View Full Version : are you all done talking to me

October 23rd, 08, 11:21 PM
it seems like no one wants to talk or rp with me i just want to know why that is

Princess Felicia
October 23rd, 08, 11:22 PM
i no rp and i rarely talk with work and crap sorry

October 23rd, 08, 11:40 PM
Same here. I'm slacking with the RP's. >>

October 23rd, 08, 11:44 PM
so is there any chnace i coudl l be in one of your guys familys

October 23rd, 08, 11:54 PM
*sits in conor and pouts

October 24th, 08, 12:37 AM
lol u can join the family ^^ guess weve been busy about the other rps sry lil amber *hugs*

October 24th, 08, 12:56 AM
*frowns and hugs back i dont knwo who to join*

October 24th, 08, 12:58 AM
*frowns and hugs back i dont knwo who to join*

....Who are you? 0.0;

October 24th, 08, 01:01 AM
im lilkairi who are you

October 24th, 08, 01:32 AM
lol u two dont kno each other :3 and so far hammy's rp is in motion so u can post there whenever WITH permission of hammy first

October 24th, 08, 01:38 AM
OI!!! No one asked me if more could join!!! Next time please do so.This A LOT of people. But, being the nice person I am, I'll let it slide.

October 24th, 08, 01:48 AM
*smiles hugs you what can i be*

October 24th, 08, 01:48 AM
im lilkairi who are you

I'm Gandalf the grey. And you Shall not pass =/

October 24th, 08, 01:49 AM
OI!!! No one asked me if more could join!!! Next time please do so.This A LOT of people. But, being the nice person I am, I'll let it slide.

All talk and no show makes Patrick a Dull boy.

Zebra King
October 24th, 08, 01:49 AM
I have a perfect Idea.How about we all design a grand rp.

How does that sound?

October 24th, 08, 01:50 AM

October 24th, 08, 01:51 AM

October 24th, 08, 01:55 AM
*smiles hugs you what can i be*

Hmmm... W/e you want

October 24th, 08, 02:00 AM
want to be your daughter

October 24th, 08, 02:07 AM
O_O Mine? How old am I? lol Anyway, thats fine

October 24th, 08, 02:14 AM
how old do you want me to be

October 24th, 08, 02:18 AM
however old you want to be

October 24th, 08, 02:19 AM
6 7 is that fine

October 24th, 08, 02:21 AM
Yeah thats fine

October 24th, 08, 02:23 AM
ok were do i go now

October 24th, 08, 02:26 AM
hey i talk to you

October 24th, 08, 02:29 AM

October 24th, 08, 03:50 AM
we are still doing the sisters rp which is awesome and you can also join my Mothers Love rp as a girl being babied at the same age as you requested with me as your mommy.

October 24th, 08, 04:39 AM
you're my big sis kairi :D

October 24th, 08, 11:19 AM
ok were do i go now

Oh, right. Damn internet "crashed" last night. Anyway... Go to the rp whenever I guess.

October 24th, 08, 04:41 PM
kairi im not ignoring you ive just been busy honestly.

October 24th, 08, 07:15 PM
we are not done by any stretch of imagination and I for one am sorry forgetting the rp for such a long time for not by not looking at since noone was posting at all.

October 25th, 08, 02:10 AM
its fine i dident think anyone cared so much about or and for me

October 25th, 08, 06:17 AM
I do care alot about the rps and you most of all plus I know of a group of people that care about you since you are part of our fmaily here at diapered anime.

October 25th, 08, 03:07 PM
blushes i think i need a spanking form all of you

October 25th, 08, 04:15 PM
I give you a quick spanking with my hands and then I happily hug&kiss you while double diapering you so you don't leak the next time you need to go potty.

October 25th, 08, 04:34 PM
starts crying whjile smilie

October 25th, 08, 04:36 PM
I hug and kiss you more while givunga bottle of warm milk which has honey iin it ot make you sweeter than you alreadt are right now.

October 25th, 08, 05:19 PM
aww mommy i love you

October 28th, 08, 04:18 AM
I love you too and that why I am doing my to get you more involved iun the site beyond provate messages&ros on the site.

November 27th, 08, 04:57 PM
it seems like no one wants to talk or rp with me i just want to know why that is

i msure peopel do want to rp with yo u forexample id love yo uto join my raevenhallow accademy rp and it would bw nice to have oy uvback insisters rp and perhaps join nijas most peopel im sure odnt mean to frezze yo uout its jsut hard to rp if the one yo uanwt to rp is never onkline know waht i mean i menaim sure we all have aabusy life but heres some rps ideasfor yo uto join

1) ravnehallow accadmy as astudent
2) utlimate nijas and pirates battle as one of angels "childrne" wh oshe trins and bulooks after
3) join grande glade as a carer or chiold there are lots of peope lwho care aobut you
that i know ther is me ,arfan,neon tosidos hamy lunia al lwe need is to see oy uonline the we cnrp and ch til lour hearts content