View Full Version : Wut? HALP!

May 20th, 13, 08:12 PM
Ok I have made 10+ Posts on this site. ADVERTISEMENTS! Y U NO STOP:eek:!!

Darius chishiki kojitsu
May 20th, 13, 08:44 PM
I believe you have to be a member for the advertisements to really not appear, maybe rarely.

May 20th, 13, 09:10 PM
I never see advertisements or pop ups, no matter what site I visit! Install a ad-blocker for the browser and your problems will be dissolved by itself.

May 20th, 13, 10:14 PM
Well you do art a lot why not talk to Xero and see if he'll let you become a artist.

Itty Bitty Rika Kitty
May 21st, 13, 12:10 AM
Or you can wait for about a month or two and be a senior member cause I get no ads at all

May 21st, 13, 01:23 PM
in all honesty we prefer the ads not be blocked as they generate a little revenue that helps pay for the server, that being said as your participate and the longer you are here the less you will see.

the thing you also have to remember is some changes arent instant as the server sometimes prioritises other tasks when the site is busy so sometimes it may take slightly longer while it finishes other tasks.