View Full Version : Under Rated Anime Series

August 3rd, 09, 04:33 AM
Their is a lot of under rated dubbed and raw anime series out there, but the one I would like to poin t out is Burst Angel. It is dubbed by fundamation (anime) and translated by tokyopop (manga). It might be diffrent in other areas, yet were I'm at nobody talks about it or even has heard of it. I will not spoil the show, so here is a first episode:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yiz7xKpXDfY ,

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goIspYpZCls ,

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-Kl86g2eIU .

I know this is heard of but as I said nobody talks about it kind of similar to Jojo's bizarre circus's popularity outside of Japan. Personaly I like both that I've listed but I just wanted to focus on Burst Angel.

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-You can agree or disagree with whays posted.

-If you post an other series try not to spoil it and please show a sample (like episodes, openings, closeing, a pic.)

-Try to stay on context. (please behave)


August 3rd, 09, 04:48 AM
I've seen Burst Angel and I do think that it is pretty underrated. Here's another one that I find hasn't really gotten its dues as of yet, its cute and has an interesting sort of Anime X-men appeal to it. Its called Gakuen Alice:




August 21st, 09, 04:11 AM
Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann

check google video for more info

September 3rd, 09, 09:28 AM
Gurren Laggan is far from under-apreciated. While it was screening it was the big thing, a position is occupied for quite a while after it ended as well.

Personally I think Crest of the Stars and its sequels is under-appreciated in general. The first three novels have been translated by Tokyopop and are well worth checking out.

'Bamboo Blade' and 'Spice and Wolf' can always use some love as well.

September 10th, 09, 12:10 AM

If you liked Trigun, you should check it out.

September 10th, 09, 05:56 AM
Niea Under 7


October 20th, 09, 05:11 AM
Azuki-Chan. (Jjong-a neun sachungi in Korean)


Epic melodrama that isn't awkward. Recommended to my friends.

October 20th, 09, 02:45 PM
@MutsuMutsu: Unless that opening is like the Narutaru opening, that just looks like a generic kodomo anime.

Bandit Keith
October 20th, 09, 05:00 PM
deleted for mistake............

October 20th, 09, 05:45 PM
@MutsuMutsu: Unless that opening is like the Narutaru opening, that just looks like a generic kodomo anime.

Actually this anime was originally for middle / high schoolers. It's like some childish manga and anime are for the seinen (adults) demographics.

October 20th, 09, 07:35 PM
db dbz dbgt and inuyasha is a under rated anime

Hahaha, oh wow. I think you mean OVERrated.

Bandit Keith
October 20th, 09, 08:27 PM
yay sorry about that

October 20th, 09, 08:43 PM
I personally think shaman king is a far underrated manga and soul eater should be up to naruto popularity even though the manga only comes out once a month >.>

October 24th, 09, 09:13 AM
Full Metal Panic.

Come on, the main character is a Japanese teenager who grew up as a Conservative Muslim. How cool is that?

October 24th, 09, 11:07 AM
Full Metal Panic.

Come on, the main character is a Japanese teenager who grew up as a Conservative Muslim. How cool is that?

Alright... you've bought me. I need to get my claws on this anime. Concervative muslims have veins made out of pure golden lulz.

October 24th, 09, 06:09 PM
Jojo's bizzar adventure.

November 7th, 09, 09:23 AM
To Heart

Best Japanese voice actors and very smooth storyline in the anime. Originally a game but this established a firm standard how to make a quality romance simulation.

November 8th, 09, 04:18 AM
If your going to say To Heart then you might as well add Comic Party w/ Revolution.

But really Shamn King and Full Metal Panic are main stream. (I feel that dbgt is under apreciated)

Now DESERT CORAL is drastically underated. Its a manga with an amazing story line but the art is most bland style of manga imagery I've ever seen. only 3 vol.s were dubed by tokyopop and they only printed 500 of the 3rd vol.

JoJo's Bizzar Adventure this isn't under rated but under dubbed. Its done by the same artist who did Fist of the North Star. Happy you tubeing the anime (really compresses the manga), and the us manga dub starts at vol. 6 with Jotaro Jostar. I will not spoil it but the series is still on going breaking over 90 vols of manga (thats like 3 times the Ranma 1/2 series. If you want to compare it to dbz its almost 4 times the vol.s). Anyway go to onemanga to read the complete series, also try zen manga to read Fist of the North Star.

January 10th, 10, 09:03 PM
Neo Ranga this is Kaju anime. the voice acting is good, 48 episodes, Evangelion (1995) animation style. It maintains a balanced mixture of seriousness and comedy, an it also answers the questio of What would happen if my family owned a giant monseter?
The narration and after show clips makes this an easy anime to follow and the box set is like ~= $16.00.

OP1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6XIb7TIhV4
op2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj7Gzr610-A
US Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gvf4pXZ9n0

(Su from Love Hina is a parody of this show)

Bandit Keith
July 19th, 10, 10:18 PM
fooly cooly a 6 ep anime

July 28th, 10, 02:18 AM
True, but Fooly Cooly is not underated.

Bandit Keith
July 28th, 10, 02:28 AM
well I was thinking it was seeing as alot of people I have talked to on da have never watched it.most I have talked to never even have heard of it till then the anime anyway.other anime sites aswell.its odd when you think about it seeing as its one of the cool series for how it was pulled off and everything.that and we are on a anime site

well back on topic kinda is western animation counted ?

July 28th, 10, 03:22 AM
I get the same responces with Fist of the North Star (<-- its geting another box set in america :) ) and Cardcaptors.

Sure go ahead.

July 29th, 10, 08:15 PM
I recently watched Getter Robo Armageddon on youtube. If you can handle the sheer absurdity of it, you'll enjoy it. I also found the old Getter Robo manga on onemanga, which was quite pleasing.
Another show that comes up frequently in discussions like this is After War Gundam X. I personally wasn't able to watch all of it, but I sure wanted to.

July 30th, 10, 04:11 AM
I feel the same way with Z-Z Gundam.

July 30th, 10, 04:32 AM
I'd say most of the gundam series are underrated because the series they decided to translate first were the worst ones. Most American's first experience with gundam was Mobile Suit Gundam Wing which is terrible.

Bandit Keith
July 30th, 10, 04:44 AM
G-gundam is the only good one to me.

September 26th, 10, 09:48 AM
i would say.... shinzo!! i may be wrong

September 26th, 10, 03:37 PM
I'd have to say that Kuchu Buranko is an underrated anime show. It is quite outstanding but the first few episodes might scare away viewers because it dares to be different and stand out from other anime.

October 12th, 10, 09:40 PM
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water is one off the top of my head. Outstanding anime that few know about in todays ADD driven action animes. Gungrave is another anime I think more people should really watch, it is like someone animated a Scorsese flick.

October 13th, 10, 02:07 AM
Well Nadia and gungrave have a high cult following.

Witch hunter Mikami needs its tv series released over her like seriously. To me the series is a love child of The Slayers and Yu Yu Hakushow.

Also they need to bring a Yojimbo Usagi cartoon/Anime over here as well. If teenage mutant ninja turtle's highlighted the eary/late 90's/80's and agine i the mid 00's magine a furrier Rurumi Kenshin without the jump.

Kaiketsu Zorori would be awsome dubed as well.

October 13th, 10, 02:18 AM
What about Future Boy Conan, we have yet to see this classic Hayao Miyazaki series in any form of American relese. Shame to, the episodes I have seen (torrent web sites) are great. As much as most Americans love Miyazaki it never made since for this to not be picked up. I dp agree Yojimbo Usagi would be a cool one to see, don't see it happen anytime soon.

November 8th, 10, 02:47 AM
Their is a lot of under rated dubbed and raw anime series out there, but the one I would like to poin t out is Burst Angel. It is dubbed by fundamation (anime) and translated by tokyopop (manga). It might be diffrent in other areas, yet were I'm at nobody talks about it or even has heard of it. I will not spoil the show, so here is a first episode:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yiz7xKpXDfY ,

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goIspYpZCls ,

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-Kl86g2eIU .

I know this is heard of but as I said nobody talks about it kind of similar to Jojo's bizarre circus's popularity outside of Japan. Personaly I like both that I've listed but I just wanted to focus on Burst Angel.

__________________________________________________ _______


-You can agree or disagree with whays posted.

-If you post an other series try not to spoil it and please show a sample (like episodes, openings, closeing, a pic.)

-Try to stay on context. (please behave)


the video is not available

November 8th, 10, 02:48 AM
jojob60 yur video is not availaible

November 8th, 10, 04:58 AM
I am saden by this turn of events.

I beleive Nanaka 6/17 is underrated and needs popuarity.

December 29th, 10, 03:06 AM
this one isn't so much "under rated", i think, as it is unknown to the masses:

Yoshinaga-san shi no Gargoyle (Gargoyle of Yoshinaga House)

It's a mahou, fantasy, adventure. (not to mention looks like it's for kids but isn't.)

I recommend it. and if you don't like it it's only 13 episodes long.

P.S.: i would post a link, but i'm on a Wii. BUT it IS on youtube.