View Full Version : Zeitgeist

October 5th, 08, 02:41 PM
Hey guys well recently zeitgeist has released the new chapter of their movie. The first parts of the zeigeist movie had me thinking for a long while and the newly released part has motivated me enough to want to become and activist. I know I know alot of people say Zeitgeist is just a bunch of illuminati conspiracy crap, but its not. The movies have a message about humanity tossing aside its differences that seperate us and coming together to create a free and happy society.

The first film focuses on suppressed
historical & modern information about currently dominant social institutions, while
also exploring what could be in store for humanity if the power structures at large continue
their patterns of self-interest, corruption, and consolidation.

The second film, Zeitgeist: Addendum, attempts to locate the root causesof this pervasive social corruption, while offering a solution. This solution is notbased on politics, morality, laws, or any other "establishment" notions of human affairs,but rather on a modern, non-superstitious based understanding of what we areand how we align with nature, to which we are a part. The work advocatesa new social system which is updated to present day knowledge, highly influenced by the life long work of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project.

The films are available and free to watch at http://zeitgeistmovie.com/index.html
I hope some of you watch them and do so with an open mind please. Oh and if you feal as motivated as I do the site is busy creating a zeitgeist movement page so we can all contribute to the betterment of society, our world and our race.

October 5th, 08, 04:05 PM
I'm lost.... XD I got lost when you said The second film... XD

Naaaa... JK, but I will watch them soon...

October 5th, 08, 04:16 PM
Thanks hammy Im just trying to get people to think. Sure you can label this as a conspiracy but its not so crazy.

October 5th, 08, 04:23 PM
Uhhhhh..... Uhhhh.... Uhhhhh.... OK! *crashes computer* Uhhh... Did I do that correctly??

October 5th, 08, 06:17 PM
The first film, Zeitgeist The Movie was a manipulative, undocumented and wildleading piece of internet junk. Honestly. It's suggesting that one can draw lines between the bush administration and 9/11.

I don't like the bush administration, but that doesn't mean I'd ever believe any of this stuff.
I also like these peoples opinion about religion, whoever made these films are definitely very clever and I found the first part of the film enjoyable, since its opinions on religion were much like mine.

However, I do know a lot about media, and I can tell that this film is thoroughly filled with manipulative effect to keep the audiences attention and keep them excited (making the film subjective), but also manipulating their associations between objects and events by montage clips. Same effect is used to make it look like people are saying things, they aren't.

Whoever made this, I like some of their points and a few of their conclusions and I think that they might have a few wise things to say.
Now I think I'll watch the sequel some time soon, since it's still exciting to see, but don't let them brainwash you just because SOME of what they say is correct, because these guys are manipulating even more than Al Gore and Michael Moore times ten.

October 29th, 08, 04:20 PM
Yeah I really dont think that chibi. Oh and its more about the message to me. The message isnt to follow them under a new flag or to obey every word or to even believe everything they hear. It is to be a good person and to unite the world as much as you can so we can all work together for the better of mankind and nature. Oh and I have checked all sources provided by the site and sources I have checked myself. Alot of it seems to be true not some of it. Oh and of course you dont believe in the whole 911 thing but I do because I dont think its that crazy. The majority of intellectuals seem to support this theory. Of course the crackpots making certain films will drive you away I understand but there is nothing illogical about the possibility of it. Oh and Al Gore and Micheal Moore sure they do manipulate but its really just so you can help to better things. Al Gore wants everyone to join together and help the environment theres nothing wrong with that. Micheal Moore wants us to take a look at the government and certain groups for ourselves not just to follow him. These people with all their films dont want to control you they just want you to look. See for yourself instead of just hearing about it.

Watching these videos has actually opend me up into a more free way of thinking about things. I listen to their facts and what they say yes but it inspires me to look at things more to observe for myself instead of just listening to what I am told and completley giving into it. Chibigo all im saying is dont think of zeitgeist as manipulating just think of it more as an eye opener to the truth and no not the truths your disclaiming in the movie the truth as we can see it with an open mind with a logical mind.

November 1st, 08, 11:55 AM
I think that you are being a little too naive here.
Maybe the message is good and all, and if I were to put myself more into it, i guess i would probably like it better.
But you can't get around the fact, that the zeitgeist movies are first of all subjective to the limit. I even found a clip in the first one, where they have actually manipulated directly with an interview with some guy by clipping two frames of the interview together, and in such way made it sound as if he said something, explicitly, that he didn't.

And for the Al Gore and Michael Moore part, these guys have their own agenda, and even if their points sound right, i don't like them any bit, since they are aswell way too subjective in everything and never really cares about facts anyway.

Throw me a link to their sources though. I'd like to know if they are actually someone that i would like to trust anyway, for if it is so, then I'll be happy to help making the world a better place.

November 2nd, 08, 06:32 AM
The goal of this movement may be to better the world, but as chibigo says, this first movie is filled with a lot of manipulative conspiracy theory stuff.

First they go after religion using astrology. Religion is generally easy to criticize anyway, the way they tend to cling to ancient outdated belief systems.

Next they have the classic 911 demolition conspiracy theory. Finally they go after the financial system, and among other things argue that we go to war because international bankers want to loan us money to pay for the wars. This part is a bit more believable given the recient financial crisis.

Their final point however is that we are becoming mindless peons manipulated by what we see on TV. I agree with this, and would consider this very video among the video manipulation we encounter everyday.

Zeitgeist is German for the current social climate of society.
Thus it seems the goal of this movement is to challenge the conventional thinking patterns of the current society.

Still, I will try and watch the second movie later to see if they have any real solutions to real problems of society. I thought the website was better, as I haven't yet read any conspiracy theory stuff there. And, the venus project looks cool. Art depecting the future tends to be very cool.

November 2nd, 08, 10:38 AM
We actually have a word that means the precisely same thing as Zeitgeist in Denmark.
Here it's called "Tidsånden". It's actualle "Time" ("tids") and "Spirit" ("ånden") and is a way of saying "how people were (or in this case are) thinking at that specific time".

And it is very obvious already without Zeitgeist manipulating around, that the TV is paralyzing people. The TV serves the exact same purpose here as the man vs. lion battles did in the Roman Empire. As I think caesar said: as long the common people have bread and entertainment, there will not be much trouble for the ruling.

However, without this paralyzing effect of the television, I doubt that we would have just the remotely peacefull world we have today. Mobilising people to make the world a better place is of course all good, but you should really set greater requirements onto their argumenting. If the people behind the movies can't be honest, even though their conclusions and goals seems right, how can you be sure that they are really honest about the goals too?
Just look at Iran.
Khomeini's supporters (the revolution leader of the Iranian revolution) preached freedom and liberty before and under the Revolution, but soon after the land was free, Khomeini became a dictator and put everyone in Iran under strict Shia laws. I have been told by a man who lived there before the revolution, that girls could actually go to town without wearing Burqa's. If they did that now, they are lucky if they are only arrested.

November 4th, 08, 03:28 AM
lol I just dont think its manipulating. Maybe its because im not one to be manipulated because I have a processing brain XD