View Full Version : X-Men's Final Solution (open)

January 28th, 09, 04:16 PM
Obviously...this is an x-men rp.
The main story of it is looking more at the school than any of the battles. Magneto doesnt like the fact of Charles still having his school open and thinks that if none of the students are teachable...the school would surly have to close...so he created a device that can reverse age.
What happens next is up to whoever would like to join. just post a simple bio
Also you have the choice of any marvel character...not just the x-men...you could be superman if u wanted

Name: Nightcrawler
Sex: Male
Ability: Teleporting
Bio: Nightcrawler is a blue sort of devilish looking man who is able to teleport anywhere he chooses...he is a strong beleiver in god and will do anything charles asks for saving him.

January 28th, 09, 04:32 PM
(might i sugestan idea that ones the mutents leave more would come surly sine itsaschool also how iold is crawler in this. cos mystique(my chracter) is his mum m ithink meaningshehas to beolder. salso imthinkg doesevery rp needageregression ordiapers in id sayit doent really er could jsut do a new marve story but itsup yo yo uarmey dude itsyour rp )

name mysteque rell name none is entirly sure shes had many alias
sex female
ability shpeshifitng and copying basicc powers of anyoen shes touhced including inanimate objects and anumals immunity to posien and apprntly very slow ageing due to her abilities
apperance: blueskinned reptillain lookign women with cates eyes but could be anyone

bio she is themother of night crawelr and not muchelseis reallyknown aobuther expet shes abandeoned mangneto after he left her afterv the mutent reversla serum changed her andtookaway her powers now she teaches at the school and her powers have since returned she has worked as head of defence and other high profile jobs so knowsalot aobut the inner workings ofhte us govenrmet

January 28th, 09, 04:44 PM
(nightcrawler is 18...and mystique aint actually his mom even though the resemblance...his real name is kurt wagner...he can teleport through anything and found himself teleporting through a dimension which brought him to earth...hes not actually human...)

January 28th, 09, 05:02 PM
(oh right ithought mysteque who isalso anailen was his mum but its fine whatmystiques reall name?)

January 28th, 09, 05:05 PM
(her name is raven darkholme and actually never mind...kurt is her son...i completely forgot...hehe)

January 28th, 09, 05:06 PM
Name: Kitty Pride
Xmen Name: Shadowcat
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Ability: Intangibilty
Bio: Kitty is a genius when it comes to technology, she is a typicla teenager aroun her friends at the institute, and she has a bit of a girlish crish on Wolverine who she calls Mr Logan.

January 28th, 09, 05:07 PM
(so sheis hsimum then being more then likly an alien being herself)

January 28th, 09, 05:08 PM
(ya pretty much...arfan is thinking of being either shadowcaster or rogue...rogue is also mystiques daughter...but only a foster duaghter...)

January 28th, 09, 05:11 PM
(really so in therearlerystoreis the fosterfmaily roguescomes form wasmistiquesalias family? and i discvorered shemeantrsahdow cat not caster oh well)

January 28th, 09, 05:22 PM
(who will win...kitty's ability to walk through solid objects or my teleporting skill)

January 28th, 09, 05:23 PM
(you probably would unless you were distracted and then you might end in the shadow dimensions again.)

January 28th, 09, 05:27 PM
(who will win...kitty's ability to walk through solid objects or my teleporting skill)

kitay and kurt arethe smaeage arnt they?

January 28th, 09, 05:27 PM
(hehe...that would suck...haha...if someone chooses to be colossus...kitty and him are lovers)

January 28th, 09, 05:29 PM
(colosus theadamatium man hes awsome shal lwe wait for sommore before contunuing)

January 28th, 09, 05:31 PM
(yes we should wait for him or at worst someone to play Rogue so you have a family on the rp.)

January 28th, 09, 05:35 PM
(ya we gonna need more people...im also going to play charles xavier..so ill post a short bio for him...)
Name: Charles Xavier
Code name: Proffesor X
Ability: Telepathy and Astral projection
Bio: Charles is the owner and founder of the school...hes a very powerful telepath and used to be freinds with the evil magneto

January 28th, 09, 05:52 PM
ill play logan aswell
name logan
codename wolveirine
ability wolf keen sneses and acelaratedhealing and boney claws thatare andextention of his body
bio: noneknows muchabout logan but apprnelty he is very old and waspart of muliple superwepons porgms oin his lifeincluding theweapon x protject and he stil ldonet know who he hes. kitt has a crushon him

January 28th, 09, 05:58 PM
(he is very old according to his origin comics and you would be surprised if I told he was born in the nineteenth century according to his comics."

January 28th, 09, 06:07 PM
(iknwo ilook it up thatswhy i siad it )

January 30th, 09, 05:12 AM
I'll Join.

Name: Tony Stark.
body build: muscular

Powers/Abilities: None: Tony Stark has the physical characteristics of a human being of his age, that engages in a high level of physical activity and excercise.

Bio: Tony Stark is not a superhuman or mutant, he utilizes high end, self designed battlesuits that give him protection and strength, along with defensive and offensive capabilities. these suits allow him to do the work that a mutant or superhuman would. and allow him to fight against human enemies. and the aforementioned mutant/superhuman beings, Tony hasnt affiliated himself with any group since he left the avengers, but due to his many battles and endevours still has ties and connections with many of todays hero's.


Iron Man: The widely known/ used iron man suit, gold and red in color, features a variety of offensive and defensive systems.

War Machine: Same as The Iron man suit only low gloss black in color, but it can also carry shoulder harnessed weapons that are targeted with the suits helmet, such as gatling guns(5.56mm-7.62mm) and rocket launchers(4-8 rockets)-this suit is usually worn by a freind of tony's but is donned by stark when absolute firepower is needed

I Might be doctor Strange as well, or I can play another X-man if they all need to be taken for the Rp to start, let me know, Im willing to be anyone.

January 30th, 09, 05:13 AM
(hehe...gotta love iron man...)

January 30th, 09, 05:16 AM
(Yes we do need ironman and doctor strange with his reality bending powers wouldnt be a bad addition either.)

January 30th, 09, 05:57 AM
Alrighty, Im going with the Sorcerer Supreme

Name: Stephen Strange.
Age: 45 years old

Alias: Dr. Strange/The Sorcerer Supreme/Captain Universe.

Powers/abilities: due to the magical/mystical energies that are present in his body, Dr strange is slightly stronger, faster and more durable then a typical human of his size and age , that engages in a minimal amount of physical activity and excercise. and is rather adept at hand to hand combat, in addition to various magical and mystical abilities, brought on by various means, that can accomplish anything from increasing the power of himself and his allies, to attack and defense, bending reality and time, opening interdimesional doorways, undoing magical acts, detecting magic, using incantations/books etc, etc, Dr. Strange's full power and abilities, are not yet known or fully understood, though he typically draws his power from the invocation of powerful mystical beings or objects, through the manipulation of the universes ambient magical/mystical energies, and from his own pyschic reserves

Bio: Dr. strange is one of the most powerful sorcerers on the planet earth. At a young age, Strange was attacked by demons sent by the apprentice sorcerer, Karl Modo, he was saved by the ancient one, who was the "sorcerer supreme" who was to protect earth, yeears later Strange was injured in a car accident that took the use of his hands as a surgeon, after which he became derilict and destitute, later in his life Strange inhereted the title of sorcerer supreme , from his now mentor and has since done all he can to protect earth from those who threaten it. He is also a genius, and medical doctor, and has many ties with todays heros.

January 30th, 09, 11:34 AM
(cool ives siad in mystiquieqwe bio she cna copy form and power of anyone she has touched as well as ther vbody paterns etc , the wont be too many vbbattlew i dont think so iron man may not be very feasable but rogue could be usefull the thats up to you entrily i wouldntdo al three id choose two but which two is up to you)

February 1st, 09, 09:19 AM
I think ill stay with what I have, Iron man/war machines main attributes may be in battle, but plain old Tony stark has his uses, being uber rich, a genius, having the help of a stark enterprises/international, access to highly advanced technology, and along with ties to other good and bad guys, with other people/companies and of course having a long history and direct ties with S.H.E.I.L.D.

He has his uses in any given situation.

February 1st, 09, 03:31 PM
coool oaky welel wn owe wait ofrafew others ot rpely then we strat the rp proper

February 10th, 09, 04:38 AM
I’d like in. I’ll take Daredevil.

Name: Matt Murdock

Age: 33

Abilities: Daredevil has heightened senses, included being able to see sound in the way that a bat does. He’s hyper-sensitive to touch and scent also and is trained in martial arts. He fights with what seems to be a staff that can be turned into a nun-chuck.

Bio: Matt was blinded as a child during a radio-active accident which gave him his other heightened senses. Sometime after becoming barred as lawyer, he used the inspiration of his father’s boxing costume to create his own super-hero costume. He considers his ‘jurisdiction’ to be inside of Hell’s Kitchen and has even represented his own enemies in trial. In the past he has turned down offers of joining both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers.

I’d be willing to play Black Widow also. =)

February 10th, 09, 01:20 PM
who is black widow? freind oh and welcome to da )

February 10th, 09, 02:45 PM
Thank you for the welcome! ^^

This game looks like it could be a lot of fun. I’ll write up a char bio as an efficient way of explaining Black Widow.

Name: Natalia Romanova

Age: ??

Abilities: Save for slowed aging and an enhanced immune system, the Black Widow’s abilities are specialized military training.

Bio: Trained for the role from the time that she was a child, Black Widow was a top Soviet spy and sometimes assassin. In the past she used her skills of seduction to work her charm on the defense contractor, Tony Stark, before meeting and fighting Iron Man. Not long after she defected to the US. Though she’s considered to hold no true feelings for anyone, she had a lengthy relationship with Daredevil as both his partner and his lover. She’s an agent of SHIELD and a member of the Avengers.

February 10th, 09, 02:54 PM
( cool bio yo uwil llike mystique that im doing eho i think also has many of these capabilities and shapeshifitng and copying ther are lots of otherrps you could join if oy uwanted that i personally run and many i moderate that oud be welcome t o jsut pm me if yo uare intested in rp atall il lpoint you in a good direction )

February 20th, 09, 06:03 PM
(I hope the rp starts soon and I love the whole idea of this Xmen rp.)

February 20th, 09, 06:46 PM
lets start it then/////

February 24th, 09, 05:27 AM
Okay, well then I say one of us just starts it. Everyone else can either join in or just forget about it, I suppose. =)

February 24th, 09, 04:00 PM
*Kitty Pride was helping train some of the new arrivals in the new training dojo room since there werent any missions as of late, she was also waiting for some more help so she can take a break for lunch, and she wonders when this hectic day will end for her.*

February 24th, 09, 04:49 PM
OOC: Okay, how are we doing the regression and do we know who wants to have what character stay their own age? I’ll start my post earlier than yours timeline wise so we can figure that out. =)

Matt had awoken to the mattress’ movements as Natalia slid from the bed that morning instead of the alarm clock’s mechanical voice declaring the time. He listened to the sound of her movements in the bathroom, smiling with an almost smugness as he heard the shower turn on. His beautiful soft lady friend, warm and damp from the shower seemed more interesting than any more dreams about The Stilt Man could be.

He let his knuckles rap against the door before he spoke, knowing it was always unwise to wander in on any assassin without announcements. “Hey, Princess, can I come in?” He questioned, hearing her soft hidden groan at the pet-name audibly before she responded, covering up her annoyance easily. “Of course, Matt.” She offered him in her heavy Russian lilt. Oh, God, he could never tell if she was lying or not, her heartbeat hadn’t changed at all during that exchange.

Soon enough Matt was in the shower also, hands gliding over his lover’s face and teeth nipping at her neck. Everything was perfect for now with the warm water gliding down their skin and her smooth long fingers caressing him. As he moved her against the wall, he felt the waft of air as the shampoo bottle fell down, bouncing at the floor of the tub. “I have work today.” She reminded with a sharp slap to his backside.

Well, maybe not perfect.

February 24th, 09, 05:03 PM
after being thrown away so caslously by magneto mystique tempertilly human going under the name jaina ocmes to the xavier intituteaccaddmy for gifted youngsters . the door is open by logan
"who the hell are oy ua;d yand waht d oyou want"

the women replies my names is hjaina and id like to come and teach here i used to be mystique til lmagneto throoe me out after i too the mutent reveal sdart for him if i see him agin il lripp his ballso f and make him eat them wit ha side of lead pellets but for now i jsut wnat a home

February 25th, 09, 04:44 PM
Out of the shower now and dripping wet, Matt smiled as Natalia wrapped a soft warm towel around him. She snuggled him in it and he laughed softly, deep red hair dripping cool beads of water down into her face. “Oooh, my little baby.” The Russian crooned, swaying gently a she hugged him.

“Whatever you say, honey.” Matt agreed, reaching down with a hand to move her face up to his lips. A small kiss and he spoke again, this time a bit more seriously than before. “So what are you doing today?” He questioned, steeling himself for the usual reply; ‘I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you’. It got less funny each time she used it.

“It is not thing too serious, my pager went off and I need to go talk to Professor Xavier. We’ve been hearing warnings of threats to the Academy and thought we might try to tip them off.” She had really surprised him this time, not only did she answer; it was in detail. “Do you want to come?”

Not particularly but he couldn’t see himself turning her down when he so normally wanted to see what she did for SHIELD.

February 25th, 09, 05:44 PM
jaina(mnysteque walsksi nto the house aftwer logan frislitly ivited her in yo ubetter be here for a veryy good reaosn mystique otherwise imight have ot cut yo uopen.
"save your berreath manimal i dint come ot fight jsut lookign for asplace ot stay thats all "

March 1st, 09, 04:20 AM
While logan is taking mystique to see charles. a gloss black town car first pulls up to the gate of the X-mansion, it waits a few moments while the gate into the complex opens, before entering the long driveway, once it reaches the front door, a man, wearing a blavk suit and looking to be in his mid to late 30's exits the vehicle, this man conveys nothing but arrogence and confidence, as he enters the school, the man, is tony stark, who is there to check on one of the many pro superhuman and mutant businesses that he helps support, as he enters the building he carries a breifcase, but those who know him personally knows that it is no normal breifcase he carries.

March 1st, 09, 01:56 PM
mystique sees him who are you stranger may name is jaina Dark holme

March 2nd, 09, 07:32 AM
Tony, after hearing the womans last name, becomes aware of who he is talking to, and first looks over mystique with mix of suprise, judgement, and..bewilderment, both at the fact that this known, albeit ex-member of the mutant brotherhood is actually standing peacefully within the walls of the x-mansion/school for gifted youngsters, after uncountable attacks against members of the x-men and their leader, and because she, despite being a high profile person/mutant, appears to have no clue that he is the infamous tony stark, and due to that is unaware of the fact that the person standing before her is Iron man.

Tony thinks for a moment, while grasping the handle of his breifcase with an iron fist, almost drawing comfort from it.

What exactly is mystique doing here in enemy camp, has she converted?, or is this another trap?... he thinks to himself.

He then looks over to logan, who looks to be to be just as clueless as he is at the moment , he then replies to mystique.

"Its a pleasure to meet you jania, My name is tony stark and not to sound presumpous, but we have met on more then one occasion, just not ever under such... ..peacefull conditions."

He finishes, as that charismatic, confident smile of his spreads across his lips.

March 2nd, 09, 05:01 PM
i dotn regonises yo uperhapsivenot dealt with you before freind alot hac changed for me after magneto abandend me

March 2nd, 09, 08:35 PM
Tony once again thinks for a moment.

"I guess she really doesnt know that Im iron man, just about every high profile mutant and superhuman in the world knows of my alter ego... lets see how we can play this"

"Well" replies Tony. "I must be mistaken then.. but you do, at the very least in name, highly resemble someone I'v crossed paths with before, namley a certain mutant going by the name of mystique....

Tony then adjusts the plain black tie hanging from his kneck before speaking again.

"Not to be petulant, but, I must be on my way, I have an appointment with Charles, unless you two are going to his office as well, then feel free to join me, the subject of our appoinment is not of the extremely secretive nature."

March 2nd, 09, 08:48 PM
one momene big boy jainasays you say you ahve creossedamystique before

March 2nd, 09, 09:16 PM
"Crossed paths with, one might say, and not on the freindliest of terms of course, That would be due to the fact that mystique and I worked on opposite sides of the battlefeild, after all, the mutant brotherhood, and the avengers have gotten along with each other about as well as the brotherhood and the x-men have, havent they?

Tony replies, once again flashing his trademark smile, still wondering why logan hasnt piped up about his superher identity as irom man yet.

Tony waits for a reply, wondering if this latest hint will give her some clue to the fact that the man standing before her is no stanger.

March 2nd, 09, 09:45 PM
iknwo iron man we had out disagreements aand morehtne once he found technology dint beatnatural power *then thepenn ydrops and she getsangrey*
you tony stark aka iron man you kileld half of the kids underm yprotection with yourauthoitarina ideals

logan walksaway asif hes got somthgin to do

March 3rd, 09, 07:54 AM
Hearing mystiques reply stirs Tony's fire and he loses part of his cool demeanor almost immediatley after mystiques responds

"Whoa now, listen here mystique, first of all you are not a person whos in a position to judge me!, how many innocents have been injured or killed because of you, and the brotherhood?, how many mutants and humans have died because of this sick vendeta of magnetos against normal humans and the mutants and superhumans who live in peace with them!, I'd assume its just as many, if not more then those who have died because of my "authoritarian" ideals!, as you so called them.

I'v made my mistakes, and everyday I try to make up for them.

And remmember lady... I dont make weapons of mass destruction anymore, nor do I work directly with organizations like sheild, all I do is try to do whats right, and try to help peacefull, innocent people, can you say the same of yourself?, as a known member of the mutant brotherhood, which is an organization that has killed thousands of innocent people, mutants, and superhumans world wide?

Just who have you actually helped in your life, other then yourself, and your sicko ex boss, magneto?, I'd wager your only here to protect yourself anyway."

Tony replies tersley, his eyes showing a rather visible degree of anger.

March 3rd, 09, 05:56 PM
mistiques skin starts to goes blue and scley liek it used to be "i destroyed thebrother hood my slef and magneto abandend me after i lost my powers, as for helpped ive hellpedalot of kids who need amutoher orsomoen who understood them i never kileld without cause or reson i cnat for get the past and it cant forget me but thinkgs have changed . of the two of us which do yo ureally think is worse mr stark? i nevermad wmds did i , i never killd vbeause isaw wahttheywere odign aswrong or becsue it dsagreed with me cna yo usay the same for your slf? remeber camtain america rember oy ukileld him jsut cos he dint wat metas to be registered and yo udid?

March 4th, 09, 12:27 AM
"hello Mystique&friends, my name is Kitty Pride aka Shadowcat, I need some help from an adult here due to strange nightamares and dreams about things I cant fully understand other than there was water in all cases.*

March 4th, 09, 02:12 AM
The trip to visit with Professor Xavier was without adventure and a gentle silence hung between Matt and Natalia. There was just a small bit of awkwardness though Matt thought it was highly likely he was the only one who felt it. He wasn’t used to be threatened with death as many times as he had been this morning but then as with any good lawyer he also was used to having his questions answered more honestly.

It had struck him half way through their trip to the school that he had no idea what the threat was to begin with. He had asked and of course, been offered a vague answer. He had pressed and been offered the opportunity to hitch-hike home if he asked any more. He didn’t believe her and offered that.

Now the silence was broken by a sigh from The Black Widow.

“We are not the only people here, Matthew. You know some of them when masked; I do also.” She offered to him softly before they began to walk towards the now gathering group of heroes. The voices were so raised they made Matt’s knuckles turn white enough to match his cane.

baby supergirl
March 4th, 09, 06:52 AM
(who is taken? is wolverene or gambit?)

March 4th, 09, 02:57 PM
(Gambit is available at the moment but you will have to ask sunstar if you really want to be Wolverine.)

March 4th, 09, 06:33 PM
(woverine aka logan is oen of my chracters but imay not bother with him but il ldecide another time)

March 6th, 09, 09:10 PM
So will you be joining us, kryxel? If so, you should just jump into the swing of things so we can keep this going.

March 6th, 09, 09:25 PM
yep go for it and fele free to join us

March 7th, 09, 08:33 AM
This time a smile spreads across tony's face, but this is a smile of nervousness and anxiety, he had not thought that mystique would make such a valid point in their argument.

" Im am not saying that I am better then you, what Im saying is we are in no position to judge one another, we have both made our share of mistakes, as you said, captian americas death was at my hands, that I cannot deny, and while you have not ever directly killed someone, you HAVE at one point and time belonged to a group that has killed many innocent people, so you are guilty by association, that is also undeniable."

"But the fact remains that we are not the same people as we were then, when I...killed capatain american, I was not in my right mind... The captain was one of my best freinds even though we had our differences from time to time, as you were obvoiusly not in your right mind when you were a member of the brotherhood.."

"Remember mystique, I came peacefully, already knowing who you were, you were the one who jumped down my throat upon learning that I am iron man, I am not here to start a fight, far from it. I know that we have our grudges, but if we let them control us, we are no better then the brotherhood, if you are here as an ally, then I offer my hand in friendship, because, we cannot make the world a better place, without first changing ourselves"

Tony then outstretches his hand, in the form of a handshake.

March 7th, 09, 01:10 PM
mysitque takesit in her sacle y hand then pulsl him into an embrace * a sligt tigler runs through him *" i also come in peace im jsut lookign for a home for now not a war as yo usaid

March 8th, 09, 03:22 AM
Tony does not fight the embrace, but as it is happening, he encounters a mix of suprise, and bewilderment, both at mystiques embrace, and his inner reaction to to it, the tingling sensation is not especially one of lust or amore, but is more of a tingling that's felt on ones baser, more amimalistic side, he is unable to tell if it is simply his reaction or if the feeling is one that mystique can trigger in males.

His cool composed demeanor does not change, as he soon breaks away from the embrace, and once again straightens his tie.

"My apologies, but I must be off to see Charles, he is a busy man, and I would venture the guess that I am not his only appoinment for the day, as I said before, you are welcome to join me if you wish."

March 8th, 09, 02:11 PM
mytique compose her slef and follwos him asshe needs to see charlesaswel andask for another chance

March 8th, 09, 05:34 PM
Natalia followed after the crowed with long strides; trying to keep up with them to make sure that she wouldn’t be closed out of the room before she had a chance to speak with the Professor. Matthew’s grasp on her arm had loosened and she had simply assumed that he was following her but didn’t want to be seen as needing the extra assistance.

Daredevil had, however, actually loosened his grip to turn to speak with Kitty. He didn’t actually know the girl on any basis but he knew what it felt like to be ignored and that was what the other people had seemed to do in regards to her concerns. The girl couldn’t be that old to actually request help from an ‘adult’ but he tried to estimate if he was wrong from the tones of her heartbeat.

“I don’t believe we’ve met.” He offered to her, his tone still as sure and nearly arrogant as it was when he was masked. “But I’m always willing to help someone, just so long as you don’t need my eyes for it.” Blind joke…he really needed to stop with those. Did they ever actually put anyone but him at ease?


About the same time but further down the hall, Natalia called out to Iron Man to catch his attention. It wasn’t so usual that he would be here, she realized. It was possible that the threats she had been warned about may not only apply to the X-men and the more masked heroes that appeared the more they played to the conspiracy.

“Tony, stop for a moment. I need to talk to you.” She declared, stopping herself and throwing her arm back to pause Matt. When he didn’t collide with her she realized that she had left him at some point. That didn’t help the situation much more.

March 8th, 09, 05:39 PM
hello there stranger i dont belive we have met my name is jaina rayne what ids yours(to mat)

March 8th, 09, 11:20 PM
“I’m Matt Murdock.” Daredevil offered calmly, extending his hand to shake hers. He knew it was generally considered polite for a woman to offer first but then there was that sight issue again. “You were saying you were having troubles and I’d like to help you.”

Now was not the time to add; I’m a lawyer.

March 8th, 09, 11:55 PM
*Kitty Pride greats Matt Murdock with a hearty handshake, then she tries to find the professor, or some adult that can help her explain her strange dreams&behavior as of late.*

March 9th, 09, 12:07 AM
“I’m Matt Murdock.” Daredevil offered calmly, extending his hand to shake hers. He knew it was generally considered polite for a woman to offer first but then there was that sight issue again. “You were saying you were having troubles and I’d like to help you.”

Now was not the time to add; I’m a lawyer.

yes oy ucould say i had troubles my boss andformer loverrecnetly abandend me and took aeverythign from me cos igot hit buy a mutant reversal serum then he left me and now i think hesafter me

March 12th, 09, 05:55 AM
Tony hears the voice calling his name, but amiss the clamor of the busling school, does not immediatley reconise it.

"What now?" he wonders to himself, as he turns in place and sees natalia.

"The black widow?, hmm, it must be a busy day at the x-mansion" he thinks to himself, as he walks back to her.

Once he is in front of her, he stops, and speaks first.

"What is it?, Natalia?"

March 12th, 09, 11:34 AM
logan is teaching a martialarts class whiel mystiqueis speaking to prof x about a home

March 12th, 09, 06:45 PM
Natalia offered Tony a grave look, speaking quickly and doing her best to offer information to the man in a concise manner. “To put this simply, Tony, this morning information arrived that Magneto has been offering unusual threats towards the school. So while that is no surprise, what is out of the ordinary is that he did not directly offer them to Professor Xavier, himself.”

She let her eyes wander up and down Ironman in anything but a discrete manner. She was wondering why he was at the school and wanted him to offer the information without voicing the question. “So unless you have …pressing business here, you may prefer to reschedule your meeting till another day.”


Kitty had left before Matthew could garner any response from her but quickly enough he was hearing the troubles of another woman. Her voice was entrancing and he found himself more than pleased to listen to her recounting of the unhappy events that had lead to her separation from her, husband, possibly.

This seemed like exactly the time to offer, in a smooth, soothing way that he was a lawyer and would be able to give Jaina any kind of help or advice she might need. Nearly as soon as those words slipped from his lips he noted that the heartbeats closest to him had vanished. With a heavy sigh he tapped the floor carefully with his cane, moving towards the scent of henna that hovered around Natalia.

March 12th, 09, 07:51 PM
A look of suprise fills tony's face.

"Magneto has never been one for indirect threats, that is odd, as for myself, I am simply here to talk with charles about the school, and the condition of things, due to the fact that I am one of the main propreitors responsible for the school staying open, but I may stay anyway, and..."

Tony leans in closer to natalia, before speaking under his breath.

" I dont know if its got anything to do with magneto, but mystique is here, in her human form.. I just spoke with her, she said something about leaving the brotherhood, and wanting a place to stay since magneto betrayed her, but for all we know it could be a part of his new plan aginst the school, so, Matt, yourself, and I, might want to be on our toes at the current point ant time."

Tony says to her, before pulling back to his orginal position a few feet away from her , being sure not to remain too close to her for too long, knowing that it is never a great idea to invade an assasins personal space for too long, even if your an old friend.

March 12th, 09, 08:04 PM
*Kitty goes to talk to Professor Xavier about her strange dreams, strange emotions as of late, and some new problems as of late.*

March 12th, 09, 08:11 PM
logan teaches themartialartsclass to some of the student ski llfully and carefull

mysique waits her turn and sees ma comign back. matt come here pealse

March 13th, 09, 04:20 AM
Natalia gave brief and speedy consideration to Tony’s words; they made a lot of sense. Of course they would have to know Magneto wouldn’t be pleased with his lover for abandoning him and even less so with the Professor if he were to accept her into the school which he seemed likely to do. Did Magneto really believe that his past friend would be so stupid as to accept her in without considering the possibility of using her as an accessory to a plot.

“Either way, Tony, her presence isn’t going to help the chances of this school.” The Russian admitted softly, making sure her voice didn’t care in the hall past the supersonic hearing of her current lover. He came to stand closer to her, nodding in the other man’s general direction.

None of this sounded particularly good to Matthew, especially when he heard his name called behind him. “Go ahead.” He offered to Natalia and Tony; his presence wasn’t necessary for anything they had to say to the Professor. He would chance speaking with Mystique while they did.

March 13th, 09, 06:04 AM
Tony looks over to Matt before replying.

"If mystique has speaken with charles already, the there is little point in us trying to warn him, all we can do is speak with him to see if he has accepted her, if so, then we talk about what our current plans entail, and it would be nice if I could be brought up to date on these "threats" of magneto's, it looks like I may be in this for the long haul, by what has been dealt to me by fates hand."

March 13th, 09, 01:22 PM
mystique still waits for charles to call her i nand she is getitng axxious she nknownothing ofthe threats butsheknow about rehject from he first and last lover she decides, andshe waits

March 16th, 09, 10:15 PM
Matt offered a small apologetic smile to Tony; he was never very good at hiding his feelings with expressions. Today maybe that was alright because all he had to say mirrored it currently. “Well, have fun talking to the professor; I might as well see if Magneto signed any prenups.”

Somehow he should have known that laughter was unlikely but he always found his own jokes funny. Turning around with a nod back to The Black Widow and Ironman; Matt made his way to the woman who had moments ago called him back.

“Yes, Ms. Rayne?” He inquired of Mystique. “Have you thought of a manner in which I would be able to help you?”

March 16th, 09, 10:32 PM
yes you could id liek you togivethisletter to magneto if you dontmind , i cnat deliverit my slf becauseim a freid he may try to hurt me

March 16th, 09, 11:02 PM
*Kitty Pride passes out in front of the Proffessor office from some unknown ailment and she doesnt wake up until later in the medical center with a confused look on her face.*

March 17th, 09, 10:28 AM
she is lookingat mystique, waht happend to you kitty you look aple is everyting alright?

March 17th, 09, 08:09 PM
When Kitty fainted, Matt simply accepted the letter from Mystique without question. He slid it into the inside pocket on his coat and followed after the two ladies, carefully. It may have seemed odd and it even felt awkward but he couldn’t very well leave the girl with someone who so recently had just found her good streak.

He was more than willing to learn to trust the former criminal; it was just that he needed time and proof that she was to be trusted. He could believe in the spirit’s and the mind’s change so long as the person in question could also.

March 17th, 09, 11:50 PM
mystique waits with kittly patiently til lshe wakes up the fact matt follwoed her annoyed her slight " why did oyou follow me mat waht did yo uthink i would do

March 18th, 09, 07:38 AM
OOC: What ever happenned to armydude?, I thought he was going to play prof x, but I havent seen him post in quite a while, this Rp is gonna get really hard without Charles in it.

March 18th, 09, 09:33 AM
(if he doent come back somoen else will have to take up the tole il ldo it if none volenteers)

March 18th, 09, 04:12 PM
OOC: Yeah, maybe someone should PM or IM armydude or something? I know I don't want to play Charles.


“That’s a heavy accusation, Jaina.” Matt replied, one hand awkwardly stroking his cane as he continued. He didn’t like that she had figured him out so quickly and he felt bad to lie; but what was one more untruth in the scheme of things?

“I was just trying to be a gentleman. I wouldn’t feel good leaving this poor girl by herself and I really didn’t have anything I had to attend to so it seemed right to make sure she wasn’t deathly ill.” He explained.

March 18th, 09, 05:35 PM
look matt therwasaperiod in thisgirls life wherei was there for her almsot liek a mother ifgure and protect her why would ihurt her im not a compelte monster like magnus

March 26th, 09, 07:08 PM
“I never said I was worried about leaving her with you.” Matt clarified quickly, letting his face fall towards where he gathered that Kitty lay. He might as well lessen even the briefest contact with Mystique if he was just upsetting her.

“I’m not suggesting your relationship to her or with her is anything but built on good-intentions. In fact; I couldn’t have been because I didn’t even know you had any relations to her.” He reminded the mutant, nodding his head briefly and hoping that Black Widow and Iron man were having better luck than he.

March 26th, 09, 07:10 PM
im sorry matt im very emotianal right now idint mean to snap

April 7th, 09, 10:40 PM
*Kitty trains with Professor Xavier to solve all her problems, she does the new excercises that the Professor taught her, and she starts her new meditations.*

April 7th, 09, 10:45 PM
(wait wait shewasinacome abeforewithme sat by her bedside letsgo backtothator irfeel redundant anddontget tointeract with you )

April 7th, 09, 11:38 PM
(she was having a nightmare, Professor X helped her, and she is looking for ways to relieve stress.) (Kitty) "hello my name is Kitty "Shadowcat" Pride, I am here to learn no ways to relieve stress in my life, and why have I been having nightmares so often?"

April 8th, 09, 12:01 AM
(i hoped youd wake upandinteractwithmystique firstsinceintheapstshedid care for you before going to the prof)

miysteque sighs as thechilde shed breifly cared for compeltly inores her asif shesnoteven there

April 8th, 09, 12:09 AM
*Kitty apologizes to Mystique since the techniques arent working, she runs crying into Mystique's arms, next she asks if Mystique can solve the problems that Professor X couldnt solve, and she cuddles close to Mystique in symphathy.*

April 8th, 09, 12:12 AM
waht are you problems child saysmystique soothingkly letign the teenager hrestherheadon my shoulderandslettingher cry outher pain

April 9th, 09, 01:30 AM
(Kitty) "I had terrible nightmares which I cant fully understand other than I felt helpess in all of them, I havent slept as well due to these bad dreams, and I also had random accidents at night&spme days due to the lack of sleep."

April 12th, 09, 02:42 PM
you will need ot telel me more then that sweeti i need more inforation okay i cnat help yo uunless iknwo more but the accidnts rarly happen due to lack of sleep there must be somthing else at work here . *hugs kitty closly*

logan has a feelings omthinging in his wrongs his every instict tells him this . firtsthe dremas then the arrival of mystique , thebn the absence of xacviaerall thiss pointed to bad news, logan had taken over urunnignthre accadmy with the others til l... if he returned.

April 18th, 09, 04:53 AM
*Kitty explains her daily routines and she thinks that there is link between stress&her strange problems.*

April 18th, 09, 11:48 AM
huni yo uneed ot tell me more aobut your dremas wah hpppens in them ? and how often do yo uhave accidnets (am i right did mytique ever take care of kitty?)

April 21st, 09, 04:27 AM
(rp yes but comics I am not sure) "the accidents are at random, usually after the dreams, they usually revolve around some unknown force making me helpless like a baby, and I have strange visions of the force attacking the school to do what occurs in the dreams."

April 21st, 09, 11:52 AM
okay can yo utell me any more kitty>? i am begiing to understand better but iam still not sure

April 21st, 09, 08:50 PM
"the unknown force seemed to want to reduce me&you in particular to an infantile state and do worse to the rest of the people at the school."

April 22nd, 09, 10:22 AM
why me i wonder theyd haveaotugh time reducing me to aninfantile state im a very good shot and im resitant to most konown drugs and posens, ill protect yo uif what you say is true. is there anything esle on your mind? kitty that icna help you with

April 25th, 09, 03:46 AM
(Kitty) "the only things I need from your are ideas as why I am having the dreams and having accidents due to the dreams."

April 25th, 09, 08:40 AM
myabe your streed or maybesomoen is tryign to warn yo uof somthign bad about to happen, yo umay be best talking to eitehr gene or prof esser abut it i think the exxercise arnt hellping yo ubecusesitsnto physiclatraumaand problemsyour going through. but i dont know to be onest ivenot dealt with this before

April 29th, 09, 07:22 PM
(Kitty) "I will talk one of them, there is also Psylocke, a;ong with the Professors' friend Lillandra, and I hope it is merely stress."

April 29th, 09, 09:23 PM
i wouldnt trust psylock as far as i could throw logan says mystique coldly im never met lilandra without dryign toscre you it donet seme like stress im bene in the milertery wherepeale were under to much stress your not displayign thouse symptoms

May 8th, 09, 09:57 PM
"I wrote all of my symptims, when the accidents occured, and my regulqr schedule of activities Mystique."

May 8th, 09, 10:00 PM
(can i be that fire guy ^^)

May 8th, 09, 10:05 PM
(who pyro sure yo ucan )

okay il ltake the rport sweeti and we will investigate into this

May 8th, 09, 10:09 PM
name pyro
sex male
power fire
bio quite strong and always by magneto's side, pyro thinks this idea of magneto's is funny and shall stick by him the whole way

May 8th, 09, 10:17 PM
mystique takes the rport of kityt and awalsk away with it .

logan is doign lots of paper work on the proffs behalf as xavier isnt there right now

May 9th, 09, 05:37 AM
*Kitty comes sobbing to Mystique, she explains she just had another accident, and she shows Mystique the damage to he panties&skirt.*

May 9th, 09, 11:30 AM
mystique loosk over kitty, what happend kitty she asks seriously

May 22nd, 09, 05:17 AM
"I have no other I was reading a new book and suddenly it happened without me being able to get to a bathroom."

May 25th, 09, 10:40 PM
im very concerned about you if oy ulet me take your form for a couple of days
il lexperice your problem as well
and maybe il lunderstand it better

May 25th, 09, 11:38 PM
*Kitty touches Mystique so she can find out the root of the problem, and she thanks Mystique for being so nice.*

May 25th, 09, 11:52 PM
*mystique takes kittys hand and kitty feles a not to pelasnt tingle thorough her body*

May 26th, 09, 02:33 AM
*Kitty sees an exact duplicate of herself, she tells Mystique she will take a nap while Mystique is her for the day, and she gives Mystique her daily agenda.*

May 26th, 09, 02:46 PM
mytique had carfully made sure she also had kittys problem as she ahd described it yoto see if it helped her find the cause of the problem asson as she morphed she wet herself and curst in greek

May 26th, 09, 03:15 PM
Kitty: "I am going to the library here, I will look up what could cause these random accidents, and you should go get cleaned up."

May 26th, 09, 03:27 PM
gee thanks for the observation kitty ,kitty says sarcasticcly

May 26th, 09, 03:57 PM
Kitty: "the plus side is you didnt have any messy accidents, and I have a list of reasons&causes for accidents, *Kitty hands her doppleganger the printed lists.*

May 26th, 09, 04:18 PM
neither do yo u says kitty lets og through them together

May 26th, 09, 05:21 PM
*Kitty looks through the stress based factors, then looks at dreams being a cause of accidents, and surprisingly hypnosis&magic are on the lists.*

May 26th, 09, 05:31 PM
magic donet exist but ive usedhypnsois on people before to get them to do what i want then they saw who i was and had to die

May 26th, 09, 05:41 PM
Kitty: "the three that sound the most logical are: the hypnosis based factors, the stress based factors, and the dream based ones might be the key here."

May 26th, 09, 05:45 PM
look agian theres one you missed
infection based one i dont know of drems thatmake yo uwet urine though i do know of dreams that make yo ucum in your sleep i also know of a number of in fections that could cause it

May 28th, 09, 03:40 AM
Kitty: "I narrowed it down with your help, I am not sure what caused the infections, but I need protection until we can resolve it."

May 28th, 09, 11:11 AM
first is there any pain in your bladder or bowles ? and it looks like you do and along as iam you so do i

May 28th, 09, 01:59 PM
Kitty: "I have pains in bothe Mystique, and oh no I seem to soaked myself yet again Mystique."

May 28th, 09, 02:17 PM
whe did the tpai nstart i knwo its an infection now but ineed ot know when they started accidnets happen with infections princess dont worry about it "kiity" then unloads inot her panties kity was right kitty new she wasright because she now had exactly the smae condition she plrayedit wouldnt carry when she turns bak as she finishes unloading her bowles inot her panties

May 28th, 09, 02:49 PM
Kitty: "the whole thing started right before you came here, and I am not sure, other than my theory is an outside force caused this situation."

May 28th, 09, 02:57 PM
"kity nods then relises shesjsutmessd her panties "er kitty did ijsutunload my bowles into my pantis? that helps tremendusly what oyuneed ot do is go to thedoctors im surprisedoyu dint think of that your self

May 28th, 09, 03:03 PM
*Kitty calls in the academy's doctors, then she tells Mystique thrs e doctors will arrive soon, and she cleans herself up for when the doctors come to the institute.*

May 28th, 09, 03:06 PM
mystique doesliekwise horrified she messed her self without notincing and mophs bak to herslef unknowingly shestil lahd the problem becuse she forced it onher slf to understnadkitty better

May 28th, 09, 03:28 PM
Kitty: "the doctors are almost here Mystique, and we should get cleaned up for when they arrive here."

May 28th, 09, 03:32 PM
im clenaed up now what about you i cnat bleive i messed my slef

May 28th, 09, 03:44 PM
Kitty: "I am cleaned up as well Mystique, the doctors are being checked in by security, and they need to see me first."

May 28th, 09, 03:46 PM
iknwo huni ithink i ahveit aswell asmy slef though sice i copied your condition exactly

May 28th, 09, 03:52 PM
(you play the doctors and they are female) Kitty: "I hope they can cure us and I have a feeling we will need time to get fully cured."

May 28th, 09, 03:59 PM
the doctor comes in her name is doctor rowen she was blondhaired quiet small and looked almost like a tal lpreteen girl with no signs of adult physicla maturity besidesher hight (guess who?)

"helo there young lady is kirtty pride here?"

May 28th, 09, 04:28 PM
Kitty: "my name is Kitty Pride, I called help with a possible infection in bladder&bowels, and I need to see if it is curable."

May 28th, 09, 04:32 PM
hell okitty im dr rowen would yo uliek to cgo sompalce private?

May 28th, 09, 04:53 PM
*Kitty takes Dr Rowen to the private changing rooms, and she waits for further instructions from Dr Rowen.*

May 28th, 09, 04:55 PM
(do oy mean sports chagin room or baby changing cos themaner is unliky to have ababy changin/)
wel lfirst id like yo uto describe oyur symptons to me

May 28th, 09, 05:03 PM
(sports) "I have strange dreams, I wet the bed almost every night, I will have the sudden urge to use the toilet after I used it, I wet&mess at random, and I am not sure what caused the infections."

May 28th, 09, 05:07 PM
okauy that is worrieng tel me do oy uhave any opains in you bladder or bowles contantly and when yo uwee does it fele like its burnig

May 28th, 09, 05:09 PM
Kelly: "I have tingling sensations in those areas, I also have itching in those areas, and I hope you help me."

May 28th, 09, 05:25 PM
anythign else out of theordinary oyud like me to know abouyt ivenarrowed it down alot but i mstiull not certain yet

May 28th, 09, 05:53 PM
Kitty: "I have weird feelings in my body before it happens, and I wouldnt be surprised if someone was behind my infections/accidents."

May 28th, 09, 05:55 PM
waht kidn of weird feleligns asked thedoctoer

May 28th, 09, 06:00 PM
Kitty: "I get sensation similar to chills and I also have pains&itches right before I have the accidnts."

May 28th, 09, 06:14 PM
right okay we lineed ot take samples of your vaginal tisue ayour urin and your blood okay heressom genral antibiotics to be taken in themorng and before bed they should sort out iuntil li cna get results

May 28th, 09, 06:24 PM
Kelly; "Dr Rowen you also need to check out Mystique as well, and she will be in once you are ready."

May 28th, 09, 09:55 PM
why do i need to chek out her? any way id advise yo uwear protection till your infection heals il lcome bakk with more reluts in about a week all ineed before i go is you to swap theinside of your vagine,and pee in a pot and tlet me tak blood it wont take long

May 29th, 09, 03:54 AM
*Kitty thanks the doctor, then she waves goodbye to Dr oRowen, she tells Mystique of the pending results, and shows her the doctors advice.*

May 29th, 09, 12:24 PM
"so waht di thedoctor actlyly say to yo uhuni?"

May 29th, 09, 02:32 PM
Kitty: "she told me take these medicines, then to wear protection until the tests are back, and I am currently wearing a pullup."

May 29th, 09, 02:38 PM
okay wherd yo uget htem from i dont think th e schol lstocked them

May 29th, 09, 02:59 PM
Kitty: "the doctor gave my a supply of them, and the school has them for younger kids who come here."

May 29th, 09, 03:19 PM
i dont thinkg it tkaes kids bleow acertain age most childrnepwoersmanifes at abotu 9
i dont bleive they take any youger how many do yo uhave
cos ithink i wil lneed them as well

May 29th, 09, 03:35 PM
Kitty: "I have enough to last until Dr Rowen comes for the followup, and I have more of the medicines if you need them Mystique."

May 29th, 09, 04:03 PM
i cnma drive s odont waorry about the protection want to come to town

May 29th, 09, 10:59 PM
KItty: "I would love to since we need food here, and I need your help to find all we need if the problem get worse over time."

May 29th, 09, 11:07 PM
lets go the nm ybody fightsinfections very quikly imthinking icould give oy ua blood transfusion if oy uwanted it you wouldnt get my powers or anything cos they arnt in my blood but you might be aalbe ot fight the infection much better plus be more resistant to illneses in thefurre if if did it though therewould be a VERY high change of auto imminune reaction of your body rejecting my blood maybe its not a good ideafor getimentioned it i think il ljsut get a pull up on jsut incase

May 30th, 09, 07:14 PM
*Kitty agrees to go shopping for everything they need with Mystique, and she gives some pullups to Mystique for the trip.*

May 30th, 09, 07:36 PM
shetkesthme and putsone one and hteothersin her bak pack she dint haveapurseliek most woem did she had abak pack thatamosngt other things had smoke bombs peper psry flashbangs pads for periods ,and a change of cloths in case adisguse wasneeded or i nthe very rare evne thatan accidnet occrs and she wets herslef

May 30th, 09, 11:59 PM
*Kitty shows Mistique around the shops, and has money ready in case they need to buy anything*

May 31st, 09, 12:04 AM
i kwo the shops huin ivebne around longer then youd guess wajht d owe need

May 31st, 09, 12:16 AM
Kitty: "we need to go to the food shops, clothes shops, and medical supply for diapers if this get worse in the long run."

May 31st, 09, 10:46 AM
okayi d suggest drugstroe first for out diapersand anythiugn else we need fomr there

then go cloths shoping then food

June 2nd, 09, 01:22 AM
*Kitty follows Mystique to the drugstore, then she grabs a cart, and lets Mystique help pick out what they need for their problems.*

June 2nd, 09, 02:51 PM
si8nce our acidnetsarnt thatoften or that bad idont think we need ful ldiapers besides they crinkle your an avarage side and so am so we dont want kids pullups you could posibly use drynites or tennas there theones iknwo htis place sells. waht else do yo uthink we need?

June 2nd, 09, 06:21 PM
Kitty: "we need the tena style pullups, wipes, powder, and something to keep our skin from being hot&itchy."

June 2nd, 09, 09:26 PM
okay im nto ussed ot having problems liek this it is terrible inconveniant and embaressing *wets her pull up helpslessl * bugger she says and gets thesupplei anoything else we wil lneed form ehere?

June 2nd, 09, 09:42 PM
Kitty: "I think we are all set once we buy this stuff, and we dont need anything else unless there is a sale."

June 3rd, 09, 02:57 PM
now is there othermore pleasnt and less humiliting things youd liek to buy

June 4th, 09, 12:57 AM
Kitty: "I am in the mood for some candy&snacks, and we can always check out the book section."

June 6th, 09, 11:40 PM
sounds like s plan stil ldry and clean?

June 6th, 09, 11:46 PM
Kitty: "yes I am so far, I checked while you were paying for all the purchases, and we need to figure out what else we need." Kitty follows Mystique to the various shops, she offers to pay for her share of the purchases, and she thanks Mystique for the support.

June 6th, 09, 11:55 PM
im starving lets eat want to go to food court or somthign alittle poshe r my treat(my shre or yours if itsyour mys expectsthatif itsmine she wil lrefuse)

June 9th, 09, 05:39 AM
Kitty: "I am the mood for something exotic, I will pay for desserts&the tip, and you name the place, since I am famished."

June 9th, 09, 03:30 PM
your a kid sweeti yo udont even haveajob il lpay i thin kwe should go to themexican resturant near here

June 9th, 09, 11:45 PM
Kitty nods in agreement, then she follows Mystique to the nice looking mexican restaurant with a sun in the logo. Kitty waits until they are seated to decide what she wants and she orders the special which is a sampler of the foods with an iced tea.

June 13th, 09, 06:55 PM
name: Remy Lebeau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sex: male . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . abilitys: manipulation of potential and kinetic energy, hypnotic charm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . apperence: brown hair red eyes white skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bio: skilled in hand to hand combat and uses a staff

June 13th, 09, 06:58 PM
mystiqique in human fomr not her usal scaly slef orders supreme natchos with chick jlapenos salsa and chili con carne and some wraps forthechilli and so they have somthing to shre

(welcome victor post yourslef inany time i dontrecal lrmy havinghympnotic charm )

June 13th, 09, 07:02 PM
(i just copied it i dont remember it either)

June 13th, 09, 07:04 PM
Kitty shares her sampler platter, she has more ice tea, since she is too young to have any alcohol outside of a sip of wine at the holidays, and she shows Mystique her hobbies list.

June 13th, 09, 07:04 PM
(he is chrismatic though andmaipulative i think mystiquehas power of seduction but ill chek liek isay jsutpost in )

mystique shresher food aswell and litstns to her daughter talking abotuher hobieswithout interupting

June 13th, 09, 07:10 PM
(i really have no idea i cant remeber him ever using it)

June 13th, 09, 07:46 PM
(it doent matter forget abouit it just post in the rp

June 13th, 09, 08:00 PM
Kitty finishes her part of the conversation, then she asks Mystique about her hobbies, and the waitress brings out the desserts that are part of the sampler.

June 13th, 09, 08:01 PM
stands at a street corner smoking

June 13th, 09, 09:08 PM
wel lmu hobbies well. i like men , making weaposn and vheicles, disasebling weaposn and vheicles spening tiem with my kids , plotting that kinda things and als swimming and martialarts

June 13th, 09, 09:57 PM
Kitty: "I am actually having fun just hanging out with you, and I hope we get to do it more when we have the time."

June 14th, 09, 01:24 AM
would someone at least have more then 5 dollars in there wallet ive stolen 6 wallets and only 5 dollars in each stuiped economy problems

June 14th, 09, 08:15 AM
my memoriesalittle hazy did i actulyladopt yo uat some point for a short time or not ihadanaccident and lsot someof my memories.
wel lshall we get the bil land go to the movies huni stil lclean or and dry?*messes and wetslef * i dotn think iam jsutnwoi helpelssly went both ways for the firsttime sincei was three *pushes it out and letsthediaper soak it up mnagaeignacoupel of slight pauses fo theglow butthen i finish

June 14th, 09, 08:23 AM
well guesse ill go home then

June 14th, 09, 08:43 AM
(wait a while and oy uwil lhave chance to robb mystique and get more htne you bargin for andyo uwill also meet her so yo ucnabe part of the rp)

mystique finishes and pays then her nad kitty are left alonte and shewaits for kittys response ot her question

June 14th, 09, 08:48 AM
one last scam cant hurt maybe theyll have more then gas money

June 15th, 09, 05:25 PM
mystieque and kitty leave for the movies and they pass remi on the way mystique is nto giving naythgi naway aobuther fomr shejsutlookslieka normla wome nactulylliekanolder verison of the girl with her they arejsut mother and doughter or sisters as far as the world knows

June 15th, 09, 09:06 PM
still smoking . . . . . . /\('-')/\ <=|| nunchucks

June 15th, 09, 09:13 PM
Kitty tell Mystique "I am a little bit wet, thogh according the packages my pullups will hold until after the movies, and I heard there are some cool new movies here at the megaplex."

June 15th, 09, 09:45 PM
mytique sees the thretneing lookign man can we help yo usir yo uloo klike you want somthign from us? als owhat does thepackageeactully say?

June 15th, 09, 10:02 PM
Kitty: "the package says, they are good for many wettings, they wont hold up to very many messings, and dont use for nighttime use, since they wont hold up to nighttime accidents."

June 15th, 09, 10:09 PM
whati fsomepope larelight wetters ?

June 15th, 09, 11:47 PM
how am i threatning |¤¥¤|?

June 16th, 09, 12:03 AM
Kitty: "there are no problems for wettings of any size except at night, since they cant much at all when you are asleep, and they change colors as they are used Mystique."

June 16th, 09, 03:46 PM
i msute hyhey hold jsut asmuch at niht as day it migth haveotjer reasons. yo ulook poor and ragged d oyo uneed some money sir ?

June 16th, 09, 10:01 PM
no i dont need any money

June 16th, 09, 10:24 PM
all right then wel ltake care turns around and starts t owalk away
(nows oyur change to steel or wahtever)

June 16th, 09, 10:58 PM
see you later then (walks away)

June 30th, 09, 02:56 PM
shortly afterhed left mystique cheked herpoket finidng 2 very importa things missing one was her wallent the other was her not e to the doctor about another problem she washavingthathad nothgin to do with the infection that hade made her all but incontinent

June 30th, 09, 04:33 PM
Kitty catches up with the stranger phases through him, then comes back with Mystique missing stuff, and she gives Mystique her stuff back. "I managed to get all of your missing items back, and all of your money&the note which I didnt read are here."

June 30th, 09, 07:59 PM
thank you sweeti i was going to purpsue him and beathim up oyu saved me form doing that thank you . hows your diaper?

June 30th, 09, 08:30 PM
Kitty: "I am soaking wet right now, and I really need find a restroom, since I have to poop from all that mexican food."

June 30th, 09, 08:56 PM
go in your pull up hun then we can change together

June 30th, 09, 09:01 PM
Kitty squats down while slowly filling her pullup with poop until it is sagging, and she waddles after Mystique to get a fresh pullup. Kitty feels way better when she is done, and she seems happy whenever she is with Mystique.

June 30th, 09, 09:12 PM
mystique hasnt got then eed to poop yet she teks kitty to a bathrom and takes down her pensts
lookingat the sagygpull up yo umay aswellfinish off before changins weeti

June 30th, 09, 09:23 PM
Kitty empties her bladder&bowels into the pullup, and she patiently waits to be changed by Mystique. Kitty smiles up at Mystique who she is becoming more fond of over time, and she gives Mystique the neckless she bought last week.

June 30th, 09, 09:42 PM
the pull up leaks alot but itsoky cos kittysnotwearingany pants right now her waterstarts to puddle on the floor

June 30th, 09, 09:46 PM
Kitty is surprised since the package claimed the pullups could hold more wetting of any size, and one huge messing. Kitty hopes she is changed very soon, and she is happy to be changed by Mystique.

July 3rd, 09, 01:10 AM
one wetting of any size and amessing or 2-3 wettingsis nromal for apull up huun trust me i know want achange sweeti?

July 3rd, 09, 01:19 AM
Kitty: "yes I need a change right now Mystique, I would prefer one of the new style of diapers, and I really love you as a mother figure." Kitty is slowly becoming more fond of Mystique as mother figure, and she wouldnt change any part of her recent life.

July 3rd, 09, 12:54 PM
(i think kitty wasadopted by mystique at some posint or atleastlookedafter her at some point)

new style diapers waht d oyo umean ? i love yo uliek my own daughter as well

July 3rd, 09, 03:21 PM
Kitty: "I meant those one we bought at the store, I hope I can be a great daughter for you mommy, and we should do more things toghether really soon."

July 3rd, 09, 09:42 PM
we jsut boaughtsome otherpull ups huni thatsall cos otheridpaersare1 two obvious and 2 to restricting and if oyuerwaearing proper diapers you cnat usethetoiletevne if you want to

July 9th, 09, 04:14 AM
Kitty agrees with Mystiques ideas, then she waits for her change to be done, and she follows Mystique to their next destinations.

July 10th, 09, 07:09 AM
mystique laysher daughter down and pulls down her jeans then untapes her diaper "whoo has my girlmade astinky mystiquique jokes"

July 12th, 09, 10:31 PM
Kitty smiles up at Mystique, then she is ready to go back to shopping once she is changes, and she kisses Mystique on the cheek. Kitty is very happy to be with Mystique as her mom, and she doesnt argue with Mystique at all.

July 18th, 09, 11:48 PM
mystique clenas her duaghter down and cups the messy in thediaper hthat she reomvoes expertly and then rubs some crmaeainin and cleans up any other pop or wurine

July 19th, 09, 02:39 AM
Kitty thanks Mystique for the change of pullups, then she asks Mystique where they will go next, and she smiles at her new mommy. Kitty stays close to Mystique at all times, and she kisses Mystique on the cheek.

July 19th, 09, 10:18 PM
mystique retunrs the kiss with love and says where would yo ulike to go

July 19th, 09, 10:35 PM
"I would love to the park if that is ok with you, I really want to see if there are any fun games, and slides there." Kitty holds Mystique's hand as the slowly head to the park, and she couldnt be happier.

July 19th, 09, 10:42 PM
how old are yo ukitty? cos i cnathelp but noticng you semem very young

July 21st, 09, 12:44 AM
Kitty tells Mystique: "I am fifteen years old, I dont look fifteen for some odd reason, and I think it tied into my powers in some strange way." Kitty shows Mystique proof of her age in student identificartion card, and she smiles at her new mom.

July 21st, 09, 12:45 AM
wel lyo udo look 15 but arnt oy ukinda old for the park love?

July 21st, 09, 12:52 AM
"I have always been a kid at heart, I would give the alternate idea of watching movies back at the house, and that sounds like more fun." Kitty seems to be bonding with her mom more over time, and she loves the whole experience.

July 21st, 09, 08:17 AM
itsu p yo you whichever oyu prefer love says mystique calmly

July 21st, 09, 03:24 PM
"I am feeling a bit tired, we should go back to watch the movies at the house, and I love spending time with you Mystique." Kitty heads back to the house with Mystique, and she has a very good time with Mystique.

July 22nd, 09, 08:42 AM
okay tats fine by me lets go hom sweetheart

July 23rd, 09, 02:54 AM
Kitty nods in agreement, then she goes home with Mystique, and she lets Mystique pick the first group of movies. Kitty brings in the snacks for the movies fest, and she smiles while bonding with Mystique.

July 23rd, 09, 08:43 AM
mytstique chosoe alot of ciolent horrer or vampire movies and sits cuddling with hwer daughter

August 2nd, 09, 11:05 PM
Kitty cuddles up with Mystque, then she slowly yawns, next she dozes while watching all the movies, and she is asleep before all the movies are over. Kitty has another vision based dream in which she is always a baby, then Mystique becomes her mommy for real, and she doesnt seem to mind at all.

August 10th, 09, 09:42 AM
mystique lets her daughte sleep sh hardlyever sleeps herslef she was too

August 13th, 09, 04:53 AM
Kitty has happy dreams for her new mommy, then she cuddle close to Mystique, and simply coos happily in her sleep. Kitty has no clue what happened to others, though she knows they are safe, and she simply enjoys life.

August 13th, 09, 10:39 AM
while this washappening msytiques gives her afunny look while she files her nails