View Full Version : Video Game Regression Volume 2 prequal?

September 20th, 09, 05:13 PM
As some of you may know, Gmans goal is to make Larxene find her heart but has to do a couple things to do so, so during the thread, I wanted Gman to put Larxene into some kind of deep sleep while HE searched for her heart. In the prequal, Gman would wake her up in a completely different world where the heart is located. Of course, all people in Video Game Regression can be in it. Maybe looking for Larxene? Waddya think?

September 22nd, 09, 01:09 AM
I'm OK with it if anyone else is interested.

September 22nd, 09, 01:37 AM
I love the idea of this roleplay, please let me help you with ideas, and I will join once I have characters for it.

September 22nd, 09, 01:41 AM
a prequeal to a sequel dats not the original *heavy voice* IZ NOT POZZIBLE

September 22nd, 09, 02:17 AM
I'll help if you don't mind