not to mention as she bent over to adjust he shoes it even went down enough to show the "Size 7" cartoon lettering near the waist on the back.

December 20th, 16, 09:02 PM
Tsunade sighed. She was going to get some backlash from this but at this point she was actually annoyed that Sakura was being so needlessly stubborn. She carefully set the cup down with out making sounds and then in one swift motion she yanked Sakura's shorts down to her ankles giving full view of her diaper. She then got ready for either tears or yelling or maybe even both.

December 20th, 16, 09:11 PM
Sakura who was still bent down dealing with a particularly stubborn heel of her shoe, was caught totally off guard by her shorts being pulled down. Her diapered rear was on full display for only a second before the combination of the shock on her position caused her to topple over onto the floor. She instantly turned over so her padded butt met the tiled floor and her hands flew over her cartoon covered crotch and her knees flew together to further hide her shame. "M'lady!" She cried pathetically as she fought back tears, a combination of betrayal and embarrassment covered her face.

December 20th, 16, 09:14 PM
Tsunade kneeled down and smiled a tiny bit. " I know your mad but your weren't going to be honest with me unless I did that. Now come on your to old to cry at something like this. " Tsunade stated trying to be very supportive as she hugged her student close while the girl tried to hide her diapered front. " Lets head to the living room and talk. You'll feel much better once you open up and tell me about it. I promise I won't laugh or anything and I'll keep my promise and get you proper ones ok? " she stated as she hugged Sakura.

December 20th, 16, 09:21 PM
Sakura had never known such humiliation. She sat there in her diaper with her master hugging her, but refused to return the hug sinc she was just forcefully undressed by here. "Okay." She said as she squinted, and puted, trying her hardest to keep any tears from running down her face her chin resting on the back side of Tsunade's shoulder. She stood up and pulled her shorts back up, there wasn't a real reason to, she just didn't want to be seen in the stupid thing. She followed Tsuande back into the living room and sat back down on the chair she was in previously.

December 20th, 16, 09:31 PM
Tsunade could tell Sakura was upset with her and she could understand why. She sat next to her student. " Ok Sakura just start from the begining and tell me about it. " she stated as shegave a warm smile. The best she could do to brighten Sakura's mood was be supportive. Tsunade did a quick checklist of what could have lead Sakura to liking wearing diapers. She was a bed wetter when she was nine she knew that much but that was a long time ago and she was a only child so there was no sibling rivalry about getting affection so that just left a possible fetsih and maybe a link to her bedwetting but that might be a streach.

December 20th, 16, 09:36 PM
Sakura couldn't bring herself to look at Tsunade for even a moment. She instead decided to stare down at her folded hands placed in her lap. "I don't know." She started, her voice was still weak and shaky. "I just like wearing them and I don't know why. I should have never gone out shopping in one." She said as she clenched her fists in frustration, though they were still seated in her lap. She was always frustrated on why she liked them, but wearing them felt so right. "Can I please take this dumb thing off?" She said as sighed, the first tear running down her right cheek.

December 20th, 16, 09:42 PM
Tsunade saw the build up and put her hand on Sakura's. " Sakura theres NOTHING wrong with likeling it. Every person has something they like Sakura. You just happen to like wearing diapers. its a harmless and adorable desire that i'll support. " she stated with a smile. " If it helps when ever you want to wear a diaper just come to my home and you can wear them safely hear and I promise no one will ever find out. " she stated.

December 20th, 16, 09:46 PM
Sakura shifted uncomfortably. Though Tsunade was trying her hardest, the situation wasn;t getting any less tense for Sakura. "So what now?" She asked, totally unsure of what Tsunade would see as the proper course of action. If what she was saying was true, she was eternally thankful, but the shame at the moment was still too much to get over. "Should I just go home for the day?" She asked

December 20th, 16, 09:52 PM
Tsunade gave the girl a small hug. ' Its up to you Sakura. I can see that your a bit worn out so no training for a few days at the very least. Your welcome to stay for the weekend and have fun if you want. I'll be going to the store though after all I have a promise to keep. I take it you wanted he pink ones with the cherry blossom's on it? " she asked. Sakura was more or less free to stay and spend the whole weekend in diapers with no chance of getting caught or she could go home and do her own thing.

December 21st, 16, 04:55 AM
Sakura wiped the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand. "Maybe I'll stay." It sounded nice to have a safe place where she could wear diapers and someone knew. Maybe nice was the wrogn word for the moment, but it sounded like it could be nice if she got used to it. "No, no, just the plain ones!" She insisted, she wanted to convince Tsunade that perhaps she wasn't as big of a baby as her underwear would tell her, she prayed that Tsunade has just seen the flowers on her butt when she was bent over, and not the teddy bears, blocks and rattles on the front of her diaper she liked so much.

December 21st, 16, 05:00 AM
Tsunade chuckled. " That's so boring though. Even i have underear with more to it then a signle color. Its not like anyone will see and its not babyish or anything is a girlish design for teenagers who need them. " she countered as she stood up and got her heels back on. " One rule though Sakura I need to see them. So while your hear and while Shizune's not home there will be no pants ok? After all just relaxing with your diaper out and able to breath better will feel nice. And you won't get caught. " tsunade stated as she went on her way to get what she promised Sakura.

December 21st, 16, 05:07 AM
"It's just..." She began to try and explain, but grew frustrated with herself at not knowing how to. "You can buy whatever you want M'lady." She agreed. She did actually want the girly ones after all. Her fingertips danced across her knees nervously that Tsunade insisted her diapers be on display if she was going to hang around there. She wished she had a few moments to get used to the idea first, but she agreed, it was a fair trade. She stood up and slid her shorts down to her ankles and kicked them off her feet, leaving her legs bair between her socks and her diaper. She now showed Tsunade, what she tried to think of as confidently, the designs on the front. The infantile toys and the word 'BABY' spelled out. "Thank you M'lady." She said genuinly and bowed her head to her.

December 21st, 16, 05:16 AM
Tsunade smiled. " Your welcome Sakura. Now before I go I should ask. How often do you use them? I can pick up baby powder and wipes if you need them. " she offered. truth be told powder would make the dipers more comfy for sure at the very least though Sakura didn't exactly have planes to use her diapers but then a idea popped into her head. Would Tsunade be the one changing her if she did use them?

December 21st, 16, 05:21 AM
Sakura visibly tensed up at the question. She didn't really use her diapers that much, and when she did, she had only ever wet herself though she had thought about messing breifly before dismissing it. She did enjoy it very much though, just the changing was a pain. And she certainly didn't expect Tsunade to be doing the changing. "Use them!?" She shrieked, mortified at the question. It was a good one, she just didn't want to be asked it. "N-never M'lady!" She lied, she couldn't just tell Tsunade that she wore and used diapers as if it were nothing. She'd rather die than her master find out she liked to be in a pee soaked diaper.

December 21st, 16, 05:29 AM
Tsunade rolled her eyes. " ok powder and wipes it is. " she said just loud enough that Sakura could hear it with out feeling bad. Seemed like tsunade was reading Sakura like a book which to be fair she was pretty good t anyway. With that tsunade went on her way and left Sakura to her thoughts. It had been quite a busy and eventful day so far for sure and Sakura most likely needed to sort her thoughts out and decide on what she would and wouldn't do. Tsunade seemed eager to help the girl so asking her for changes seemed like something the women would do for her.

December 21st, 16, 05:50 AM
"M'lady I don't need powder and baby wipes - I mean wipes!" Sakura whined as Tsunade shut the door. She stomped her foot like an impatient toddler would and looked around the house. It felt weird to be in a diaper standing in someone else's house. It would be different if she had her shorts on, but the fact that she was in just her diaper, made everything seem twice as big. She sighed and made her way back to the living room, her diaper now crinkled loudly as she didn't have her shorts to deafen the sound of the pink and white padding.

She sat down and placed her cheek on her palm, resting her head and closing her eyes. Without much of a thought she began to wet herself. "What have I gotten myself into?" She pondered, hating the fact she was brazen enough to go out in a diaper. "Tsunade gone to buy me diapers and..." She trailed off, hearing a hissing sound that confused her. She snapped back to reality as she felt the warmth grow around her crotch and she shrieked in surprise. She knew she had to pee, but she didn't even think to do it in her pants. "What the hell!?" She yelled as she jumped up and looked down at the now drooping diaper. "Oh jeez, I've gotta change." She mumbled as she dug through her satchel for the one spare diaper she had left over.

She found it quickly and laid down on the ground. This one was her second choice out of two designs that came in the package of baby diapers. Instead of flowers on the bottom they were littered all around the waist, front and back. The diaper other than that was entirely white except for one larger yellow cartoon flower on the crotch that she found out faded away whenever she wet herself. It was quite a different looking diaper than the wet one she currently had on.

She tore the wet diaper off of herself, leaving her laying half naked on the carpeted floor of the Hokage's living room. She balled up the diaper like you would with any soiled diaper and placed it to the side. She once again went through the process of diapering herself and making sure everything was perfect. She definitely couldn't let Tsunade know that she had peed herself after making such a big deal of not ever doing it. She walked over the the kitchen garbage can and dropped the diaper into it and threw in some balled up paper towel on top of it to hide it. "There, that should do." She mumbled, feeling confident her little accident would go unnoticed.

December 21st, 16, 02:53 PM
After maybe a half hour Tsunade walked back in with two bags of supplies. " Sorry if that took to long. " she stated with a smile. She set the bags on the coffe table and started pulling things out. first off was a package of the cherry blossom pink diapers. it was one of the bigger fourty packs. Next came baby powder and wipes as well as over all rash cream and skin care oils. " Hmm? Sakura come hear for a second please. " she stated as she notoced something.

December 21st, 16, 03:03 PM
Sakura watched as Tsunade came in the room, sitting there quietly as she apologized for taking too long. She was pretty quick at her errands, she thought at least. She watched as the diapers she had wanted so bad came out of the grocery bags, and her lips parted as if her jaw was about to drop. Next came all of the proper diapering supplies, which forced a crimson red blush across Sakura's face. She didn't even wipe herself down with some toilet paper or something when she changed a few minutes ago she now noticed. "Oh, yes M'lady." She agreed as she stood up and made her way over to Tsunade. She stood there a few feet from her, she still felt ten times smaller standing there in front of the powerful woman with her baby diaper on display.

December 21st, 16, 03:14 PM
Tsunade's nose twitched. " Sakura laid down. I'll get you proplerly diapered and if the oder I smell tells me anything you didn't wipe at all after you changed. So I'll get you proplerly cleaned and changed. No but unless you want a rash on yours. " she stated as she opened up the package and pulled the crinkly pink garment out setting it on the table. She then finished getting one last thing out of the bag. it was a folded up changing mat that she unfolded and set up on the floor. " lay hear please. " she stated.

December 21st, 16, 03:19 PM
"Sensei, I can change myself!" Sakura protested, both of her hands flying down above her crotch to protect her diaper from being torn off of her if Tsunade felt like taking matters into her own hands again. "And what do you mean? I didn't change, I left all of my other....underwear at home, I couldn't have. Plus I don't use them anyway!" She whined as she stepped back a few feet. She looked down at the unfolded diaper though. It looked so nice. It was a thicker padding clearly, and more pink than white, it was bigger than the ones she usually wore, and it was clear she would fit into it better. But she didn't want Tsunade putting it on her.

December 21st, 16, 03:23 PM
tsunade patted the changing mat and gave Sakura a knowing look. " Then explaine why the prints on you current one are different. " she stated showing she had indeed noticed. " And since you didn't clean up that well I can smell urin on you Sakura. " she pointed out knowing the girls pride for looking and smelling nice was now getting assulted as she indeed had a urin oder coming from her do to not really cleaning up after her wetting.

December 21st, 16, 03:28 PM
Sakura's eyes widened, she didn't even think about how different her current diaper looked. She looked down in shame, knowing now that she was caught, and that Tsunade knew she wet herself. Sakura pouted and slowly laid down onto the changing mat, but kept her knees tightly clenched together. She looked up at her master from her new laying position. "It...wasn't on purpose..." She said pathetically, which she immediately kicked herself for saying. 'Great, now Tsunade is going to think you need to be in diapers.' She thought as she rolled her eyes under closed eyelids. Though, it was true, she did just pee her diaper absent mindedly.

December 21st, 16, 03:34 PM
Tsunade placed her hand on Sakuras Knees. " Its ok. I'm not mad and you don't need to worry or explaine why you wet yourself. After all some women do it just because they like it. " tsunade stated as she gently moved Sakura's legs apart and gripped the two tapes of her diaper peeling them free and lowering the front. Tsunade took a baby wipe and held it between her hands for a moment then with gentle wipes she cleaned Sakura's diaper area off to get any lingering pee fro her skin. Sakura noticed that the wipes where warmer to the touch then she figured they would be but then maybe thats why Tsunade had held it the way she did before hand.

December 21st, 16, 03:41 PM
Sakura held her breath as her diaper was taken away from her. No one had ever seen her down there, let alone wiped her down. Her hands came together resting on her chest, and the two knuckles of her thumbs met her lips as she laid there. This might be the most awkward thing she had ever experienced. She was supposed to be training on healing wounds today, not her master was treating her like she might not be ready for potty training yet. She stayed silent throughout her first diaper change, and just prayed Tsunade would hurry up and get her into her nice teen diapers.

December 21st, 16, 04:03 PM
Tsunade stopped afte a moment. " Can you lift up? I need to deal with your rear. " she explained. Once Sakura did so Tsunade wiped her down. She the rolled the old diaper and slipped an unfolded Cherry Blossom diaper under her small flat rear end. She the started to think. " Sakura this next part is a bit personal so if you don't want me doing it then I'll let you but you need oil and rash cream rubbed in. Do you trust me enough to do it? " she asked.

December 21st, 16, 04:18 PM
"Oh." Sakura said simply as she raised her butt off the changing mat. She had almost assumed that Tsunade would have lifted her legs straight up into the air like a real baby, though she was thankful for the moment that she didn't. She was still a nervous wreck, but as the diaper change went on, it got less stressful. "You can do it M'lady." She said in a weak voice, she was this deep already, why turn back now. Besides, it was kind of nice to have someone else diapering her. At least until she had to come to terms with the fact that the Hokage just wiped pee off of her and put her into a big pink diaper, that would be hard.

December 21st, 16, 05:55 PM
Tsunade smiled a bit glad Sakura was trusting her. She was gentle and careful as she rubbed in the oil and rash cream. She didn't linger but she made sure it was rubbed in right. AFter that she sprinkled baby powder across Sakura's diaper area. The sweet smell tickled Sakura's nose in a admittingly pleasnt way. Soon enough Tsunade pulled thr front up between Sakura's leg's and the after making sure it was all in the right place she did up each of the four strong tapes making the padding hug Sakura snuggly. She checked the leg garthers then smiled. " There we go. So hows it feel? " she asked as she dusted her hands.

December 22nd, 16, 12:44 PM
Sakura continued her silence through the rest of the diapering process. Her master feeling up her most private parts was mortifying, but it was somehow getting to the point where she was over it. Finally her favorite part, when the diaper was finally pulled up over her and taped shut. "Thank goodness" She said under her breath to herself. She finally looked up over her padded crotch and at Tsunade's face. "It uh...feels like a...diaper." She said awkwardly as she sat up. It crinkled quite loudly as she did, these diapers had a more plastic-y covering than her regular baby diapers did, so they were much louder. "Thank you for changing me M'lady."

December 22nd, 16, 03:02 PM
" Not what I mean Sakura. There not to tight or anything right? " she asked making her question more clear. She chuckled though. " No problem Sakura. If you need a change again just ask. I know its not something your used to but I wanna help you enjoy this so just speak up ok? " she stated as she set all the changing this in one spot under the coffe table the stood up offering Sakura her hand to help her stand up as well.

December 22nd, 16, 05:17 PM
"No it feels good. I mean, it fits right." Sakura nodded, it felt snug around her bottom, the leg gathers seemed tight around the creases of her legs, and this diaper in contrast to her other ones, came right up to the top of her belly button, as if it were a diaper on a real baby. She accepted her masters hand and was helped up. Once again the diaper made a symphony of crinkling sounds as she stood up, and she now felt the difference between a baby diaper, and a diaper made for someone her age. "It's so much thicker." She thought aloud as she craned her head around the back to see how big her butt looked at the moment.

December 23rd, 16, 03:39 PM
Tsunade giggled. " Theres a full lengh mirror in my room. You can go use that to get a better look at yourself if you want. I need to get breakfast started. Would you like some? " she asked having skiped eatting right away in fovor of getting her shopping done early this morning. She assumed Sakura did much the same or was likely on a diet again which Tsunade herself had told her several times that over dieting was a bad idea.

December 23rd, 16, 03:49 PM
"Yeah, I could eat." Sakura agreed. She made her way to Tsunade's room. She'd only been in her masters house a few times, but she knew her way around well enough. She entered, and stood in front of the mirror. She looked like more of a baby than she did in the baby diapers some how. The diaper fit her like a diaper would fit a baby, instead of some rather tight padded underwear like the baby diapers looked. She did a few turns, looking at the flower covered diaper front to back, top to bottom. She wondered if any of them would dissapear if she wet it. She liked how she looked like more of a baby, and plopped her thumb in her mouth for good measure, as she admired herself in the mirror.

December 23rd, 16, 03:53 PM
Tsunade smiled as she watched Sakura waddled off. She went to the kitchen and started cooking up something. She settled on bacon and eggs as they wouldn't take long at all to get ready. She took a moment to poke her head in on Sakura quietly to asked if she wanted scrambled eggs or a omlet then she saw what Sakura was doing. She smiled and tapped on the door as a way of faking that she was just coming in. " Do you want scrambled or a omlet Sakura? " she asked.

December 23rd, 16, 04:39 PM
Sakura went stiff as soon as she heard the Hokage's voice. She immediately took her thumb out of her mouth and put that hand behind her back as she turned to see Tsunade. "Oh um, scrambled is good." She nodded as she feverishly wiped the saliva off her thumb and onto the back of her diaper, which unfortunately was accompanied by the loud crinkling these diapers were starting to become known for. Sakura however, was certain she had gotten her thumb out of her mouth in time for the Hokage to not see her infantile display. She noticed now that she still kind of needed to pee, since she had forced herself to stop halfway through wetting her first diaper. It wasn't an emergency by any stretch, but she definitely noticed it.

December 26th, 16, 09:48 PM
Tsunade nodded. " Ok then. Just get comfy in the living room. I bet you can find something fun to watch since its early still. " she stated as she went on her way to the kitchen and started getting things cooked. Seemed like Tsunade wasn't going to be overly pushy so Sakura had a lot of time to play around if she wanted to. And thankfully for Sakura these diapers where ment to take teen sized accidents so she could cut lose if need be. All in all she was in a pretty good spot.

December 29th, 16, 05:01 AM
Sakura shrugged her shoulders and returned to the living room this time taking to the couch and turning on the TV. She was getting used to having her diaper exposed. It really seemed like Tsunade didn't care much about it. One of her palms found its way to the front of her padded crotch while her other hand found the remote. This was how she usually sat as she was relaxing in a diaper. She scrolled through some channels, the audio of which was never heard for more than two or three seconds before she flipped to the next one. That is until she found a cartoon channel, where a loud ruckus was unfolding and she paused on the channel for a good 20 seconds. Sakura shook her head before continuing to search for something to watch.

December 31st, 16, 12:17 PM
Tsunade of course did hear the sudden pause and poked her head out into the living room. " You know adults watch cartoons to. I tend to enjoy them far more then most of the more recent stuff so don't worry to much about it. Just....do what comes naturally. " She stated with a smile more or less giving Sakura the ok to do what she felt was right for the situation. Tsunade of course was now paying attetion while cooking to see if she caught anything else. After all she viewed herself as a secondary mother figure for Sakura so if she spots something she can help with then she likely wil.

January 1st, 17, 03:25 PM
"I don't really like cartoons." Sakura lied as her hand shot up to her exposed thigh and away from her padded crotch as Tsunade poked her head into the room. She flicked the channel to something more appropriate for her age, it was boring, but at least the Hokage wouldn't think she was a big baby. "Master can I have my shorts back?" She asked loudly from the other room. "It's kinda weird to be just walking around in my underwear isn't it?"

January 1st, 17, 03:46 PM
tsunade chuckled. " not really. Its just us hear so its fine. i'd say yse if we had guets who would make a big deal about it but we have no such things. " she stated. " Anyway Sakura you need to stop fibbing. Your not really good at it. " she stated more or less hinting that she knew Sakura enjoyed cartoons. " And before you ask why I'll just say that your face gives off a few hints. Thats why i neer send you on missions that require being under cover. " she stated being truthful. Sakura did tend to give small hints she was lying.

January 1st, 17, 03:54 PM
"Whatever..." Sakura said bitterly under her breath, regarding both the fact she couldn't wear any pants and the idea that Tsunade knew when she was lying. "Is the food ready yet? I'm hungry." She stated matter of factly. Her hand gradually snuck back to it's original position at the crotch of her padded underwear. They were much thicker and much louder than she was used to. She wiggled her butt into the couch absent mindedly just to test. Very loud and definitely thick enough for big accidents. She stood up and poked her head into the kitchen to see if Tsunade finally had the food on the table.

January 1st, 17, 03:58 PM
Tsunade sighed. " Now now no need for that tone. Just remember. This is a place where you can be open and be your self. no need to be so worried or shy about any of it. " she stated. When Sakura pokedher head in she saw that Tsunade had just finished. " It just fiished up so come on in and eat. Let me guess you like orange juice with breakfast yeah? " she asked.

January 1st, 17, 04:04 PM
Sakura sighed and sat down. "Yeah I'll take orange juice." She nodded. Her new more appropriate diaper made her feel like she was an inch taller as she sat on the hard wood of the kitchen chair. She didn't realize how thick it actually was when she was sitting on the couch. She began to eat as Tsunade began to pour her drink. Only a few spoonfuls of eggs in, she managed to drop some of it onto her shirt. "Oh." She said out loud as she looked down at the grease stain on her shirt and tried to rub it out with her thumb.

January 1st, 17, 04:10 PM
Tsunade set the glass down infront of Sakura and then grabbed her hand. " That's just going to make it worse. hear. " she stated getting a damp cloth and washed the spot for Sakura. it more or less took care of it. ' Keep that up an di might need to get you a bib. " she said only half jokingly though Sakura didn't really catch the truth behind it all that well since tsunade was better at hiding things.

January 1st, 17, 04:17 PM
Sakura pouted at Tsunade's joke. "Yeah right." She mumbled as she took in another spoonful of eggs. She was about halfway done of her meal when she went for her orange juice. Immediately it slipped from her grasp as it tilted over on the table towards her and soaked the bottom of her shirt and thighs. "Gah!" She yelped as she stood up. Thankfully Tsunade diapered her properly, as the plasticy coating simply made the juice slide off of it and because it was so snug, no OJ found it's way into her diaper. "I'm sorry m'lady!" She exclaimed as she looked from her drenched shirt up to the Hokage.

January 1st, 17, 04:32 PM
Tsunade stood up and got some paper towels. " Its fine. These things happen. But your shirt needs washed and I don't really have anything in your size. " she pointed out. Again it wasn't like anyone else was around it it was rather warm today so going with out a shirt for a bit wouldn't hurt to much. Tsunade got everything cleaned up and then sighed a bit. " Still the fact your dropping everything is a bit worrying. Are you still nervous or something? " she asked thinking Sakura's clumsyness might be fromm her being on edge.

January 1st, 17, 04:36 PM
"Yeah I'm a little on edge." She agreed as she looked down at her drenched shirt. She didn't want to elaborate, as she thought the reason was pretty clear. Hearing that she would have to go shirtless put her even more on edge. She didn't even put on a bra today! "So what I'm supposed to run around your house in just socks and a diaper like a toddler?" She asked incredulously. She was sure Tsunade wouldn't make her do something that humiliating. But then again, she was sure this morning that Tsunade would never put her in a diaper, and that had already happened.

January 1st, 17, 09:00 PM
Tsunade put her handon Sakura's shoulder. " What? Never relaxed naked before? " she asked with a chuckle. " you'll be fine and while you relax I see if I can dig anything up for you to wear ok? Can you tough it out till then? " she asked meeting Sakura half way but planning on taking her time to find something just incase Sakura stops caring. tsunades plan was to have Sakura slowly open up to all this and to get more relaxed as she did.