View Full Version : weird powers

Zebra King
January 3rd, 09, 03:56 AM
hello, I was jusrt wondering if anyone had unique powers like psychic abilities, telochenesis. Or just plainly anyrthing that amazes people that you want to share.

I have one power and that is if I talk to you online, I may be able to determine your actual personality and even guess if you have siblings or not. It is weird but i did it with a couple people yesterday on another site and they were surprised.

Zebra King
January 3rd, 09, 04:03 AM
If anyone wants to, I can read them!

January 3rd, 09, 04:07 AM
I'll try it a little later, I'm curious. got people over right now though :P

Zebra King
January 3rd, 09, 04:15 AM
well, first I have to get to know you but sometimes I can be deadly acurate with some things.

Also, I have dashavoe, (not sure if I spelled that right) but I can get into a moment where I knew about something before it happened and that freaks me out because my dad can also do it. He had a dream that a race car driver would be killed and it happened the very next day. He told us about it before it happened and now it sorta creeps me out!

January 3rd, 09, 04:21 AM
ah you gotta know people, well whaddaya wanna know?

and that is freaky ^^

Zebra King
January 3rd, 09, 04:24 AM
well, i actualy mean like talking for a general time.

I could try now but it might not be totaly acurate!

I really dont mind trying

January 3rd, 09, 04:25 AM
well, i actualy mean like talking for a general time.

I could try now but it might not be totaly acurate!

I really dont mind trying

i got a couple friends in the room right now, if we started talkin they'd all be like 'who the fuck is that?'

id be more than happy to try that tomorrow though, we could try typing to each other if you want.

Zebra King
January 3rd, 09, 04:31 AM
sounds fine!

January 3rd, 09, 04:36 AM
I have a "hard to believe", what one might call a “weird power”. It’s supernatural I guess. Also, I'd like to try it with you sometimes and see if you can tell me if I have any siblings or not. ;)

Zebra King
January 3rd, 09, 05:00 AM
well, like I said. I need a little time to talk and I will defidently predict something for you.

January 3rd, 09, 05:29 AM
I'm the man behind the smile.I wouldn't call it a power but people around me see me as a dark and solitary person even tho i'm the opposite.Yet i smile, because smiling makes me happy, and being happy makes me smile.

January 3rd, 09, 05:50 AM
I'm the man behind the smile.I wouldn't call it a power but people around me see me as a dark and solitary person even tho i'm the opposite.Yet i smile, because smiling makes me happy, and being happy makes me smile.

you know i imagined you alot different than that.

Elemental Anon
January 3rd, 09, 06:33 AM
well, first I have to get to know you but sometimes I can be deadly acurate with some things.

Also, I have dashavoe, (not sure if I spelled that right) but I can get into a moment where I knew about something before it happened and that freaks me out because my dad can also do it. He had a dream that a race car driver would be killed and it happened the very next day. He told us about it before it happened and now it sorta creeps me out!
Happens to me all the time actually. A lot of people either call it Deja Vu or a coincidence but that's not how I see it.

Elemental Anon
January 3rd, 09, 06:44 AM
hello, I was jusrt wondering if anyone had unique powers like psychic abilities, telochenesis. Or just plainly anyrthing that amazes people that you want to share.

I have one power and that is if I talk to you online, I may be able to determine your actual personality and even guess if you have siblings or not. It is weird but i did it with a couple people yesterday on another site and they were surprised.
Have you heard of those shows where they make obvious guesses until they "reach" their conclusion? No offense, but, that's how I'd imagine your attempt at predicting my personality and family information. Regardless of what I have just said, I want you to try it on me anyway. Who knows, maybe you are psychic.
The prediction through dreams I do believe and I have as well. The whole thing with predicting my personality is simple if you're given the right clues i.e.: Time to talk with us or knowing us.
If you didn't know us or talk to us then I may be able to call it a psychic power. Try any way, please, I'm curious.

January 5th, 09, 07:02 AM
I came in here expecting some kind of discussion on superpowers and abilities, even though I remember a thread similar to that being done somewhere in the relatively recent past. I am disappointed. :(

Elemental Anon
January 5th, 09, 08:00 AM
This is a dead thread.

January 5th, 09, 11:29 AM
you think?

so zebra_king how would we go about doing this? wanna send me a pm or something? i can do it anytime pretty much.

Elemental Anon
January 5th, 09, 06:22 PM
I'd like for him to give it a try on me too.

x HiS MaSteRs DoG x
January 5th, 09, 09:07 PM
I'm the man behind the smile.I wouldn't call it a power but people around me see me as a dark and solitary person even tho i'm the opposite.Yet i smile, because smiling makes me happy, and being happy makes me smile.

lol, couldn't you tell by his default pic? the smiling Ichigo is a give away XD