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Conversation Between Lucian and Toddler Naruto
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 20
  1. Lucian
    November 2nd, 10 07:01 PM
    It's definitely going to be longer than 5 parts. Heck, the first two parts don't even amount to one chapter for me. This will definitely be rather long if I'm going to do everything I have planned.
  2. Toddler Naruto
    November 2nd, 10 01:17 PM
    Toddler Naruto
    They didn't believe that I used to be very public about my diapers.

    They thought I was messing with them or trolling.

    By the way, how long do you plan on making Child of the Light?

    I'm hoping 5-10 Chapters/Parts or more .
  3. Lucian
    October 29th, 10 03:37 PM
    Really? Why did they do that?

    (TBH, I haven't done anything to get neg-repped. I've barely got 2 rep on there.)
  4. Toddler Naruto
    October 29th, 10 08:55 AM
    Toddler Naruto
    I don't like ADISC that much, they moderated me after I had only been a member for like 1 month.

    (I still have neg rep there, -3 now)
  5. Lucian
    October 27th, 10 06:19 PM
    Yeah, I usually update the story on there first, even though it's easier to get onto here than it is there. (I have to manually put in extra spaces on ADISC which can be a pain sometimes).
  6. Toddler Naruto
    October 27th, 10 05:22 AM
    Toddler Naruto
    Oh, you teaser you :P.

    Btw, I didn't know you had an ADISC Account :O.
  7. Lucian
    October 27th, 10 12:40 AM
    You'll see soon enough. Hehehe...I've got some plans.
  8. Toddler Naruto
    October 26th, 10 04:07 AM
    Toddler Naruto
    Thanks for replying back ^_^, not everyone does that with me , lol.

    Looking forward to that update :P.

    EDIT: Oh btw, I assume Lucian will eventually be wearing diapers right?

    (I assume he's incontinent or sumthin along the lines from the image of him being soaked in urine, back in Chapter 1).
  9. Lucian
    October 26th, 10 02:29 AM
    Thank you. I'll try to get part 3 written soon. Just gotta decide what I'm going to do what with when.
  10. Toddler Naruto
    October 26th, 10 01:26 AM
    Toddler Naruto
    I love Child of the Light, hope you can update with Part 3 soon .

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