View Full Version : Is there a cure?

November 28th, 08, 02:39 PM
I have always been one to think that using my mind i could forget everything.It's the case most of the time.But this fetish...I can't get it out of my head.So far i have yet to wear a diaper.

I'm afraid that if i give in to this fetish there's no return.I want to forget this because it distracting me from my life.I'm beginning to think that like cigarettes it's hard to let go.But i want to know, has anyone moved on?Is there something i should try to do, to move on?

Winnie Cooper
November 28th, 08, 03:44 PM
lol I'm sorry to laugh, but the place you posted is illogical. If anyone reads your post here, that would mean they have NOT moved on, wouldn't it? ;-) It just seems a bit to me like holding an AA meeting in a bar.

November 28th, 08, 04:06 PM
erm, well i have had a diaper fetish for about two years now, where i started stealing the diapers my mom uses when she baby-sat but it consumed me for quite awhile until both the kids grew into underwear, then i gradually let down the fetish and now i find that diapers are just for children now.

Elemental Anon
November 28th, 08, 04:12 PM
lol I'm sorry to laugh, but the place you posted is illogical. If anyone reads your post here, that would mean they have NOT moved on, wouldn't it? ;-) It just seems a bit to me like holding an AA meeting in a bar.

Eh, I haven't fallen for it. I must be the only one of a couple of people here who don't wear them and never will. I've had this fetish since I was maybe 6. I'm just here to occasionally screw around with people in the forums among other obvious things. I've learned to accept myself, and with that I'm less paranoid about what this fetish benefits for me, which is absolutely nothing. It's a thing I deal with when I am bored, and I don't take it seriously the slightest bit. And as for Cero, you have nothing to worry about, in fact, don't worry at all. The more worried you are, the more likely this fetish will completely devour you and your life. Others might disagree with me, but that's the way I see it. And as you can see, my profile doesn't exactly match the theme of this site. I think about music more than anything else. I hope that somehow helps.

PaddedPrinceling Joey
November 28th, 08, 04:58 PM
lol I'm sorry to laugh, but the place you posted is illogical. If anyone reads your post here, that would mean they have NOT moved on, wouldn't it? ;-) It just seems a bit to me like holding an AA meeting in a bar.
I quite agree with Victoria here, and I'm just sayin' that you are overreacting when you posted that. It's not like if you wear a diaper you'll turn into some kind of pedo-nympho or anything.

Winnie Cooper
November 28th, 08, 09:39 PM
I don't buy it when people here say they are not interested in it. You're obviously in denial. If you weren't interested, you would never have found this site. If you stumbled across it accidentally, and still were not interested, you would never have gone to the trouble to register. And above all that, even if you were SOOOOO ultra-bored that you did all that, you would not still be here, reading and posting. So spare us the false stories, and just accept that you like diapers, like every other person here. :: rolls eyes::

Elemental Anon
November 28th, 08, 10:24 PM
You're talking about me right? lol.

November 29th, 08, 12:01 AM
Don't be so freaked out about it, it's just a hobby. Noone should get obsessed with a hobby.

Elemental Anon
November 29th, 08, 12:26 AM
I wouldn't call it a hobby. I would call it "a strange way to relax".

November 29th, 08, 12:41 AM
that's true :D

Zebra King
November 29th, 08, 02:35 AM
Im only gonna say this once.


If you like diapers then I see no reason for you to quit. It is who you are and what you like that makes you well....you. Dont quit. In my eyes you should be embracing the things you love and not trying to get rid of them.

November 29th, 08, 04:26 AM
Im only gonna say this once.


If you like diapers then I see no reason for you to quit. It is who you are and what you like that makes you well....you. Dont quit. In my eyes you should be embracing the things you love and not trying to get rid of them.

That being said, don't be a slave to your own desires. Pick and choose what you want to do, don't just go with whatever feels good.

Elemental Anon
November 29th, 08, 06:03 AM
I'm half and half with that. And for my life and for most people this is not a choice. No offense but it's basically caused by something that happened when you were a baby or a young child involving love or loneliness. Again, no offense but the trauma causes it. Your the one to choose how far to take it.

November 29th, 08, 11:14 AM
its fine to find this fetish alittle danting at firsr i eman i did but like the others said for most it is a hoppy nothgin more nothgin less for soem it has anotherpurpose , stress felif or pleasure for example but its ont a disease and if its not a desisease it doent need a cure. jsut do wahtever yo ufele comfortable with if yo uare afirid of tryign a diaper for wahteverreasnoperhps try oen see how irt feekls for you ti wont tunr yo uinto an incontinent scumbag monster or anythigng. jsut follow your heart not your sex drive if oy ufollow me htne in most cases ot uwil ldo waht is right for you

November 29th, 08, 03:40 PM
I don't enjoy this Fetish not all.I didn't ask to love it.I don't want to love it.This Fetish is killing me.For some people it could be easy to just go see someone specialized with Mental problems.But it's not like that.I know why it happened.But i don't not enjoy this at all.When i think about this i get a pain in my stomach.But you are right being here in a place where people are into what i deny isn't going to help me not even a little bit.Thanks anyway

November 30th, 08, 03:36 AM
It's not a mental illness, it's an addiction. Like people get with porn.

November 30th, 08, 05:12 AM
I don't buy it when people here say they are not interested in it. You're obviously in denial. If you weren't interested, you would never have found this site. If you stumbled across it accidentally, and still were not interested, you would never have gone to the trouble to register. And above all that, even if you were SOOOOO ultra-bored that you did all that, you would not still be here, reading and posting. So spare us the false stories, and just accept that you like diapers, like every other person here. :: rolls eyes::
Oh Im sorry, I forgot this isn't diaperedanime.com its victoriehnicole.com
Because everyone here is just like you.

Elemental Anon
November 30th, 08, 06:00 AM
It's not a mental illness, it's an addiction. Like people get with porn.
I never said it was a mental illness. I said it was caused by something that may have happened in your infancy.

Elemental Anon
November 30th, 08, 06:01 AM
Oh Im sorry, I forgot this isn't diaperedanime.com its victoriehnicole.com
Because everyone here is just like you.
That fictional bitch was talking to me.

November 30th, 08, 07:01 AM
I never said it was a mental illness. I said it was caused by something that may have happened in your infancy.

Well aren't you quite the Freudian scholar? I tease, I tease... It is Freud who said that stuff right? Anyway, I prefer to believe that my personality is more than just a big scar left over from my childhood.

November 30th, 08, 07:36 AM
Im only gonna say this once.


If you like diapers then I see no reason for you to quit. It is who you are and what you like that makes you well....you. Dont quit. In my eyes you should be embracing the things you love and not trying to get rid of them.

Refer to this quote more offen to yourself. If you feel that you should move on from the fetish you are addicted to, find a way that makes it happen. Whichever way you end up going towards it will only be who you are, because no one else is just like you. As for coming up with a cure to stop it, I would reccomend meditaition if anything. Just sit outside or somewhere quiet with your eyes closed and think to yourself/ and or listen to the wind. This is a great way to track your mind on more important things to stop the temptation. I wouldn't really know if this would work or not because I haven't tried it, but it may be worth your while. Of course why would I need to try it. I love my fetish the way it is and hope that other understand. Just live your life on and set new goals.

Elemental Anon
November 30th, 08, 07:49 AM
Well aren't you quite the Freudian scholar? I tease, I tease... It is Freud who said that stuff right? Anyway, I prefer to believe that my personality is more than just a big scar left over from my childhood.
Then what do you believe it is?

November 30th, 08, 05:29 PM
That fictional bitch was talking to me.Even so its users like that which drives away people.

November 30th, 08, 05:44 PM
I don't enjoy this Fetish not all.I didn't ask to love it.I don't want to love it.This Fetish is killing me.For some people it could be easy to just go see someone specialized with Mental problems.But it's not like that.I know why it happened.But i don't not enjoy this at all.When i think about this i get a pain in my stomach.But you are right being here in a place where people are into what i deny isn't going to help me not even a little bit.Thanks anyway

i agree with the other person and he is right id say it is arguable y an addiction but like many other addictiosn it is harmless exeppt possiblt to your continece if yo uknow waht i mean. but if it feels wrong for yo uthen it probably is yyou jsutneedto find away yp get rid otf it. im quite religiosu so i would suggest pray long and hard and good wil lguide yo uhome if yo ulisten but not everyoen is willing to try that and it cant beaforced but see if it helps atall

November 30th, 08, 05:46 PM
Oh Im sorry, I forgot this isn't diaperedanime.com its victoriehnicole.com
Because everyone here is just like you.

you tell her freind good going
and you are right we ar not al llike victorianicole but we do all shre the same fetish to some degreee but equally we want to help tjose who want to get over it or need help tomove on vitorah nicole hass no right to say waht she did.
i ma sure ther are many here who wil ltry ther best to support yo uand help anyone who wants t ogive it up to do it .

November 30th, 08, 09:18 PM
In my opinion, all you guys who have actually tried out diapers already should be less participating in this thrad. Because for once, we, the members who haven't tried them yet have more to say about this than most of you other guys. (Sorry I'm being a bit radical here)

First of all, let's clear up, that victoria nichole is obviously wrong with her idea that it's the wrong place. - Hey, we are more non-diapered users on this website than you think! x3

Secondly: Diaper Fetish is as the name implies widely accepted as a fetish by scholars, and Freuds psychosexual stages as well. Of couse you all have the right to perceive it how you want and the way you feel best with, but please don't go ahead and romanticize facts away.

To my point:
The "stage" you are in right now, Cero, is a type of denial or "phobic" stage. Like most homosexual persons have gone through a homophobic stage before accepting their sexuality, so far, all the diaper fetischists that I have met on the internet so far has done the same.
However, many people go through a homophobic stage several times in their lives without really being or becoming homosexual, and this is very likely the same as with fetisches. However, in order to snap out of this "phobic" stage, you will have to accept whatever you are afraid of (phobic means afraid). And that is basically the cure. You can either try to get rid of the bond that your brain makes between diapers and something good (eg. sexual stimulences), or you can stop judging diaper fetish as something fundamentally wrong, the first method WILL NOT WORK IF YOU TRY FORCING YOURSELVE, but you won't have to actually engage in the fetisch to complete the latter.

Elemental Anon
November 30th, 08, 11:06 PM
In my opinion, all you guys who have actually tried out diapers already should be less participating in this thrad. Because for once, we, the members who haven't tried them yet have more to say about this than most of you other guys. (Sorry I'm being a bit radical here)

First of all, let's clear up, that victoria nichole is obviously wrong with her idea that it's the wrong place. - Hey, we are more non-diapered users on this website than you think! x3

Secondly: Diaper Fetish is as the name implies widely accepted as a fetish by scholars, and Freuds psychosexual stages as well. Of couse you all have the right to perceive it how you want and the way you feel best with, but please don't go ahead and romanticize facts away.

To my point:
The "stage" you are in right now, Cero, is a type of denial or "phobic" stage. Like most homosexual persons have gone through a homophobic stage before accepting their sexuality, so far, all the diaper fetischists that I have met on the internet so far has done the same.
However, many people go through a homophobic stage several times in their lives without really being or becoming homosexual, and this is very likely the same as with fetisches. However, in order to snap out of this "phobic" stage, you will have to accept whatever you are afraid of (phobic means afraid). And that is basically the cure. You can either try to get rid of the bond that your brain makes between diapers and something good (eg. sexual stimulences), or you can stop judging diaper fetish as something fundamentally wrong, the first method WILL NOT WORK IF YOU TRY FORCING YOURSELVE, but you won't have to actually engage in the fetisch to complete the latter.
To Raiurokku: Yes I was a little curious about this fetish and I looked it up. Freud did say all that, and it's all true. And to CHIBIGO: That is quite possibly the smartest thing anyone has said in this thread. And I've never thought of it that way before(As I am still slightly in denial and guilt). Thanks for that input.

November 30th, 08, 11:44 PM
O-o *slowly backs away from this thread*

I'm not even going to touch this topic with a 2000 foot pole o_o

December 1st, 08, 01:49 AM
I'm not even going to begin talking about how wrong and biased I think Freud is about everything he's ever said, so I'm retreating from this topic as of now. Hope you guys have a nice thrilling discussion!

Elemental Anon
December 1st, 08, 02:51 AM
O-o *slowly backs away from this thread*

I'm not even going to touch this topic with a 2000 foot pole o_o

And so what.....did I offend everyone here? Is Freud an arch enemy...I don't understand.

December 1st, 08, 11:42 AM
-shakes his head- -_-;; ok im just going to say: You are who you are, don't deny your interests lest you want to destroy yourself, what is normal really?, does it hurt anyone?, don't you think your hatred for your own interest is spawned by your fears of social acceptance?, does anyone really have to know?, if you cant handle the diapers get out of the nursery :3. Ok so I have accepted it more then others and I know it isn't a sickness it isn't an addiction it isn't anything like that. You just need to learn to control yourself. I mean ive been on this and other sites alot less lately. I still want to wear diapers I still want alot of this yes but ive learned to just say hey I can wait :3 ive also been telling alot more people and they dont care : o lol not saying others around you wont but cmon why worry about what others think about you? I mean I shouldn't be talking because I do XD but I try at least ive passed the WHY ME!? OH GOD WHY ME!? part of it. Now hey im fine life's good friends are fine with it its all meh ok its your own thing and nothing wrong with it because no one gets hurt. Hey thats what I believe be yourself as long as no one gets hurt society's take on normality seems to be set in stone against us but in reality with so many opinions more people are accepting of it then you think, hell it surprised me I was o-o no way....lol so all I am saying is just be yourself don't let it overpower you and try not to worry as much. Its just a way of relaxing a way finding peace and a way of filling in a certain gap in your life. You may think its not relaxing but its probably because your burdening yourself with all of those worry's. If you don't then your life will be miserable and for all we know we only have one life so try and enjoy every bit of it as much as you can dude :3

Elemental Anon
December 1st, 08, 07:51 PM
The famous linear chaoswolf speech in a different form. You're last speech already convinced me enough, even though I know this is about Cero, I'm sure that helped. I myself have recently learned to accept this fetish, but it's only when I'm in a certain mood that I care nothing of what I, or the rest of the world even thinks and I (mentally) dive into it. At any other time of the day, I could care less.

December 1st, 08, 07:55 PM
lol im glad it helped :3 and its not a speech >.> lol its um...a paragraph of enlightening stuff on this certain subject <.< fine fuck you its speech XD

December 1st, 08, 08:10 PM
Wow wolf I feel so inspired by your speech I might shed a tear. No wait I won't

December 1st, 08, 08:11 PM
T_T thats hurtful sarcasm ima go cry now

December 1st, 08, 08:13 PM
No this is hurtful sarcasm: Oh my god wolf that was like the best speech ever!!!!! Now I want your autograph and everything!!!!

December 1st, 08, 08:14 PM
>.> you just gotta be a prick now dont you?

Elemental Anon
December 1st, 08, 08:18 PM
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH! Yeah, it was about as good as the family guy writing staff. I'm sorry that was mean......I like Family Guy.

December 1st, 08, 08:20 PM
I hope your kidding T_T

Elemental Anon
December 1st, 08, 08:24 PM
I am, to be completely honest as I had said before it convinced me. Why else would I not be known as anonymous at the moment and even be typing to you. By the way I know I'm on this website a lot but nothing happens in my neighborhood and my computers usually on(for musical purposes), so I pop in and out.

December 1st, 08, 08:28 PM
lol I know you are ^_^ if you were like that then id be attacking you lol its what I do :3 anywhooo yeah nothin to do around town either and comps also for music mostly XD plus I dont have a job yet due to scarcity round here T_T ill be looking for a job again tommorow at a Thai food place :3

Elemental Anon
December 1st, 08, 08:38 PM
Good for you. I'm planning on going to a music college and at the moment I don't have a job so....yeah. All I could do is work at a Publix or Mcdonalds anyway at this age.

December 1st, 08, 08:40 PM
I never like when people say good for you :3 lol gooood for yoooou :P XD jk jk well thats cool im thinking of getting into culinary arts or video game design or both XD

Elemental Anon
December 1st, 08, 08:46 PM
Video games were my first passion lol. But to be honest, and even at the risk of sounding like a nerd, Guitar Hero made me want to stop wanking plastic guitar controllers and actually play a real one. I've only been playing for a year so far, but I've had more luck with music than making my way to becoming a designer for Ubi Soft or something(I'd love to make a Splinter Cell game lol).

December 1st, 08, 09:00 PM
Ive always loved music and video games and even though I have GH3 I dont like it XD especially when people brag about their mad skillz on it lol

Elemental Anon
December 1st, 08, 09:33 PM
I hate that, most people that play that brag(mostly on youtube)that they can FC Jordan by Buckethead on GH2, which I guess in nerd speak is Fully Clear someone told me. Although I first heard about Buckethead from GH also, most people that play GH2 have yet to even know who Buckethead is except for that song(He's one of my favorite musicians now). Same thing with Cliffs Of Dover by Eric Johnson(who I've also read up on before). Everyone posts a video of them playing GH3 with that song when the Guitar Hero version isn't even played right(by Steve Ouimette, AKA the dude that does covers for Guitar Hero, so I am told.) And people actually do cover that song on real guitar but I've yet to see it done right(I can somewhat play it, some parts are still hard though). Anyway sorry for that long rant, but that's what I see in Guitar Hero. I went from loving it, to liking, to playing it if a friend wants to, to actually not playing video games at all, unless a friend is over. Ima play Gears Of Queers 2 this weekend lol.

December 1st, 08, 11:41 PM
If it's something you truly do not like, you just need the willpower to not do it.

Elemental Anon
December 2nd, 08, 01:04 AM
Lol, was that a joke?

December 2nd, 08, 01:27 AM
yay look at me I can play dragonforce between fire and flames on insane mode! :P XD

Elemental Anon
December 2nd, 08, 01:49 AM
HAHAHA! I hate Dragonforce now, and there is no insane mode lol. Anyway, Dragonforce's recordings sound good but let's be frank(even though my name isn't frank[horrible joke]), all of their songs sound basically the same, and Herman Li(and Sam Totman) doesn't know jack dooky about music theory and he(they) can't improvise for shit. He plays everything by ear(i have confirmed that), and he has no documented influences(video games are the crop of his sound[that's BS]). Anyway, another signature elemental rant....brought to you by ELEMENTAL!!!!!

P.s: (I LOVE PARENTHESES STILL, because I use them too much for some reason))))))))

Winnie Cooper
December 2nd, 08, 06:59 AM
Even so its users like that which drives away people.

That so? Let's see. The person with 5 posts attacks me and says I am driving away people, and the guy who says he isn't into diapers but is here all the time anyway calls me a "fictional bitch" (not sure what he means by the "fictional" part), when all I did was make a point on the thread same way he or anyone else did, but I'M the kind of poster that "drives people away". Sure dude, whatever you say. :: Rolls eyes ::

Sometime take a hop over to ABDL Story Forum - I'm an admin there, started the forum about 5 or 6 years ago - and see how many are "driven away".

First of all, let's clear up, that victoria nichole is obviously wrong with her idea that it's the wrong place. - Hey, we are more non-diapered users on this website than you think!

I did not say there are no non-diapered users. I said there are no users here who have NO INTEREST in diapers. If you have "cured" yourself of the interest, you would not be here, simple as. If you are here, you have an interest, period. If you think you need to be cured of it (which personally I don't think there is any reason to, but if that is one's wish...), posting the question about it in this forum seems somewhat, like I said, like going into a bar to have an AA meeting. This is not some great thought process statement nor is it an opinion; it is simple logic.

Now you can take that logic or leave it, but attacking me because you don't like it, making false accusations, and calling me a "bitch" is completely unnecessary.

December 2nd, 08, 07:40 AM
first of all, to you member who have COMPLETELY NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER ON DIAPERS...then why are you here? why did you even join this forum?
and Cero, its not just you that suffers from this fetish that you despise, theres alot of ppl here that have second thoughts on this fetish. all you can do is exit this forum and whenever you have that thought of fetishism, think of something disturbing or something that will make you see your fetishism in a negative way that way you'll grow out of it

Winnie Cooper
December 2nd, 08, 08:06 AM
first of all, to you member who have COMPLETELY NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER ON DIAPERS...then why are you here? why did you even join this forum?

At least someone understands the same point I was trying to make. lol

Elemental Anon
December 2nd, 08, 11:22 AM
That so? Let's see. The person with 5 posts attacks me and says I am driving away people, and the guy who says he isn't into diapers but is here all the time anyway calls me a "fictional bitch" (not sure what he means by the "fictional" part), when all I did was make a point on the thread same way he or anyone else did, but I'M the kind of poster that "drives people away". Sure dude, whatever you say. :: Rolls eyes ::

Sometime take a hop over to ABDL Story Forum - I'm an admin there, started the forum about 5 or 6 years ago - and see how many are "driven away".

I did not say there are no non-diapered users. I said there are no users here who have NO INTEREST in diapers. If you have "cured" yourself of the interest, you would not be here, simple as. If you are here, you have an interest, period. If you think you need to be cured of it (which personally I don't think there is any reason to, but if that is one's wish...), posting the question about it in this forum seems somewhat, like I said, like going into a bar to have an AA meeting. This is not some great thought process statement nor is it an opinion; it is simple logic.

Now you can take that logic or leave it, but attacking me because you don't like it, making false accusations, and calling me a "bitch" is completely unnecessary.
Sorry about that. Some times I don't think before I type.

Elemental Anon
December 2nd, 08, 11:23 AM
At least someone understands the same point I was trying to make. lol

Do you really think there is any one here with no interest?

Winnie Cooper
December 2nd, 08, 04:12 PM
Sorry about that. Some times I don't think before I type.

No problem - thank you for apologizing.

Do you really think there is any one here with no interest?

Nope - that's the point.

I will suggest there is may be one or two possibilities. First possibility is that someone may be a vendor, who caters to those who like ABDL stuff, and they want to use sites like this to advertise and perhaps to see what their target group likes. Second is the possibility this site would be featured on something like SomethingAwful.com and they would have fakers who have infiltrated the site.

December 2nd, 08, 07:18 PM
I have no idea if the OP is still going to come back and read through the 3 pages of off-topic spam that has filled his thread, but I'm going to post some advice anyways:

Porn. If you want a cure for this, then my advice would be porn, porn, and more porn. Conditioning one's sexual desires/turn-ons is no different from conditionally modifying any other behavior, jack off to enough regular pornography and soon that'll be all that will turn you on. You could also punish yourself whenever you think about diapers or anything related to them, but as to what kind of punishment I can't be specific, as I don't know you and don't know what would be negative reinforcement for you. Similarly, depending on how old you are and how ingrained the link between your desires and diapers the conditioning away from that can be easy or hard.

I also have to utter a word of warning, that you should not limit yourself to hentai alone... find some real life porno to fap to, or you'll end up being becoming an otaku - one who can only love two-dimension women. (Some have even gone so far as to desire MARRIGE between themselves and fictional characters... >_>)

Elemental Anon
December 2nd, 08, 07:58 PM
No problem - thank you for apologizing.

Nope - that's the point.

I will suggest there is may be one or two possibilities. First possibility is that someone may be a vendor, who caters to those who like ABDL stuff, and they want to use sites like this to advertise and perhaps to see what their target group likes. Second is the possibility this site would be featured on something like SomethingAwful.com and they would have fakers who have infiltrated the site.
I saw one of those articles at somethingawful.com about foxtalestimes, and I lol'd. No offense to anyone though, but those guys have a good, although somewhat very offensive sense of humor. It's good to laugh at yourself some times.

Elemental Anon
December 2nd, 08, 07:59 PM
I have no idea if the OP is still going to come back and read through the 3 pages of off-topic spam that has filled his thread, but I'm going to post some advice anyways:

Porn. If you want a cure for this, then my advice would be porn, porn, and more porn. Conditioning one's sexual desires/turn-ons is no different from conditionally modifying any other behavior, jack off to enough regular pornography and soon that'll be all that will turn you on. You could also punish yourself whenever you think about diapers or anything related to them, but as to what kind of punishment I can't be specific, as I don't know you and don't know what would be negative reinforcement for you. Similarly, depending on how old you are and how ingrained the link between your desires and diapers the conditioning away from that can be easy or hard.

I also have to utter a word of warning, that you should not limit yourself to hentai alone... find some real life porno to fap to, or you'll end up being becoming an otaku - one who can only love two-dimension women. (Some have even gone so far as to desire MARRIGE between themselves and fictional characters... >_>)
And I thought Phantasy Star and World Of Warcraft marriages were bad....

December 2nd, 08, 08:12 PM
You do realize that you can quote, write a response, the copy/paste that into a new post with the next quote instead of doing two separate posts right? I'd rather have to sort through one post of horrendous grammar than have to read through one idiot's multiple posts of "lol" "omg ur rite", submitted with 5-second intervals between each.

Elemental Anon
December 2nd, 08, 08:18 PM
Lucky for you, I'm not that idiot.

December 3rd, 08, 03:00 PM
Yay a fight over spelling and grammar online ^_^ even though its totally pointless :3

Elemental Anon
December 3rd, 08, 07:54 PM
You spelled "^_^" wrong. It should have been "I am smiling at the moment, with eyes that look like arrows and a mouth that's formed from all of the alphabet's rejected letters."

December 3rd, 08, 08:41 PM
I did not say there are no non-diapered users. I said there are no users here who have NO INTEREST in diapers. If you have "cured" yourself of the interest, you would not be here, simple as. If you are here, you have an interest, period. If you think you need to be cured of it (which personally I don't think there is any reason to, but if that is one's wish...), posting the question about it in this forum seems somewhat, like I said, like going into a bar to have an AA meeting. This is not some great thought process statement nor is it an opinion; it is simple logic.

Now you can take that logic or leave it, but attacking me because you don't like it, making false accusations, and calling me a "bitch" is completely unnecessary.

If you percieve me having another opinion than you as an "attack" on you, then I really don't know what to say. And I certainly never called you a bitch.

Thing is, YOU are the one shouting "user who have NO INTEREST". I didn't, and I can say, that I'm not such user, however, bringing up the postulation (notice, there's no argument), that asking for advice here, is the same as keeping an AA meeting in a bar. It's easy to see. There is people, who have something to advice the poor guy with, however, while you were busy acting offended by his words, he probably left the site in fear of getting more negative response, and even you got to know, that the worst thing of this whole diaper thing is being alone and unaccepted.

Now, I wouldn't go as far as to say your scaring people away, because I'm not that rude. Please don't think that I dislike you just because I'm arguing against you. ;)

I have no idea if the OP is still going to come back and read through the 3 pages of off-topic spam that has filled his thread, but I'm going to post some advice anyways:

Porn. If you want a cure for this, then my advice would be porn, porn, and more porn. Conditioning one's sexual desires/turn-ons is no different from conditionally modifying any other behavior, jack off to enough regular pornography and soon that'll be all that will turn you on. You could also punish yourself whenever you think about diapers or anything related to them, but as to what kind of punishment I can't be specific, as I don't know you and don't know what would be negative reinforcement for you. Similarly, depending on how old you are and how ingrained the link between your desires and diapers the conditioning away from that can be easy or hard.

I also have to utter a word of warning, that you should not limit yourself to hentai alone... find some real life porno to fap to, or you'll end up being becoming an otaku - one who can only love two-dimension women. (Some have even gone so far as to desire MARRIGE between themselves and fictional characters... >_>)

I strongly advise you NOT TO DO WHAT HE SAYS.
It's just plain stupid, and a very bad idea.
First of all, punishing yourselve whenever thinking about diapers is a VERY BAD thing. It's exactly what will make you go into a pinge-purge cycle, and that is probably the worst effect that this fetish can ever have on you. And it certainly wont get the diapers out of your head. Even I know that from my own experience, lol.
What's even worse is, that creating a series of other fetisches (that's what you are going to do, if you watch porn and jack off to it), will definely not "remove" the fetisch for diapers. The reason that it might feel "weakening" to it, is just that you are making other fetisches, and I really don't think that S/M, rape or anal fetisches will do any much help to "cure" you.

Elemental Anon
December 3rd, 08, 08:46 PM
I called HIM a bitch actually and I already apologized for it. And I do agree, as I have attempted all of those so called remedies Chris spoke of and they never affected anything.

December 3rd, 08, 09:17 PM
I strongly advise you NOT TO DO WHAT HE SAYS.
It's just plain stupid, and a very bad idea.
First of all, punishing yourselve whenever thinking about diapers is a VERY BAD thing. It's exactly what will make you go into a pinge-purge cycle, and that is probably the worst effect that this fetish can ever have on you. And it certainly wont get the diapers out of your head. Even I know that from my own experience, lol.

OK, point made. I was speaking from a behavioral-conditioning standpoint, on what might work to get rid of the diaper fetish. I didn't make an explicit statement that negative reinforcement was necessary, I only suggested it as a possible solution. The way people think varies from person to person, and what may work for one person may not work for another - while you may have failed on the negative reinforcement, someone else (like the OP) might have success. Myself, I know that rewards and punishments do little to motivate me, so I've known that trying something like this would be futile.

What's even worse is, that creating a series of other fetisches (that's what you are going to do, if you watch porn and jack off to it), will definely not "remove" the fetisch for diapers. The reason that it might feel "weakening" to it, is just that you are making other fetisches, and I really don't think that S/M, rape or anal fetisches will do any much help to "cure" you.

You've misread my post. I said, "regular porn." No mention of replacing diapers with another fetish was ever made. There is plenty of regular porn and porno videos out there on the web, one just needs to look. Sure there is also an equal amount, if not more content of fetishes, but those are entirely optional.

Real life counts as porn, as well. Playboy magazine, pornos, and strip clubs are all fairly common pornography venues. Once it gets that far, a girlfriend also counts... (in fact, a girlfriend would probably the best bet in this situation, especially if she's open-minded and willing to help - it's always easier to work through things if you have someone there with you to help you through it.)

December 4th, 08, 05:01 AM
I have always been one to think that using my mind i could forget everything.It's the case most of the time.But this fetish...I can't get it out of my head.So far i have yet to wear a diaper.

I'm afraid that if i give in to this fetish there's no return.I want to forget this because it distracting me from my life.I'm beginning to think that like cigarettes it's hard to let go.But i want to know, has anyone moved on?Is there something i should try to do, to move on?
it is like cigs I've actually tried quitting... but i can't so if you don't want to be a diaper lover don't try a diaper.

ps: i have never smoked it is bad.
pss: i tried quitting for my mom (i love diapers).

Winnie Cooper
December 4th, 08, 06:42 AM
Bleh. Now I have to say a lot. Prolly no one will even read the whole post cause it is too long.

If you percieve me having another opinion than you as an "attack" on you, then I really don't know what to say. And I certainly never called you a bitch.

LOL No - I was not talking about you. That's why I filed what you said under a new paragraph. It was some other guy who attacked me - don't even remember his name, but accused me of being someone who keeps others from joining in. Thing is, he would like me not to join in ... so what does that tell you? The one who called me a bitch was Elemental, and he already apologized so it's cool. You're coming to the party a bit late.

while you were busy acting offended by his words

Offended? lol Where in the world do you get that? I stated to him that this wasn't really a place to get such advice, which I believe to be 100% true. If he wants to get to a point where he doesn't do anything diaper related at all, he needs to not be here, or any other place like this. That IS my advice, just as much as anyone else offered their advice. When someone else said they do not have any interest at all in diapers, I called them on it, because it is obviously untrue. If they had no interest, they would not be here.

the worst thing of this whole diaper thing is being alone and unaccepted

Yes - but he is surely someone who is unaccepting, isn't he.

Please don't think that I dislike you just because I'm arguing against you.

Lots of people argue with me. Anyone has a right to be wrong. :P

I called HIM a bitch actually and I already apologized for it.

To refer to someone as a gender of which they have specifically asked that you do not refer to them as is rude, and I can only surmise that you meant to be so since you stressed the word "HIM" in all caps. The person to whom you are speaking when you converse with me is female in gender, and I kindly ask you to use the feminine gender pronoun when referring to me.

it is like cigs I've actually tried quitting... but i can't so if you don't want to be a diaper lover don't try a diaper.

I am not convinced about that. I believe it is possible you could be addicted to a point that you would be more involved in it than you would be otherwise, yes. But as to whether the entire draw is an addiction, I do not believe so. Too many people can remember always being drawn to diapers - that initial draw can't be down to addiction, since they had never yet tried it at that point. On another note, I would say I have never met anyone who has actually broken their attraction to diapers - but that problem with such a statement is - if anyone has, they wouldn't say they have. lol And before anyone mentions the group that claims they help people overcome infantilism - I am aware of this group, and the tactics that they use are just a placebo replacement. The person gets to think just as much about diapers in that group as anywhere else. lol

December 4th, 08, 06:45 AM
Yeesh 7 whole pages of drama how do you guys last?

Also in b4 taking internet way too seriously

December 4th, 08, 06:48 AM
It was an hassle to read all of this...But i guess i was in denial...I talked about this with a friend that i even consider to be my sister.I was shocked by the words she said back to me.I started seeing this in another way.But it seems i don't see this "fetish" or whatever you may call it differently now.It just doesn't seem to be on my mind all that much now.When i think about this i think off past memories but then nothing?I don't call this a cure.But god this is life changing for me.

December 4th, 08, 08:19 AM
OK, point made. I was speaking from a behavioral-conditioning standpoint, on what might work to get rid of the diaper fetish. I didn't make an explicit statement that negative reinforcement was necessary, I only suggested it as a possible solution. The way people think varies from person to person, and what may work for one person may not work for another - while you may have failed on the negative reinforcement, someone else (like the OP) might have success. Myself, I know that rewards and punishments do little to motivate me, so I've known that trying something like this would be futile.

It doesn't work for you, it didn't work for me, it wouldn't work for elemental anon either.
Of course, I can't deny that it MIGHT work, but I'll refer to my first post, where I explain, why denial is bad for you:

To my point:
The "stage" you are in right now, Cero, is a type of denial or "phobic" stage. Like most homosexual persons have gone through a homophobic stage before accepting their sexuality, so far, all the diaper fetischists that I have met on the internet so far has done the same.
However, many people go through a homophobic stage several times in their lives without really being or becoming homosexual, and this is very likely the same as with fetisches. However, in order to snap out of this "phobic" stage, you will have to accept whatever you are afraid of (phobic means afraid). And that is basically the cure. You can either try to get rid of the bond that your brain makes between diapers and something good (eg. sexual stimulences), or you can stop judging diaper fetish as something fundamentally wrong, the first method WILL NOT WORK IF YOU TRY FORCING YOURSELVE, but you won't have to actually engage in the fetisch to complete the latter.

First of all, because usually the longer the "phobic" stage lasts, the stronger your "unwanted" bonds in your brain will be, since you do in the phobic stage constantly think about whatever you are afraid of, and thats exactly what makes you remember it even better.

Yeesh 7 whole pages of drama how do you guys last?

Also in b4 taking internet way too seriously

No, my friend, it is you who doesn't take the internet serous enough. It seems like a common rule, that just because there is so many idiots on the internet, it should have less effect on people, and you might not be able to actually see the people, you are interacting with. - But, words are words and this is just as much social interaction as in real life.

It was an hassle to read all of this...But i guess i was in denial...I talked about this with a friend that i even consider to be my sister.I was shocked by the words she said back to me.I started seeing this in another way.But it seems i don't see this "fetish" or whatever you may call it differently now.It just doesn't seem to be on my mind all that much now.When i think about this i think off past memories but then nothing?I don't call this a cure.But god this is life changing for me.


Note to victorianichole: I guess that last post means that you didn't scare anyone away at all, then. :)

December 4th, 08, 02:09 PM
Why do people have to fight so much @_@ lol cant we all just say fuck it and get along :3

December 4th, 08, 03:27 PM
At least, I'm making an attempt to make this (btw: very relevant) thread keep near the topic.
But yah, my weird omnitheistic religion makes me kind of have to like every person in the entire world regardless of whatever they are or do, so I wouldn't call it fighting. Forums are kind of for discussing after all, right? ^^

December 4th, 08, 07:13 PM
Chaoswolf, there's a difference between bickering and arguing. The difference is, arguing is done so with intelligent forethought and reasoning, while fighting is just trying to debase one another/one person. Chibigo here is offering counter-points to some of the advice people are trying to give Cero, backed up by thought and reason. Look in a few other threads at the back-and-forth between myself and Elemental Anon... *that* is more fighting than arguing :S

Elemental Anon
December 4th, 08, 07:52 PM
Bleh. Now I have to say a lot. Prolly no one will even read the whole post cause it is too long.

LOL No - I was not talking about you. That's why I filed what you said under a new paragraph. It was some other guy who attacked me - don't even remember his name, but accused me of being someone who keeps others from joining in. Thing is, he would like me not to join in ... so what does that tell you? The one who called me a bitch was Elemental, and he already apologized so it's cool. You're coming to the party a bit late.

Offended? lol Where in the world do you get that? I stated to him that this wasn't really a place to get such advice, which I believe to be 100% true. If he wants to get to a point where he doesn't do anything diaper related at all, he needs to not be here, or any other place like this. That IS my advice, just as much as anyone else offered their advice. When someone else said they do not have any interest at all in diapers, I called them on it, because it is obviously untrue. If they had no interest, they would not be here.

Yes - but he is surely someone who is unaccepting, isn't he.

Lots of people argue with me. Anyone has a right to be wrong. :P

To refer to someone as a gender of which they have specifically asked that you do not refer to them as is rude, and I can only surmise that you meant to be so since you stressed the word "HIM" in all caps. The person to whom you are speaking when you converse with me is female in gender, and I kindly ask you to use the feminine gender pronoun when referring to me.

I am not convinced about that. I believe it is possible you could be addicted to a point that you would be more involved in it than you would be otherwise, yes. But as to whether the entire draw is an addiction, I do not believe so. Too many people can remember always being drawn to diapers - that initial draw can't be down to addiction, since they had never yet tried it at that point. On another note, I would say I have never met anyone who has actually broken their attraction to diapers - but that problem with such a statement is - if anyone has, they wouldn't say they have. lol And before anyone mentions the group that claims they help people overcome infantilism - I am aware of this group, and the tactics that they use are just a placebo replacement. The person gets to think just as much about diapers in that group as anywhere else. lol
I knew that that was rude, but I stressed the word "him," because I wanted people to know that I actually knew that you were male, and that is a stupid reason resulting from me not paying attention to what I am actually typing as I think about it, which is pretty much what I am doing in this exact sentence. And again, I do apologize, miss.

Winnie Cooper
December 5th, 08, 05:28 AM
Yes that is just it, Elemental. I'm not male. My gender is female. My sex shouldn't make any difference whatsoever to anyone here, unless someone was planning on stalking and raping me. ;-)

Note to victorianichole: I guess that last post means that you didn't scare anyone away at all, then.

Too bad.... :: Giggles :: ;-)

December 5th, 08, 07:51 AM
Chaoswolf, there's a difference between bickering and arguing. The difference is, arguing is done so with intelligent forethought and reasoning, while fighting is just trying to debase one another/one person. Chibigo here is offering counter-points to some of the advice people are trying to give Cero, backed up by thought and reason. Look in a few other threads at the back-and-forth between myself and Elemental Anon... *that* is more fighting than arguing :S

You know what grinds my gears? People who seem to act like they are so much more intelligent then you when your tired and don't feel like making a counter point of any kind :3 -sets something on fire to represent his tired primitive way of thinking. Oh and im not calling you intellectual elitists because a) I hate labeling and b) I call it being an arrogant prick :3 c) I can be an arrogant prick myself lol

December 5th, 08, 08:35 AM
A rebuttal doesn't need to be debate-team worthy; common sense and the ability to spell, with good grammar, is all that is needed to make a good counter point. What common sense would usually say is, if you're tired go to bed instead of trying to argue something and deal with it in the morning. (at least that's what mine says... even though I don't always listen to it >.<)

There's a time and place for humor, and trying to put funny in everything you do is not the right answer. :V Going by your definition there and property of transition... I would love to see you be an arrogant prick for once, CW. :U

December 5th, 08, 08:40 AM
-yawn- I just woke up so I cant tell if that last parts sarcasm >.>

Elemental Anon
December 5th, 08, 11:23 AM
Yes that is just it, Elemental. I'm not male. My gender is female. My sex shouldn't make any difference whatsoever to anyone here, unless someone was planning on stalking and raping me. ;-)

Too bad.... :: Giggles :: ;-)

You're chosen gender is female, and that is how I will address you.