View Full Version : For those too shy to go out and buy some...

March 21st, 09, 08:07 AM
Well, to start the story off, I was at the mall a few weeks back.

In their food court restroom, I noticed the diaper changing wall-thing. Sort of disregarded it, for they are common sights. But what I noticed on the way out was something of convenience to mothers, and of dreams to us.

It was a diaper dispenser.

Like one of those little toy dispensers you see on the way out of the grocery store, you insert a few quarters, turn a crank, and out comes your "toy".

Look for it the next time you're in the mall. Its a big, metallic box on the wall. The diapers were more than small on me, but were amazing nevertheless.

Keep your eyes peeled! You never know when fate/luck will strike. ;)

March 21st, 09, 08:19 AM
Pretty good really, but they are still really small. I'd say buying them would be the best. No one will care.

March 21st, 09, 08:46 AM
Yes, getting my own would be nice. But I'm too timid. I just know someone will be judging me from afar. I'll just wait till high schools over... College should be fun. ^o^

March 21st, 09, 08:53 AM
lol i use self checkout so i dont have to talk to people

March 21st, 09, 08:53 AM
Yes, getting my own would be nice. But I'm too timid. I just know someone will be judging me from afar. I'll just wait till high schools over... College should be fun. ^o^

Heh yeah whateva ya wanna do. ^^

March 21st, 09, 02:49 PM
I just say they're for my siblings
..or at least I will when I get the chance to get some

Winnie Cooper
March 21st, 09, 03:25 PM
You don't have to say anything. No one is going to ask you. They don't care why you are buying diapers. lol

If you go up to the counter and start blathering on about how these diapers are for your sibling/neighbor/cousin/etc. when no one asked, THEN it will look suspicious.

Seems to me that buying out of a vending machine could be WAY more embarrassing. Consider this - you buy a package and you could be buying it to take it back home for any number of reasons. You buy one diaper out of a vending machine, and someone else comes in the restroom and sees you doing this, when you have no baby with you? Now THAT would lead to questions.

I think the only two times I ever really felt a lot of embarrassment were when:

1. The first time I ever bought diapers, it was at a pharmacy that for some reason, had them behind the counter. When I finally got up my nerve after walking all around the store to ask where the "incontinence items" were, this girl who looked about 17-18 looked confused for a minute, then said (loud enough it seemed for the whole county to hear her), "Incontinence items? You mean, like, adult diapers?"

2. At a Walmart, I put a package of Girls Goodnites in my cart,and there was this girl who looked about 8 or 9 who kept looking at the package and then staring at me accusingly. lol

March 21st, 09, 09:38 PM
man your lucky i havent bought my first pair yet gonig to just no money but i always see them, at the store and yesterday they had a rip so i made sure no one wasl ooking and i touched and felt how they felt im waiting til i get a car before i buy any but i wl someday

March 22nd, 09, 06:43 AM
...there was this girl who looked about 8 or 9 who kept... ...staring at me accusingly.


But yeah, I guess that anyon seeing me getting one out of the machine would be freaked, but there was nobody in there at the time. I waited for everyone to leave.


March 22nd, 09, 09:58 PM
Most cashers, A. don't care what your are buying B. know it is not any of their busseness and C. have better things to think of then what u r buying/ I am a casher so ya a may think some thing if someone comes through my line with diaper but will not say anything cus i know how much curage it take to buy diapers for ones self. for me the hardest part just picking them up.

March 24th, 09, 03:37 AM
Yea, I actually used to get diapers out of the bathroom vending machines a few times, and that was incredibly nerve racking.... It is MUCH MUCH easier on your self to just buy some. If you're concerned about seeing familiar faces and have access to a car (and some extra gas), it's very easy to take a detour one day to a distant walgreens or something and take care of business.

Shining Fire
March 24th, 09, 10:39 AM
I was at Wegmans one time (If you don't know what that is, think Tops..) Anyways, in the bathroom, they had this rack with Pampers, Huggies, luvs, and depends pull-up style diapers, with a sign that said they were for customers to take as needed. I thought it was pretty cool.

As for me, I had no problem buying diapers at the store. The first time I did it I just walked up to the pharmacy counter (It was at Rite-aid) and paid for them, and then walked out.

March 25th, 09, 07:00 AM
Do what I do ask your girlfriend to use her address for shipping them and just let her know when you order them so that no one like your parent know what you do for "fun" and go to her on the day that they are schedule to arrive. This way could also work with a good friend or just move out.

the tank
April 5th, 09, 07:18 PM
Hay if you have ever had a horse to take care of then peaple will think there for a lag infection on the horse to use lik a bandeg

April 5th, 09, 08:53 PM
wow, really? I never knew about that, but I guess it makes sense....I know a wrestling coach who used to use tampons to stop a bloody nose....

shadow king
April 5th, 09, 09:25 PM
I was in a Super One store and was walking through the aisles trying to muster the courage to buy some diapers and both times totally chickened out...nerve wracking...

April 5th, 09, 09:38 PM
I was at Wegmans one time (If you don't know what that is, think Tops..) Anyways, in the bathroom, they had this rack with Pampers, Huggies, luvs, and depends pull-up style diapers, with a sign that said they were for customers to take as needed. I thought it was pretty cool.

As for me, I had no problem buying diapers at the store. The first time I did it I just walked up to the pharmacy counter (It was at Rite-aid) and paid for them, and then walked out.

Oh yea...this reminds me, the Ikea down the way here has that. It's just a regular white cabinet on the wall, with no markings, but when you open it up, it's filled w/ diapers and has a sign on the inside of the door saying they're for customer use....if only they filled it with a larger size... :p

Toddler Naruto
April 6th, 09, 12:09 AM
Oh yea...this reminds me, the Ikea down the way here has that. It's just a regular white cabinet on the wall, with no markings, but when you open it up, it's filled w/ diapers and has a sign on the inside of the door saying they're for customer use....if only they filled it with a larger size... :p

You should ask them to have it filled with Adult Diapers :).

April 6th, 09, 11:20 PM
Just get in the mall, pick the diapers as nothing special, pay and get out.
Most people who see you will think "What a good teen that do the shopping for his/her family" (if baby diapers)

There is a lot of people who does not have an idea about this fetish, so just do like i said and it will be just fine.

April 11th, 09, 08:42 AM
when i was younger and was too embarrassed to purchase daipers at a store or order them online,i would go to the pet store and buy the puppy training pads and then enjoy those while i was in bed.if you still feel insecure about getting those,then get some puppy treats as well.

May 23rd, 09, 04:27 AM
i'm really afraid of getting diapers... so i have never bougth one... today i was about to (i'm home alone until sunday) i went into a pharmacy and diapers were behind the counter, so iasked the clerk if the seled adult diaper per unit (i couldn't take a whole package because my driver was taking me home, the clerk said "no" i was so dissapointed... finally when i got the courage... D':

May 23rd, 09, 05:53 PM
hey don't give up, keep trying

May 24th, 09, 01:03 AM
it's some what hard, cause i'm really shy... and i was home alone, but my family is coming back tomorrow... so i think i would have to wait for a long time...

May 24th, 09, 02:27 AM
Here's a tip
When you buy them put in your headphones or listen to your Ipod/Zune/Mp3/Gigantic Boombox that you see breakdancers with/Etc. or something, they won't bother you

Usually when I buy them they just give me a cute smirk. =)

May 24th, 09, 02:29 AM
Here's a tip
When you buy them put in your headphones or listen to your Ipod/Zune/Mp3/Gigantic Boombox that you see breakdancers with/Etc. or something, they won't bother you

Usually when I buy them they just give me a cute smirk. =)

wth is that supposed to do snake

May 24th, 09, 10:33 PM
I always order my diapers through a pharmacy website. Sure it costs more, yet I live with the fact that the probability of the possibilty probably would occur. That is being spotted by someone I know. Very comfy diapers though but I question the tapes, they are teh sux. Tena Slip for you who knows.

I did once go out and buy diapers in a regular store, yet those were baby diapers(which were of course to small, yet had killer tapes that made it possible) and not adult diapers, I dont live in America so not sure about the stores over there, but over here you could probably only buy AD at the local pharmacy.

June 3rd, 09, 10:43 PM
no one is gonna care, i know i wouldnt care if im in a grocery store, what someone else is buying

June 3rd, 09, 11:40 PM
It took me forever to get up the courage to buy some but I just used the self check out and came up with any possible excuse I could think of if someone spotted me, like sick aunt, sick brother, visiting grandmother. and the like. Fortunately I'm ordering bambinos soon though :D

June 12th, 09, 02:46 AM
If someone is STILL too timid to buy there own diapers you could tell a VERY VERY good friend that seems open to stuff. The one person who i ever told ( and after telling him i threatened to take his life if he ever told anyone) Offered to buy me diapers afterwards since I told him how timid I was.... But this could be far more scary than buying diapers based on who the friend is

Toddler Naruto
July 17th, 15, 04:12 PM
You could always just buy diapers online.

I think there's also the option of home deliveries.

September 24th, 15, 06:34 PM
I for the most part buy my diapers through Amazon and once I have a good bit of money I want to get some bambino's Diapers online. I even live with other people but because they know I order video games, and electronics from amazon they don't even bother to ask or see what is in the box when it comes.

Edit: best thing to do is just make an alt. account for amazon to buy your diapered stuff through. Though I have my regular life and AB/DL life separate so I try to make sure it never overlaps, I have an email just for AB/DL stuff and a username just for it so no one could accidentally find me on a site.

September 24th, 15, 06:40 PM
Closing this thread, as it's oooooold as hell.