View Full Version : Time Travel

December 12th, 08, 06:23 PM
What would you do if you could travel forward or backward in time?

i would go forward to about the mid to late 22nd Century so i can live into the 23 century

Winnie Cooper
December 12th, 08, 06:30 PM
My thoughts on that idea are this - what would happen to the mind of a person who zapped himself here from 1808? I'm reasonably sure it would take very little time for said person to lose his mind - phones, TV, airplanes, cars ... even electricity being alien to him. Were we to be able to zap ourselves into the future a couple hundred years, I believe that as with this example, the culture and technology would be so alien to us, we would never be able to function.

December 12th, 08, 06:34 PM
I believe that time travel will never be achieved.If it was possible it would come from a non-existent future.

December 12th, 08, 06:39 PM
actually we kinda achieved it already with cryogenics

December 12th, 08, 07:02 PM
cryogenics don't travel through time, they stop time.

Winnie Cooper
December 12th, 08, 07:18 PM
1. It doesn't "stop time", it merely stops the decaying process, and that has always been the case. It isn't anything humans have "achieved", it is simple physical laws of the Universe.

2. Not only that, but all it does is preserve the flesh. No one has ever been cryogenically frozen and then brought back from it significant amounts of time later.

December 12th, 08, 07:32 PM
It's a way of speech,I'm trying to say it just revolves the time around it.Also humans have never achieved anything.Humans just upgrade what already exist really.

December 12th, 08, 07:50 PM
1. It doesn't "stop time", it merely stops the decaying process, and that has always been the case. It isn't anything humans have "achieved", it is simple physical laws of the Universe.

2. Not only that, but all it does is preserve the flesh. No one has ever been cryogenically frozen and then brought back from it significant amounts of time later.

i think they are still testing cryogenics yet

Elemental Anon
December 12th, 08, 08:06 PM
Time is purely and literally an illusion. Its what we feel. It is not actually there. Time travel is impossible. Teleportation is a different story.

December 12th, 08, 08:15 PM
Time is purely and literally an illusion. Its what we feel. It is not actually there. Time travel is impossible. Teleportation is a different story.

teleportation as in star trek teleportation?

Elemental Anon
December 12th, 08, 08:20 PM
Teleportation, as in, the transferrence of molecules from one place to another, or however it may work.

December 12th, 08, 08:23 PM
have we achieved teleportation yet?

Elemental Anon
December 12th, 08, 09:00 PM
I do not know.

December 12th, 08, 11:00 PM
My opinion about time travel is this:
Time is something, humans invented, and saying that time is a dimension is ridiculous. It's a way of measuring and a tool for planning, but matter can not move freely in time, as it can move in the three currently known dimesions, therefore there is no point in calling time a dimension. Also, therefore time-travel is apart from being a paradox, also completely irrelevant to any existing being in our universe.

And as with teleportation:
We know, that matter as well as energy, can never exceed light speed. - Light speed is the speed that matter-energy obtains, when it consists entirely of energy, thus, it can only become less that fully consistent of energy, and therefore only become slower. This is also the reason why matter can never reach light speed, without turning into pure energy first.
That being said, instant relocation of a matter is physically impossible. And even if someone should make a way to just make something move really fast for a short time, and thereby make it look like "teleportation", then, can we be really sure, that it is teleportation?

Take for an example theory of the particle disintegrator-device (I don't know if it's actually called that), but let us say, we make a machine, that can disintegrate a person and send his particles to another machine near at light speed, where this other machine catches the particles and puts them together again. - Will the person "teleported" then be the same person, or just an exact copy?

And then again...
I do however believe, there might be a very slim chance, that it might be possible to create a machine, that can accellerate or reverse time inside a field. - Thereby not manipulating time, but just making matter act reverse (trees degrowing into seeds, seeds falling upwards, rain aswell, and so on). It would be impossible for mere humans to ever build something like this though, since it requires the interaction with the world outside the field to act exactly as inside the field (ex. if you wanted to revert time, you'd have to shade off the sun, so it didn't send in light, but still make sure, that light can be sent back towards the sun from inside the field).

If I had such a machine, I guess I'd start collecting a giant database, and a giant army of loyal human or machine troops, then reverse the earth to just about when civilization started emerging, take over the world and turn it into a better place from the beginning. Like a communistic paradise or something like that.

December 12th, 08, 11:11 PM
Yeah i was also thinking that.Humans just made up time for there own convenience.But you can't walk back and forth,You follow the stream.There is no such thing as "time".

Elemental Anon
December 13th, 08, 01:38 AM
My opinion about time travel is this:
Time is something, humans invented, and saying that time is a dimension is ridiculous. It's a way of measuring and a tool for planning, but matter can not move freely in time, as it can move in the three currently known dimesions, therefore there is no point in calling time a dimension. Also, therefore time-travel is apart from being a paradox, also completely irrelevant to any existing being in our universe.

And as with teleportation:
We know, that matter as well as energy, can never exceed light speed. - Light speed is the speed that matter-energy obtains, when it consists entirely of energy, thus, it can only become less that fully consistent of energy, and therefore only become slower. This is also the reason why matter can never reach light speed, without turning into pure energy first.
That being said, instant relocation of a matter is physically impossible. And even if someone should make a way to just make something move really fast for a short time, and thereby make it look like "teleportation", then, can we be really sure, that it is teleportation?

Take for an example theory of the particle disintegrator-device (I don't know if it's actually called that), but let us say, we make a machine, that can disintegrate a person and send his particles to another machine near at light speed, where this other machine catches the particles and puts them together again. - Will the person "teleported" then be the same person, or just an exact copy?

And then again...
I do however believe, there might be a very slim chance, that it might be possible to create a machine, that can accellerate or reverse time inside a field. - Thereby not manipulating time, but just making matter act reverse (trees degrowing into seeds, seeds falling upwards, rain aswell, and so on). It would be impossible for mere humans to ever build something like this though, since it requires the interaction with the world outside the field to act exactly as inside the field (ex. if you wanted to revert time, you'd have to shade off the sun, so it didn't send in light, but still make sure, that light can be sent back towards the sun from inside the field).

If I had such a machine, I guess I'd start collecting a giant database, and a giant army of loyal human or machine troops, then reverse the earth to just about when civilization started emerging, take over the world and turn it into a better place from the beginning. Like a communistic paradise or something like that.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

December 13th, 08, 02:14 AM
same here

December 13th, 08, 02:35 AM
Is this the part where i say i could have said it better myself?Whatever, let's not dwell on the past, let us enjoy the future to come.

December 13th, 08, 02:50 AM
a future that "may or may not" be cut short on December 21, 2012 (i know 3 days before christmas) this is according to the mayan calendar if you want proof go to this link


December 13th, 08, 04:02 AM
The Maya calendar ends on the 2012.They are just stopping traditions.If this were to mean us death it sure as hell wouldn't be from the Mayas.

December 13th, 08, 04:08 AM
personally i don't believe that the world will end on December 21, 2012, instead it will happen when the sun turns into a red giant (hopefully, if the human race is still around then hopefully we will have found another habitable planet by then)

Winnie Cooper
December 13th, 08, 04:12 AM
lol I can't believe how much speculation this gets. It is purely all wound up in their religion. 12 cycles of 12,000 or something like that - why put any stock in this when there are a dozen cults out there that also say they know when the world is going to end, and not put any thought to them? Even the Jehovah's Witnesses have tried to predict the end of time twice and been wrong both times. Hal Lindsey too, and he still sells books by the million.

December 13th, 08, 04:18 AM
lol I can't believe how much speculation this gets. It is purely all wound up in their religion. 12 cycles of 12,000 or something like that - why put any stock in this when there are a dozen cults out there that also say they know when the world is going to end, and not put any thought to them? Even the Jehovah's Witnesses have tried to predict the end of time twice and been wrong both times. Hal Lindsey too, and he still sells books by the million.

that is something, i think there will plenty of end of the world predictions

heres mine 1 billion years from now

December 13th, 08, 04:20 AM
by the way what do you all think of my signature?

December 13th, 08, 05:04 AM
the following link leads to an image of the delorean that was used in Back to the Future 1,2 and 3


December 16th, 08, 07:14 AM
My opinion about time travel is this:
Time is something, humans invented, and saying that time is a dimension is ridiculous. It's a way of measuring and a tool for planning, but matter can not move freely in time, as it can move in the three currently known dimesions, therefore there is no point in calling time a dimension. Also, therefore time-travel is apart from being a paradox, also completely irrelevant to any existing being in our universe.

My good chibigo, have you by chance heard of the Twin Paradox? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_paradox) What it basically says is that time behaves differently at near light speed - given two twins of exact same age, should one go into space and travel at near-light speed, he will age slower than the twin on Earth. The space twin doesn't technically age slower, more like time moves slower in relation to time on Earth. Say the space twin takes a trip to the nearest star and takes 5 years to get there and back - while only 5 years will have passed for the twin experiencing near-light speeds, 10 years will have passed for the twin on Earth!

I forget how exactly it works, but trust me it does. Why I mention this, is because it leads to the possiblitiy of time travel - however, not as everyone is thinking, with stuff like moving backwards through time to hang with Jesus or the Pharoah - no, according to current scientific law any time traveling will only be from the future to the past and vice-a-versa.

Let me explain by setting up the process. This entire process relies on wormholes, and the stabilization and enlarging of them. (They blink in and out all the time in the quantum space-time foam.) Take one end of the worm hole, and subject it to the Twin Paradox - one end stays on earth, while the other goes into space to travel at near light speeds. When the space end returns to Earth, it will have aged say 5 years since stablization, while the other end has aged 10 years (using the aforementioned example with twins.) Since the space end is only 5 years old, it is still connected to the earth end 5 years in the past - entering the space end would effectively time-travel someone back 5 years.

So effectively this method of time travel will only allow access to the past as far back as the worm hole is first stabilized. It's not very effective in manipulating the when, but hey - at least it's theorhetically possible.

December 16th, 08, 07:15 AM
paradox lol :3

December 16th, 08, 07:20 AM
YOu know I have just read the short responses in this thread instead of the long responses and you know what I have learned. Absolutely nothing!!!!!!!

December 16th, 08, 07:22 AM

sometimes knowledge is gained the hard way by reading :3

December 16th, 08, 07:43 AM
wow a 3d picture

December 16th, 08, 08:03 AM
wow a person whos never seen 3d pictures :3

December 16th, 08, 08:06 AM
You could only travel to the past as the future has yet to happen... so if you traveled back you couldn't get back to the future as it has yet to happen.

December 16th, 08, 08:07 AM
If it were to happen I would go back in time and kill my father as this would mean I would cease to exist that would mean I never went back in time which would mean I never killed my father which means I still exist which would tear a hole in the universe and give me a headache....

December 16th, 08, 08:07 AM
I still believe in the time paradox thing and due to being tired I will not I repeat I will not type down an extremely long explanation on why it wouldnt work :3 im not argueing just saying what I think :3

December 16th, 08, 08:11 AM
Try it on a phone.....

December 16th, 08, 08:13 AM
No thank you sir :3

December 16th, 08, 09:52 AM
wow a 3d picture

That thare is a little thing we call perspecative, son. Tain't no three-dI-mensional picature, she just gives tha illusion 'o tree-dee. Ain't a good one at that, don' look tree-dee ta me at all.

Speakin' 'o tree-dee picatures and time as a fourth dI-menshion, I gots ya a real tree-dee picature ri' hea.


Tain't no real piacture on account'a it'sa movin' picature, bu' whatevah. Ta see a real tree-dee picature ya'd need some all 'o those speci-al glasses ta make 'em pop out at ya 'n shtuff.

Ya hea'n me, son?

December 16th, 08, 03:30 PM
My good chibigo, have you by chance heard of the Twin Paradox? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_paradox) What it basically says is that time behaves differently at near light speed - given two twins of exact same age, should one go into space and travel at near-light speed, he will age slower than the twin on Earth. The space twin doesn't technically age slower, more like time moves slower in relation to time on Earth. Say the space twin takes a trip to the nearest star and takes 5 years to get there and back - while only 5 years will have passed for the twin experiencing near-light speeds, 10 years will have passed for the twin on Earth!

I forget how exactly it works, but trust me it does. Why I mention this, is because it leads to the possiblitiy of time travel - however, not as everyone is thinking, with stuff like moving backwards through time to hang with Jesus or the Pharoah - no, according to current scientific law any time traveling will only be from the future to the past and vice-a-versa.

Let me explain by setting up the process. This entire process relies on wormholes, and the stabilization and enlarging of them. (They blink in and out all the time in the quantum space-time foam.) Take one end of the worm hole, and subject it to the Twin Paradox - one end stays on earth, while the other goes into space to travel at near light speeds. When the space end returns to Earth, it will have aged say 5 years since stablization, while the other end has aged 10 years (using the aforementioned example with twins.) Since the space end is only 5 years old, it is still connected to the earth end 5 years in the past - entering the space end would effectively time-travel someone back 5 years.

So effectively this method of time travel will only allow access to the past as far back as the worm hole is first stabilized. It's not very effective in manipulating the when, but hey - at least it's theorhetically possible.

My good TS Chris, have you ever heard of common physics? :p
First of all, that thought experiment Twin Paradox (with its misleading name) is in fact completely useless as well as any idea about time-travel through obtaining light speed, simply of the known fact, that matter cannot reach light speed in any way, that's why the clevermen say close-to-light-speed so much every time they're talking about big acellerating experiments. Ask your physics teacher, if you don't believe me.
(And an extra side note: Time does not stand still for even photons (that stuff you'd reckognice as light). They're being stretched, and you can actually see on their "stretch-marks", how long it was since they got sent out, aswell as how hot it where they were created. - Thats the primary reason, that physicists believe so much in the big bang theory, but that's another discussion ^^)
- Sorry if I'm being harsh now, but I like physics pretty much. :3

Also, it is in no way recognised as a fact, that wormholes actually exist. It's entirely hypothetical, but with this remark, I shall cease the mocking.
After all, all of this thing about time is obviously hypothetical (heck, I'm even questioning the actual existence of time), so I can't deny your theories.

All in all, I'd still stick with Chaoswolf and credit the time paradox theory for solving all these problems for us. :cool:

January 30th, 09, 12:17 AM
can we get this thread moving please?

January 30th, 09, 01:30 PM
that would be swell XD

January 30th, 09, 05:28 PM
yes, yes it would. it would be very swell

January 30th, 09, 06:55 PM
The grand father paradox, I know what it is, but what about the rest of you?

We need to remember that we are not the only living "intelligent" species in this universe (I use intelligent loosely since we still have people killing one another over very stupid things, like religion) it's quite possible that while we may not achieve time travel, that some other race in the universe has. Also, do remember, just because our science says it can't happen - doesn't mean it truly can't.

Don't forget, back in the old days someone once stated that it was impossible for us to create machines that could fly in the air or work underwater. That it was impossible for man to look beyond the boundries of our world and into space - all three of those were broken and achieved many times over.

So yes, eventually we may achieve time travel, will we see it in our life times? Probably not.

January 30th, 09, 08:49 PM
it would be fricken sweet if we did see it in our lifetimes

July 28th, 09, 12:58 AM
if i could time travel, i would go back in time, and touch the diapers i wore when i was a baby, in theory i could conceivably stop myself from being potty trained

July 28th, 09, 01:12 AM
Now you are thinking johnman, but I don't see how merely 'touching' the diapers would have that effect. It would be an uphill battle fighting your parrents, and your younger self.

July 28th, 09, 01:19 AM
Now you are thinking johnman, but I don't see how merely 'touching' the diapers would have that effect. It would be an uphill battle fighting your parrents, and your younger self.
yeah, the possibilities are endless though, i actually hate being able to use the toilet

---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 PM ----------

which is why i want to go back in time

July 28th, 09, 01:50 AM
i want to discover fire

July 28th, 09, 01:51 AM
i want to discover fire
that would be about 20,000+ years ago

Kid Chimour
July 28th, 09, 01:53 AM
I make wheel then!!!! =D

July 28th, 09, 01:58 AM
edit on thread topic: anything time travel related, you can post your time travel fantasies in this thread

July 28th, 09, 02:13 AM
that would be about 20,000+ years ago

i will re-name it ow!

July 28th, 09, 02:15 AM
i will re-name it ow!
nice, what do you think will happen if you go back in time and touch yourself when you were a baby?

July 28th, 09, 02:18 AM
nice, what do you think will happen if you go back in time and touch yourself when you were a baby?

do bad things to a man named john

July 28th, 09, 02:19 AM
do bad things to a man named john
what would those things be

Kid Chimour
July 28th, 09, 02:24 AM
nice, what do you think will happen if you go back in time and touch yourself when you were a baby?
Lol!!!! That sounded so dirty XD
I am having fun :)

July 28th, 09, 02:25 AM
Lol!!!! That sounded so dirty XD
I am having fun :)

*takes your mistress so she will diaper me*

July 28th, 09, 02:26 AM
hey don't go off topic, the topic is time travel and what you would do if you could travel back in time

Kid Chimour
July 28th, 09, 02:32 AM
Okay if I could go back in time I would KILL diaperd mewmew when he/she was still in his/her mother's womb so he/she would not be able to use his/her cheat magic and would finally leave me and my mistress alone!!!! >.<
And I would also probably warn the lead singer of Queen about AIDS so he would not have died =(

July 28th, 09, 02:35 AM
Okay if I could go back in time I would KILL diaperd mewmew when he/she was still in his/her mother's womb so he/she would not be able to use his/her cheat magic and would finally leave me and my mistress alone!!!! >.<
And I would also probably warn the lead singer of Queen about AIDS so he would not have died =(

O_o don't kill her, yes it would be nice if the lead singer (freddy mercury i do believe) was still alive

Kid Chimour
July 28th, 09, 02:40 AM
He/she has his/her own mistress (See his/her sig pic) already. -.-
So he/she is being greedy and THAT GRINDS MY GEARS!!!
I would probably go back to the 80's and try to catch a GOOD concert since all theese new bands don't hold a candle to the bands of the 80s.

July 28th, 09, 02:51 AM
I think people exagerate over queen a tiny bit. What about Nirvana though?

July 28th, 09, 02:53 AM
I think people exagerate over queen a tiny bit. What about Nirvana though?

*punches mojo* please get this back on topic

July 28th, 09, 02:57 AM
This is on topic: If you could go back in time, which rock band would you save?

July 28th, 09, 03:00 AM
This is on topic: If you could go back in time, which rock band would you save?
sorry mojo, i wasn't thinking correctly

July 28th, 09, 03:02 AM
Oh gawd Sir Mojo won a debate?!?! THE WORLD IS ENDING! ~does a backflip and makes a strange noise.
~hops back on the topic train
So Nirvana or Queen John?

July 28th, 09, 03:03 AM
Oh gawd Sir Mojo won a debate?!?! THE WORLD IS ENDING! ~does a backflip and makes a strange noise.
~hops back on the topic train
So Nirvana or Queen John?

Another one bites the dust, i say queen

July 28th, 09, 03:06 AM
I borrowed a Nirvana CD to actually get a feel for them. But it's a Demo tape CD. so the sound quality is horrible and most of it sucks

July 28th, 09, 12:45 PM
I would go back and finish high school, or at least stop my self from unintentionally stalking a friend for a year that i fell out of contact with after leaving (if your thinking of doing something similar I wouldnt recomend it :P) also I would go back and stop Khameleon from warning freddy murcury about aids (dear god please not more queen) although freddy in chromatie high school was amazing so some good things came out of him :P

November 19th, 09, 09:10 AM
one day time travel could be possible, any more things that you would like to do if you could time travel?