View Full Version : Why do you like manga/ anime?

September 27th, 09, 10:22 PM
After going over the manga and anime section of this here board, I couldn't locate a similar thread, so I thought "why the hell not, go for it!"... and voila.

So the general gist goes like this: what is so great with manga/ anime that makes us want to spend so much time reading or seeing it? I'd like to hear some thoughts around that question, because it has been buggering my musical concentration of late.

For me, I think that it's excellent at creating atmosphere, putting in a lot of intensity and allowing the plotwriters a whole lot of freedom for what they can include, which usually is limited by economic consideration, especially when it comes to the film industry. Manga especially can allow itself to be extravagant (everything with a certain amount of moderation of course), much in the way books can. And thus manga presents itself to me as a great platform for very poetically extravagant expression, and to be brutally honest, I like that.

But what do you think about it?

November 10th, 09, 04:24 AM
like a movie but shorter

November 10th, 09, 05:15 AM
Well some people smoke, drink, fight, watch sports, or collect stamp inorder to releve themseleves from the harshness that life likes to slice. I watch anime from that reason and start to appreciate its effort is story, art, very rarly the music, and refreashing intrests like I am mad and can't think straight, so I'll watch Beserk or cheer up with either Ranma 1/2 or Super Gals.

Originaly, I started watching anime because I was trying to track down Satam Sonic and discovered Sailor moon on the Usa kids mornning line up.

March 22nd, 10, 06:12 PM
The over-the-top exaggerations and the sort of bizarre content you'd just never really find in media elsewhere, I suppose!

Bandit Keith
March 23rd, 10, 10:13 PM
well to me its just better them most cartoons and comics in the USA today.