View Full Version : Why Do You Download Anime?

Toddler Naruto
April 12th, 11, 08:12 PM
I'll go first.

I download anime because I don't have a job and my allowance pays for both the Internet and for Netflix.

(I do still buy anime, but I wait for super cheap deals, like those S.A.V.E. Box Sets from FUNimation)

April 14th, 11, 02:58 AM
Most of my anime is on Netflix, which is a friends account that I use... So I still get it for free. Anything I download isn't on Netflix, and therefore, I can't watch it without that. If I can watch it without that, then it's just too expensive, like paying $20 for four episodes of FLCL...

April 15th, 11, 05:05 AM
I don't Download anime anymore ... I just watch the streams all over the net. I can finish a series faster that way. I always have the intent of buying the series if its good afterwards. Example ... Elfen Lied was a must buy . .so I did.

April 16th, 11, 03:26 PM

April 19th, 11, 04:08 AM
I download anime because for a fact that it is free and you can watch it or read it whenever and whatever you want.

April 21st, 11, 12:18 AM
I dowload them so i can put them on my phone and watch them anytime i want. Else i just watch the streams. I might buy the Lucky star blue ray box when it is released but it is quite expensive (around 400 usd i think).

April 25th, 11, 07:28 AM

My face when somebody actually buys anything that's download-able.

I download anime because I'm not wasting my money. I also torrent music, games, and movies. I don't buy the music or movies, but I will sometimes buy the game if I like it enough. Otherwise. HA!

May 7th, 11, 12:58 AM

My face when somebody actually buys anything that's download-able.

I download anime because I'm not wasting my money. I also torrent music, games, and movies. I don't buy the music or movies, but I will sometimes buy the game if I like it enough. Otherwise. HA!

Eh. There are very good reasons to buy the rarer titles. Often, if a title doesn't get paid for in the US, the US production teams take that as a sign that the authors/genre are not successful and carry less of it. Saying that your mouth wants to punch the face of people who actually purchase the shows they like is remarkably short sighted, especially considering the developments of the last decade or so, since a lot of Japanese studios produce now with the thinking that possible profits for their titles in the US can keep the studio open.

It's less important for larger titles, like Naruto, Love Hina, etc., to name a few majors of the last decade, but when it comes to niche titles, people purchasing it and downloading it can (and does) influence the release of future titles of similar bent and styling.

So please, don't criticize those of us who pay for the shows we actually like. It's incredibly rude.

Bandit Keith
May 7th, 11, 04:47 PM
Eh. There are very good reasons to buy the rarer titles. Often, if a title doesn't get paid for in the US, the US production teams take that as a sign that the authors/genre are not successful and carry less of it. Saying that your mouth wants to punch the face of people who actually purchase the shows they like is remarkably short sighted, especially considering the developments of the last decade or so, since a lot of Japanese studios produce now with the thinking that possible profits for their titles in the US can keep the studio open.

It's less important for larger titles, like Naruto, Love Hina, etc., to name a few majors of the last decade, but when it comes to niche titles, people purchasing it and downloading it can (and does) influence the release of future titles of similar bent and styling.

So please, don't criticize those of us who pay for the shows we actually like. It's incredibly rude.

What that person said mostly seeing as anime companies are dieing from the fact to many people illegibly and legally download it from sites,see if you look at the past few years and the anime thats being made for quality,not popularity albeit sometimes its both . Theres been downsizing in even the popular anime not to forget the good animes are even less now.

Not to forget the online streaming albeit it does make sense on online streaming for using it in a way akin to a ''try before you buy'' sense or if the anime is at a viewing wise online or tv wise but not buying wise

I will say theres afew animes I download but thats like the incredibly short series for example Fooly Cooly or the ova Bastard as those are very short. Anime movies are another I will download aswell,Last anime I download are the hard to find animes on dvd be it subbed or dubbed so even though I download anime I try to keep it at a bare minimum.

NOTE I mean hard to find anime on dvd as you basically have little to no choice if you want it other then search to hell and back on the net for a place that SELLS it on dvd or you can't find it for sale at all like YU-GI-OH SEASON 0 hsve yet to find it affordable

Heck company's in general that produce products you can download illegally and legally are dieing like games ,music, movies and misalliances other things. I do admit I download that stuff at times but barely as at times you can't find it anymore

May 7th, 11, 05:59 PM
Because my internet sucks. T_T Lot easier watching an episode on your own player than waiting minutes and sometimes even hours for a twenty five minute video to load... though when I buy the DVDs I delete the files on my computer.

May 7th, 11, 06:35 PM

My face when somebody actually buys anything that's download-able.

I download anime because I'm not wasting my money. I also torrent music, games, and movies. I don't buy the music or movies, but I will sometimes buy the game if I like it enough. Otherwise. HA!

Yes this I would totally disagree with it. They put their time and effort into something that you would enjoy watching. It's their job and they need to support themselves and their families. The least you could do is support them and actually buy the series. If you consider buying anime, music, or movies a waste of money, then maybe you should just stop watching/listening if it's that unimportant to you.

Unlike some people I am not some cheap skate and am willing to pay for things I enjoy to support them. I look at it this way. I wouldn't want to work for free, so why would anyone else?

The only reason you see it that way is because you are somewhat safe behind a computer. But you can as easily go into a resturaunt and eat for free, but you would easily get caught. Thieves get no respect in my book, it just proves to me what kind of a loser they are. There is only one way I don't mind a theif and thats only for survival purposes.

Edit: Going to get rid of that last part. Feel it's a little to inapropriate. Just going to say though be careful. It's not hard to get information about someone. I also think the last thing you want is someone reporting you and you having a lawsuit on your hands later on down the road.

May 10th, 11, 02:10 AM
So this is pretty much a "Why do you pirate?" Thread?!?! You know this is the one thing that REALLY PISSES me off. All I here is "I'm too cheap", but guess what while you pirate games and shows the companies are scaling back distribution of anime in the USA. If you want any Funimation titles simply go to there Youtube where they have posted every single anime that they have online for free. Also I don't buy the whole notion of the "Download it illegally to try then buy". Tell that to the makers of the shows and games that you enjoy. They will laugh at your face then sue your A$$ for copyright infringement. There are legit services to try before you buy its called Gamefly or Netflix. Its the same type of people that shut down the PSN and why I can't get online to hang out. The hackers only reason was because Sony was protecting its assets and sued a hacker. Its these people that need to not only be punched in the face but also made sterile and never able to reproduce because they are the scum of the earth. Anyone who doesn't see anything wrong with stealing needs to be punched. I used to download games but then I actually matured and gained morale compass. Pirating is such an immature thing to do. Don't have money then how about getting a job or mowing people's yards? I hope you all get viruses that spread your personal info around and destroy your life. I'm sorry but thats what pirates deserve.

May 10th, 11, 05:08 AM

My face when somebody actually buys anything that's download-able.

[ ....] I also torrent music, games, and movies. I don't buy the music or movies, but I will sometimes buy the game if I like it enough. Otherwise. HA!Practically this pretty much.

Bandit Keith
May 10th, 11, 06:21 AM
So this is pretty much a "Why do you pirate?" Thread?!?! You know this is the one thing that REALLY PISSES me off. All I here is "I'm too cheap", but guess what while you pirate games and shows the companies are scaling back distribution of anime in the USA. If you want any Funimation titles simply go to there Youtube where they have posted every single anime that they have online for free. Also I don't buy the whole notion of the "Download it illegally to try then buy". Tell that to the makers of the shows and games that you enjoy. They will laugh at your face then sue your A$$ for copyright infringement. There are legit services to try before you buy its called Gamefly or Netflix. Its the same type of people that shut down the PSN and why I can't get online to hang out. The hackers only reason was because Sony was protecting its assets and sued a hacker. Its these people that need to not only be punched in the face but also made sterile and never able to reproduce because they are the scum of the earth. Anyone who doesn't see anything wrong with stealing needs to be punched. I used to download games but then I actually matured and gained morale compass. Pirating is such an immature thing to do. Don't have money then how about getting a job or mowing people's yards? I hope you all get viruses that spread your personal info around and destroy your life. I'm sorry but thats what pirates deserve.

Mostly yeah but for me I can't find Fooly cooly at a affordable most anime I can but damn is that anime hard to find reasonable priced were I'm at. Still only good thing about websites like say for example youtube on anime I would watch afew eps of some random anime to see if I like it. Thereby knowing if I would be using my money on a dvd of something I like.

Anyway a side note the psn online network is still up,when was it ever shutdown?

May 10th, 11, 07:05 AM
Eh. There are very good reasons to buy the rarer titles. Often, if a title doesn't get paid for in the US, the US production teams take that as a sign that the authors/genre are not successful and carry less of it. Saying that your mouth wants to punch the face of people who actually purchase the shows they like is remarkably short sighted, especially considering the developments of the last decade or so, since a lot of Japanese studios produce now with the thinking that possible profits for their titles in the US can keep the studio open.

It's less important for larger titles, like Naruto, Love Hina, etc., to name a few majors of the last decade, but when it comes to niche titles, people purchasing it and downloading it can (and does) influence the release of future titles of similar bent and styling.

So please, don't criticize those of us who pay for the shows we actually like. It's incredibly rude.

Rude? You obviously haven't seen the majority of my posts on this forum. Now, I'm pretty sure that there are many more people buying the actual releases then downloading them or streaming them seeing as most people will be sheep and "feel bad" about downloading. I honestly think buying it is a waste of money, mostly because when I watch something, I usually never look at it again unless it's REALLY good. That's why I never bother buying movies. So don't call it short sighted. It really isn't. I don't really care if you think this is a "stupid" or "insensitive" reason to not buy.

Of course music and games are a bit different then tv shows or movies. As I've said most of the games I download I end up buying. All the music I download, however, I never end up buying. There are so many people buying their music every day that a few thousand people downloading it every week won't put a dent in their sales. Actually it doesn't do anything to their sales. I'll explain this a tad later.

Yes this I would totally disagree with it. They put their time and effort into something that you would enjoy watching. It's their job and they need to support themselves and their families. The least you could do is support them and actually buy the series. If you consider buying anime, music, or movies a waste of money, then maybe you should just stop watching/listening if it's that unimportant to you.

Oh boy here we go. You make them sound like they are on the shit end of the stick with this ENTIRE paragraph. Seriously. "Oh no! They won't be able to make it because a percentage of users are downloading the content they created even though they get paid for the views they got when it was on tv and the amount of purchases that were made for the shit they had put on DVD!! Golly gee!" Fucking retarded.

Now I'm sure I've stated it somewhere on this forum but not in this thread - I love music. Now why on earth would I stop listening to music just because I don't buy it? Stupidest mother fucking statement ever. As for anime I do occasionally enjoy a few series. Movies I could really go either way on this. There are so many terrible movies that just keep being rushed out it's not even funny.

Unlike some people I am not some cheap skate and am willing to pay for things I enjoy to support them. I look at it this way. I wouldn't want to work for free, so why would anyone else?

*Yaaaaaawn~* I am a "cheap skate". I just prefer spending my money on other things. Like gas, car tabs, insurance, other bills, the bars. You know. The essentials. In before "Hurr durr. Then don't watch them if you don't want to pay for them". Heard quite enough of that already.

The only reason you see it that way is because you are somewhat safe behind a computer. But you can as easily go into a resturaunt and eat for free, but you would easily get caught. Thieves get no respect in my book, it just proves to me what kind of a loser they are. There is only one way I don't mind a theif and thats only for survival purposes.

"Thieves". "Thieves"? You're going to call pirates thieves. Remember that part I said I'd get to a tad later? This is it. It's not theft. No matter how you want to argue it, it is not theft in anyway shape or form. PIRATING is downloading a copy of something somebody else has already BOUGHT. You know when somebody says that the creators of "Whatever they made" are losing money because people are downloading it? It's not lost profit. It's potential profit. They didn't lose shit. That could have been a guy who bought one of their products, but instead he decided to get a free copy from somebody else. See how that works? Stealing? Not on your mother fucking life. You can't in any way compare this to "eating at a restaurant". It's not the same thing. At all. Don't worry though. You're not the only one to be wrong on this, as there are many more where that came from and there have been many more before you too.

Edit: Going to get rid of that last part. Feel it's a little to inapropriate. Just going to say though be careful. It's not hard to get information about someone. I also think the last thing you want is someone reporting you and you having a lawsuit on your hands later on down the road.

Now, I'm not sure what you had said before seeing as I just looked at this thread. Somehow I'd like to know so I could prove you wrong, but nevertheless.

Oh, and this is for the post below yours, brabbit. I'd quote him too, but I don't think I need to dignify his post with a quote.

You should know that not everyone is a moron and downloads virus's like yourself. There are those people that aren't computer illiterate scrubs. So no worries about that.

And no. Pirates aren't the same type of people that took down PSN, but it was funny as fuck. Those are the real internet thieves. Hope your credit card information got stolen there. =)

And for the record, this is my argument. Let's see what you have to say, hm?

May 10th, 11, 02:26 PM
Rude? You obviously haven't seen the majority of my posts on this forum. Now, I'm pretty sure that there are many more people buying the actual releases then downloading them or streaming them seeing as most people will be sheep and "feel bad" about downloading. I honestly think buying it is a waste of money, mostly because when I watch something, I usually never look at it again unless it's REALLY good. That's why I never bother buying movies. So don't call it short sighted. It really isn't. I don't really care if you think this is a "stupid" or "insensitive" reason to not buy.

Of course music and games are a bit different then tv shows or movies. As I've said most of the games I download I end up buying. All the music I download, however, I never end up buying. There are so many people buying their music every day that a few thousand people downloading it every week won't put a dent in their sales. Actually it doesn't do anything to their sales. I'll explain this a tad later.

Oh boy here we go. You make them sound like they are on the shit end of the stick with this ENTIRE paragraph. Seriously. "Oh no! They won't be able to make it because a percentage of users are downloading the content they created even though they get paid for the views they got when it was on tv and the amount of purchases that were made for the shit they had put on DVD!! Golly gee!" Fucking retarded.

Now I'm sure I've stated it somewhere on this forum but not in this thread - I love music. Now why on earth would I stop listening to music just because I don't buy it? Stupidest mother fucking statement ever. As for anime I do occasionally enjoy a few series. Movies I could really go either way on this. There are so many terrible movies that just keep being rushed out it's not even funny.

*Yaaaaaawn~* I am a "cheap skate". I just prefer spending my money on other things. Like gas, car tabs, insurance, other bills, the bars. You know. The essentials. In before "Hurr durr. Then don't watch them if you don't want to pay for them". Heard quite enough of that already.

"Thieves". "Thieves"? You're going to call pirates thieves. Remember that part I said I'd get to a tad later? This is it. It's not theft. No matter how you want to argue it, it is not theft in anyway shape or form. PIRATING is downloading a copy of something somebody else has already BOUGHT. You know when somebody says that the creators of "Whatever they made" are losing money because people are downloading it? It's not lost profit. It's potential profit. They didn't lose shit. That could have been a guy who bought one of their products, but instead he decided to get a free copy from somebody else. See how that works? Stealing? Not on your mother fucking life. You can't in any way compare this to "eating at a restaurant". It's not the same thing. At all. Don't worry though. You're not the only one to be wrong on this, as there are many more where that came from and there have been many more before you too.

Now, I'm not sure what you had said before seeing as I just looked at this thread. Somehow I'd like to know so I could prove you wrong, but nevertheless.

Oh, and this is for the post below yours, brabbit. I'd quote him too, but I don't think I need to dignify his post with a quote.

You should know that not everyone is a moron and downloads virus's like yourself. There are those people that aren't computer illiterate scrubs. So no worries about that.

And no. Pirates aren't the same type of people that took down PSN, but it was funny as fuck. Those are the real internet thieves. Hope your credit card information got stolen there. =)

And for the record, this is my argument. Let's see what you have to say, hm?

Well for one, it is actually stealing. There is a copyright on that music, video, or game. Obtaining a copy through pirating is considerd stealing by law. Unless you wanna go to a law inforcment agency and ask yourself. Just because you think it's not stealing, doesn't mean you are right lol. I would like to see you explain that to a judge or officer XD ... see how far you get rofl. Fact is, you didn't pay for it, so you shouldn't have a copy at all. Doesn't matter who you got it from.

As for the industry. You are totally right. You downloading will not put much of a dent in there profits. However anime does matter. The industry for anime has been doing horrible. Many artists are leaving their jobs because they can't earn enough and are making under minimum wage. Why do you think companies such as ADV no longer exist? Even newtype usa stoped producing there magazine and they even stated it's because the industry sucks.

Don't believe me? Here is a link to Japantimes with an article about it. http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20090304f1.html .. now keep in mind that article is from 2009 .. it's about 2 years old. But I can assure you, they are not doing any better lol.

Besides that, ya you can still do whatever the heck you want, but realize you are hurting other peoples lives indirectly. No matter how much you deny it, it's a fact. Of course I still think you don't care either way. You would probably say something along the line of "I don't personally know them so I couldn't care less."

So ya, I do agree with you on some of the things you stated. I mean it's true, these stars have plenty of money, so who the heck cares. But don't think that way with everything you download. Not every company or person is rich you know.

Oh and one other thing. I only usually watch things once as well too. I rarley buy movies ... thats why I go to a theater ... duh. One time watch and still supporting the poeple who made the movie. I swear your excuse for that was retarded.

I however do buy anime, because I enjoy anime tons. So even if I don't plan on watching the series again ... I still buy it. Collecting is fun and makes for a very good hobby, you should try it some time ... maybe you would be less of a douche bag rofl. However I don't have to buy it and I can watch it online free of charge and still support the industry. Funimation shows free anime right on their site and they get payed through the comercials and ads. Other anime sites do that as well btw.

I really like to see you argue with what I said here considering all this is true and accurate XD and can even be looked up yourself. Argueing from this point on would only make you look retarded. :p Although I guess it's already to late for that.

Edit: Oh I would also like to point out the definition of stealing is to takes someone elses property with out consent. In which case is exactly what piracy is. For some reason people seem to think it's not stealing if there was no potential profit and no physical copy. The definition of stealing is not "Taking someone elses property that had the potential to make money." No not at all. If I drew something and I had a friend come over with a copy machine with out my permission and copied my drawing ... that is called stealing. I didn't lose anything, but he did take my work.

Now the comment about someone already paying for it and then you getting it from them. That is also stealing. They did not buy the rights to the song. They bought the rights to listen to the song. They do not actually own the work on the disc. So taking it is still stealing. They don't own the song, the artist does. If you did not ask the artist .. then guess what ... you are taking something from someone with out asking for consent. Stealing never had anything to do with profits and money. Stealing is just taking anything at all with out consent. I suggest, maybe, you read up on what a copyright is as well as the definition of stealing. Cause, you are doing it wrong.

May 11th, 11, 12:35 AM
Well for one, it is actually stealing. There is a copyright on that music, video, or game. Obtaining a copy through pirating is considerd stealing by law. Unless you wanna go to a law inforcment agency and ask yourself. Just because you think it's not stealing, doesn't mean you are right lol. I would like to see you explain that to a judge or officer XD ... see how far you get rofl. Fact is, you didn't pay for it, so you shouldn't have a copy at all. Doesn't matter who you got it from.

So what you're saying is - If I were to have a friend burn me a copy of whatever he has free of charge, this would also be "stealing". I guess it doesn't matter what my views on this is, seeing as the law would win.

As for the industry. You are totally right. You downloading will not put much of a dent in there profits. However anime does matter. The industry for anime has been doing horrible. Many artists are leaving their jobs because they can't earn enough and are making under minimum wage. Why do you think companies such as ADV no longer exist? Even newtype usa stoped producing there magazine and they even stated it's because the industry sucks.

Don't believe me? Here is a link to Japantimes with an article about it. http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20090304f1.html .. now keep in mind that article is from 2009 .. it's about 2 years old. But I can assure you, they are not doing any better lol.

Weird. People are losing jobs because of the economy. That's so fucking new I can't even believe my eyes. Now, this article is outdated, but I did read it fully. I guess I can agree with you here for the most part.

Besides that, ya you can still do whatever the heck you want, but realize you are hurting other peoples lives indirectly. No matter how much you deny it, it's a fact. Of course I still think you don't care either way. You would probably say something along the line of "I don't personally know them so I couldn't care less."

Actually it would be more along the lines of "Sucks for them. Good thing I'm not a complete weaboo."

So ya, I do agree with you on some of the things you stated. I mean it's true, these stars have plenty of money, so who the heck cares. But don't think that way with everything you download. Not every company or person is rich you know.

Oh and one other thing. I only usually watch things once as well too. I rarley buy movies ... thats why I go to a theater ... duh. One time watch and still supporting the poeple who made the movie. I swear your excuse for that was retarded.

I didn't clarify my point well enough it seems. I hate 90% of all movies. They're long, boring, and most of the time just stupid. Why would I pay to go see something that's not going to appeal to me? I'd rather download it and waste my time. At least that way I won't waste my money.

I however do buy anime, because I enjoy anime tons. So even if I don't plan on watching the series again ... I still buy it. Collecting is fun and makes for a very good hobby, you should try it some time ... maybe you would be less of a douche bag rofl. However I don't have to buy it and I can watch it online free of charge and still support the industry. Funimation shows free anime right on their site and they get payed through the comercials and ads. Other anime sites do that as well btw.

Lol. "Hobby". I guess there are those people out there who like to sit inside their basement and watch anime all day. But yeah. I am a douche bag to those I don't deem worthy enough to see my good side. See? That was a trick statement. All my sides are good.

I really like to see you argue with what I said here considering all this is true and accurate XD and can even be looked up yourself. Argueing from this point on would only make you look retarded. :p Although I guess it's already to late for that.

Weird. I wasn't aware that somebody could be retarded for having a different take on certain things. "Holy shit. He doesn't think the same way as me. He MUST be retarded.". About 90% positive somebody will reply and say something like "Oh you word it as if you're right and we're wrong.". That's how I do things and I'm pretty sure none of you like it. So I guess all of that shit about having an "open mind" in one of your previous posts was just you trying to justify yourself? It's kind of sad, really.

Edit: Oh I would also like to point out the definition of stealing is to takes someone elses property with out consent. In which case is exactly what piracy is. For some reason people seem to think it's not stealing if there was no potential profit and no physical copy. The definition of stealing is not "Taking someone elses property that had the potential to make money." No not at all. If I drew something and I had a friend come over with a copy machine with out my permission and copied my drawing ... that is called stealing. I didn't lose anything, but he did take my work.

Now the comment about someone already paying for it and then you getting it from them. That is also stealing. They did not buy the rights to the song. They bought the rights to listen to the song. They do not actually own the work on the disc. So taking it is still stealing. They don't own the song, the artist does. If you did not ask the artist .. then guess what ... you are taking something from someone with out asking for consent. Stealing never had anything to do with profits and money. Stealing is just taking anything at all with out consent. I suggest, maybe, you read up on what a copyright is as well as the definition of stealing. Cause, you are doing it wrong.

I'm well aware of what copyright is and what it means. But you forget one thing. I don't really give two flying fucks about whether or not I'm taking it without permission. Do you really think that copyright was created so that it could "protect" someone's assets against theft? It was created to make money. What copyright does is limit the creativity and freedom of what somebody can do. Now this has nothing to do with the topic at hand and I won't go into it. I'll keep doing what I do, and you'll keep wasting your money. : /

In before "hurr durr I laugh when you get caught. Derp."

May 11th, 11, 12:54 AM
So what you're saying is - If I were to have a friend burn me a copy of whatever he has free of charge, this would also be "stealing". I guess it doesn't matter what my views on this is, seeing as the law would win.

Weird. People are losing jobs because of the economy. That's so fucking new I can't even believe my eyes. Now, this article is outdated, but I did read it fully. I guess I can agree with you here for the most part.

Actually it would be more along the lines of "Sucks for them. Good thing I'm not a complete weaboo."

I didn't clarify my point well enough it seems. I hate 90% of all movies. They're long, boring, and most of the time just stupid. Why would I pay to go see something that's not going to appeal to me? I'd rather download it and waste my time. At least that way I won't waste my money.

Lol. "Hobby". I guess there are those people out there who like to sit inside their basement and watch anime all day. But yeah. I am a douche bag to those I don't deem worthy enough to see my good side. See? That was a trick statement. All my sides are good.

Weird. I wasn't aware that somebody could be retarded for having a different take on certain things. "Holy shit. He doesn't think the same way as me. He MUST be retarded.". About 90% positive somebody will reply and say something like "Oh you word it as if you're right and we're wrong.". That's how I do things and I'm pretty sure none of you like it. So I guess all of that shit about having an "open mind" in one of your previous posts was just you trying to justify yourself? It's kind of sad, really.

I'm well aware of what copyright is and what it means. But you forget one thing. I don't really give two flying fucks about whether or not I'm taking it without permission. Do you really think that copyright was created so that it could "protect" someone's assets against theft? It was created to make money. What copyright does is limit the creativity and freedom of what somebody can do. Now this has nothing to do with the topic at hand and I won't go into it. I'll keep doing what I do, and you'll keep wasting your money. : /

In before "hurr durr I laugh when you get caught. Derp."

I love this post. Some of your comments are really funny XD. Also I actually don't have anything to argue about anymore. I actually understand what you mean. However .. I don't waste my money lol. I never consider my hobby a waste of money if it makes me happy. Oh also the retarded comment was just for laughs.

May 11th, 11, 02:53 AM
Mostly yeah but for me I can't find Fooly cooly at a affordable most anime I can but damn is that anime hard to find reasonable priced were I'm at. Still only good thing about websites like say for example youtube on anime I would watch afew eps of some random anime to see if I like it. Thereby knowing if I would be using my money on a dvd of something I like.

Anyway a side note the psn online network is still up,when was it ever shutdown?

I think Bestbuy has it for $29.99
Also I just simply use a Youtube Downloader. I know what I said, BUT this way you are not supporting people who illeagally distribute. I have been buying anime alot more now that I have some income. Just recently I bought Ghost in the Shell (BTW its awesome).

---------- Post added at 10:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 PM ----------

@Thrash BladeWall Of Text

How old are you? 15 or something like that because that is what you are acting like. This is one reason why this generation is F$%#. They all want everything for nothing. They have no work ethic and believe that they DESERVE everything. Your comment about pirated copies come from people who bought it, yeah thats a lie. So one person bought that means a couple million people get it for nothing?!?!?! Explain how the world would sustain itself if everyone stole from companies. I'll tell you. CHOAS!!! Also yes copyrights are for money but it is to protect the companies assets from being taken away thus killing it. Also how does it restrict creativity??? The writers have nothing to do with the copyrights. Their work is owned by the companies thus the companies can decide how it is distributed. Do you not understand how capitalism works?!?!?!

Bandit Keith
May 11th, 11, 03:26 AM
I think Bestbuy has it for $29.99
Also I just simply use a Youtube Downloader. I know what I said, BUT this way you are not supporting people who illegally distribute. I have been buying anime alot more now that I have some income. Just recently I bought Ghost in the Shell (BTW its awesome).

Thanks haven't checked for awhile on prices and I aswell use a Youtube Downloader for the same reasons.


[QUOTE [URL="http://diaperedanime.com/forum/member.php?u=27984"]brabbit1987 (http://diaperedanime.com/forum/member.php?u=27984)]
Now the comment about someone already paying for it and then you getting it from them. That is also stealing. They did not buy the rights to the song. They bought the rights to listen to the song. They do not actually own the work on the disc. So taking it is still stealing. They don't own the song, the artist does. If you did not ask the artist .. then guess what ... you are taking something from someone with out asking for consent. Stealing never had anything to do with profits and money. Stealing is just taking anything at all with out consent. I suggest, maybe, you read up on what a copyright is as well as the definition of stealing. Cause, you are doing it wrong.[/QUOTE brabbit1987 (http://diaperedanime.com/forum/member.php?u=27984)]

So theoretically if you buy a used game,cd or dvd from a store that sells them used your would also be stealing,seeing as very little if any of the money you payed for the product goes to who made it. BUT I UNDERSTOOD WHAT YOU MEANT AS I Read throw all this debating

May 11th, 11, 03:58 AM
MMmmm... quote blocks. I'll start at the start.

Rude? You obviously haven't seen the majority of my posts on this forum.

While correct, the fact of your post being incredibly rude has no bearing on the possibility that your other posts being incredibly rude, or not.

Now, I'm pretty sure that there are many more people buying the actual releases then downloading them or streaming them seeing as most people will be sheep and "feel bad" about downloading. I honestly think buying it is a waste of money, mostly because when I watch something, I usually never look at it again unless it's REALLY good. That's why I never bother buying movies. So don't call it short sighted. It really isn't. I don't really care if you think this is a "stupid" or "insensitive" reason to not buy.

That's nice, but I didn't criticize your decision to not buy. I criticized your rude criticism of people who DO choose to buy.

Of course music and games are a bit different then tv shows or movies. As I've said most of the games I download I end up buying. All the music I download, however, I never end up buying. There are so many people buying their music every day that a few thousand people downloading it every week won't put a dent in their sales. Actually it doesn't do anything to their sales. I'll explain this a tad later.

This entire paragraph is irrelevant to my post. I will address your facts when you provide them, as you mention, later.

Oh boy here we go. You make them sound like they are on the shit end of the stick with this ENTIRE paragraph. Seriously. "Oh no! They won't be able to make it because a percentage of users are downloading the content they created even though they get paid for the views they got when it was on tv and the amount of purchases that were made for the shit they had put on DVD!! Golly gee!" Fucking retarded.

You seem to be under the false impression that all Anime studios, American and Japanese, are rolling in money. This is an incredibly unfactual assumption.

Now I'm sure I've stated it somewhere on this forum but not in this thread - I love music.

Just not the people who make it, eh?

As for anime I do occasionally enjoy a few series. Movies I could really go either way on this. There are so many terrible movies that just keep being rushed out it's not even funny.


*Yaaaaaawn~* I am a "cheap skate".

I never said that, just that you were rude, but the persecution assumption is totally becoming.

I just prefer spending my money on other things. Like gas, car tabs, insurance, other bills, the bars. You know. The essentials. In before "Hurr durr. Then don't watch them if you don't want to pay for them". Heard quite enough of that already.

Are you just ranting now?

It's not theft. No matter how you want to argue it, it is not theft in anyway shape or form. PIRATING is downloading a copy of something somebody else has already BOUGHT.

You don't know much about pirating, do you? Often, pirated films are screener copies, rentals, etc. At best, your statement is sometimes true. At worst, it's incredibly ignorant of the actual facts.

You know when somebody says that the creators of "Whatever they made" are losing money because people are downloading it? It's not lost profit. It's potential profit.

Are you really so ignorant and gullible to believe that people who pirate would absolutely never have bought the titles otherwise? If so, I've got this bridge I'd love to sell you.

They didn't lose shit. That could have been a guy who bought one of their products, but instead he decided to get a free copy from somebody else. See how that works?

You can't in any way compare this to "eating at a restaurant". It's not the same thing. At all. Don't worry though. You're not the only one to be wrong on this, as there are many more where that came from and there have been many more before you too.

Good thing that you, in all of your lack of fact, swearing, ranting, and incredible rudeness, are the absolute arbiter of what is correct, eh? While this is nothing like going to a restaurant, your assumption that it doesn't somehow financially affect those who own the properties is disingenuous at best and paints you as an utter, shortsighted, selfish, childish idiot at worst.

Now, I'm not sure what you had said before seeing as I just looked at this thread. Somehow I'd like to know so I could prove you wrong, but nevertheless.

This word, "proof," I do not think that it means what you think it means. I hope for the sake of fact that you aren't assuming you "proved" anything about your posts that I responded to, as all you proved is that your pretty rude and quite ignorant of the facts.

You should know that not everyone is a moron and downloads viruses.

Fixed your error. Don't call people morons when you can't spell a plural correctly. It's also rude and makes you look a bit silly.

However, you are also correct when the funk of your silly insults is trimmed out. A careful downloader can completely avoid viruses.

And no. Pirates aren't the same type of people that took down PSN, but it was funny as fuck. Those are the real internet thieves. Hope your credit card information got stolen there. =)

Did somebody assert that? If so, that's pretty funny. I must have missed it.

And for the record, this is my argument. Let's see what you have to say, hm?

I really hope you can do better. The only facts that you've actually provided are that 1. Downloading is not like stealing food from a restaurant, 2. You don't read posts very carefully before responding, 3. You really like insulting people, 4. You don't know much about the actual effects of downloading on the intellectual property holders, 5. You can tell the difference between a hacker and a person who downloads torrents.

So you don't put your foot in your mouth and make an entire post of strawmen, again, I'll provide you with my opinions.

I am not against downloading. I download. I am against people who are immature and blind enough to think that their downloading, especially of more independent productions, does not affect people and people like you who are audacious enough to insult people who DO pay for their titles for paying for them.

Basically, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Kudos. You've just described your ignorance in detail for an entire thread. :)

May 11th, 11, 04:15 AM
Thanks haven't checked for awhile on prices and I aswell use a Youtube Downloader for the same reasons.

[QUOTE brabbit1987 (http://diaperedanime.com/forum/member.php?u=27984)]
Now the comment about someone already paying for it and then you getting it from them. That is also stealing. They did not buy the rights to the song. They bought the rights to listen to the song. They do not actually own the work on the disc. So taking it is still stealing. They don't own the song, the artist does. If you did not ask the artist .. then guess what ... you are taking something from someone with out asking for consent. Stealing never had anything to do with profits and money. Stealing is just taking anything at all with out consent. I suggest, maybe, you read up on what a copyright is as well as the definition of stealing. Cause, you are doing it wrong.[/QUOTE brabbit1987 (http://diaperedanime.com/forum/member.php?u=27984)]

So theoretically if you buy a used game,cd or dvd from a store that sells them used your would also be stealing,seeing as very little if any of the money you payed for the product goes to who made it. BUT I UNDERSTOOD WHAT YOU MEANT AS I Read throw all this debating

ROFL .. thats a good point! I never even thought about that. However . .that copy that is being sold is only 1 copy. Meaning it's only being traded .. not copied and then 2 people have it. So in other words one user is giving up their rights to play the game to another.

May 11th, 11, 04:44 AM
How old are you? 15 or something like that because that is what you are acting like. This is one reason why this generation is F$%#. They all want everything for nothing. They have no work ethic and believe that they DESERVE everything. Your comment about pirated copies come from people who bought it, yeah thats a lie. So one person bought that means a couple million people get it for nothing?!?!?! Explain how the world would sustain itself if everyone stole from companies. I'll tell you. CHOAS!!! Also yes copyrights are for money but it is to protect the companies assets from being taken away thus killing it. Also how does it restrict creativity??? The writers have nothing to do with the copyrights. Their work is owned by the companies thus the companies can decide how it is distributed. Do you not understand how capitalism works?!?!?!

Oh boy here we go. Let me explain what I meant. Remember the .gif file? That used to be protected by copyright. Meaning you could not design software to create .gifs or use a .gif on your website without paying out your ass to use it. Thus limiting innovation and creativity until, of course, it was lifted.

Now, I'm not saying that copyright shouldn't exist. There should be some form, but the way copyright is worded and designed, it limits what you're able to do. There is software that could be created by adapting parts of others, but you're unable to do so because it's copyrighted. Now this doesn't just apply to software of course. There's things that could be created that could benefit our every day lives, but they can't because what they need to base it off of is copyrighted. It's like jailbreaking your PS3 and making it to better fit your needs and then getting your ass sued by Sony because they found out about it. Although that last one is a bit of a bad example.

This is why I didn't want to get into this. I'm quite tired and this really isn't the thread for it.

By the way - The word you were looking for is "Chaos".

And - I'm 21 thanks. Apparently you didn't read the part where I said I need my money for THE BARS. By the way. You're pretty much just giving me the same shit brabbit did. Only you're ranting and in need of some sort of high school English course.

Oh and good luck with those computer virus's, bro!

@ brabbit - I try, I try.

May 11th, 11, 04:52 AM
Only you're ranting and in need of some sort of high school English course.

Oh and good luck with those computer virus's, bro!

That, right there, is a classic case of irony and a stone-thrower in a glass house.

May 11th, 11, 05:01 AM
That, right there, is a classic case of irony and a stone-thrower in a glass house.

Oh weird. Because I'm sure that wasn't intended in any way.

May 11th, 11, 05:03 AM
Oh weird. Because I'm sure that wasn't intended in any way.

So you did it wrong on purpose in your other posts too just to show us your ingenious intelligence and dry wit?

Hm. Dry wit and intelligence, or a psuedotroll who criticizes the grammar of others without being able handle plurals (which were still taught in grade school last time I checked) himself.

Occam's Razor would dictate the latter.

May 11th, 11, 05:28 AM
So you did it wrong on purpose in your other posts too just to show us your ingenious intelligence and dry wit?

Hm. Dry wit and intelligence, or a psuedotroll who criticizes the grammar of others without being able handle plurals (which were still taught in grade school last time I checked) himself.

Occam's Razor would dictate the latter.

You can call me what you want. If you spent your time pointing out spelling and grammatical errors your keyboard would eventually break from just one single thread. On this forum anyways.

I mostly post for fun. The amusing responses I get are too much.

Trolling is a art, my dear user, and your not gonna spoil my fun.

See what I did there?

May 11th, 11, 05:31 AM
You can call me what you want. If you spent your time pointing out spelling and grammatical errors your keyboard would eventually break from just one single thread. On this forum anyways.

I mostly post for fun. The amusing responses I get are too much.

Trolling is a art, my dear user, and your not gonna spoil my fun.

See what I did there?

Made it easier to ignore a mediocre troll? Thanks for the self-callout. I was worried that somebody was actually stupid enough to say the things you were saying and seriously think they were factual. Grats on being the first person insufferable enough to be on my ignore list. :)

May 11th, 11, 05:50 AM
Made it easier to ignore a mediocre troll? Thanks for the self-callout. I was worried that somebody was actually stupid enough to say the things you were saying and seriously think they were factual. Grats on being the first person insufferable enough to be on my ignore list. :)

Implying I actually just troll around this forum? I like to poke my fun at people from time to time but I don't just blatantly troll. Unless they deserve it. I haven't found someone who deserves it yet though. All and all though if anybody were to take some of what I say as complete seriousness they probably deserve the criticizing they get from me.

EDIT: And on a side note - I find it cute that you'd put me on your ignore list. What's even cuter is the fact that my posts annoyed you so much. :D

May 11th, 11, 03:06 PM
I find this whole thing interesting. :p



I am surprised someone put you on the ignore list XD.

May 11th, 11, 04:53 PM
I find this whole thing interesting. :p



I am surprised someone put you on the ignore list XD.

Sadly, when a person's posts are utterly devoid of civil or useful content, that's really the only useful path. If I'm sticking around, the last thing I want to do is see that dreck everywhere. If I wanted to be read posts by drooling, uncouth morons, I'd go to Diaperspace.

Bandit Keith
May 11th, 11, 06:19 PM
No offense and I know this is unrelated to the thread but seeing as this argument/debate has went this far between three people I can't help but think this has turned into http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnhF1QAEZjU&feature=related and well its guite enjoyable to watch this argument/debate

May 11th, 11, 10:41 PM
You know, it's weird. I just bullshitted through an entire thread and got serious responses from everyone who replied. On a side note I did miss a post for some odd reason, but I'm pretty sure there's no point in actually replying to it now.

But, you know. It's quite amusing to be judged by someone who's only read one of my posts. I mean. If he wants to think of me as a "drooling, uncouth moron", that's his business, though I did laugh pretty hard at the Diaperspace reference. I'm pretty sure we could have been great friends if he would have gotten to know me. :D

May 12th, 11, 12:41 AM
You know, it's weird. I just bullshitted through an entire thread and got serious responses from everyone who replied. On a side note I did miss a post for some odd reason, but I'm pretty sure there's no point in actually replying to it now.

But, you know. It's quite amusing to be judged by someone who's only read one of my posts. I mean. If he wants to think of me as a "drooling, uncouth moron", that's his business, though I did laugh pretty hard at the Diaperspace reference. I'm pretty sure we could have been great friends if he would have gotten to know me. :D

I never take you serious ... that why my responses are always retarded. :D Some truth in it ... but mostly BS. I really don't care if anyone DLs there stuff as I do it too.

May 16th, 11, 12:25 AM
I don’t download anime of any kind, Legally or illegally. I collect films so if I don’t have a hard copy, I don't want it. Kind of crazy but...yeah it is just crazy. I don’t support the pirateing of films of any kind. That being said I am an evil music pirate so I cannot complane to much. The truth is the anime industry is in poor shape due to pirates, hell funimation is pretty much the only studio to survive. Fans should want to see an industry they support be a success.

May 16th, 11, 02:02 AM
I don’t download anime of any kind, Legally or illegally. I collect films so if I don’t have a hard copy, I don't want it. Kind of crazy but...yeah it is just crazy. I don’t support the pirateing of films of any kind. That being said I am an evil music pirate so I cannot complane to much. The truth is the anime industry is in poor shape due to pirates, hell funimation is pretty much the only studio to survive. Fans should want to see an industry they support be a success.

We're somewhat inverse in our styles. :)

I don't pirate much, or, really, any music. All of the music that I need is provided to me by the labels. One of the perks of being a DJ. :)

On the other hand, I will download a movie or Anime if it interests me and isn't on Netflix. If I like the Anime, I will purchase it after watching a few episodes (excluding Netflix/Hulu titles)

May 16th, 11, 05:20 AM
Yeah I can understand that. I just don't put as much stock on cds as I do dvds. I do own all the cds of my favorite groups and I will buy new artists cd to support a new group. Besides those cases I just download my music. I do rationalize my downloading of music by saying how much I spend on consert tickets. Idk I just prefer to have an copy of an anime.

May 17th, 11, 12:10 AM
Yeah I can understand that. I just don't put as much stock on cds as I do dvds. I do own all the cds of my favorite groups and I will buy new artists cd to support a new group. Besides those cases I just download my music. I do rationalize my downloading of music by saying how much I spend on consert tickets. Idk I just prefer to have an copy of an anime.

You just reminded me that I want tickets to this weekend's Rammstein concert. <_<

June 11th, 11, 01:03 PM
Because its nice, and buying is a little awkward.

June 13th, 11, 02:34 AM
Ever since netflix added a crap load of anime to its streaming portion of the site ive been downloading less and less

Gigantic Tager
June 25th, 11, 01:33 AM
I normally don't download anime because I don't really have enough time to watch it. Or rather I prefer to spend my limited free time doing other things. Occasionally I'll watch and OVA, but that's about it. I usually just watch anime with friends. However, as far as the piracy situation goes...yeah. Of course I pirate. However, I love to own physical copies of things. I just hate spending money. I've got a list of things to save for, and while music/video games is totally not prioritized on that list, it's just far too much of something I love to just ignore.