View Full Version : X-23 fights for her man?

December 26th, 16, 10:02 PM
As THe fight dragged on between X-23 and rouge she grew more and more frustrated it became clear that rouge was only dodging and avoiding touching her at all cost. In exchange X-23 wasn't hitting her. "stay still, he's mine" she growled throwing her clawed hand forward. But once again it missed and Rouge jumped backward a weird blue orb held in her hand. She held that hand out toward X-23 and there was a huge flash and suddenly She noticed how loose her clothes were and how Rouge formally only slightly taller than her towered above her "wat happen?" she asked just noticing her new voice with a tinge of an unfamiliar feeling fear.

Bandit Keith
December 26th, 16, 10:16 PM
''Just a little something I borrowed''Rogue said about what she was asked on seeing as she deaged X-23 but borrowed isn't really the right word as she had zapped someones power abit ago and she had a reason to use it this time so she had''And hes yours alright your daddy if everything works out that is''Rogue added as she picked up X-23 gently

December 26th, 16, 10:23 PM
"what the de hell isth this?"" she asked from the girl's arms "I feel so week" she looked up at her and started to notice how her hands were all pudgy. "Tuwrn me back Wight now" she cried out squirming around helplessly in her arms she tried to call out her claws but it hurt to much so she kept them in.

Bandit Keith
December 26th, 16, 10:30 PM
Granted the deaging has that sideeffect on people who have powers or a altered body as the mutant Gene and the augmented body when tried to use results in pain

''Come on lets get you into your new panties before you have a accident on your new mommy''Rogue cooed at X-23

December 26th, 16, 10:33 PM
SHe squirmed in the girl's arms trying to escape "what do you mean?" she asked confused as she tried desperately for any chance of escaping the power drainers arms but alas it was to no avail. "you can't do did" she cried out.

Bandit Keith
December 26th, 16, 10:37 PM
''Diapers thats what you will be wearing for panties for awhile Sweetie and I'll be your mommy''Rogue stated heading into the manor to the X-men nursery which is meant for when any of them are deaged and regressed

December 27th, 16, 12:18 AM
X-23 squirmed the whole trip and when she was set on the changing table she restarted her tantrum. "You can't do this to me I'm not supposed to be a baby" she cried out helplessly.

Bandit Keith
December 27th, 16, 02:11 AM
''Think of this as a new start ''Rogue tried that tactic towards X-23 as she diapered X-23 in a thick and very cute baby diaper next in finding something for X-23 to wear and a cute baby dress is just the thing

December 29th, 16, 06:41 AM
X-23 squirmed about in rouge's arms as she kicked futile "the others aren't just gonna let you do this" she whined out looking at the new baby attire

Bandit Keith
January 1st, 17, 09:13 AM
''You'd be surprised ''Rogue stated with a knowing smile after all most of the X-men have wanted to give X-23 a kind of childhood given the life the female clone has had up till the X-men got ahold of her still the new clothes was soon on X-23 as the doorbell rang so she headed to the door and smiled at who is to be her date''Hope you don't mind me bringing a baby along a babysitter baled on me last minute ''Rogue skillfully lied to who's at the door

January 10th, 17, 03:43 AM
X-23 looked up in shame at the boy that this whole fight had been about and squirmed around even more in rouge's grip not wanting him to see her like this especially not now that she was wearing a diaper.

Bandit Keith
January 10th, 17, 03:50 AM
''Oh my shes a shy thing.''The Boy said as he smiled abit and dug into his bag producing something a young child or baby could have as a sort of a attempt to get who he sees as a real baby to not be so seeming shy

January 10th, 17, 04:39 AM
X-23 looked at the raddle in her hand dumbly for a second and then she processed that this guy was convinced she was really just a stupid baby. And really at the moment that's all she was. she frlt her face grow red as she buried herself into rouge's side.

Bandit Keith
January 10th, 17, 04:47 AM
''Come on I'm a nice guy little one''The guy was put off by the fact X-23 isn't atleast seeing to do something thats not shy ''Do you like ponies little one?''The guy asked as he may not like what he sees as a stupid mlp movie thats in theaters but they in his mind can't go to the movie he and Rogue had planned to see do to the seemingly baby so a kids movie would do and hes trying to fish for something who he believes is a baby would like

January 11th, 17, 04:00 AM
X-23 just nodded feeling helpless and praying that there was a way to reverse this god awful curse. "she took the raddle and shook it a bit pretending that it had stolen all her attention so she didn't have to look at the man she had hoped to make hers. She sucked her thumb idly not yet noticing she was doing it.

Bandit Keith
January 11th, 17, 04:15 AM
The guy smiled now Rogue put X-23 in a baby carseat of her boyfriends car as they headed towards a theater and seemed Rogue had easily made up a lie of a backstory for X-23 on age and everything even saying shes X-23's mom

January 11th, 17, 11:15 AM
AT hearing Rouge refer to herself as her mother she crossed her arms and pouted she kicked helplessly in the carseat. This was all surreal she was a hot young adult now she was a chubby baby girl with thick padding between her legs.

Bandit Keith
January 11th, 17, 10:45 PM
Of course Rogue is going to enjoy babying X-23 which soon enough they was at the theater and Rogue seeing X-23 unhappy mood started to tickle the now baby girl trying to get a laugh

January 11th, 17, 11:47 PM
X-23 whined looking up at the now older stronger girl unamused and kicked her legs uselessly then she took her thumb and it found it's way into her mouth which made her blush it was just an instinct. She looked up at rogue "Is this what being a babys like it sucks" she mumbled to herself in Rouge's arms.

Bandit Keith
January 11th, 17, 11:50 PM
''Oh come on don't be so moody ''Rogue insisted as she got from the diaper bag a pacifier and stuck it in X-23's mouth in place of the thumb''Besides you are getting a childhood don't you want that?''That Rogue had whispered to X-23

January 12th, 17, 12:00 AM
"No I want him" X23 said crossing her arms pouting before suckling idly on the pacifier MAybe this wouldn't be so bad she thought. There were so many things she was going to experience that she never got the chance too before.

Bandit Keith
January 12th, 17, 12:04 AM
''Oh you want Mamas boyfriend to hold you?''Rogue rhythmically asked as she had intentionally misinterpreted X-23's commented

January 12th, 17, 12:07 AM
X-23 shhok her head as she was handed off too the man of her dreams then as she was being held she felt an odd rushing feeling in her bladder she'd just wet herself in the arms of the man she had thought to date. Tears began pricking at the corners of her eyes.

Bandit Keith
January 12th, 17, 12:15 AM
The man noticing the tears know the two most likely reasons a baby would cry at this time is hunger or a used diaper and when he checked finding the diaper was used with the diaper bag went to the family bathroom to change X-23's diaper

January 16th, 17, 11:04 PM
X-23 cried throughout the change wailing helplessly "WAAH!!!" she cried as the shame of the situation hit her and even worse was the fact there was a good chance she wouldn't be changing back.

Bandit Keith
January 16th, 17, 11:07 PM
Atleast the change was quick enough and then the guy started to try calming X-23 down as if X-23 was a baby

January 16th, 17, 11:16 PM
X-23 sighed in the guys arms as she was rocked to sleep and she began idly sucking her thumb the embarrassment was still evident though as she continued to blush.

Bandit Keith
January 16th, 17, 11:20 PM
Soon he left the bathroom and headed to the kid friendly movie with Rogue who had plenty of stuff for them to eat from the concession part of the theater while X-23 has to deal with bottles of formula and baby friendly snacks for whenever X-23 wakes up which will likely be at the start of the movie

January 16th, 17, 11:52 PM
When X-23 woke up the film was about to start and her stomach growled she had a bottle immediately shoved in her face and she was practically forced to nurse from it.

Bandit Keith
January 16th, 17, 11:55 PM
At the very least it should taste better then normal milk that or the deage to a baby gave X-23 a desire for milk enough to make it seem taste alot better

January 17th, 17, 04:02 AM
After x-23 finished the bottle she paid attention to the movie and found it oddly entertaining to watch. The bright characters and simple plot were easy for her to grasp given her original upbringing certain concepts didn't really add up.

Bandit Keith
January 17th, 17, 04:13 AM
Rogue smiled at how X-23 seemed to like the show''Oh I should get you the series this is based on ''Rogue whispered into X-23's ear

January 17th, 17, 04:39 AM
this actually got X-23 to clap loudly "Yeah" she cooed excitedly.

Bandit Keith
January 17th, 17, 04:47 AM
Thankfully the clapping was expected in this movie playing so no one was bothered by the cloud baby clapping or talking still soon enough the movie was over and Rogue had a thought''Would my baby like to see another movie or go to the park?''Rogue asked X-23

January 17th, 17, 11:25 AM
"Park" X-23 giggled still happy about the movie and not thinking about the current situation she was in or how embarrassing the park would be.

Bandit Keith
January 17th, 17, 05:44 PM
Of course the park won't bring bullying to X-23 but it will be embarrassing to X-23 still the group headed to the park where plenty of little kids and babies are at play

January 17th, 17, 10:42 PM
X-23 immiedietly noticed how she was on the low end of the totem pole most all the kids were obviously older than her.

Bandit Keith
January 17th, 17, 10:48 PM
Atleast physically anyway and X-23 was put with the little kids to play

January 17th, 17, 10:51 PM
X-23 built a little sandcastle and giggled with the other babies actually forgetting her current situation for the moment.

Bandit Keith
January 17th, 17, 11:00 PM
As time went on Rogue couldn't help but smile at X-23 having fun while Rogue is cuddled with her now boyfriend still she watched who is basically her baby now having fun

January 17th, 17, 11:05 PM
X-23 was having a blast that is until she felt a warm mush in the seat of her diaper and she immediately began crying loudly

Bandit Keith
January 17th, 17, 11:09 PM
Rogue got up and walked over smelling who is basicly her baby she moved over to a place in the shade to chance X-23's diaper

January 17th, 17, 11:45 PM
X-23 cried as she was changed out in the open "I was a big girwl" she cried and whimpered wanting her old body back.

Bandit Keith
January 18th, 17, 12:26 AM
Rogue just gentle stuck a pacifier in X-23's mouth and then went to work changing X-23

January 18th, 17, 02:34 AM
After the change and the rest of the days events X-23 fell fast asleep in her new mother's arms quitly sucking a pacifier.

Bandit Keith
January 18th, 17, 02:40 AM
The date was cut short from this and was taken home and carefully went to lay the sleeping girl in a crib

January 18th, 17, 02:48 AM
X-23 doesn't wake till much later when rogue goes to wake her and bring her to dinner where everyone was gathered.

Bandit Keith
January 18th, 17, 03:00 AM
It seems Rogue was right the X-men are more then okay with X-23 being de-aged there is even a high chair for X-23 and baby food for the girl to be feed

January 18th, 17, 03:32 AM
"None of you guys are surprised by this?" she asked in her high pitched voice as she was lowered into her new pink high chair. She blushed as kitty began teasing her.

Bandit Keith
January 18th, 17, 03:45 AM
From most everyone they said about the same thing of nope,natta ,not at all replies though Logan did say something about X-23 needed a childhood.

Kittys teasing was harmless really but she did have a smirk''You do know maybe I should give a call to a mutant who can make people produce breastmilk then your mommy could even breastfeed you''it was both teasing and serious

January 18th, 17, 03:47 AM
X-23 whimpered at that comment "I'd rather you not do that" she said before the first spoonful of baby food was shoved in her mouth

Bandit Keith
January 18th, 17, 03:51 AM
''Oh but then I should just because you'd be so cute ''Kitty teased as she feed X-23 the baby food

January 18th, 17, 04:18 AM
"I remember when you got hit by Ray's tk power and you were the one in diapers" she shot back sarcastically loving the jab at the proud girl.

Bandit Keith
January 18th, 17, 04:22 AM
''Welp''Kitty hissed as she remembered having to repotty train herself from how much it affected her bladder and bowels matter of fact she still has afew accidents and still is padded just encase

January 19th, 17, 02:05 AM
X-23 knew she'd pay for that later but was rather happy she'd gotten the last word on the little back and forth.

Bandit Keith
January 19th, 17, 02:12 AM
Which when X-23 was done with the baby food a bottle was next of course and this isn't a no option

January 19th, 17, 02:36 AM
X-23 whined and shook away from her bottle not wanting to drink from it at all.

Bandit Keith
January 19th, 17, 02:40 AM
''Oh so you really do want milk from the source''Kitty replied a smirk on her face at X-23s reaction still the for now infant isn't getting away without drinking from the bottle