Conversation Between Babygabrial and Little Rei
Showing Visitor Messages 3681 to 3690 of 4182
Nah your not I just have a way of portraying OCs
Alright then. I'm sorry if I'm bugging you
She is she just has a shy personality
Ok can she at least be more comfortable around Dominic. Since they've been around each other for weeks?
It's not really part of her personality to be clingy
Hey can Rei be more clingy and comfortable with Dominic since its been a few weeks?
I'll believe it when i see it. Anyway i hope you're ready for the timeskip in our Rei rp
But either way reports are saying he'll be at Maina and WWE has already teased that he will be there
I'm pretty sure taker is just done with wrestling as a whole
Here's a good way for Taker to appear at Maina. Elias is performing his concert Spotlight goes out and he's right behind him when the lights come on