View Full Version : We're back!

September 18th, 12, 03:55 PM
Dear all
It’s official now, we’re back and better than ever. Thanks to the help and support of our new admin, Akuma, we are officially back in business.

First of all, an explanation is required. At the start of this year I was laid off from my job with no redundancy package. I did make pleas for regular donations but unfortunately while donations came in at the time the pleas went out, the next month there would be nothing. The sites could not continue without regular financial support and eventually we lost the servers because the bill was overdue and I did not have the spare funds to pay it. It was a heart wrenching decision to let the servers go but having no money to pay the bill left me with no choice. We had really been living on borrowed time since the start of the year and the inevitable happened in March.

Thanks to the generosity of Akuma we have been able to bring back the servers on a month to month basis. While Akuma has made assurances he will do all he can to make sure the servers won’t go down again, and says we have at least 12 months, the sites are only going to be safe as long as we’re receiving donations guys… You’ve all experienced the heartbreak of watching it die once. Don’t let it happen again! Rest assured, if you are a member of the sister sites – they are returning too. There is much work to do on each setting everything back up. Currently back up and running are: http://animeotk.com and http://diaperedanime.com - stay tuned for the others to come back shortly!

We have lost a little data as the hosting company for the old servers would not allow me to copy any data from them the minute the bill was overdue, deleted the data 2 days after the billing date, and my most recent offline backup was around two months old. However, this is a small price to pay for having our community back I hope. Artists are invited to re-upload any missing works and any works they have created in the time since everything went down.

During the restoration of the sites we have made some much needed script updates. The gallery is now running on a new version which in my opinion looks much neater and more streamlined. Several of the plugins we make use of on the forum have also had updates applied to them. Bear with us for a short time as there will be errors and problems we need to fix and we shall be doing our best to sort things as soon as they are encountered. Akuma is also planning some personal customizations to the site that a lot of people have been wanting and that should really make things better. You should be hearing more about these very soon.

September 18th, 12, 07:43 PM
I'm glad the site is back uo, I have been waintg on it since April ^o^

September 19th, 12, 10:20 AM
Nice to see you guys back!

September 19th, 12, 03:29 PM
Whoa, I actually gave up on this place. Welcome back

September 19th, 12, 03:47 PM
I'm glad this website is back.
We all owe a lot to Akuma. Thank you.

miku kojitsu
September 19th, 12, 05:06 PM
im so glad its back... a little miffed that I had to make a new acount.. but im just... so glad its back!

September 19th, 12, 05:21 PM
The only reason you'd have to make a new account is if your original account was created after february. Was this the case?

Little Rei
September 19th, 12, 10:26 PM
great to see DA is back in business

September 19th, 12, 11:09 PM
I'm so happy! I never thought I'd see it here again. It's so great see things up and running again^_^.

Bandit Keith
September 19th, 12, 11:43 PM
Thank F***ing God I was worried I'd never see this site up again,Also it seems a thread of mine was removed can I get a answer why ?

September 20th, 12, 06:30 PM
Read the first post - we lost about 2 months worth of data ;) Your thread was probably created in that period of time

Bandit Keith
September 20th, 12, 06:34 PM
Opps I kind skimmed over it do to I was so glad the site was back and couldn't concentrate on reading the hole thing

September 20th, 12, 07:10 PM
Glad to see the site back up. I was sad when it had to get taken down.

September 22nd, 12, 07:49 AM
Been a while, though I am unsure if I will ever be on here anymore, after this little visit. Nice to see it back up nonetheless.

September 24th, 12, 04:45 AM
Decided to visit the site on a whim but, to my surprise it was back up I'm filled to the brim with joy

September 26th, 12, 05:07 AM
Oh man...alright, I didn't visit here on a whim. I'm not associated with other sites like this one, so about twice a month, if not more, every month since it's gone down, I've been checking up on this place. Today...this is... *takes a moment to catch breath* ...this is just great. I'm so happy for you all...I hadn't the ability to do so before, but I may be able to donate now that I'm established. You guys are awesome.

I do have...one regret. As an RPer, I've prided myself in my strange ability to do so. This was the first place I ever did it, and I must say, I was damn good at it. Well...two of my all-time favorite RPs were in progress when the site went down. In fact, I was editing one of the posts RIGHT when the site went down - traumatic experience, I know. Didn't even get to submit. Anyway, those are gone now. Oh...how I loved them-Uh OH AAAnyway heheh I'm really happy you guys are back. I hope I can connect with old buddies again!

September 27th, 12, 11:30 AM
Oh, Happy Day! It's the return of Diapered Anime!

I checked every day for the site's return since it went down in the middle of April. But as the months passed, I checked less often - First once a week, then every other week (All the while checking for updates from Stoner on the OTK blogspot that he created) This month, I decided to only check once a month (Today). I was beginning to lose all hope until to my pleasant surprise, Diapered Anime is back! So of course, I'll be back (Who didn't know that cliche was coming?!).

Thank You Akuma and Ai for generously restoring and maintaining our community. May Diapered Anime have a longer run than ever before!

September 27th, 12, 03:27 PM
Wow, I actually gave up on this place. Welcome back

September 30th, 12, 11:27 PM
Aha... I had never removed this place from my browser speed dial because I knew this place was going to be back eventually... I was quite surprised to see it reload to an actual page. ^^

Quite glad this place is back...

The gallery is now running on a new version which in my opinion looks much neater and more streamlined.

Unfortunately, it seems as though it now irreversibly (No way to switch it back) shows the mobile interface in Opera unless you mask it as another browser... :o

October 5th, 12, 01:21 PM
Glad to see our site is back, i checked my email today i used to this site only to find out it's back up :)

Robert T. T.
October 5th, 12, 09:37 PM
well I sertainly missed it! I thought it was gone for good but boy am I happy to see its alive and well.

October 6th, 12, 06:48 AM
Heyo, Long time lurker first time poster, I just wanted to say that I'm overjoyed that this place is back up and incredibly appreciative of the people who keep it running. I would donate if I could but at this point in time it's not really an option for me. Keep up the good work.

October 8th, 12, 03:34 AM
Admittedly, I had given up on seeing this place again. I'm glad the random urge to try it again revealed that it had returned.

Omutsu no Jutsu
October 27th, 12, 05:55 PM
Really glad this site is back up! Ive been gone for a long while but my life finally has attained some stabilty since then. Go Diapered Anime Forever!