Conversation Between HaleyBugLove and diaperboy187
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 154
No remember robin is nervous because of jinx and he justs wants Starfire to hold to what she said she would do. But I'll change.
I don't know if you've noticed but you are making Robin really clingy towards Starfire which is making it hard for me to give them both equal attention
That's what I planned on doing
Can you play her since I'm robin and raven
Well jinx would be okay if we change how mean she is. I want someone who can be nice.
Hmm want them to accidentally hire mother may eye by mistake or maybe Jinx or Blackfire ?
Who are you going to have for the babysitter?
Ops my bad well I fixed the last post
That's because you never informed me that you changed it by the way I edited my last post and it's your turn to edit your post then we can get back to work