Conversation Between Pyrogue and theJozza
Showing Visitor Messages 151 to 160 of 301
No worries. I’m good to keep it going at whatever pace.
Hey. Sorry I got super busy for a bit and couldn't rp.
That makes sense and we can feel it out as we go. Yeah you can start.
I think it depends on the character. For Joker I think she would be a bit more adult towards him than she would Sora or Lucina. Want me to start?
I could go either way. Also final question is it just going to be baby or are we going to through in adult stuff too? Again I’m fine with either.
Fun. Do you want to make the thread or should I?
Let's start with Joker since that was our first idea. I think the set up should be that he and Bayonetta make a bet about a fight. She wins they spend an evening at his place (I figure we'll just assume that all the smash fighters have apartments and such in the world of smash) and if he wins they spend an evening at her place. That way he assumes it's a win-win.
So how should it start? Do you have a preference for who the first baby is?