View Full Version : We Love Chikuma! If you like it, I'll upload it!!!

August 18th, 08, 04:46 AM
Holy Moly its small!!!!

August 18th, 08, 05:52 PM
Sorry about so damn small it is.

"Awwww..... Come on Chikuma..... It's not so bad." Ima giggled.

"Whatever you say Ima..... You will NEVER get me to eat that. I've never seen anyone eat the things that you put down your throat...."

Chikuma sighed as he saw the beautiful grey haired demon slayer eating rice with some sort of vinegar on it.....


Chikuma and Ima looked over to see Leiko and Naoko carrying the supplies for when they leave this town.

"You still deny it Chikuma, but I can swear you have a crush on Ima.... If you didn't, you wouldn't be spending so much time with her." Naoko nodded at what Leiko said.

It was true. He did have feelings for the grey-haired girl. Even if her armor and mask annoyed him at times when it magically grew on in battle....

"Believe what you want..."

"Whatever... Wait, what the hell are you eating Ima?? It looks like a mixture of rice and mud! "

"Vinagar Rife." She said while spitting out a mouthful of rice.

"How the hell can you eat that??"


"You know, Naoko is younger then you by like ten years, yet she acts more mature.... Have any ideas why?"

Ima shrugged and continued eating her rice.

"Hurry up Ima.... You guys promised me we could go to the park..... Can we please still go?"

"Wath a secnd Naoko..." Ima finished scarfing down the rest of her rice and continued. "Your seven years old.... Why do we have to take you to the park? Aren't you old enought to go by your self?"

"Don't be silly Ima..... Naoko's still to young." Chikuma said while going through the crap that Lekio and Naoko bought.

"Fine. But, I still think that she's to old for the park. I don't see a lot of kids her age on a playground."

"Your seventeen Ima. Why do you eat vinegar rice?"

Ima grumbled and spit out an answer.

"Because Naoko.... Awww damn it.... Fine... You got me. Anyways, it’s up to Chikuma and Lekio if we go to the park. I don't really care if we go.... I'll get too distracted by all the random crap on the ground because I'll be trying to eat it. It's like a magical wonderland for me. Oh, if I end up missing, cheek the garbage can there's tons of stuff there that I can eat...." Ima said while glaring at Lekio.

"Bad girl! You're going to get grounded and get a spanking if you eat things off the ground!! You could get sick!!" Lekio giggled like a mad women

"Shut your trap Leiko."

"Make me."

"Girls, girls, girls.... If anything Lekio, you act in-mature too."

Lekio looked down in shame as the man she secretly admired called her in-mature. It was like calling Ima in-mature!!! Oh wait, never mind...

"Well??? Can we pllleeeaaassseee go to the park??? I want a break from all this demon slaying!!!" Naoko said with puppy eyes.

"It’s up to Leiko. After all, I was the one that promised."

"Sure. What the hell."

"Thank you!!!!" Naoko said while clinging on to Chikuma's leg.

After they left the restaurant, Ima suddenly stopped and ran in the other direction.

"Where the hell are you going Ima?!?!" The three of them screamed.

"Shit, shit, shit...." Ima grabbed her sword and got ready for battle. Her mask grew on and same as her armor.

The team knew what that meant and sprang into action

Its best to pause the story and tell you everyone’s power.

Ima is a bone-reaper. A bone-reaper is a powerful being with the power to grow armor and control the undead. Think the grime reaper meets swords.

Lekio is a cleric. She heals her alleys and increases there armor strength with a simple flick of the wrist.

Naoko is a form shifter. Hopefully you know what that is... If not, here it is: A form shifter can change their form at their will.

Chikuma is a warrior. It's his job to do heavy melee.

-back to the story-


Out of nowhere, a ghostly figure appeared and stood beside Ima.

"How the fuck do you tell that a demon is going to appear Ima???" Lekio asked curiously.

"No time to explain. Get ready for the demon to appear. Watch out, it's a big sucker."

"Awwww...... I wanted to go to the park...."

"SHUT UP NAOKO! IT'S NOT A GREAT TIME TO BITCH!" Lekio screamed at the poor girl.

"Wkkee saaaeee eeeddddnnnn llllaaaeeeeddd bgggttttdddd"

There it was. A big ass demon getting ready to attake. It took out a horn from it's back and throw it at Lekio. She dogged, but almost didn't make it. Ima's servant tried to attake the demon, but failed missarably and vanished into thin air.

"Awwww shit!! That was my last servant I can summon at the moment!!"

"Suck it up Ima!!! Let's show this mother fucker who’s boss!!!"

"You better be right about the "showing it who’s boss" part Chikuma!"

"Just shut up and let’s do this Ima!!" Lekio screamed


Ima stopped and fell down as a horn went into her leg. The demon laughed at Ima and vanished.

"OH MY GOD! IMA ARE YOU OK?! IMA? IMA? Ima..? Ima....?" Lekio fell to her knees and held Ima.

"What's wrong with her Chikuma??? Will she be ok?"

"I don't know Naoko... I don't know.... For now, we're going to the hospital..... I don't think Lekio can heal her."

"M.... Maybe I can try!!! Y.... You sound like you don't even give shit Chikuma!!!"

"Don't bother Lekio. And I do give shit. Just..... Just..."

"Just what? WHAT?" Lekio said while holding back tears.


Chikauma carried Ima as the other two followed him to the hospital. After five or so minutes and after all the questining looks of the towns people, they were there.

Chikauma rushed in and practicly broke the doors on the way in.

"Good evening sir how...." The lady took one look at Ima resting in Chikuma's arm and pressed a few buttuns on the keyboard from the computer sitting in front of her.

"First room to the left on the second floor. GO!"

"Thank you." Lekio screamed back as they ran.

The three of them rushed into the elevator and once the doors opened, rushed to the room Ima was assined to. A doctor came about a minute later and went directly toward Ima.

"What happened to this poor girl??? Her leg is bleeding up a storm!"

"We... We got attacked by a demon. It threw a horn into her leg. We pulled it out..." Chikuma said with a concerned tone.

"Please step out of the room while I examine her. NOW!"

The three of them stepped out of the room quickly.

"Is she going to be ok? Please be ok. Please be ok!!!!"

"She'll be fine Naoko. I know she will...."

"A.... Are you positive Chikuma?" Lekio asked


"Ok.... I believe you."

"Oh my god!! It's the sign of the apocalypse!!! You believe me!"


About ten minutes later, the doctor came out.

"Well, she’s awake now... tried taking her temperature and she's not letting me. Oh, and she also wet herself... The nurse will be in shortly to take care of that. Other then that, she should be fine in about a day or too. If you three want, you can stay here tonight."

"That would be lovely. Thanks." said Leiko

"Don't mention it ." With that the doctor excused himself and then the nurse came and went into were Ima was.

Leiko waited till the nurse shut the door to speak.

"She wet herself?"

"Apparently so.... I wouldn't make fun of her though. Remember the time you wet yourself on that roller coaster Lekio? Hahaha..... Good times..."

"Ha. Ha. Ha."

"That was funny though Lekio!!!" Naoko said holding in a giggle.

"Like I said, Hahaha."

The nurse came out of Ima's room at told the gang that they could see her. As the nurse left she was muttering that Ima was crazy.

"Ima?" Chikuma said while waving for the others to come in "Are you ok?"

"CHIKUMA!!!!!" Ima screamed in an happy, yet odd way. Kind of like how Naoko greeted people she hadn't seen in a while.

Chikuma came over to where Ima was and looked at her leg. It was all bandaged up.

"Is she ok Chikuma?"

"She seems....errrr....."


"Well, it's..... It's odd seeing her in a diaper, but other then that she looks fine....."


"Hahaha!!! Ima's wearing a diaper!!!"

"Shut up Naoko! It's not funny. Well not that funny..." Lekio said while holding back a laugh.

Chikauma stared at the diaper on Ima. A few minutes or so later of akward silence, the room smelled of piss.

"What the fuck is that smell? Its smells like.... Oh my god..... Did Ima....?"

"If your going to say what I think you're going to say, the answer is yes...." Chikuma said while shaking his head.


"I actually agree with Naoko.... That’s fucking nasty."

"Well, it is, but I don't think she can help it.... Right Ima?"

Chikauma waited for an answer. No response. He looked back over to Ima and found her asleep.

"She's asleep....."

"Probably best to call the nurse in and go... Right?"


"Can we go to the park now?"

"Got to love it. Ima's pissing herself and all you care about is the park..."

Naoko stuck her tongue out at Lekio and let out a few giggles.

(I have part 2 saved somewhere in this computer..... But, I will only upload it if people like it. If you do like it, thank my messed up dreams for this =D)

x HiS MaSteRs DoG x
August 18th, 08, 08:11 PM
wow i love it! can't wait til you upload part 2 xD

August 18th, 08, 08:40 PM
Well thank you =) I can now promise a part 2

August 18th, 08, 10:27 PM
lol interesting story...cant wait for more :D

August 18th, 08, 10:30 PM
again, thank you =) melts my heart knowing that some people like my work =)


"Hey Lekio?" Naoko asked while they started to walk out of the hospital

"Yes Naoko?"

"I was wondering... Is Ima going to be ok? I mean, with the diapers..."

"Honestly, I don't know... What do you think Chikuma?"

"I think that we should stop talking about it for a while. Let's just go to the park."


"Wow Naoko... Your obsessed with the park aren't you?" Chikuma asked


After walking to the park, Naoko ran off to the playground and Chikuma and Lekio walked over to where Naoko was.

"It's a beautiful day out..." Lekio said while looking up at the sky

"Yes it is Lekio. Yes it is..."

In the distance the two could hear Naoko giggling.

"Wow... Naoko is a good kid... She's only a pain in the ass when Ima is around... I wonder why."

"Well, Ima does know how to brighten up the moment." Chikuma said with a slight smile

"Tell me about it... Remember the time she fell into the toilet at that inn? Hahaha. I remember how pissed she was..."

"Hehehe... I also remember you going into the bathroom and slipping on the water and you broke your arm." Lekio grinned as Chikuma talked

"Guys!!! Guys!!!" Naoko came running up to the two of them

"What's the matter Naoko?"

"Ima's here!!! She's in the sandbox!!!"

"WHAT?!” Chikuma screamed

"See Chikuma?" Naoko pointed to the sandbox and it turns out she was right. There sat Ima, playing in the sandbox.