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November 29th, 16, 01:53 AM
Kayla was 15 years old who kept a secrect from her mother it was she wanted to be babied and so she's been secertly wearing diapers with out her mother knowing but soon she is going to tell her mom

December 6th, 16, 12:47 AM
(Is anyone Intrested )

April 3rd, 17, 03:08 PM
this is still open to join

April 3rd, 17, 11:14 PM
Her mom comes home from work as the front door open and a woman in her late 30 come in the house. Her hair was silk and blonde and ocean blue eyes and her clothes were business clothes and in her hand was two bags of groceries. "Honey I'm home and I could use some help with the groceries." She said and walks over to the kitchen. (What should her mom name be?)

April 3rd, 17, 11:17 PM
(the name can be up to)
i come down thinking after dinner ill revil my secret to mom it had been a year and it a good idea to tell her i husy need to get things ready first

April 3rd, 17, 11:27 PM
Jessica put the two bag on the counter and went to grab the six bags from the back of the car.

April 3rd, 17, 11:30 PM
kayla help her mom unbag all of the grocerys she also help put them away

April 4th, 17, 01:28 AM
Thank you sweetie." "I got us chicken for dinner."

April 4th, 17, 01:37 AM
kayla ok great mom im starving

April 4th, 17, 02:30 AM
Why don't you pick out a fruit and veggie and poor some milk while I take the chicken off the bones." Jessica said as she grab the container with the chicken and pull the chicken off the bones.

April 4th, 17, 02:34 AM
i pick out some corn and an apple and pord some juice

April 4th, 17, 04:15 PM
I got the chicken off the bones and grab a few plates and silverware and put everything that was out on the two plates and bring the two plates to the table and went back and grab the two glasses of milk and put those on the table and sit down.

April 4th, 17, 06:10 PM
i take a seat at the tabele and wait to start eating

April 5th, 17, 06:36 PM
So how was your day sweetie" Jessica said has she takes a bite off her fork.

April 5th, 17, 06:40 PM
it was good mom not much interestin happend though

April 5th, 17, 07:21 PM
Well that kind of good to hear" "what do you think about dinner?"

April 5th, 17, 07:23 PM
it rally good mom i continue to eat

April 5th, 17, 07:25 PM
Theodore a 11 year old that was small for his age came in the room as he was Kayla little brother. Takin a seat on the table too with his hoodie on his head while he took his phone out of his pocket and started to message his friends

April 5th, 17, 07:32 PM
(um this is not open anymore )

April 5th, 17, 08:38 PM
It fine I can handle another kid.) "Theodore no phones at the table"

April 5th, 17, 08:55 PM
(i only wanted it as a 2 person rp)

April 5th, 17, 09:40 PM
Oh then fine.) "So anything else you want to talk about sweetie?" Jessica said as she finished off her plate.

April 5th, 17, 09:50 PM
well not realy mom i finish my dinner

April 5th, 17, 11:05 PM
Okay" Jessica said as she takes her daughter dish and glass and went to wash the dishes.

April 5th, 17, 11:54 PM
i lrave the table and gi to my room

April 6th, 17, 12:08 AM
She finished and went to read a book. All she wanted to do now is relax.

April 6th, 17, 12:10 AM
i go to my room and close the door and think for a bit

April 6th, 17, 12:12 AM
Jessica was still downstairs reading.

April 6th, 17, 12:14 AM
after some thinking go to my closet and get my stash

April 6th, 17, 12:19 AM
Jessica put her book down and went upstairs to check on her daughter. And nocks on her door. "Sweetie can I come in?"

April 6th, 17, 12:26 AM
one sec mom i put my stach a way before i let you in

April 6th, 17, 12:29 AM
I open the door. "What were you doing in here?" Jessica asked.

April 6th, 17, 12:35 AM
nothing mom just organizing my closit

April 6th, 17, 12:42 AM
"you look nervous" Jessica said as she got closer to her daughter.

April 6th, 17, 12:45 AM
what makes you think that mom trys to look calm

April 6th, 17, 12:50 AM
Because it looks like you are hiding something from me and I promise I won't be mad if I have to find it or for you to show me" she said knowing her daughter is lieing to her.

April 6th, 17, 12:51 AM
i sigh all right ill show you but i need you to wait downstairs for a bit

April 6th, 17, 12:55 AM
Okay" she got curious and left the room and went downstairs to wait in the living room.

April 6th, 17, 12:57 AM
i close my door and get my stash out and get undressed then i put on a diaper and onesise and the footie pjs

April 6th, 17, 01:01 AM
I continue to wait downstairs.

April 6th, 17, 01:03 AM
i open my door and nervicly come down

April 6th, 17, 01:07 AM
I look at the stairs and watch you come down.

April 6th, 17, 01:08 AM
i come down the stairs feeling real nervous about how you will react

April 6th, 17, 01:12 AM
I was shocked. "Sweetie is this why you didn't want to show me?" Jessica said.

April 6th, 17, 01:13 AM
i blush i um y yes it is

April 6th, 17, 01:16 AM
Oh sweetie I wouldn't think of less of you about this" "and I must say it makes you look cute" she get up from the couch and hug her.

April 6th, 17, 01:18 AM
i um realy i um thanks mom

April 6th, 17, 01:23 AM
Your welcome sweetie" "so what do kids call you like this?" Jessica said trying to figure it out.

April 6th, 17, 01:25 AM
well um ... i try to speak but im to nervice to talk

April 6th, 17, 01:31 AM
It okay sweetie just take a breath and talk to me slow" she wanted to calm her daughter and take this slow as she can.

April 6th, 17, 01:33 AM
i take a deep breth and sit down trying to relax

April 6th, 17, 01:35 AM
Now try and tell me for what you were going to say" she sit down with her.

April 6th, 17, 01:37 AM
well about a year ago i discover this thing online

April 6th, 17, 01:38 AM
I can still participate or it wasn't open? It's fine if I can't)

April 6th, 17, 01:40 AM
(no it private) between the two of us

April 6th, 17, 01:41 AM
(Awh.. okay.. See you guys around!)

April 6th, 17, 01:42 AM
Yeah sorry man) (babyshy99 cant we like talk about this I mean I am fine with him/her joining)

April 6th, 17, 01:44 AM
sorry im not good with handling a three person rp besies this was intended to be 2 person only

April 6th, 17, 01:46 AM
Okay okay) (then let's continue)

April 6th, 17, 01:48 AM
(yes its your turn anyway so)

April 6th, 17, 01:52 AM
Yes" "what was it about" Jessica said as she was calm and understanding.

April 6th, 17, 01:55 AM
well it is about teenager that refer to then selfs as a tbdl

April 6th, 17, 01:56 AM
Okay and what dose tbdl mean?" She asked trying to get it.

April 6th, 17, 01:59 AM
well i stands for teen baby

April 6th, 17, 02:11 AM
Okay and about the dl?"

April 6th, 17, 02:12 AM
that part is stands for d diaper lover

April 6th, 17, 02:43 AM
So you are a teen baby diaper lover." "And so you want me to treat you like a toddler?"

April 6th, 17, 02:45 AM
well i um yes unless you think its weird

April 6th, 17, 02:48 AM
No it not I will always love you any other way" she hug her daughter. And rub her back.

April 6th, 17, 02:53 AM
okay mom oh and theres one more thing i undozip my footie pj and show you the onsise

April 6th, 17, 02:57 AM
Oh you look even more cuter than before." "And I guess I won't find any big girl pants under these if I check you if you are comfortable"

April 6th, 17, 02:58 AM
im compleatly fine now that im fully open about it

April 6th, 17, 03:06 AM
Then you are fine if I unbutton you?" Jessica asked. To be sure her daughter is comfortable.

April 6th, 17, 03:08 AM
yes mom it fine you can take a look and unbutton me

April 6th, 17, 03:11 AM
Okay" she reach her hand and unbutton her onsise. (What diaper is she wearing?)

April 6th, 17, 03:13 AM
(she is wearing ab univers cuishies)

i wait as you open my onsise

April 6th, 17, 03:23 AM
Oh sweetie these are adorable" Jessica said as she lift the front of her onesie.

April 6th, 17, 03:24 AM
i blush i know thats why i picked them

April 6th, 17, 03:27 AM
Well if we are going to do this we are going to have to set some ground rules." And number 1 is only I get to dress and undress you"

April 6th, 17, 03:28 AM
okay mom i compleatly understand

April 6th, 17, 03:33 AM
2 is for where you go I go." She button her back up. "3 is diaper check public or private I will still check you" "4 is I hold on to your money anything you want you have to ask me"

April 6th, 17, 03:38 AM
ok mom by the way can we go shoping tomarrow i want to show you where got my stuff from

April 6th, 17, 03:40 AM
Sure sweetie" "and right now I think it is time for a little girls bedtime" the time said 8:15.

April 6th, 17, 03:42 AM
okay mommy i go to my room

April 6th, 17, 03:44 AM
And I hope a cute little girl in that bed it would be a shame if she went to bed with a warm bottom." Jessica said giving off a warning.

April 6th, 17, 03:45 AM
i get in bed and lay down

April 6th, 17, 03:52 AM
A few minutes pass and I come up and see her in bed when I open her door and smiled. And comes over to her. "Goodnight sweetheart" Jessica said and kiss the top of her head.

April 6th, 17, 03:54 AM
good night mommy i go to slee

April 6th, 17, 03:55 AM
I smiled and leave her room and went to sleep myself.

April 6th, 17, 08:08 AM
i sleep feeling happy that i dont need to hide any more

April 6th, 17, 08:24 AM
The next morning. Jessica was up and was drinking her coffee while making breakfast.

April 6th, 17, 09:09 AM
kayla wakes up after a peaceful night sleep

April 6th, 17, 12:33 PM
Jessica finished making scrambled eggs with bacon and toast and two glasses of milk and went upstairs to check on her big little toddler to see if she was awake and in need of a change.

April 6th, 17, 12:52 PM
i yawn and rub my eyes as i hear the door open

April 6th, 17, 02:06 PM
I see my little girl is up" Jessica comes over to her bed. "Did you have a good dream sweetie?" Jessica said as she unbutton her onsise and check her diaper.

April 6th, 17, 03:34 PM
yes i did mommy i smile and wait

April 6th, 17, 03:40 PM
That good and I guess I have a soaked little one to change." She gives her daughter a smile. "Do you have anything for mommy to change you?"

April 6th, 17, 05:45 PM
in my top dresser drawer mommy

April 6th, 17, 08:17 PM
And I guess you have a changing pad too" Jessica get up and went over to the dresser and open the top one.

April 6th, 17, 08:20 PM
yes i do mommy i wait

April 6th, 17, 08:35 PM
I grab the disper,oil,powder,and the changing pad and come back to the bed and set it all down. "Okay sweetie just move your padded bottom on the changing pad some mommy can change you."

April 6th, 17, 08:36 PM
i do as you say and get on the mat

April 6th, 17, 08:39 PM
I lift the onesie out of the way and untape the diaper and lift your legs and bottom and slide it away and wipe your bottom with a wet wipe.

April 6th, 17, 08:45 PM
i pachently wait as you change me

April 6th, 17, 09:00 PM
I finish and lift your legs and bottom again and slide a new diaper under and place your bottom down on it and apply oil and baby powder and bring the front up and bring the tap over the front and tape it shut. "There we go all nice and dry." She give some love taps on her cute padded bottom.

April 6th, 17, 09:06 PM
i smile thanks mommy whats for breskfest

April 6th, 17, 09:52 PM
Eggs,toast,bacon and milk." "Now you want to still wear for what you are wearing or wear something else?"

April 6th, 17, 10:02 PM
ill wear this mommy i smile

April 6th, 17, 10:06 PM
Okay just stand up and I will button you back up." Jessica said as she get up from the bed and put the stuff away and throw away the garbage.

April 6th, 17, 10:10 PM
i get up so you botton me up

April 6th, 17, 10:11 PM
I reach at the onesie and snap it up. "There we go now can you give mommy a twirl."

April 6th, 17, 10:13 PM
i give you a little twirl

April 6th, 17, 10:23 PM
You always do look cute in that for being my little girl" Jessica kiss her cheek and give her three love pats and leave her room to meet her down there.

April 6th, 17, 10:31 PM
i smile and go down stairs

April 6th, 17, 11:56 PM
She is seated at the table and eat slow taking her time.

April 7th, 17, 12:07 AM
i sit down at the table and eat

April 7th, 17, 12:14 AM
I swallow what I have in my mouth. "Like it sweetie?" Jessica said.

April 7th, 17, 12:47 AM
i swallow yeah i do mommy

April 7th, 17, 12:49 AM
That good and how are you liking for me finding out and you showing mommy for where you go?"

April 7th, 17, 12:52 AM
ok mom the store is close by in town its called ab dreamland

April 7th, 17, 12:54 AM
Sounds like someone dream it up." She finished and takes her dishes to the sink.

April 7th, 17, 12:56 AM
well it is a store for teen and adult babies

April 7th, 17, 12:59 AM
Yup sounds like a place for you." "Now you better finish up so we can get ready we leave in 20 min"

April 7th, 17, 01:00 AM
i continued to eat my breckfest till i waa done

April 7th, 17, 01:03 AM
You may leave the table and get ready sweetie." Jessica said as she took her plate.

April 7th, 17, 01:06 AM
i leave the table i start to think of what i want

April 7th, 17, 01:07 AM
Jessica finish washing dishes and went to get dress and grab her purse.

April 7th, 17, 01:12 AM
i get dressed by covering my onesise

April 7th, 17, 01:14 AM
Sweetie it time to go." I call from the bottom of the stairs.

April 7th, 17, 01:15 AM
i come down ready to go

April 7th, 17, 01:19 AM
While we are out we better get you some new clothes as well so you want get too hot and easy for me to check you." Jessica said has she opened the door outside.

April 7th, 17, 01:22 AM
okay mommy i go out and head to the car

April 7th, 17, 01:27 AM
Okay but you are going to have to tell me for where it is" Jessica get in the car and start it.

April 7th, 17, 01:33 AM
sure mom i can do that easely

April 7th, 17, 01:39 AM
Okay." And I listen as he show or tell me for where I need to go.

April 7th, 17, 01:41 AM
i explain the location where she needs to go

April 7th, 17, 01:44 AM
I see the place and the parking lot and park in it. "Well we are her" Jessica get out of the car and walk in with her daughter.

April 7th, 17, 01:52 AM
we walk in to the store and take a look a round

April 7th, 17, 01:56 AM
So sweetie do you know anyone that can help us?" Jessica said.

April 7th, 17, 02:01 AM
hmm that depends on if carla is working today she helped me the first time i came here

April 7th, 17, 02:13 AM
And who is Carla sweetie?" Maybe you can tell me for what she looks like"

April 7th, 17, 02:17 AM
she a worker here i met the first time i came she look lome shes in hey mid 20s and has medium lenth brunet hair

April 7th, 17, 02:20 AM
Oh is that her." I point to a gift in a apron and fit the description.

April 7th, 17, 02:21 AM
yup that is her mom we go over to her

April 7th, 17, 02:22 AM
Hey are you Carla" I say to the worker.

April 7th, 17, 02:33 AM
carla why yes i am hello kayla it good to see you agan

kayla hi

April 7th, 17, 02:36 AM
Well you see I am looking for stuff for her and she told me about this place and her tbdl thing and if you can help us?"

April 7th, 17, 02:40 AM
of course i can so why dont you fallow me and ill show you a round

April 7th, 17, 03:17 AM
Okay" and so the two fallow her around.

April 7th, 17, 06:41 PM
carol first shows then the clothing

April 7th, 17, 11:47 PM
Wow that is quite a lot" Jessica said as she look at the clothes that look cute for her daughter.

April 8th, 17, 12:21 AM
kayla looked for cloths aswell

April 8th, 17, 12:26 AM
Guess we better continue with the tour" "come along sweetie" Jessica said as she walks back to Carla.

April 8th, 17, 12:40 AM
kayla fallows them

carla shows the furnitur section

April 8th, 17, 12:55 AM
Wow these are really impressive" Jessica said from how the furniture looks.

April 8th, 17, 12:56 AM
yes they are meny people like them

April 8th, 17, 01:04 AM
Yes I can tell" "is there more that you can show me"

April 8th, 17, 01:09 AM
why yes we have a toy section

April 8th, 17, 02:03 AM
I'm sure my little girl would love some toys to play with." Jessica chuckle and fallows Carla.

April 8th, 17, 02:08 AM
she takes the pair over to the toy section

April 8th, 17, 02:26 AM
Wow." "My little girl would play with all of this if I still allowed her money but since she wanted me to care for her again she can't touch it no more."

April 8th, 17, 02:33 AM
i understand so ill let you look aroud if you need anything just ask oh and i should mention we are having a sale today get a free bottlle with a purchase of 25 dollers or more as well as for first time customer 25% off of a crib and buy one get one half off for a pack of diapers

April 8th, 17, 03:00 AM
Why thank you for that info" "sweetie what do you say to your friend or for the nice lady that helped us."

April 8th, 17, 03:02 AM
thank you very much

carla my pleaure

April 8th, 17, 03:05 AM
Okay sweetie I am going to find a cart you stay here and pick out a few toys okay."

April 8th, 17, 03:09 AM
ok mommy i start looking around the toys

April 8th, 17, 03:14 AM
I smile as I found the carts and grab one and push it back to the toys and was only gone for five minutes.

April 8th, 17, 03:20 AM
i continue to look till i see some plushies i want

April 8th, 17, 03:23 AM
Find something you want sweetie" Jessica said as she comes over to her by the plushies.

April 8th, 17, 03:24 AM
yeah these plushies mommy

April 8th, 17, 03:31 AM
Okay sweetie just put them in the cart and we will find you some cute new clothes."

April 8th, 17, 03:35 AM
i put them in the cart and hef head to the clothing

April 8th, 17, 03:38 AM
I see a few cute onsise and cute dresses. "What do you think of these sweetie?" One was great,blue, yellow and red and cute design on them.

April 8th, 17, 03:39 AM
oh i like those mommy

April 8th, 17, 03:44 AM
Did you find any that you would like to try in the changing room" Jessica said as she put the clothes in the cart.

April 8th, 17, 03:46 AM
ive looked but i dont know

April 8th, 17, 03:52 AM
It okay sweetie why don't you try these on and if you see anything else just let me know okay." Jessica said as she pushed the cart over to the changing rooms.

April 8th, 17, 03:53 AM
i go in and try them on

April 8th, 17, 03:57 AM
I knock on the door. "Sweetie are you forgetting something from when I put down some rules." "Only I am to dress you and undress you."

April 8th, 17, 08:56 AM
im just look at in the mirror mommy

April 8th, 17, 09:43 AM
Okay just let me know if you want to try them on." Jessica said as she wait outside of the door of the changing room stall.

April 8th, 17, 12:03 PM
um can you come in mommy i want to try them on now

April 8th, 17, 05:05 PM
Sure just which one do you want to wear first." Jessica said as she comes in and bend down to unbutton her onsise.

April 8th, 17, 06:41 PM
the blue one mommy i smile

April 8th, 17, 06:51 PM
Okay sweetie" "reach up to the sky sweetie" Jessica said as she grab the side of her onesie and pulled up.

April 8th, 17, 06:57 PM
i reach up soyou can take my onsise off

April 8th, 17, 07:01 PM
I take the onesie off and grabs the dress and slip the light blue dress on you. "So what do you think sweetie?"

April 8th, 17, 07:24 PM
i love it mommy it feels comfertable

April 8th, 17, 07:34 PM
Why not give mommy a twirl so she can see for how cute you look."

April 8th, 17, 07:44 PM
i give you a little tiwrl

April 8th, 17, 07:57 PM
Oh yes cute as a button." Jessica bop her nose. "You want to try anything else on?"

April 8th, 17, 08:24 PM
no i think im good for now mommy

April 8th, 17, 08:32 PM
Okay and I think it really dose make you look cute and bring back memories and another thing about it it gives me access to check your cute diapey." "Now arms up to the sky again sweetie"

April 8th, 17, 08:42 PM
i rise my arms again to the sky

April 9th, 17, 12:07 AM
I grab the hem of the dress and lift up and take it off you and grab the onesie you had on and pull it on you and button it up.

April 9th, 17, 12:34 AM
i wait thinking of what to get next

April 9th, 17, 12:48 AM
Now I think it time to get my little girl some furniture" Jessica said as they come out and put the clothes in the cart and went over to the furniture.

April 9th, 17, 12:50 AM
i looked a round then i see a perfect pink crib oh mommy this one

April 9th, 17, 01:57 AM
You sure sweetie?" Jessica asked and look it over.

April 9th, 17, 02:11 AM
yeah rember furniture is25% off

April 9th, 17, 02:52 AM
That is right sweetie" she takes a tag with the number and barcode and see what else she can find.

April 9th, 17, 03:00 AM
kayla looked around looking for what else she wanted

April 9th, 17, 03:53 AM
Jessica saw the cutest and safest playpen for her daughter and takes a tab.

April 9th, 17, 07:21 AM
kayla continued to look around

April 9th, 17, 01:52 PM
Jessica found a changing table and took that tab. "Find anything sweetie?"

April 9th, 17, 03:23 PM
not raily mommy well nothing i liked

April 9th, 17, 05:56 PM
Okay sweetie" she grab a few more tabs from a few furnitures. "Now let's see if we can find some cute diapey for my little girl to wear.

April 9th, 17, 08:00 PM
okay mommy we go to the diaper sections

April 9th, 17, 10:09 PM
She pushed the cart down. "You see any sweetie?" "Because I found some cute ones" she grab a pack that are pink and has ribbons and Minnie mouse on it.

April 9th, 17, 10:14 PM
i found these witn pink teddybears on them

April 10th, 17, 01:01 AM
Okay put them in the cart as well" as Jessica put her pack in the cart.

April 10th, 17, 01:29 AM
kayla puts her pack into the cart

April 11th, 17, 12:41 PM
Now let's go check out before I have to check my little girl" she chuckled and grins and pushed to the checkout.

April 11th, 17, 01:01 PM
kayla fallowed her mom yo checkout

April 11th, 17, 04:29 PM
They checked out and the furniture would be delivered in a few days. And got to the door and went outside and put everything in the car and go in the car and went home.

April 11th, 17, 06:42 PM
i got in the car and we went home

April 11th, 17, 07:33 PM
Mommy is glad you showed her for where you get your stuff that way mommy knows for where to go." Jessica said as she stop the car at a stoplight.

April 11th, 17, 07:47 PM
i smile your welcome mommy

April 11th, 17, 08:35 PM
Thanks sweetie and when we get home you could help mommy for bringing the clothes and diapers in and I bet I will find a used diapey when we get back." Jessica said and the light turn green and moves the car.

April 11th, 17, 08:46 PM
okay mommy and maybe

April 11th, 17, 08:57 PM
They arrive and Jessica got out and open her daughter door and unbuckle her and hold the door for her.

April 11th, 17, 09:01 PM
i getout and get some bages

April 11th, 17, 09:19 PM
I grab some as well and open the door and go inside. And set them on the kitchen table.

April 11th, 17, 09:25 PM
i set them down on the tabel

April 11th, 17, 11:41 PM
Thank sweetie" she come over to her daughter and pull her pants down and unbutton her onesie and check the back of her diaper.

April 12th, 17, 12:27 AM
i wait blushing a little

April 12th, 17, 12:40 AM
A little messy sweetie" "turn for me sweetie so I can check if you are wet." Jessica said as she twirl her finger for you to turn to face her.

April 12th, 17, 12:59 AM
i turn around so you can check

April 12th, 17, 01:10 AM
She lift the front of the loose onesie and put a finger in the leg band and feels.

April 12th, 17, 01:33 AM
l wait blushing as i watch you

April 12th, 17, 01:36 AM
Yep you are soaked as well" "come on fallow mommy" she take her finger out and takes her hand and leads her daughter upstairs to her bedroom.

April 12th, 17, 01:57 AM
i hold your hand as i fallow you

April 12th, 17, 02:25 AM
We go in my daughter room and lay a changing pad on the bed and lay you on top of it and lift the onesie out of the way and open the diaper. I playfully hold my nose. "PU my little one really had to go" Jessica chuckled and open the diapee and lift her legs and bottom and slide the used diaper away and wipe her down with a few wet wipes.

April 12th, 17, 02:33 AM
i blush as i wait for you to change me

April 12th, 17, 02:47 AM
I finish and slide a new diapey under her bottom and place her bottom down and her legs and apply baby oil and powder and bring the front up and tape her shut and button her onesie back up.

April 12th, 17, 06:12 AM
i sit up and smile at you

April 12th, 17, 07:24 AM
"there all nice and dry and ready to play" Jessica said and help her daughter to her feet.

April 12th, 17, 09:58 AM
igot up from she changeimg mat

April 12th, 17, 04:28 PM
"Now would mommy little helper want to help put the stuff we bought or would she want to play" Jessica said as if she was talking to a toddler.

April 12th, 17, 05:40 PM
me want to play mommy

April 12th, 17, 05:45 PM
Okay sweetie" "why don't you go find your toys and your plushie in the bag while mommy dose grown up stuff to do and put stuff away" "alright" Jessica said.

April 12th, 17, 06:43 PM
ok i go get my toys and plushies

April 12th, 17, 09:50 PM
I chuckled and went to put some of the things away from in the bags.

April 12th, 17, 09:56 PM
i go play with my toys

April 12th, 17, 11:08 PM
I fired everything put away and went to see if you were playing nice with your toys and plushies.

April 12th, 17, 11:23 PM
i play happly with my toys

April 13th, 17, 12:19 AM
I see a little girl is enjoying her play time." Jessica said.

April 13th, 17, 12:20 AM
i smile as i play witn my toys

April 13th, 17, 12:24 AM
She come over and sit down on the floor close to her daughter. "Can mommy play sweetie"

April 13th, 17, 12:25 AM
yes you can mommy i smile