View Full Version : why do people bash both forms of animation?

Bandit Keith
July 21st, 10, 06:52 PM
warning alittle bit of ranting not much.as in keeping it level headed with afew cuss words.[note to mod's please understand I em just putting my views out there.]

ok first off I realy want your view points about why people bash one form animation.

now my views to bashing cartoon's people don't know the good cartoons.

now as for cartoon haters first and for most fuck off with saying almost all if not all cartoons suck. cartoons have went down hill abit for years but then it took a noise dive around 2000.yes I love old cartoon's.I also think it's because there's anime extremist's that fell the need to bash any animation thats not anime.[which is Ironic saying it on a anime sight where there's bound to be atlest afew anime extremist's]

now as for anime haters.
I think they know almost only mainstream if not all mainstream stuff .I will admit I like mainstream anime and none mainstream anime. I have also noted they have a habit of saying that dbz is the oldest anime out there.which its not anyway there is also cartoon extremists that fell the need to bash none American animation.

July 21st, 10, 07:01 PM
People like and dislike different things and there's bound to be people who will voice thoose oppinions thinking that they're right and every one else is wrong which unfurtunately then someone tries argueing with them

This is also my explanation off Flame wars

July 22nd, 10, 01:50 AM
Who the hell cares? Let them think what they want. You're trying to tell people with certain opinions to "fuck off". Why do you care? It's their choice, not yours. I don't see why people get butt hurt when someone says "Oh, anime is the gayest shit ever. Fucking weaboos.". Do you get mad when somebody says that? I certainly don't. It applies to everything. Learn to deal with it or don't browse the internet.

Pointless thread is pointless.

Bandit Keith
July 22nd, 10, 02:10 AM
I em just tired of haters that's why.

July 22nd, 10, 02:20 AM
There will always be haters dood just as soon as someone likes something someone else hates it with a passion Just how life works

September 14th, 10, 04:20 AM
Just ignore something that you disagree with

September 14th, 10, 09:36 AM
This might be nostalgia goggles speaking but most current gen cartoons and anime do indeed suck. That isn't to say that all cartoons or anime suck, just anything that seems to have come out in the past 10 years or so.

Anime has for instance great classics like Akira, Vampire Hunter D, Fist of the Northstar, Trigun, Cowboy Beebop... Shows like Naruto and Bleach can't even hold a candle to those shows, in comparison they just suck.

Again I stipulate that not all anime sucks... In fact there are current gen anime that I do like, Sword of the Stranger was an amazing example of something worthwhile to watch. But it seems for every good anime out there there are fifty bad ones.

The same could be said for western animation. This might be nostalgia goggles on my part but in my opinion the 80s and 90s were the golden age of western cartoons. Dexters Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, Two Stupid Dogs, Freakazoid, Animaniacs, Xmen, Batman the Animated Series, Spiderman the Animated Series, Powerpuff Girls, Tiny Toon Adventures, Pinky and the Brain.

I could literally go on with that list. All of those shows above pretty much put anything like Johnny Test, or Spongebob Squarepants, or whatever other shit they're spewing out these days to shame.

Don't get me wrong, again there are some good shows that are out in this generation on the Western end too. Avatar is a prime example, I also liked Ben 10, and as much as other people hate it I have the weird enough sense of humor to like Chowder.

Its not that I think animation is bad at all, I just think that we've been oversaturated by shit. Again for every good show there's at least ten shitty shows.

That's my take on the current state of animation.

Bandit Keith
September 14th, 10, 01:13 PM
This might be nostalgia goggles speaking but most current gen cartoons and anime do indeed suck. That isn't to say that all cartoons or anime suck, just anything that seems to have come out in the past 10 years or so.

Anime has for instance great classics like Akira, Vampire Hunter D, Fist of the Northstar, Trigun, Cowboy Beebop... Shows like Naruto and Bleach can't even hold a candle to those shows, in comparison they just suck.

Again I stipulate that not all anime sucks... In fact there are current gen anime that I do like, Sword of the Stranger was an amazing example of something worthwhile to watch. But it seems for every good anime out there there are fifty bad ones.

The same could be said for western animation. This might be nostalgia goggles on my part but in my opinion the 80s and 90s were the golden age of western cartoons. Dexters Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, Two Stupid Dogs, Freakazoid, Animaniacs, Xmen, Batman the Animated Series, Spiderman the Animated Series, Powerpuff Girls, Tiny Toon Adventures, Pinky and the Brain.

I could literally go on with that list. All of those shows above pretty much put anything like Johnny Test, or Spongebob Squarepants, or whatever other shit they're spewing out these days to shame.

Don't get me wrong, again there are some good shows that are out in this generation on the Western end too. Avatar is a prime example, I also liked Ben 10, and as much as other people hate it I have the weird enough sense of humor to like Chowder.

Its not that I think animation is bad at all, I just think that we've been oversaturated by shit. Again for every good show there's at least ten shitty shows.

That's my take on the current state of animation.

Agreed you are like me there on those thoughts tho Samurai Jack and Mega's Xlr are two very good ones aswell anyway yay ever sense 2,00o cartoons have been getting shitty.

September 15th, 10, 12:34 PM
Think of the quality of animation like economics it is in a recession one day it will bounce back stronger than ever. we just have to hold on and wait.

September 16th, 10, 12:42 AM
Think of the quality of animation like economics it is in a recession one day it will bounce back stronger than ever. we just have to hold on and wait.

Your argument is flawed.

In the 80s we were in a recession as well (Admittedly not as big a recession as this one.) but a lot of memorable cartoons came out in the 80s. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for instance aired in 1987, Transformers aired even before that, plus there was GI Joe and a lot of other shows that are considered classic.

Its not necessarily about the animation quality of a show, its about the content.

Bandit Keith
September 16th, 10, 01:03 AM
Your argument is flawed.

In the 80s we were in a recession as well (Admittedly not as big a recession as this one.) but a lot of memorable cartoons came out in the 80s. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for instance aired in 1987, Transformers aired even before that, plus there was GI Joe and a lot of other shows that are considered classic.

Its not necessarily about the animation quality of a show, its about the content.

So true after all the shit fest of cartoons of MOST cartoons from 2,000 and up are nothing but shit .Tho theres afew good one mixed in there but not many. Now what I see as even odder is channels made for cartoons are turning to that so called''live action''shit.

anyway I joined the world of pure anime and old cartoons once the world turned batty

September 21st, 10, 09:31 PM
Thrash said it well for me. On another notice...

Anime has for instance great classics like Akira, Vampire Hunter D, Fist of the Northstar, Trigun, Cowboy Beebop... Shows like Naruto and Bleach can't even hold a candle to those shows, in comparison they just suck.

Lulz... I dunno about everyone else here, but calling Fist of the Northstar, Trigun and Cowboy Bebop good anime is like saying DBZ is somewhat tolerable entertainment. Nostalgia (as in "what was hot when I was younger and not so fat") just doesn't convince me that something should be considered good. And for the record: yes I've seen all of the three mentioned above. They're on the same level as Bleach for my part (Naruto have I not seen yet, so I cannot judge in that matter).

September 22nd, 10, 10:03 PM
Thrash said it well for me. On another notice...

Lulz... I dunno about everyone else here, but calling Fist of the Northstar, Trigun and Cowboy Bebop good anime is like saying DBZ is somewhat tolerable entertainment. Nostalgia (as in "what was hot when I was younger and not so fat") just doesn't convince me that something should be considered good. And for the record: yes I've seen all of the three mentioned above. They're on the same level as Bleach for my part (Naruto have I not seen yet, so I cannot judge in that matter).


October 12th, 10, 09:35 PM
I can understand Fist, can be a bit out there but Trigun and Cowboy Bebop? Bebop is one of the most highly regarded animes to reach western audiences. For me an anime does not get better. Trigun can be a bit immature at times but the characters are what really grow on you. Could be just a preference of taste, you compared them to Bleach. I HATE Bleach but to each their own.

October 21st, 10, 09:25 PM
Saying that all cartoons or anime suck and that there are no good ones left is like saying that there is only dirt in the ground and diamonds don't exist.

Digging around for the good stuff is half the fun.

Anyone see Panty and stocking? Its a huge homage (or commentary) to american cartoons and stereotypes.

October 21st, 10, 10:08 PM
Ture but you have to admit that there is far more crap anime out there then good anime. Can make some people sterotype all anime as crap just becasee they had a bad experience with a few bad shows. Have yet to see Panty and stocking but it is on my list just because Gainax is making it. Can't go wrong with the studio the made Gurren LAggon and FLCL. It did just come out, I always wait till a anime is done before I give it a watch, I hate waiting in between episodes.