View Full Version : T.O.T.S. The New Caretaker (w/Dragonemperor)

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Mr Hoo
September 16th, 21, 04:46 AM
The flying bus landed in front of T.O.T.S. HQ, carrying a single passenger. He was a green-furred cat named Carl, and today was his first day as the new assistant nursery aid. He walked off the bus and into the HQ, passing by many of the workers on his way to the nursery. He eventually made it and walked inside, taking in the massive room and the many babies playing inside. In the middle of the room, KC the koala was playing with a few of the babies. She saw him walk in and waved him over, "Hi, you must be my new assistant, Carl right?" she asked.

"Yep, I'm ready to start my first day." Carl said while walking up to her and shaking her paw.

Dragon emperor
September 16th, 21, 03:14 PM
As Carl talked with kc a baby red dragon by the name of spike floated over using his wings he wore a red t.o.t.s diaper with airplane s on it he was giggling as he played hide and seek with his friends the other babies

Mr Hoo
September 16th, 21, 04:08 PM
"Now then, why don't I show you around and introduce you so some of the babies." KC said as she led Carl around the room. She then pointed to Spike, "Over there is Spike, he's one of our newest additions."

"A dragon? I thought they were a myth." Carl wondered.

"Well, there's living, fire-breathing proof for you. He's a playful and energetic little nugget." KC said as she and Carl watched Spike play with the other babies.

Dragon emperor
September 16th, 21, 05:03 PM
Spike giggled as he grunted and pooped his diaper sucking his thumb with callie spike needing a change do to the smell, he was also planning patty cake with callie

Mr Hoo
September 17th, 21, 12:28 AM
Carl caught a whiff of the smell and turned his attention to Spike, "I think someone needs a change." he said while picking him up.

"If you could take care of that, that would be most appreciated." KC said as she kept the babies entertained. Carl nodded and brought Spike over to the changing table, where he began to change him.

(I'm not sure if you know, but Tiberius already got delivered to his family. Or does this take place sometime before that happened?)

Dragon emperor
September 17th, 21, 12:32 AM
Spiked giggled moving his legs up and down as he waited to be changed.

(I did ok I fixed it buddy)

Mr Hoo
September 17th, 21, 12:34 AM
Carl changed Spike's diaper with relative ease, thankful for the nursing courses he took. He picked up Spike and rubbed his belly afterwards, "There you are little guy." he said in a cutesy manner.

Dragon emperor
September 17th, 21, 12:35 AM
Spike booped Carl's nose with his little claw his new diaper had race cars on it as the baby dragon smiled

Mr Hoo
September 17th, 21, 12:40 AM
"Carl, could you help me feed the babies please?" KC asked as she was putting the babies in highchairs.

"Coming." Carl said, coming over and putting Spike in a highchair next to Callie. He then helped get the food and brought it over to the babies, getting out a box of gem-flavored food for Spike. He poured it in a bowl and scooped it up with a spoon, "Open up the tunnel, here comes the train." he said as he held the spoon to Spike's mouth.

(What kind of animal is Callie? She's a cat right?)

Dragon emperor
September 17th, 21, 12:41 AM
Spiked opened his mouth for the food his little tail wagging as he waited he ate the first bite of the gems drooling a little on his diaper.

(Yes she is)

Mr Hoo
September 17th, 21, 04:09 AM
Carl inserted the spoon into the dragon's mouth while making train noises, watching as he enjoyed the food. Meanwhile, KC got started with feeding Callie some kibble, "Nice to see you two getting along OK." she said.

"What can I say, I just love kids." Carl said as he continued to feed Spike.

Dragon emperor
September 17th, 21, 04:10 AM
After feeding spike his last bite of baby food the dragon started saying baba " spwike want baba" he said thirsty.

Mr Hoo
September 17th, 21, 04:12 AM
"Alright little guy, I'll get you a baba." Carl said while ruffling Spike's head a little. He then went to get a bottle of milk, heated it up, and brought it back to Spike. He picked him up and cradled him in his arms while inserting the bottle into his mouth.

"Aww." KC said while watching him.

Dragon emperor
September 17th, 21, 04:14 AM
Spike sucked on his bottle drinking all the milk inside of it not even feeling his bladder emptying into his diaper filling it up by quite a bit.

Mr Hoo
September 17th, 21, 04:19 AM
It wasn't until after the bottle when Carl realized what happened, "Boy, look at the super squirter over here." he teased while bringing Spike back to the changing table. He took off the wet diaper and gently wiped Spike's scaly bum and crotch. He then took some powder and applied it, making sure it spread. He took a dinosaur themed diaper and taped it to Spike's waist, giving it a pat afterwards, "There we go." he said while nuzzling him.

Dragon emperor
September 17th, 21, 04:20 AM
Spike giggled and hugged Carl with a smile now that he was in a clean diaper the little kept trying to touch the cats nose.

Mr Hoo
September 17th, 21, 03:41 PM
"Boop." Carl playfully said as Spike touched his nose.

"I really can't get over how cute you two are being." KC said as she set the babies on the floor to play. Carl joined them and sat Spike near Callie.

"Who wants to play hide and seek?" Carl asked with enthusiasm.

Dragon emperor
September 17th, 21, 04:21 PM
"me me" spike said with a gurgle his little teeth showing

Mr Hoo
September 18th, 21, 08:38 PM
"Alright, I'll seek." Carl said while putting his hands over his eyes, "One... Two... Three..."

KC decided to play along and hid with the other babies.

Dragon emperor
September 18th, 21, 09:23 PM
Spike hid under a crib his little diaper butt sticking out as he hid well giggling.

Mr Hoo
September 18th, 21, 10:41 PM
"Eight... Nine... Ten! Ready or not, here I come!" Carl said before he started looking for the babies. He found a baby hippo hiding in the play fort and a fox hiding in the toy chest.

Dragon emperor
September 18th, 21, 10:54 PM
Spike kept hiding giggling as the other babies were found

Mr Hoo
September 18th, 21, 11:00 PM
Carl then spotted Spike's padded bum sticking out from the crib, smiling before stating, "Gee, I guess Spike hid himself really well. Could he be under... here!?" he said while playfully looking under the covers of the crib instead of under it.

Dragon emperor
September 18th, 21, 11:01 PM
Spike giggled some more as he watched Carl checked under the crib not knowing that Carl was letting the baby win

Mr Hoo
September 18th, 21, 11:07 PM
"Huh? He sure is a little trickster, I'll search for him later." Carl said while going off to look for more of the babies. He found KC hiding in a closet with a bear.

"Alright, you got us." she said while stepping out of the closet with her hiding buddy.

Dragon emperor
September 18th, 21, 11:09 PM
Spike watched as Carl got all the others babies and cheered in baby bale that the won completely not noticing that he had another poopy accident.

Mr Hoo
September 18th, 21, 11:14 PM
Carl heard the cheer and found Spike under the crib, "Well, there you are you little rascal." he said while picking him up and cuddling him.

"And it seems like the winner needs a change." KC said, causing Carl to nod and take Spike to the changing table.

Dragon emperor
September 18th, 21, 11:16 PM
Spike giggled "cawrl is spwikes best fwriend" spike said as he was laid on the changing table.

Mr Hoo
September 18th, 21, 11:25 PM
KC gasped at this before stating, "Aw, he likes you."

Carl grinned at Spike and booped him on the nose, "You're my best friend too buddy." he said before starting to take off the dirty diaper and wipe him down. He powdered him and put a new diaper on him, this one having gems on it.

Dragon emperor
September 18th, 21, 11:26 PM
Spike patted his new diaper causing puffs of powder to come out as he was picked up and carried to the bathroom for his bath .

Mr Hoo
September 18th, 21, 11:29 PM
Carl made sure the water was warm enough before taking off Spike's diaper and putting him inside, giving him a rubber duck to play with. He then started to scrub the dragon's scales thoroughly.

Dragon emperor
September 18th, 21, 11:31 PM
Spike splashed the water and splashed Carl a little giggling at how wet he looked.

Mr Hoo
September 18th, 21, 11:37 PM
Carl giggled at Spike's splashing as he then used some shampoo to make his scales nice and shiny afterward.

Dragon emperor
September 18th, 21, 11:39 PM
After cleaning spike he was carried to the changing table with Carl grabbing pj's for the toddler.

Mr Hoo
September 18th, 21, 11:44 PM
Carl grabbed some gem-print PJ's for Spike while KC tucked all the babies into cribs, "OK little nuggets, time for your naps." she said.

Carl dressed Spike in the pajamas and carried him to an open crib, about to help KC sing the babies to sleep.

Dragon emperor
September 18th, 21, 11:46 PM
"spwike wanna sleep with cawrl spike wanna be near best fwriend". Spike said holding on to carl.

Mr Hoo
September 18th, 21, 11:53 PM
Carl hugged Spike tenderly while looking towards KC. She nodded yes and handed Carl his room key, "Alright buddy, you can sleep with me." he said before leaving the nursery. He entered his room and set Spike on the bed before getting dressed in his own pajamas. He then sat on the bed and cradled Spike in his arms, putting a pacifier in his mouth and rocking him slowly back and forth.

Dragon emperor
September 18th, 21, 11:55 PM
Spike fell asleep imediatly with soft suckles of his pacifier as he snuggled into the cat he viewed as his daddy.

Mr Hoo
September 18th, 21, 11:59 PM
Carl cuddled with Spike as he started to fall asleep as well, he really grew to love the little guy in such a short amount of time, "Maybe I'll adopt him." he thought as he drifted off to dreamland.

Dragon emperor
September 19th, 21, 12:00 AM
It was soon morning spike had woken up in a wet diaper and was yawning getting the attention of Carl.

Mr Hoo
September 19th, 21, 05:12 AM
Carl woke up with a yawn as well and nuzzled Spike, "Morning little buddy." he said. He felt that he needed a change and decided to take him to the nursery. After getting dressed, he took Spike there, where KC was also getting ready for the day, "Morning." he said.

"Morning Carl, how did you two sleep last night?" KC asked.

"We both slept fine." Carl said while laying Spike down on the changing table.

Dragon emperor
September 19th, 21, 05:13 AM
Spiked yawned and smiled at Carl ready to be changed and have morning clothes put on him.

Mr Hoo
September 19th, 21, 05:21 AM
Carl changed him into a new diaper and dressed him into some new clothes, a t-shirt with '#1 Baby" written on it, red sneakers, and a baseball hat. He set him on the floor to play with the other babies and talked to KC, "So, I have to ask, is Spike set to be delivered to anyone?"

"We haven't received word on it, although he is the only real dragon that we've had. Why do you ask?" KC said.

"I was wondering if I could adopt him. I really like him and he really likes me, I believe that we'll make a great family.

Dragon emperor
September 19th, 21, 05:22 AM
Spike was playing with a crocodile both were playing tag they both crawled around the nursery chasing each other.

Mr Hoo
September 19th, 21, 05:25 AM
"Really? I think that's a wonderful idea! Perhaps later today you can talk with Captain Beakman and she'll help you with the adoption process." KC said.

"Awesome." Carl said before going to Spike, "Guess what bud? We're gonna be a family."

Dragon emperor
September 19th, 21, 05:26 AM
"cawrl gonna be spwike's dada" spike asked curiouly wondering if it was true.

Mr Hoo
September 19th, 21, 05:28 AM
Carl simply booped Spike's nose, "That's right bud."

Dragon emperor
September 19th, 21, 08:53 AM
Spike squealed In happiness over this and hugged his new daddy.

Mr Hoo
September 19th, 21, 03:52 PM
Carl hugged him back, nuzzling his head, "Alright bud, when daddy gets a break today, he'll go tell his boss he wants to adopt you. Now, ready for a fun day?" he asked.

Dragon emperor
September 19th, 21, 04:36 PM
"spwike is weady dada" spike said excited about today.

Mr Hoo
September 19th, 21, 09:02 PM
"Alright, what would you like to play today?" Carl asked.

Dragon emperor
September 19th, 21, 09:22 PM
"dwress up dada" spike said with a smile.

Mr Hoo
September 19th, 21, 09:24 PM
KC heard this and brought out a costume chest, "Here you are, there's a ton of outfits to choose from here." she said.

Carl opened the chest and saw the many different costumes there were, "Wow, there's a lot. Which one would you like bud?" he asked.

Dragon emperor
September 19th, 21, 09:26 PM
"knwight kniwght" spike said to Carl.

Mr Hoo
September 19th, 21, 09:27 PM
"Ooh, a knight. Good choice." Carl said as he picked out a knight costume and helped Spike into it. He also picked out a jester outfit for himself.

Dragon emperor
September 19th, 21, 09:29 PM
Spike swung his toy sword all over the place as he was only a two year old turning 3 in a few weeks it made sense he wouldn't have any form of swordsmanship.

Mr Hoo
September 19th, 21, 09:38 PM
Carl danced around in his jester outfit, even skillfully juggling a few balls. KC decided to get in on the fun too by donning a princess outfit.

Dragon emperor
September 19th, 21, 09:40 PM
As spike played his stomach grumble d meaning one of two things he was about to go potty or he was hungry.

Mr Hoo
September 20th, 21, 04:26 AM
Carl noticed the gurgle and went to check up on him, "You alright there bud? Hungry?" he asked.

Dragon emperor
September 20th, 21, 09:49 AM
Spike tail lifted up as he grunted and completely filled his diaper up a relieved sigh on the baby's face.

Mr Hoo
September 20th, 21, 10:46 PM
"It's a change then." Carl said as he took Spike to the changing table. He wiped him down, powdered him and changed him into a new diaper, "A knight must always have a clean diaper."

Dragon emperor
September 20th, 21, 11:18 PM
Spike giggled in his new diaper as he sucked his thumb while hugging Carl.

Mr Hoo
September 21st, 21, 08:01 PM
"So, how about we rescue the princess?" Carl said while looking at KC, who nodded in response.

Dragon emperor
September 22nd, 21, 02:10 AM
Spike nodded with his daddy as he toddled to princess kc.

Mr Hoo
September 24th, 21, 04:38 AM
KC took a position on the nursery's play fort while some other babies stood guard, acting like evil minions, "Oh no! I've been kidnapped! Please save me!" KC said.

Dragon emperor
September 24th, 21, 11:41 AM
Spike toddled with his daddy to save the princess poking the other babies in their diapers to deafet them

Mr Hoo
September 24th, 21, 03:37 PM
The babies fell over as they were poked, unable to stop Spike's incredible knightly skills. He was about to reach the castle when the last of the babies appeared, who was a bear wearing a knight outfit like Spike's, only his was black, "Oh no, its the black knight! Be careful!" KC warned.

Dragon emperor
September 24th, 21, 03:40 PM
Spike and the bear had a playful sword fight with spike knocking his sword away and poking thus winning the battle

Mr Hoo
September 24th, 21, 03:46 PM
The bear fell over defeated and KC went up to Spike and cuddled him, "Thank you brave knight."

"Let everyone sing the tale of Spike the dragon knight!" Carl said in cheer.

Dragon emperor
September 24th, 21, 03:47 PM
Spike giggled as he and the babies sang finishing thier song everyone started yawning sleepy

Mr Hoo
September 24th, 21, 03:50 PM
KC smiled at this and picked up a few of the babies, "Now let's my subjects to bed."

"Let's." Carl said while picking up Spike and the bear. They placed them in cribs and gave each of them a plushie to snuggle. Carl patted Spike on the belly and said, "Sweet dreams little knight."

Dragon emperor
September 24th, 21, 03:51 PM
Spike fell asleep sucking on his claw as he smiled thinking of candy and superheroes

Mr Hoo
September 24th, 21, 03:57 PM
"I'm gonna go find the captain and ask her if I can adopt Spike." Carl said.

"OK, I'll watch the little ones." KC said, causing Carl to nod and walk out of the nursery.

Dragon emperor
September 24th, 21, 03:58 PM
Spike felt the need to potty and went wee wee in his new diaper relaxing as he filled it up

Mr Hoo
September 24th, 21, 04:00 PM
About a half hour later, Carl walked back into the nursery. In his hand he carried the signed adoption papers. KC noticed this and smiled, "Everything set?" she asked.

"Yep, I can't wait to show Spike." Carl said.

Dragon emperor
September 24th, 21, 04:01 PM
Spike yawned waking up with a stretch his wet diaper on display.

Mr Hoo
September 25th, 21, 05:57 AM
Carl went to his crib and picked him up, "Hey there bud, did you sleep good?" he said while brining him over to the changing table. He removed his wet diaper and began the change.

Dragon emperor
September 25th, 21, 11:59 AM
Spike nodded still half awake as he was changed.

Mr Hoo
September 25th, 21, 10:43 PM
"Guess what? I'm officially your new daddy." Carl said while powdering Spike and putting a new diaper on him, this one having candy prints on it.

Dragon emperor
September 26th, 21, 12:06 AM
"yay" spike cheered with a smile as he hugged his new daddy

Mr Hoo
September 26th, 21, 08:56 PM
"I knew you'd be excited." Carl said while hugging his new son, "So, ready for some more playtime?" he asked.

Dragon emperor
September 26th, 21, 09:34 PM
"spwike is weady dada" spike said with a smile to Carl.

Mr Hoo
September 27th, 21, 04:17 AM
"Great, how about some Simon says?" Carl suggested.

"Oh, great idea!" KC said.

Dragon emperor
September 27th, 21, 04:55 AM
Spike nodded his head excited to play said game with his daddy.

Mr Hoo
September 28th, 21, 04:21 AM
All the babies lined up as Carl took his place in front of them, "Alright, everyone ready?" The babies nodded and babbled excitedly, "OK. Simon says lift your foot."

Dragon emperor
September 28th, 21, 08:13 AM
Spike and the babies all raised their foot giggling at how they did it.

Mr Hoo
September 28th, 21, 11:44 PM
"Simon says lay down." Carl said.

Dragon emperor
September 29th, 21, 12:45 AM
The babies all layed on their backs.

Mr Hoo
September 29th, 21, 11:32 PM
"Stand up." Carl said. A few of the babies stood up, causing them to be out of the game.

Dragon emperor
September 30th, 21, 01:09 AM
Spike kept laying down as he was a smart little baby

Mr Hoo
September 30th, 21, 04:09 AM
"Simon says cover your eyes* Carl said.

Dragon emperor
September 30th, 21, 10:42 PM
Alot of the babies covered their eyes

Mr Hoo
October 1st, 21, 04:37 AM
"Simon says stand up." Carl said, causing the babies to stand up, "Open your mouth." he said next. Some more of the babies did the command without hearing 'Simon says,' causing them to be out.

Dragon emperor
October 1st, 21, 12:31 PM
There were only a few babies left along with spike and Carl

Mr Hoo
October 1st, 21, 03:34 PM
Carl gave some more commands, each of the babies being eliminated one by one. Eventually it was down to Spike and a fox cub, "Simon says kick you feet." Carl said.

Dragon emperor
October 1st, 21, 05:17 PM
Spike and the fox kicked thier feet

Mr Hoo
October 2nd, 21, 10:45 PM
"Simon says jump up high." Carl said.

Dragon emperor
October 3rd, 21, 02:29 AM
Spike jumped as high as he could

Mr Hoo
October 3rd, 21, 03:11 PM
"Shake your tail." Carl said. The fox excitedly swished his tail, causing him to go out, "And Spike is the winner." Carl announced, causing the other babies to cheer.

Dragon emperor
October 3rd, 21, 06:50 PM
Spike cheered as well happy he won

Mr Hoo
October 4th, 21, 08:20 PM
Carl picked Spike up and nuzzled him, "Good job pal."

Dragon emperor
October 4th, 21, 08:36 PM
"spwike is happy he won dada" spike said not noticing that his bladder decided to go feeling up his diaper

Mr Hoo
October 4th, 21, 08:38 PM
Carl heard the hissing sound and brought him to the changing table, "Time for a change bud." he said while removing his wet diaper.

Dragon emperor
October 4th, 21, 08:39 PM
Spike giggled at his diaper change his legs moving

Mr Hoo
October 4th, 21, 08:47 PM
Carl soon had him powdered and into a new diaper, patting it afterward, "Now that that's done, you hungry bud?" he asked.

Dragon emperor
October 4th, 21, 08:48 PM
Spike nodded his head sucking his thumb like the baby he is

Mr Hoo
October 4th, 21, 08:51 PM
Carl brought him over to the high chairs and placed him in one, "What would you like to have?" he asked.

Dragon emperor
October 4th, 21, 08:52 PM
"bwue berry muffins" spike said

Mr Hoo
October 5th, 21, 04:00 AM
"Sure sport." Carl said before getting out the muffins for his kid. He placed them in front of him, "There you go."

Dragon emperor
October 6th, 21, 02:50 AM
Spike started eating the muffins nibbling on them since his teeth have not grow in yet

Mr Hoo
October 7th, 21, 04:16 AM
Carl patted Spike on the head as he ate.

Dragon emperor
October 7th, 21, 07:13 AM
Spike snuggled into Carl

Mr Hoo
October 8th, 21, 03:53 AM
"Eat up bud, gotta fill that belly of yours." Carl said.

Dragon emperor
October 8th, 21, 08:16 AM
Spike ate his fill of food

Mr Hoo
October 8th, 21, 11:18 PM
Carl picked him up and rubbed his belly, "Nice job bud."

Dragon emperor
October 8th, 21, 11:28 PM
"thank Chu dada spwike love you" spike said as he snuggled into Carl's chest.

Mr Hoo
October 9th, 21, 12:05 AM
By that point, it was getting late. The babies yawned as they became tired after filling their bellies, "I guess its bedtime." KC said as she started putting the babies in cribs.

Carl helped her out before going to Spike, "Ready for bed bud?"

Dragon emperor
October 9th, 21, 12:19 AM
Spike nodded his diaper wet from earlier as he fell asleep

Mr Hoo
October 9th, 21, 12:23 AM
Carl gave Spike a quick change into a nighttime diaper with stars and moons printed on it before going back to his room. He placed Spike in his new crib and turned on the mobile so he'll sleep better, "Sweet dreams." he whispered.

Dragon emperor
October 9th, 21, 12:24 AM
Spike slept in his nice new diaper sucking his thumb not waking up at all

Mr Hoo
October 9th, 21, 12:32 AM
Carl slept well that night, dreaming about him and Spike playing together.

Dragon emperor
October 9th, 21, 12:34 AM
Spike had pooped his diaper in his sleep again

Mr Hoo
October 10th, 21, 03:54 PM
Carl woke up in the morning and went to see his little dragon, gently nudging him awake, "Wake up bud, another fun day ahead of us."

Dragon emperor
October 10th, 21, 11:55 PM
Spike yawned as he woke up Carl carrying him to the changing table

Mr Hoo
October 11th, 21, 05:30 PM
Carl changed him out of his old diaper and put him in a new one after wiping him down and powdering him. He picked him up and snuggled him before taking him to the nursery.

Dragon emperor
October 11th, 21, 09:31 PM
Spike sucked on his thumb as he was taken to the nursery

Mr Hoo
October 14th, 21, 11:50 PM
Carl walked into the nursery and set Spike down with the other babies before going to help KC with inventory.

Dragon emperor
October 15th, 21, 03:54 PM
Spike played with the blocks like the toddler he was

Mr Hoo
October 16th, 21, 10:34 PM
"I take it you and Spike are getting along pretty well?" KC asked.

"Yep, he's such a precious little angel." Carl said while looking back at Spike playing with the babies.

Dragon emperor
October 16th, 21, 11:13 PM
Spike sucked his thumb pooping his diaper again

Mr Hoo
October 17th, 21, 06:31 AM
Carl smelled him and brought him to the changing table, "You're a little mess maker aren't you?"

Dragon emperor
October 17th, 21, 07:18 PM
Spike giggled clapping his claws together

Mr Hoo
October 19th, 21, 04:33 AM
Carl swiftly changed him into a new diaper and snuggled him close.

Dragon emperor
October 19th, 21, 02:29 PM
Spike snuggled back his teeth showing

Mr Hoo
October 19th, 21, 03:58 PM
Carl brought Spike over to the other babies and got out some blocks, "Want to help me build a city champ?" he asked.

Dragon emperor
October 19th, 21, 07:02 PM
Spike nodded his head with a smile

Mr Hoo
October 19th, 21, 08:23 PM
Carl smiled back and began stacking blocks.

Dragon emperor
October 19th, 21, 09:40 PM
Spike stacked blocks as much as he could

Mr Hoo
October 20th, 21, 04:03 AM
Soon, they had an impressive block city, "Nicely done." Carl said.

Dragon emperor
October 20th, 21, 02:29 PM
"spwike is happy to build with dada" spike said smiling

Mr Hoo
October 20th, 21, 11:18 PM
Carl snuggled with him, he just couldn't get over how cute Spike was. "Snack time!" KC called out, prompting the other babies to gather near the highchairs. Carl took Spike over there and placed him in one.

"What are you hungry for bud?" he asked.

Dragon emperor
October 21st, 21, 02:04 PM
"baba and bwue berry's" spike said smiling

Mr Hoo
October 21st, 21, 04:19 PM
"Alright." Carl said before he got out a warmed up milk bottle and a small bowl of blueberries, "Eat up, champ."

Dragon emperor
October 21st, 21, 10:15 PM
Spike ate the blueberries getting some on his face

Mr Hoo
October 22nd, 21, 03:52 AM
Carl giggled at this.

Dragon emperor
October 22nd, 21, 01:38 PM
Spike realesed his morning pee into his waiting diaper having a relaxed look

Mr Hoo
October 22nd, 21, 04:09 PM
Carl saw this, but waited for Spike to finish eating first.

Dragon emperor
October 23rd, 21, 12:56 AM
Spike finished his food with a satisfied sigh

Mr Hoo
October 23rd, 21, 05:47 AM
Carl picked him up and rubbed Spike's belly, "That was good, wasn't it?" he said while taking him over to the changing table.

Dragon emperor
October 23rd, 21, 01:29 PM
"Wes it was dada I woved it" spike said smiling at him

Mr Hoo
October 23rd, 21, 08:31 PM
Carl then proceeded to change Spike's diaper, giving it a pat afterwards and snuggling him.

Dragon emperor
October 24th, 21, 08:25 PM
Spike snuggled his daddy with a smile

Mr Hoo
October 25th, 21, 04:38 AM
"Wanna play giants bud?" Carl asked as he brought Spike over to their block city.

Dragon emperor
October 25th, 21, 10:59 AM
Spike nodded his head wanting to play

Mr Hoo
October 26th, 21, 04:31 AM
Carl placed Spike in front of the block city, "Run away! It's Spikezilla!" Carl said, raising the pitch of his voice to sound like terrified citizens.

Dragon emperor
October 26th, 21, 08:20 PM
"rawr" spike said as he toddled into the ecity knocking over blocks and stuff

Mr Hoo
October 26th, 21, 08:21 PM
The other babies joined in, making their own monster sounds.

Dragon emperor
October 26th, 21, 08:30 PM
As they all played spiked also played diaper rip where each baby tried to pull off each other's diaper

Mr Hoo
October 26th, 21, 08:31 PM
"Whoa there little nuggets, we don't want anyone losing their diapers no do we?" KC said.

"Don't worry, we'll just change them afterwards." Carl said as a fox tried to rip off Spike's diaper.

Dragon emperor
October 26th, 21, 08:33 PM
Spike giggled as he helled his diaper and managed to get the tapes off of Todd the foxes diaper ripping it off

Mr Hoo
October 26th, 21, 08:34 PM
Todd covered himself in embarrassment as a cat and bunny were trying to pull of each other's diapers.

Dragon emperor
October 26th, 21, 08:36 PM
Spike giggled and hugged Todd his best friend "it's Otay Todd you know it's just a game we love playing" spike said as the bunny and kitty pulled each other's diapers off

Mr Hoo
October 26th, 21, 08:39 PM
Todd hugged Spike back, right before getting a sneaky look before pulling his diaper clean off, "I know Spike." he said afterward.

Dragon emperor
October 26th, 21, 08:40 PM
"hey my diaper" spike said giggling as they watched the other babies trying to remove each other's diaper

Mr Hoo
October 26th, 21, 08:45 PM
Soon, all the babies diapers were removed, each of them giggling, "Alright, let's you guys all padded up again." KC said while she and Carl brought the babies to the changing table and began to change each of them one by one.

Dragon emperor
October 26th, 21, 08:50 PM
After they were all padded up again spike toddled to Todd "hey Todd what do you wanna be when you grow up

Mr Hoo
October 26th, 21, 08:53 PM
"Hmm... Imma be a ranger. What about you?" Todd asked.

Dragon emperor
October 26th, 21, 08:54 PM
"I'ma gonna be king of the world and have you be my ranger protector of all"

Mr Hoo
October 26th, 21, 08:56 PM
"Yay!" Todd cheered while jumping up and down. He then stopped and gave big sleepy yawn.

He was picked up by KC, "Looks like its time for naps." she said while bringing both Todd and other babies to the cribs, with Carl doing the same.

Dragon emperor
October 26th, 21, 10:14 PM
Spike smiled at Todd his best friend he met the first day here

Mr Hoo
October 26th, 21, 11:17 PM
Todd yawned as he smiled back at Spike before snuggling up to his pillow.

Dragon emperor
October 27th, 21, 11:43 AM
As both babies slept spike ended up sleep crawling over to where Todd's crib was and flew into it cuddling with the fox

Mr Hoo
October 27th, 21, 10:27 PM
Carl saw this sight and smiled. He was glad that Spike made a best friend.

Dragon emperor
October 28th, 21, 02:21 AM
Spike had also in his sleep snuck a kiss on Todd's cheek

Mr Hoo
October 28th, 21, 04:53 AM
Nap time was eventually over and KC and Carl woke the babies up. Todd yawned as he woke up, "Morning Spike." he said.

Dragon emperor
October 28th, 21, 08:48 PM
"morning Todd how did you sleep my little fox" spike said teasing Todd who blushed

Mr Hoo
October 29th, 21, 04:18 AM
"I slept great, next to you I felt safe." Todd said as the both of them were taken out of the crib. Todd had wet himself during his nap and got his diaper changed by KC. Carl took Spike and checked him.

Dragon emperor
October 29th, 21, 03:44 PM
Spike had gone poopy in his diaper during nap time

Mr Hoo
October 29th, 21, 04:38 PM
Carl changed him and set him down on the floor next to Todd, "You have fun bud." he said as he went to help KC.

Dragon emperor
October 29th, 21, 07:32 PM
Spike started tickling Todd's tummy

Mr Hoo
October 30th, 21, 06:10 AM
Todd giggled while falling down on his back.

Dragon emperor
October 30th, 21, 11:30 AM
"Todd is such a ticklish baby" spike said smiling as he tickled the fox

Mr Hoo
October 31st, 21, 04:11 PM
Todd then got sneaky and used his tail to tickle Spike's belly.

Dragon emperor
October 31st, 21, 08:21 PM
Both started tickling each other trying to one up each other

Mr Hoo
November 1st, 21, 04:25 AM
Todd pinned Spike down and used both his paws and tail to tickle his friend.

Dragon emperor
November 2nd, 21, 02:41 PM
Spike struck back by tickling Todd's armpits

Mr Hoo
November 2nd, 21, 03:06 PM
Todd steeled himself and nuzzled Spike's neck.

Dragon emperor
November 3rd, 21, 10:06 PM
Spike did the same thing while also kissing Todd's cheek

Mr Hoo
November 4th, 21, 04:32 AM
Todd then started to snuggle with Spike, wagging his tail happily.

Dragon emperor
November 4th, 21, 10:26 PM
Love you Todd spike said smiling

Mr Hoo
November 5th, 21, 03:35 AM
"I love you too Spike." Todd said.

Dragon emperor
November 5th, 21, 04:04 AM
Spike snuggled more with the fox

Mr Hoo
November 5th, 21, 04:07 AM
"Alright kids, time for num nums." Carl called out, getting all the babies into highchairs, "I saw that you two were having fun." he said to Spike and Todd.

Dragon emperor
November 6th, 21, 02:37 AM
Both babies nodded as they were carried to the high chairs

Mr Hoo
November 7th, 21, 06:03 AM
KC then brought them their food, leading to her and Carl feeding them.

Dragon emperor
November 7th, 21, 01:24 PM
Both babies ate their food with spikes second tooth growing in

Mr Hoo
November 7th, 21, 04:39 PM
Carl noticed and smiled, "Looks like those chompers are growing in nicely pal." he said.

Dragon emperor
November 8th, 21, 02:52 AM
Spike noded smiling showing his two front baby teeth to his daddy

Mr Hoo
November 8th, 21, 04:46 AM
Soon the feeding was done, and the babies were let back on the floor to play. Todd waddled over to Spike, "Those are pretty cool teeth. Wanna see mine?" he said before showing his sharp baby canine teeth.

Dragon emperor
November 8th, 21, 03:30 PM
"wow those are cool I can't wait till my fangs fully grow in when I'm 2

Mr Hoo
November 8th, 21, 09:34 PM
"I can't wait to see what they look like. So, what do you want to play now?" Todd asked.

Dragon emperor
November 9th, 21, 03:08 PM
How about hide and seek

Mr Hoo
November 9th, 21, 03:26 PM
"OK! I'll hide." Todd said while running off to find a hiding place.

Dragon emperor
November 10th, 21, 12:28 AM
Ok 1 2 8 10 ready or not here I come spike said

Mr Hoo
November 10th, 21, 05:20 AM
Todd hid behind the play fort, confident that Spike wouldn't find him.

Dragon emperor
November 10th, 21, 01:24 PM
Spike toddled everwhere eventually spotting a diaper clad rump hiding behind the fort and poked it

Mr Hoo
November 10th, 21, 09:05 PM
Todd jumped up in surprise and landed on his back. He looked up at Spike and giggled, "You found me!"

Dragon emperor
November 11th, 21, 05:59 AM
"yep I found your poofy butt" spike said giggling

Mr Hoo
November 11th, 21, 06:07 AM
"Now my turn." Todd said, already starting to count.

Dragon emperor
November 11th, 21, 07:42 PM
Spike ran and hid in the closet giggling

Mr Hoo
November 11th, 21, 09:05 PM
Todd looked around for Spike after he was done counting.

Dragon emperor
November 12th, 21, 01:43 PM
Spike giggled thinking Todd wouldn't find him at all

Mr Hoo
November 12th, 21, 04:09 PM
Suddenly, he was poked from behind by Todd, "Found you!"

Dragon emperor
November 13th, 21, 03:14 AM
"oh poo" spike said giggling as he poked Todd's diaper

Mr Hoo
November 13th, 21, 07:18 AM
Todd giggled as he poked Spike's diaper back.

Dragon emperor
November 13th, 21, 10:34 PM
As they poked spike ended up ripping one of Todd's tapes

Mr Hoo
November 14th, 21, 04:52 PM
Todd noticed his diaper fell off and covered himself in embarrassment. KC went over to him and reattached his diaper, "Might want to be more careful next time." she said.

Dragon emperor
November 15th, 21, 02:35 AM
Both babies nodded before Playing some more

Mr Hoo
November 15th, 21, 05:11 AM
Todd tapped Spike in the chest, "Tag! You're it." he said before running off.

Dragon emperor
November 16th, 21, 01:58 PM
Spike giggled running and tackling Todd "I got you Todd

Mr Hoo
November 16th, 21, 03:57 PM
Todd giggled before letting out a yawn. At that moment, K.C. picked him up, "Bedtime, everyone." she said.

Carl picked up Spike and cradled him, "Ready for bed little guy?" he asked.

Dragon emperor
November 16th, 21, 09:04 PM
Spike nodded aswell sucking his thumb

Mr Hoo
November 17th, 21, 05:22 AM
Carl took him back to their room and placed him in his crib, turning on the mobile after he did so.

Dragon emperor
November 18th, 21, 07:51 PM
Spike sucked his thumb as he fell asleep

Mr Hoo
November 19th, 21, 04:07 AM
Carl fell asleep as well.

Dragon emperor
November 19th, 21, 01:20 PM
As spike slept the dragon wet himself

Mr Hoo
November 19th, 21, 04:16 PM
Morning came and Carl got Spike out of his crib by gently waking him up, "Rise and shine bud." he said.

Dragon emperor
November 20th, 21, 02:35 PM
Spike yawned waking up from his nap

Mr Hoo
November 20th, 21, 09:11 PM
Carl picked him up and brought him over to the changing table, "Ready to have some more fun with your friend?" he asked.

Dragon emperor
November 21st, 21, 11:48 PM
Spike nodded giggling in his diaper.

Mr Hoo
November 22nd, 21, 08:51 PM
After Carl changed him, he took him down to the nursery and set him down on the floor with the other babies. Todd waddled up to Spike and hugged him, "Hello Spike!"

Dragon emperor
November 23rd, 21, 12:44 PM
Spike hugged back "hi Todd how's my favorite fox doing" spike asked.

Mr Hoo
November 23rd, 21, 04:23 PM
"I'm doing great. Hey, I found something really cool in the other room earlier, want to go see it?" Todd asked excitedly, his little tail wagging.

Dragon emperor
November 28th, 21, 12:59 AM
"yeah what is it buddy" spike asked

Mr Hoo
November 28th, 21, 07:07 AM
"I heard that its a machine that makes stuff bigger and smaller. One of the babies that stayed here got bigger from it once." Todd explained.

Dragon emperor
November 28th, 21, 03:43 PM
"ooh let's go see it" spike said

Mr Hoo
November 29th, 21, 05:02 AM
Todd led Spike as they snuck out of the nursery and into Prof. Woodbird's lab. The Big-O-Nater sitting right out in the open, "There it is." Todd said.

Dragon emperor
November 29th, 21, 01:22 PM
"wow wonder what it would do to our diapers"

Mr Hoo
November 30th, 21, 12:04 AM
"Our diapers will probably grow with us. Do you want to go first?" Todd asked.

Dragon emperor
December 1st, 21, 02:53 PM
"sure hey looks like it can also age us up how about you make me 3" spike said

Mr Hoo
December 2nd, 21, 04:38 PM
"You got it." Todd said while clambering up the machine. He eventually reached the top, but the buttons were cofusing to him given that he didn't know how to read yet, "Uhh, which is the right one?" he wondered.

Dragon emperor
December 3rd, 21, 01:57 PM
*It's the red one the red one is the age up machine" spike said smiling.

Mr Hoo
December 3rd, 21, 03:57 PM
"You can read that from all the way up here?" Todd asked, "Also, you can read?"

Dragon emperor
December 4th, 21, 04:00 AM
"yep I can read I just learned how to a few days ago" spike said

Mr Hoo
December 4th, 21, 07:06 AM
Todd fiddled with the controls and pointed the device at Spike. He then turned it on and it did exactly as Spike said, it aged him up to three years.

Dragon emperor
December 6th, 21, 03:44 PM
"well how do I look" spike asked now a three year old able to truly stand on his legs now

Mr Hoo
December 7th, 21, 05:42 AM
"You look great! You can even stand on two legs now. Well, you wanted to get older, but I want to be bigger. Where's the button that will make me grow?" Todd said while looking at the machine's buttons.

Dragon emperor
December 7th, 21, 04:41 PM
"climb on up here and I will handle the machine" spike said as he walked over to the machine.

Mr Hoo
December 7th, 21, 09:36 PM
Todd helped him up onto the machine and got ready for his growth.

Dragon emperor
December 8th, 21, 05:38 PM
Spike pushed both the age up to 3 years old and the growth button