View Full Version : Telling a family member (Maybe)

October 21st, 08, 12:36 PM
Hey guys hows it going? Anywho you know how ive been telling close friends right well um...Im thinking of taking it a step further and telling a family member. I was thinking of telling my very close cousin...but im really really scared...shes like a sister to me and im like a brother to her but im not sure. Oh well ill have to suck it up and beg her on hands and knees not to tell anyone if thats the case which I really dont think will happen lol...nah I trust her. Just telling you guys so if it goes completley wrong and you never see me again :D but like I said I really dont think it will happen.

October 21st, 08, 01:09 PM
Good luck! Looking forward to see your happy emoticons (smilies) when you'll update us later. ;)

October 21st, 08, 01:54 PM
I hope it goes well and you have more than just your girlfriend outside the site who accepts you on a daily basis.

October 21st, 08, 03:41 PM
Yeah I hope it goes well to...

Shining Fire
October 21st, 08, 09:11 PM
Good luck. It's hard telling family members, though it sounds like you two are good friends with each other.

October 21st, 08, 09:21 PM
Good luck dude ^^

October 21st, 08, 10:47 PM
im sure itll be fine *thumbs up*

October 21st, 08, 11:04 PM
Good luck, my friend! Just don't give up! :D

October 22nd, 08, 02:23 AM
Hope everything turns out right. If not then, nice knowing ya. JK
I think it will turn out fine and spreading the word will be a breeze for u.

October 22nd, 08, 04:55 AM
Yeah me and my cousin have been real close...weve always benn I havent seen her in awhile because of her job but I know she wont mind to much...I hope X_X

October 22nd, 08, 01:41 PM
Now, please don't feel too obligated to tell her right away, just because you've written that you will. ;)

October 22nd, 08, 03:15 PM
good luck to you hope everything goes well just don't rush too much

October 22nd, 08, 06:15 PM
If they're a close family member......Then everything should go down fine! Good luck! :)

October 22nd, 08, 11:56 PM
Of course I wont tell her right away XD when I tell someone I ease into it to see their comfort level.