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Go Back   Diapered Anime > Amy Stewart

Conversation Between Amy Stewart and diokno44
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 35
  1. diokno44
    September 19th, 16 03:12 PM
    Hey Amy, you're up in our RP
  2. Amy Stewart
    September 17th, 16 05:58 AM
    Amy Stewart
    Sorry. Getting off. Some job stuff to do. Will be back after the weekend.
  3. Amy Stewart
    September 17th, 16 05:38 AM
    Amy Stewart
    Thanks! The VM requires 20 characters... So thanks again
  4. diokno44
    September 17th, 16 05:27 AM
    All right, works with me Amy
  5. Amy Stewart
    September 17th, 16 05:22 AM
    Amy Stewart
    I would like a detailed changing into diaper procedure. I suppose my OC would be trying to postpone things or struggle. I'd like to have a detailed description of my OC being undressed of her 'grown-up' clothes.
  6. diokno44
    September 17th, 16 04:57 AM
    I understand Amy, you do what feels necessary. So, do you want detailed diaper usage?
  7. Amy Stewart
    September 17th, 16 04:54 AM
    Amy Stewart
    I needed to add a line to my post.
  8. Amy Stewart
    September 16th, 16 02:57 AM
    Amy Stewart
    I need to stop for now. I'm gonna be off for about 2-3 days (for a weekend?)
    And see you for now!
  9. Amy Stewart
    September 15th, 16 06:17 AM
    Amy Stewart
    I'm at work now. Gonna be back in about 12 hrs
  10. diokno44
    September 15th, 16 04:28 AM
    Well, this was just gonna be a measurement sort of deal, then they continue on

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