View Full Version : uncle Jack home

matt 1989
October 10th, 12, 08:29 PM
It's bin A long time the last time I RP I bin working on my spelling. this is my furst RP on this furm so I just wont to git my feet wet. The plot well be a basic family RP. I play Uncle Jack who tacks in hi's sister's kid win she past away.
win the kid that you move in with uncle Jack hi or she started to have wetting accidents do the lose of you mother. the kid age can be 5 and up.

matt 1989
October 10th, 12, 11:26 PM
it's a working progress. I been struggling with spelling all my life and I'm trying my best
Please do not reply unleash your interested in the RP.

October 21st, 12, 07:46 AM
i found the rp forum ^^ and i got my 360 to download it