Conversation Between Abnormal one and CalmlyEccentric
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 249
Hey that's good, hope the job keeps going well for ya
I've been fine. Recently got a new job and it seems mostly okay.
Hey there mister, I've been alright what about you?
Hey, how have you been? It's been a little while and I figured I should check up with you.
Shook his head, "Nope! I just have a few tricks up my sleeve, but I don't always have what I need to do them."
You got any other weird stuff on you that I should know about?
Nah, I just tend to have stuff on me that most people wouldn't have.
Why do you even have a taser anyway? Are you some sort of diaper police or something? >->
He raised a hand slightly at that question. "Me, for one." He then sat down next to her. "Because I'm mean."
*curled up in fetal position, twitching a bit* who the hell even does that?