Conversation Between PaddedCatBoy and sissytemmie
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 2358
I was more thinking he tries to stay the night, gets caught, and gets babied as a result.
Ok then that works maybe he could attempt to swipe diapers from the daycare before getting caught
I can happily work with Steve Smith.
Well maybe Steve smith then. .
We could do Gregory, an oc, or another cartoon character.
Well Gregory would be the baby right
That sounds good to me. Who should Glamrock Freddy baby?
I’m thinking that her shame at first of needing diapers is something Bart has to comfort her with but her first messy accident Bart decides to join her
Okay! How will Bart join her?
Like at first he convinces her to just wear diapers to reduce stress related accidents but Bart starts adding more and more stuff like bottles and frilly baby clothes as she seems to relax